Primal Power Has Intelligence – Freewill vs Environment

Why is the debate between freewill and environment so important? Social Engineering is directly related. Creating trends a huge ingredient in what shapes policy. Who controls the trends? Those who create the policies aka Mega Conglomerates. What are mega conglomerates after? Money (power). If they can shape your decisions they will—they have— and will continue to do so with every effort possible. 

Their goal is to turn you into a life-long consumer of their taking. They have no qualms with using up every inch of your mind during your short stay here on earth. If things continue moving in the direction they’re going, they’re not just going to own your spending habits, they’re going to transform humanity from the inside out. 

They don’t care about the future of humanity. They seek to increase their bottom line while incrementally monopolizing every resource possible, including you. We all sense this deep within but why haven’t the appropriate changes been applied on the grand stage yet? The answer is short and somewhat circular. You’ve been hoodwinked into thinking you’re in control. 

What trends are they currently focused on pushing? It’s no longer processed foods, brand names or innovative products that turn practical items into useless ones. Nor cell phones that allow you to access a plethora of their click bait mind numbing information.

No no, they no longer need to place an effort on pushing these trends because they’ve literally turned them into necessities simply to survive their modern day dystopian world.  Their Walmart of Disney World of Wonder that simply doesn’t exist outside of what they have created.

What they are trending these days is something beyond how you decorate your body, the brands you subscribe to or how you communicate with your friends and family. They’ve mastered that. They want more, they want all of you because according to the new world leaders you’re just a “useless eater”. 

They’ll take more because they don’t believe you’re intelligent enough to say no. In fact you’ve proven that you aren’t. Time and time again you unconsciously say yes to what you know to be unhealthy. 

They want to own your biology. They are attempting to change who you are at a very fundamental level so they don’t need to work so hard on capturing your mind. It’s much more cost effective to control you from the inside out.

You think you know who you are? You think you’re making your own decisions? Think again. You have no greater control over your decision making than your biology dictates. Every single molecule you put into your mouth dictates a biological response which creates a mental emotional response. We are slaves to our own bodies and the chemicals that run through them and they know this. This is how magicians can be magicians. You are human, you have weaknesses and those weaknesses are continuously being exploited. 

Greater freewill can only be cultivated through self awareness, expanding self-knowledge and a return to a more natural environment.

Watch this simple example that proves the point. I will conveniently post a series of comments on an app designed to control your behavioural responses using a handful of sensors to monitor said response. Supercharged comments that are specifically designed to elicit an emotional response from you. 

Now watch how your blood pressure changes, altering the hormones released in your body which concur up thoughts that you weren’t thinking previously to placing your attention on them. Now imagine how easy it is to use those same sensors to gather information about your biological reactions to those socially engineered campaigns making it possible to increase their efficacy the next round they are presented to you. 

The fastest way to change your behaviour is through the physical world, the second fastest way— of equal measure, is through the mental world. 

Changing your diet for a year will change the way you think and quickly alter the orientation of your goals. Social engineering starts to take place where you barely see it. Hell, it’s found in places claiming to “increase your convince”.

It begins with the way the food is grown and the water processed. Just look into the nitty gritty synthetic ingredients put into most prepared foods and bottled water. Yes in your precious hummus too. Hormone disruptors that not only change your emotional state but slowly alter your natural biology over the course of your lifetime.  

Changing what your mind consumes for a month will quickly alter the orientation of your goals and the molecules in your body. Changing not only your decision making capacities but what narratives you eventual identify with and life style you accept.

These both point to environment, things entering us from the outside. Our connection with nature has always maintained the balance, keeping our behaviour in congruence with natural law. When nature is substituted by something synthetic humans are no longer able to produce the chemicals and biological responses necessary to make the right decisions that keep them in harmony with healthy evolution. 

There is no way of getting around this. If the trends allow them to create the policies which keep their economic monopoly running, you can be damn well sure they’ll do everything in their power to modify your behaviour more effortlessly.

Primal power isn’t just a natural energy that can be harvested by external forces, it’s an energy within us that can be used to increase awareness through feelings of sacred anger that we feel towards things happening in the world. It’s a natural resource within that helps us become more self-disciplined and self-reliant when facing modern day abuse of power.

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