A Practical Innerstanding of Spiritual Forces

Every type of spiritual energy we can describe, whether in a most basic or fantastical way, all exist within. They exist within any human being that has ever walked this earth. All which we describe in metaphor through our mythologies and spiritual stories, whether they be forces related to the elements, planetary sphere, ie. the mars impulse, the venus impulse, Luciferic or ahrimanic impulses, deities, fairies, angels, gods or demons etc, are all referring to aspects existing within Human

Every spiritual force or energy we can imagine is contained somewhere within our very cells, within our mundane experiences and greater moments of Awe. The states that humans find themselves in due to environments are most often what determine their expression or repression.

Their expressions are encoded within the feelings, thoughts and actions of mankind. When using spiritual terms, we are attempting at describing forces that human beings walking the earth have connected with since the dawn of time. Our experiences of these forces happen in lesser or greater degrees depending on our state of being and what we’ve been able to uncover within ourselves. Our lived experiences are micro cosmic expressions of macro cosmological energies. 

Our environments have drastically changed throughout the ages. Pivotal choice points made and enforced over time have often limited the types and qualities of energies we’re easily able to tap into. We know that slight changes in our environments can greatly affect our abilities and in many cases reinvigorate our connections drastically in positive ways. The task of reevaluating our agreements to current environments has become what we are describing as the great awakening. It has become our responsibility to consider what kinds of energies we wish future generations to have access to or not.

These expressions of cosmic energies are made accessible by locating them within our practical experiences. We start by learning how these forces aren’t external to us and how they’re inherently part of our human nature. The externalization of such forces through machinations of the mind have led humans away from self-realization. This externalization has led humans to lose touch with their spiritual nature and instead seek artificial ways of mimicking that which already exist within.

When we externalize them it’s because we’re putting emphasis on observing them from a state of dis-connection. Due to feelings of separation we then attempt at artificially reconstructing them. During states of deep connection we may locate again their practical correspondences. We reconnect to who we are and why we do the things we do rather than painstakingly project them out as mythological forces that are larger than life towering over us.

This practical approach leads to a felt sense of which energies to amplify or dim based on clarity to purpose. It is through the everyday choices and decisions that we make that the materialization of them can occur on larger scales. The ones we choose to disregard, minimize or extinguish are those forces that through maturation we may consciously recognize as not worthy, beneficial, or wise to embody based on our soul’s evolution and real purpose. 

Decisions like this can only be done from a place of sovereignty. If any type of vote in this world counts, it’s this one, not the political kind. These individual votes—internal choices—we make create human societal development. It’s only through healthy individual soul votes that we can awaken to a healthy form of collectivism.

If we choose to embody an energy we’ve externalized through our stories we must first know its actual purpose. They do not belong to us individually but rather are collective energies shared by humans across the globe, and across time. Obtaining a clear vision of the essence of any given energy requires studying how it’s been expressed throughout the ages within human development and how it shows-up in our current era. How it shows up, not only on a ideal scale but on a rudimentary level.

We take the ideal of what that archetypal energy or any other energy represents and we boil it down to it’s basic components. We seek out the correspondences within our material world to bring forth the essence of that energy. We seek out the physical, emotional and mental correspondences related to that ideal in a detailed manner and then we embark on drawing forth the energy from the depths of our soul and into conscious awareness so it can be experienced holistically. As such it is just as important to know entirely both the light and dark aspects of any type energy before attempting to draw it out fully into one’s life. 

Each energy; whether Christos, avatar, archetype or deity etc. have specific impulses that can only express through a living entity. Essences need vessels to be enacted out into the world. 

Specific energies embodied by our mythological heroes and heroines allow us to express some of our greatest potentials and over-come some of the greatest feats but the patterns of behaviours that are needed to be adopted to enact these idealistic energies are quite often very destructive. Many of which have been deemed by western psychology as mental disorders. Especially because of their threat to status quo. Falling under categories of, highly sensitive, states of narcissism and delusional paranoia to name a few. 

Embodying some of these higher energies may significantly shorten a person’s life span. They may create a life of isolation. Striping the person of modern comforts, an ability to enjoy a family life and the simple pleasures that come with goals of lesser aspirations. 

The most sophisticated intellectual means by which we can express our knowledge of these exalted traits become the embellishments that draw us away from their practical application albeit they may inspire us. We do so by projecting them out as stories onto the stars, heroes in our comic books, alien beings from outer space, protagonists in our movies and characters found in the bible and other creational myth stories.

When we learn for example of the 72 angels and demons written about during the mid 15th century we’re witnessing humans gaining greater insight into the different qualities of energies human beings can focus on and manifest through our psyches. Those descriptions came about from self-inquire. People attempting to map out all the different energies—positive and negative that we may find and experience in ourselves and in other people.

An increased capacity to identify the subtle differences of energy streams within, the more intelligent the species. —Denisovan Wisdom

What energies can you identify within the self? What energies are you connected to? We need to stop externalizing these forces as though they are out of our control and happening to us. By doing so we’re simply admitting to our lack of self-knowledge. We ought to start looking at them as forces existing intrinsically within Humans. As powerful aspects of self, that influence our thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours to the degree of our awareness of them. This is the key, taking that first initiative and turning the mirror onto the self to begin identifying and discerning those streams within. 

The confusion arises when we stay focused on how those energies are expressing themselves through other people, especially when we have chosen not to enact and draw forth those energies ourselves. Before jumping into realms of hyper-dimensional interplay we need to know which energies we are personally choosing to bring forth from within. We ought to be able to fully describe them, then take steps towards learning how to uncover that which we subconsciously project out.

We are all naturally pre-disposed at enacting out specific energies. Determining the parameters of our pre-dispositions and pre-conditioning becomes the glorious task of waking-up the self. We ought to look to our environments, culture, childhood and educational conditioning, life experiences and our emotional and mental reasoning capacities. We must look at our physical health and how it might be impacting us on a holistic level. We may look to our ancestral lineage and blood type. 

We can do all this by observing the self observing what our interests are and what our behaviours tell us. Our synchronicities confirm much about who we are as well. What state we are in and what beliefs we’re holding onto about ourselves, others and the world. Synchronicities play such an important role in awakening. They reflect back to us the mental constructs running our systems. Much of what the brain seeks to confirm are subconscious beliefs. These beliefs show up quite literally in synchronistic associations.

The reticular activating system maintains a way of seeking confirmation for that which it already believes to be true. So what happens when what it already believes is wrong and based on conditioning and experiences that were inverted? It ends up reinforcing confirmation biases within the system. Real intuition and truth very often lay way beyond that first layer of synchronicity.  

This is why bouncing off of synchronicities can cause delayed development. They keep people looped into conditioned reactions by soliciting what’s already present. There is no advancement when navigating on that first layer of inter-connection. This is a prime example of new age propaganda holding back proper teachings. Ensnaring spiritual seekers into an infinite loop with the past and the very things which need to be overcome. 

In order to move beyond synchronicities produced by conditioning we need to uncover that which lay beneath and aligned the reticular activating system to core information. This can only be obtained from doing the inner work, which takes time, it really isn’t something any of us can rush through. Otherwise, it’s often mistaken as spiritual prowess when really it’s just fortifying a system based on false notions of self, illusions and conditioning. This way of over-standing synchronicities may be difficult to see if one isn’t truly aware of their power as an eternal creator

The same applies to a person who has programmed their brain for years with gurus, archetypal energies, Hollywood movies or religious dogma.  De-patterning that conditioning at the root level is crucial in re-hardwiring the reticular activating system so it no longer generates synchronicities related to those symbols, beliefs, people or ideas. 

Why do we tell these mythological stories? We tell them to remind ourselves and others of the energies we’ve encountered within and with other human beings throughout the ages. Whether they were consciously owned or guided by subconscious forces. 

This is what the mythology of slaying the dragon is about. We can’t lose ourselves in collectivism too much or else we attempt at controlling everything and everyone external to ourselves that are enacting energies we disagree with because we can’t see the self. 

When arriving at this point of awareness, by having gone beyond the conditioned mind we start using personal power to stop the patterns and acknowledge the energies we do wish to bring into fulness. It’s then possible to reorient our compasses in a preferred direction to keep expanding ahead with greater and greater force.

This is what conscious will-force looks like when a person is healthy. We move away from external energies we do not consent to. In this sense we move closer to that we wish to see being enacted out in the world. The sequence is a full stop, contemplation, increased awareness, achieving choice point, reorientation and and movement into preferred direction.

There is no staying behind and fighting what you don’t want to contribute to, unless you’re being held captive. When applying it to basic human interactions staying where you don’t like the energy, only propels a person deeper into that energy stream. When people stay in unhealthy energies it’s because there’s an inverted (self-sabotaging) behavioural program still running at the subconscious level. At which point it needs to be seen, deconstructed and replaced with new behavioural responses that aligns to conscious will and action.

Swimming against the tide is necessary in some situations but only when self-sacrifice is either the next step of your evolution or only solution to a larger problem.  

When it’s not possible to reorient your compass in a preferred direction a healing crisis often occurs. Taking the time to do this healing work is the only way to gain greater and greater results for what you wish to have reflected back at you. Whether that be within the themes of health, goals, family, security, creativity, financial needs, relationship needs, communication needs and connection to higher forces. 

Focusing on practicality transforms mythological metaphors and spiritual energies into applicable tools for personal growth. It allows a person to realistically weave, thread by thread, that which they would like to create in the world. Discovering the practical correspondences to our highest ideals–energies of expression, becomes the art of knowing thyself and the cosmos.

Cover Art: Infused Honey (Photo Source)

To book a session: www.inspiringplayfulevolution.com

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