Personal Profiting Over Truth Seeking?

We’re all spiritual beings on this journey of life whether we associate with a particular religious or spiritual belief system or don’t at all. Our existence itself is a spiritual one, the absolute miracle of life dictates an awe inspiring wonder in us even if we’re atheists. We almost all fall to our knees at one point in our lives through the sensorial beauty this incredibly rich experience offers us, one we can barely describe with words, even after millions of years of human existence and throughout our attempts, generation after generation to do so.

Very few won’t stop dead in their tracks as they reach the contemplative highs of the great mystery during peek moments of awareness, or as we brush up against some of the most sublime sunsets, landscapes or life events, such as the birth of a child or the death of a loved one. Our personal spiritual seeking is one of the most existentially exquisite and delicious states to find ourselves in because it throws us into a heightened awareness and appreciation for our experience of being alive, our capacity for spiritual questioning and a curious excitement that can temper angst in the flash of an eye.


The truth is, we still know very little about what this human experience truly means, where it originates from and how it came into being. Even if we feel strongly about certain possibilities we still have no means to absolutely define its origins. With great reverence for all those who came before us and are in the process of devoting their lives to uncovering the truth of life, let us agree to this: all we have still, in the here and now are more questions. These questions fuel our desire to feel and taste life to the fullest, which slowly helps us gain greater inner momentum towards personal enlightenment. If anything at all, we are here to evolve and live in a state of harmony with all of creation. So maybe this is why it is meant to be, that we can’t fully and verifiably know the truth of life.

Google definition of enlightened: is having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook. Merriam-Websters definition: freed from ignorance and mis-information. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as: The action or state of attaining or having attained spiritual knowledge or insight, in particular (in Buddhism) that awareness which frees a person from the cycle of rebirth. Buddhists believe a person can become enlightened by following the Middle Way.

So what at the end of our life-days can be considered ignorant, or insightful and representational of the middle way? To exist in non-ignorance is to have our actions led by awareness and knowledge. To be grounded in our fullest intellectual and heart-centered capacity of what’s healthy and unhealthy, for the self and for the whole. As we weave in an out of questions and our temporary answers to existence, we can sometimes fall into the trap of the unhealthy and ignorant. Mostly because we become spiritually chained to answers that temporarily quench our existential thirst, or satisfy our imagination which diminishes our desire to keep questioning and choosing actions based on universal harmony.

Continually questioning, places us at the cutting edge of personal evolution, requiring us to be unconditioned and mailable. It requires that we push through mental lethargy and avoid becoming a metaphorical spiritual and societal zombie of our times. It’s a continuous letting-go of pride, comfort zones, traditions and personal convictions. It’s quite the expansive state to vibrate in and challenges us at the most fundamental levels of our beingness. It also requires us to take responsibility for our personal wellbeing and the health of the whole community of sentient and non-sentiment beings, including Mother Earth.


The spiritual trap within our non-commitment to continuously seeking the truth and self over-coming is often dictated by our desire to accumulate wealth through fixed proposed scientific, religious and spiritual beliefs. The pharmaceutical company kept alive by transitioning studies, churches are kept alive by the very idea that its congregation won’t further question ancient belief systems. The new age community is equally limited by gambling on the fact that its followers will stay aligned with the newly formed ideas and concepts proposed but the spiritual experience itself lives within a much broader spectrum than can be grasped by science, spiritual lingo or moral ideologies.

The fear of loosing followers, the ones that fuel the livelihood of many spiritual communities and leaders supersedes its desire to continually step forth into a healthier way. The fear of loosing it all, the reputation, the pride, the comfort in living in accordance to certain beliefs is so drastic that it perpetuates worn out modes of living and perceptions about the world that support an unhealthy symbiotic relationship between the me and the we, the individual and the whole.

Many of our spiritual beliefs have brought us to places that don’t honour new incoming information. Especially regarding our responsibility towards the best interests of others, who are still swimming their way through the illusions of personal ascension.


I get the fact that we’re all creating meaning in this world through our personal perceptions. Collectively those meanings can gain strengthen when larger groups of people adhere to them but this shouldn’t be an excuse to stop individually evolving or staying open to collectively questioning each other. When our personal evolution dictates a jump in awareness, our personal meanings change and honouring this process is pinnacle to the collective human evolution.

In my own conclusions, only nature dictates the health of an individual or society, whether it supports our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, one that either enhances life or drains us of life force. So whether you are pushing religious morals or new age spiritual beliefs about alien consciousness, our personal responsibility and integrity sits squarely in the hands of whether it’s having a healthy impact or not within the fine balance of both its long term and short term effects on each other and society.

So within this freedom to believe what we so chose, to build a career around new meaning and collect followers in the process, make healthy humans your most imperative goal. Keep questioning your own motives and values. Seek to see the larger patterns at play within your services and make it your priority and responsibility to retract mis-information or share new personal findings authentically. Let’s continue to empower each other through honouring our own revelations and staying open to the process of continuously question our beliefs further. Celebrating the diversity of each other and respecting our moments of not knowing exactly where we need to change our personal beliefs to support a cutting edge global movement towards greater peace and harmony. As I like to say, “we’re all in this together.”


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Truth Quote
Quote Science
Collective Genius

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