Bringing about Global Balance through Quantum Connection

Being an empath has its challenges. Recently a friend sent me an article about the shadow side of empaths in relationships. As I read through the material I related to most of it and thought to myself, “damn, it isn’t easy being hooked into the quantum field to the extent that we can so easily entangle ourselves with other’s energy.” The article speaks directly to how empaths don’t understand boundaries fully because they are so difficult to distinguish to begin with. The question of where do I end energetically and the other begin is quite the conundrum for an empath. Entanglement can run deep.

Due to my childhood and past life experiences I grew into a highly attuned empath. It’s a survival mechanism that helps one pick up on the undertones and dangers lurking behind the scenes. Like many that learned to protect themselves this way, being an empath becomes a way of life. I’ve been known to predict bad events for friends and family including specifically seeing someone’s bad intentions upon the first few seconds of meeting them, this is a type of protection for myself and those I love. Aside from being tuned in to what others are experiencing I closely scan their stress levels and body language. I can often simply walk past a person and feel very viscerally their experience, especially when they are in distress. Due to this I’ve been known to go incredibly out of my way to help others.

I especially feel others pain, which will help me understand their trauma and negative patterns. It can be lots to handle so I have found ways to clear my field as quickly as possible so I don’t bring anything with me when I step away. The only time I can not shake what I’m feeling is when a child or animal is in danger. All alarms in my body go off and at that point it literally becomes my problem. I have been known to intervene despite inappropriateness and to chase down pimps peddling young girls on the streets as well as sit on the phone with the police insisting they at least do a drive by.

Finding balance through all this isn’t always easy. We need to be in good health ourselves in order to help others. I don’t believe in being a martyr as I’m sure most others can agree. We can’t help anyone if we are no longer in a position to think clearly or have the energy to help humanity in the ways in which we really wish to, because a martyr depletes themselves quickly. Plus helping ourselves is in fact the best way to help others. Most of us only really learn through example anyway, so if the true desire is to help the collective, example speaks a million times louder than going into the darkness with someone to drag them out. If it was that easy we’d all be there.

I do believe that people of opposing strengths need to spend time together, this is the natural way of learning. Some might be better at loving their bodies, their temples, others at maintaining mental or emotional health and some offer spiritual wellbeing. We need to know ourselves well enough first to know who we can best help, based on their strengths and ours. These strengths need to compliment each other, if they do not then it becomes a challenge to keep rising together while continuing to offer each other a good example in an area where the other can use it wisely.

In the past 5 years I have really been striving to connect with a higher source rather than other people’s energy offerings. As I moved into this quantum space towards the higher realms I would find other souls along the way that were connecting with my energy in the quantum, probably due to specific work that they were getting done on a soul level with me. These are the people that I have had the most difficulty unplugging from energetically. I can cut cords and clear my field day and night but for some this does not work. For those that don’t cord cut every night I highly recommend it. This article goes into detail.

For myself in the 3rd dimension, the material plane, when no deeper tie is present it’s been easy to disconnect energetically from others, clients, friends and even family because the mind/body connection in the 3d is very instant. We think lemons our mouths water. We wish to disconnect from someone in the here and now, we disconnect. The nervous system reacts very quickly to intention. When we start talking about 4d, 5d and up there, mind/body connection does not exist in the same reactionary way, so the energies that have become entangled or merged to a certain degree are more difficult to disentangle. One would instinctually think that the less dense the easier to disconnect but it’s actually the opposite. Think of asking a mother to disconnect from her daughter energetically, it is completely impossible, you can keep them apart physically but studies have proven the connection stays intact in an incredible way. So many accounts of this have been documented and not to mention my own experience of this with my mother calling me after no physical contact for months, at pivotal moments in my life telling me she knows something’s wrong and would like to know what’s going on or my connection to my own daughter speaks to me entirely about this. The moment my grandmother died I knew and actually called in work to say that I wound’t be in before making the call out to my aunt.

When entanglement happens with specific souls there are usually certain lessons working themselves out that are life changing. When looking at the impact certain people have had on your life you can determine on another level what sort of soul contract you have made with them prior to embodying your physical form. We do not have to even be in physical contact with these people to receive information from them. Managing these connections in the here and now can become a bit of a challenge. In some cases more so for one than the other. If any of you have experienced this you will know the challenges that present themselves. The empathic scenarios I described above, felt in another’s company become equally felt at a distance. In my opinion the rise of one determines the rise of the other to a greater degree, because all is felt simultaneously. The well being of one becomes the wellbeing of another. The joy of one becomes the joy of another. The sadness of one becomes the sadness of the other.

As the Age of Aquarius is upon us, I am beginning to understand what this implicates in regards to these connections as we return to unity. As we return to one collective intention of uplifting humanity, a special focus has been placed on these connections that did not exist before and with greater pronunciation. I believe it is our attempt at balancing out the collective soul. A way of bringing forth balance, especially seen in regards to masculine and feminine energies, to the yin and yang, to the third dimensional aspect of living, duality. How will we return to unity if we are so individually driven? So, as we move into a higher state of consciousness thus into higher realms towards our inner god source, we feel more connected in the quantum field and thus to other souls and with that comes a greater responsibility to each other to maintain our individual well being.

Blessings to you all as you ride the quantum waves inwards back towards One, towards One Love.

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