
A Practical Innerstanding of Spiritual Forces

Every type of spiritual energy we can describe, whether in a most basic or fantastical way, all exist within. They exist within any human being that has ever walked this earth. All which we describe in metaphor through our mythologies and spiritual stories, whether they be forces related to the elements, planetary sphere, ie. the mars impulse, the venus impulse, Luciferic or ahrimanic impulses, deities, fairies, angels, gods or demons etc, are all referring to aspects existing within Human

Every spiritual force or energy we can imagine is contained somewhere within our very cells, within our mundane experiences and greater moments of Awe. The states that humans find themselves in due to environments are most often what determine their expression or repression.

Their expressions are encoded within the feelings, thoughts and actions of mankind. When using spiritual terms, we are attempting at describing forces that human beings walking the earth have connected with since the dawn of time. Our experiences of these forces happen in lesser or greater degrees depending on our state of being and what we’ve been able to uncover within ourselves. Our lived experiences are micro cosmic expressions of macro cosmological energies. 

Our environments have drastically changed throughout the ages. Pivotal choice points made and enforced over time have often limited the types and qualities of energies we’re easily able to tap into. We know that slight changes in our environments can greatly affect our abilities and in many cases reinvigorate our connections drastically in positive ways. The task of reevaluating our agreements to current environments has become what we are describing as the great awakening. It has become our responsibility to consider what kinds of energies we wish future generations to have access to or not.

These expressions of cosmic energies are made accessible by locating them within our practical experiences. We start by learning how these forces aren’t external to us and how they’re inherently part of our human nature. The externalization of such forces through machinations of the mind have led humans away from self-realization. This externalization has led humans to lose touch with their spiritual nature and instead seek artificial ways of mimicking that which already exist within.

When we externalize them it’s because we’re putting emphasis on observing them from a state of dis-connection. Due to feelings of separation we then attempt at artificially reconstructing them. During states of deep connection we may locate again their practical correspondences. We reconnect to who we are and why we do the things we do rather than painstakingly project them out as mythological forces that are larger than life towering over us.

This practical approach leads to a felt sense of which energies to amplify or dim based on clarity to purpose. It is through the everyday choices and decisions that we make that the materialization of them can occur on larger scales. The ones we choose to disregard, minimize or extinguish are those forces that through maturation we may consciously recognize as not worthy, beneficial, or wise to embody based on our soul’s evolution and real purpose. 

Decisions like this can only be done from a place of sovereignty. If any type of vote in this world counts, it’s this one, not the political kind. These individual votes—internal choices—we make create human societal development. It’s only through healthy individual soul votes that we can awaken to a healthy form of collectivism.

If we choose to embody an energy we’ve externalized through our stories we must first know its actual purpose. They do not belong to us individually but rather are collective energies shared by humans across the globe, and across time. Obtaining a clear vision of the essence of any given energy requires studying how it’s been expressed throughout the ages within human development and how it shows-up in our current era. How it shows up, not only on a ideal scale but on a rudimentary level.

We take the ideal of what that archetypal energy or any other energy represents and we boil it down to it’s basic components. We seek out the correspondences within our material world to bring forth the essence of that energy. We seek out the physical, emotional and mental correspondences related to that ideal in a detailed manner and then we embark on drawing forth the energy from the depths of our soul and into conscious awareness so it can be experienced holistically. As such it is just as important to know entirely both the light and dark aspects of any type energy before attempting to draw it out fully into one’s life. 

Each energy; whether Christos, avatar, archetype or deity etc. have specific impulses that can only express through a living entity. Essences need vessels to be enacted out into the world. 

Specific energies embodied by our mythological heroes and heroines allow us to express some of our greatest potentials and over-come some of the greatest feats but the patterns of behaviours that are needed to be adopted to enact these idealistic energies are quite often very destructive. Many of which have been deemed by western psychology as mental disorders. Especially because of their threat to status quo. Falling under categories of, highly sensitive, states of narcissism and delusional paranoia to name a few. 

Embodying some of these higher energies may significantly shorten a person’s life span. They may create a life of isolation. Striping the person of modern comforts, an ability to enjoy a family life and the simple pleasures that come with goals of lesser aspirations. 

The most sophisticated intellectual means by which we can express our knowledge of these exalted traits become the embellishments that draw us away from their practical application albeit they may inspire us. We do so by projecting them out as stories onto the stars, heroes in our comic books, alien beings from outer space, protagonists in our movies and characters found in the bible and other creational myth stories.

When we learn for example of the 72 angels and demons written about during the mid 15th century we’re witnessing humans gaining greater insight into the different qualities of energies human beings can focus on and manifest through our psyches. Those descriptions came about from self-inquire. People attempting to map out all the different energies—positive and negative that we may find and experience in ourselves and in other people.

An increased capacity to identify the subtle differences of energy streams within, the more intelligent the species. —Denisovan Wisdom

What energies can you identify within the self? What energies are you connected to? We need to stop externalizing these forces as though they are out of our control and happening to us. By doing so we’re simply admitting to our lack of self-knowledge. We ought to start looking at them as forces existing intrinsically within Humans. As powerful aspects of self, that influence our thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours to the degree of our awareness of them. This is the key, taking that first initiative and turning the mirror onto the self to begin identifying and discerning those streams within. 

The confusion arises when we stay focused on how those energies are expressing themselves through other people, especially when we have chosen not to enact and draw forth those energies ourselves. Before jumping into realms of hyper-dimensional interplay we need to know which energies we are personally choosing to bring forth from within. We ought to be able to fully describe them, then take steps towards learning how to uncover that which we subconsciously project out.

We are all naturally pre-disposed at enacting out specific energies. Determining the parameters of our pre-dispositions and pre-conditioning becomes the glorious task of waking-up the self. We ought to look to our environments, culture, childhood and educational conditioning, life experiences and our emotional and mental reasoning capacities. We must look at our physical health and how it might be impacting us on a holistic level. We may look to our ancestral lineage and blood type. 

We can do all this by observing the self observing what our interests are and what our behaviours tell us. Our synchronicities confirm much about who we are as well. What state we are in and what beliefs we’re holding onto about ourselves, others and the world. Synchronicities play such an important role in awakening. They reflect back to us the mental constructs running our systems. Much of what the brain seeks to confirm are subconscious beliefs. These beliefs show up quite literally in synchronistic associations.

The reticular activating system maintains a way of seeking confirmation for that which it already believes to be true. So what happens when what it already believes is wrong and based on conditioning and experiences that were inverted? It ends up reinforcing confirmation biases within the system. Real intuition and truth very often lay way beyond that first layer of synchronicity.  

This is why bouncing off of synchronicities can cause delayed development. They keep people looped into conditioned reactions by soliciting what’s already present. There is no advancement when navigating on that first layer of inter-connection. This is a prime example of new age propaganda holding back proper teachings. Ensnaring spiritual seekers into an infinite loop with the past and the very things which need to be overcome. 

In order to move beyond synchronicities produced by conditioning we need to uncover that which lay beneath and aligned the reticular activating system to core information. This can only be obtained from doing the inner work, which takes time, it really isn’t something any of us can rush through. Otherwise, it’s often mistaken as spiritual prowess when really it’s just fortifying a system based on false notions of self, illusions and conditioning. This way of over-standing synchronicities may be difficult to see if one isn’t truly aware of their power as an eternal creator

The same applies to a person who has programmed their brain for years with gurus, archetypal energies, Hollywood movies or religious dogma.  De-patterning that conditioning at the root level is crucial in re-hardwiring the reticular activating system so it no longer generates synchronicities related to those symbols, beliefs, people or ideas. 

Why do we tell these mythological stories? We tell them to remind ourselves and others of the energies we’ve encountered within and with other human beings throughout the ages. Whether they were consciously owned or guided by subconscious forces. 

This is what the mythology of slaying the dragon is about. We can’t lose ourselves in collectivism too much or else we attempt at controlling everything and everyone external to ourselves that are enacting energies we disagree with because we can’t see the self. 

When arriving at this point of awareness, by having gone beyond the conditioned mind we start using personal power to stop the patterns and acknowledge the energies we do wish to bring into fulness. It’s then possible to reorient our compasses in a preferred direction to keep expanding ahead with greater and greater force.

This is what conscious will-force looks like when a person is healthy. We move away from external energies we do not consent to. In this sense we move closer to that we wish to see being enacted out in the world. The sequence is a full stop, contemplation, increased awareness, achieving choice point, reorientation and and movement into preferred direction.

There is no staying behind and fighting what you don’t want to contribute to, unless you’re being held captive. When applying it to basic human interactions staying where you don’t like the energy, only propels a person deeper into that energy stream. When people stay in unhealthy energies it’s because there’s an inverted (self-sabotaging) behavioural program still running at the subconscious level. At which point it needs to be seen, deconstructed and replaced with new behavioural responses that aligns to conscious will and action.

Swimming against the tide is necessary in some situations but only when self-sacrifice is either the next step of your evolution or only solution to a larger problem.  

When it’s not possible to reorient your compass in a preferred direction a healing crisis often occurs. Taking the time to do this healing work is the only way to gain greater and greater results for what you wish to have reflected back at you. Whether that be within the themes of health, goals, family, security, creativity, financial needs, relationship needs, communication needs and connection to higher forces. 

Focusing on practicality transforms mythological metaphors and spiritual energies into applicable tools for personal growth. It allows a person to realistically weave, thread by thread, that which they would like to create in the world. Discovering the practical correspondences to our highest ideals–energies of expression, becomes the art of knowing thyself and the cosmos.

Cover Art: Infused Honey (Photo Source)

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Activation & Initiation

What is the difference between a spiritual activation and a spiritual initiation? The more advanced on our paths the more knowledge we gain of various traditions and practices. Our ability to compare and contrast these spiritual practices becomes clearer. 

There is no end to our studies, we simply unravel more through experience and what we can learn from books and others whom have dedicated their lives to such a path. We slowly start laying the pieces down of a grand tapestry, reaching far beyond societal dogma. Our understandings deepen, our minds expand and although we know we can never fully see it all, we begin to formalize with greater precision. 

In this storytelling I will share with you how I distinguish an activation from an initiation. My journey in getting here has included many lifetimes, experiences that have directed my wonderment back towards our ancient wisdom teachings. It has been a journey of following my roots back home.

What I have learned through these studies is that who we were here on earth, just hundreds of thousands of years ago, contrasts quite significantly to who we are today. On every layer of our being imaginable. Although we can read about ancient practices and attempt at extracting their knowledge, their true application within our then-experience of them has long come to pass. We’re no longer those humans, we’ve evolved and in many cases de-evolved from previous states, making it impossible to realize their wisdom in the same ways they were originally intended. 

Non-the-less we may still bring forth common threads linking many of our ancient teachings to modern day practices from within our current-day state of being. Despite the fact that ancient spiritual activations and initiations can no longer truly be applied during our times exactly the way they happened thousands of years ago, we still attempt at retrieving such information because we’re still connected to that same soul thread and our place of origin.

I will try to write plainly. Terminology that only relates to one tradition or another often complicates the truth. If it can’t be explained simply it’s often because it’s coiled-up in hubris. Also to know that I know what I know, I must boil it down to its most basic components. We must access the core essence of things more easily if we are to make greater way for the changes ahead. 

Once the basic components are comprehended in their simplest forms, it’s easier to identify them in other languages where they’ve been obscured. Many traditions in the past have done so to keep the knowledge hidden from common view. A way of preserving the spiritual core of the lineage and teachings. Being bound to a specific lingo, culture and tradition ensured they were only realized by the select few that received the necessary guidance to apply them with care. 

This is why we often have difficulty understanding terminologies associated with processes used in communities external to our own. We might have an intimate understanding of same teachings when expressed within the lexicon of symbols taught by our tradition, but a difficult time interpreting them when they come from another, despite similarities. 

As most can now see, everything comes from something previous. Sometimes processes, rituals or rites of passage have ingredients added to them or taken away but they all draw from systems that came before them. Many ingredients can be change without disrupting the core tenets of a teaching, so as long as they are superfluous and arranged accordingly as they are interchangeable. The core tenets themselves though are of a fixed nature and can not be substituted for anything lesser or greater than what they induce. 

Although we can find commonalities that tie different traditional practices together, we should not assume their differences to be of less importance. If anything, they are the very spaces between the threads that make it possible to maintain a larger tapestry of divine intelligence. What is different can be found within the substrate level and the similarities within the top layers. Those differences are what produce the nuanced complexities of the overall experience and induction of any given practice. 

Activations are first and foremost a stimulation of the human body, mind, emotions and soul. It’s an excitation of the senses, both inner and outer. It’s a frequency stimulation that creates resonance with corresponding energy centres of the first triad. The centres of survival, life-force and personal power. 

Activations stimulate and trigger the base centres. The main function is to shine a light of awareness, cleanse the system of fears, activate the individuals creativity and to assist them in developing personal power. Activations are the first step in a larger process that when followed by successful initiations brings forth the soul’s greatest expression of Self into the Cosmos. 

Activations are required in bringing forth a human beings’ Seed into this world. The Seeding is the last and final result of this larger process. Once the tree has grown and matured with the right environment and is healthy, it will flower and eventually produce a seed or seeds that imprint themselves into the soft tissue of the living earth. This imprint produces a frequency wave that moves throughout the earth, galaxy and beyond.

Activations ignite the growth of the tree, they produce water and heat, they get the sap flowing, they pump nutrients from the core into the limbs, from root to trunk to branch. Activations function similarly to the cardiovascular system in the body but more along the lines of the lymphatic system. They help us establish a solid foundation by eliminating all that is harmful within the person’s mental and emotional bodies, inducing physical purification. Over all altering our experience of time and fate.

An activation can occur by coming into contact with various frequencies in the environment, whether that be sacred power spots on the world’s grid or by coming into contact with other individuals that hold frequencies of a similar nature to our own but of a different quality, they can also happen through music, dance and art.

Every person emanates a different frequency and to that not all people become activated by the same energies; people and/or places. One person may contain the right ingredients to activate a whole geographical population while others may only activate a few humans in their lifetimes. Similarly for physical locations that hold specific frequencies. If visited, will activate some humans on first contact while other humans may never be activated by that location no matter how many times they return. 

It is also worth mentioning that purpose plays a key role in all this. We are guided towards our purpose through intuition. If everyone were to be activated by the same people and places we’d all be resonating at the same frequency and driven to the exact same places. Luckily we’re moving in mysterious ways towards our soul’s longing through different pathways. Our inner state is what attracts these unseen forces. 

Activations are often mistaken as initiations because they play such a powerful role in our soul’s growth, behaviours and transformations. Initiations on the other hand relate to conscious efforts that are in process after we’ve been awakened through various activations. We can not fail an activation process, it comes in forcibly and works to awaken hidden aspects of Self. 

To give a watered down simile is to use the example of someone being woken up from a deep sleep. If you’re sleeping and someone wakes you up, the process taking place is out of your control. Nor can you fail. You are simply sleeping and the next minute a very loud boom goes off and your awareness is awake. You did not consciously choose to wake up, you were asleep and unconscious. Had you been awake the process would have fallen under the category of initiation, where awareness and conscious action is happening. 

Activations can only occur between people if they are a part of the same Soul stream or Monad. If not, there is no way for there to be a base resonance between the two points of consciousness to begin with. Activations can not be described simply as frequency upgrades either.

People whom have learned to consciously activate other people’s energy centres don’t always do so using vibrations that are emanating from a higher spectrum of frequencies. If this type of work is done onto others consciously yet non-consensually it will generate karma for the person to deal with later on down their path. It’s an abuse of power when done non-consensually. This applies even if the person on the receiving end is completely oblivious to what is happening to them when it occurs.

We may be activated on a large sliding scale of frequencies that in one way or another wake us up to the awareness of the energies inherent within the lower triad. Some first activations may simply make us aware of the energy centres themselves to begin with. Some to show us what state they are in. Most often they awake us to patterns within our bioenergetic templating that relate to core needs, desires and motives that are beyond current states of awareness. 

There are many types of activations, many ways and things we can wake up to and from. If one increases their awareness of the lessons inherent within the lower centres they slowly become conscious of who they are. They become aware of behavioural patterns, what motivates them and what holds them back from embodying Self. 

To further the previous example, it is not possible to wake someone up from sleep if they’re already awake while dreaming. Meaning when the alarm clock goes off, responding to the situation moves into the realm of initiation and is no longer an unconscious response occurring from a void of awareness.

Activations are happening by the billions each and every day. The majority of which are occurring on an unconscious level. Only adepts will be fine-tuned to the details of such occurrences. Once this level of awareness has been reached it is possible to begin learning how to consciously activate Self and to know which activations from external sources should be accepted or rejected all together. It all depends on what you are attempting to fine tune to within this lifetime. 

The final level of mastery over activation is to be able to choose by conscious will-force (what, when, where, why, how) activates within the first triad. If you don’t know about these deeper inner spiritual processes its very difficult to identify them when they’re happening. Once the awareness blossoms you’ve entered into the territory of greater free-will and Self Initiation. 

Any inner struggles or battles there-after are all gearing the person towards Kungfu; the mastery of life-force into skill. Once this takes place there’s a quickening of sorts related to karmic retribution, the soul’s evolution, and an exponential growth towards individuation or re-integration.

Activations trigger the deepest conditioned patterns within a person’s psyche. The emotional body becomes enflamed precisely to allow the gift of activation to burn away what is necessary to continue growing. The first major set of activations launch people into what is otherwise known as the first stage of the great alchemical process. We are thwarted into our own machinations of fear, instinctual drives, sexual-creative struggles and sense of power. 

Through these activations we gain awareness into all parts of the lower Self. All that is driven by the unintelligent conditioned human within. This surprising catapult of awareness is what leads us into the initiation phases of our development. 

During initiations senses become attuned to the elements and we come to observe ourselves as conscious awareness creating. We begin to master the different life-forces behind our illusions and powers. When enough experience and awareness is gained, forces of knowing grants us access to information that assists us in making decisions that are in alignment with the larger cycles of time we are connected to beyond our current lifetime. We become better at knowing the best path and decisions are no longer based on unconscious conditioned responses.

Both activations and initiations allow us to reconnect with the lessons of past lives, aspects of our eternal selves and the essence of our very Soul which seeks to bring elements into balance so we may eventually becoming an emissary for our true purpose.

Initiations are related to the upper triad. If the tests are passed the heart centre becomes the bridge to speaking the words of wisdom gathered from the lessons of activations. These words are a reflection of what we are choosing to project out into our reality field. Initiations are the experiential fine-tuning of this whole process. Consciously choosing what needs to be worked on based on all that has awakened during activations.

Activations help us know and strengthen our foundations. Once the foundation is healed and fortified, initiations may bring us into contact with higher states of our being and increase our spiritual senses. They bring us into spiritual realms and dimensions existing within and beyond the physical cycle of life and death.

Activations make clear the powers inherent within the first three energy centres and initiations are defined events by which we may overcome and master those energies using the three upper energy centres– interconnection, the power of word and mind.

If an activation has happened to create awareness of the lessons of grasping for example, a self-initiation would be a conscious challenge imposed onto the self using the energies of the upper trigram to bring forth non-attachment. But if you don’t yet know you have such a lesson to over-come you’re likely to continue receiving increasingly more intense booms of activations until you become aware. Applications of initiations can begin on the smallest scale and work their way up.

Years ago I met a woman who had become aware of certain neurosis. She dedicated a practice to simply denying herself the pleasure of tearing stickers off personal items when they were already half peeled. This may sound silly but enforcing this type of discipline can be very challenging to deeply conditioned patterns within the psyche. These root problems impact our lives on much larger scales but traces of what they are can be seen at every level of existence. Behaviours simply having more or less of an impact depending on where and how they are expressed.

As courage, strength and discipline is cultivated, initiations can become greater and greater. Initiations require self-initiative otherwise they’re what are known as tests. Both are fuelled by ongoing activations, whether through self or naturally through something/someone else. This cyclical process keeps the compass calibrated towards the soul’s evolution.

Depending on what you are here specifically trying to learn will color the themes of your initiations. They ought to be applied on the micro level first, infusing initiations into everyday habits interrupts the patterns enough to take greater leaps. Eventually expanding them in scope, from habit to character and then expression of the personality and will-force.

Bringing an idea to life by way of a business or book, mastering a specific archetypal energy or attempting great mystical feats are to name a few. Even things like consciously repaying retribution of past life mistakes with grace are all within the ranges of self-initiation. It’s the activations that guide us to know ourselves, the initiations are how we consciously further our growth.

Creating self-initiations that are practical and aligned with what has been unearthed through our activations keeps us growing. Attempting self-initiations that are far reaching without attending to what has been blatantly exposed during activations will lead nowhere. It’s by moving carefully one step at a time and honouring what is being uncovered that leads to the most expansion over time.

When a kung fu master is attacked in the street by thugs. He knows that with the slightest movement he could kill his opponent, so for an adept like himself the initiations are more about refraining from using his powers in unnecessary ways. It becomes about disarming the perpetrators without losing himself or his honour in the act.

Higher level initiations are often about learning how to restrain and control inherent powers. It’s about using them appropriately to the advantage of as many as possible at the most crucial times.

Cover artist unknown

Vision Quest 2024

Some of my ancestors come from a place where the Sacred Reindeer protect the women and children while the men are away. They especially protect the children during long travels. If some of your blood comes from these same parts of the world, your whole body might shiver with codes of remembrance when you watch this

Man and animal have lived in symbiosis with one another throughout the epochs. Current day modern living has disconnected people from nature, so much so, that most don’t even remember how interdependently we lived with animals for survival. Even to this day, they’re a part of us and yet not many seem to understand how or why.

We need to continue to restore our connection with the natural world if we are to bridge into a new level of “consciousness”. A higher state of consciousness is no other than one that can correctly correspond to that which is below and above it. It all happens within the centre.

What most know of the shamans from our indigenous cultures is that they are often the ones whom have the ability to speak to the Animal Spirits directly. They often act as the liaison between their clan and the animals they live with and depend upon. 

As disconnected as many of us may feel from our recent indigenous life-styles, when looking at someone’s Human Design Chart for example, I’m able to pin point the exact Gate which indicates this particular gift. This ability within specific people living in modern settings has not gone away, it’s simply used in other capacities. If these people were to start living more closely to nature again this ability would naturally reignite leading to all sorts of solutions to modern-day problems. 

All the people I’ve met whom have this Gift/Gate are aware to some extent of their ability to communicate with nature and animals. Despite such inner acknowledgements, most don’t know how to apply their abilities within the modern world nor do they know how their abilities may be sensed by the people around them.

I sense things directly at an instinctual level but with the use of different tools such as Astrology and Human Design I’ve been able to chart a way of confirming such gifts in another. An important factor in determining how such people may be applying this specific ability in their lives, is to look to which planetary body it’s streaming through.

There’s a huge difference between such codes filtering through Mars, Saturn or Jupiter!

When the Sacred Reindeer dies, it’s up to the one who can communicate with Nature Spirits to go on a vision quest to find a new protector to take it’s place in the Clan. 

In the short documentary linked above that has popularized the Mystical Tsaatan Reindeer People, the man whom the documentary is about has never been tasked with this duty before. He’s not an animal communicator, his Father now passed was the Shaman who would take care of such things. Albeit his Father is gone and he has no choice but to trust the abilities within him to complete this task. He tries to remember what his Father showed him long ago. 

He cuts down a tree who’s soul has left (he honours the dead and invites renewal). He crafts an object from that tree wood in the like of a sacred reindeer (he focuses his will power and intent). He goes to speak to the Mountain Spirit his Father would talk to and makes an offering of antlers from the last Sacred Reindeer (the mountain top brings clarity, the antlers quite valuable, allow him to give in order to receive). He makes a connection with the Mountain Spirit and asks for guidance (he goes within).

Throughout his quest he pays extra attention to all the messages being shown to him by nature in a language only the soul can understand.  

In a last desperate attempt to induce the vision to know which reindeer will become the Sacred One, he fathoms that he must take the soul of a mountain reindeer. He creeps up on it at the foot of the mountain and aims his gun. As he shoots it jolts him awake and into a vision. 

The image of his youngest daughter appears before him and is walking towards one of the reindeers in the herd, she has sustenance in her hands and is feeding him. The gun fires and misses the reindeer. He smiles and catches his breath.

Now that he has been shown exactly which reindeer to consecrate, he must complete a special ritual to confirm his vision. The soul of the reindeer on the mountain wasn’t needed. It was the intensity of the moment that called forth the right state of mind for him to see.

The chemicals pumping through his blood in combination with his will force and focus created just the right ingredients to finally induce the vision. A vision that would have occurred naturally for his Father without such a dramatic push.

Upon his arrival home, as taught, he places a wooden bowl filled with reindeer milk on the chosen reindeer’s back. If the bowl falls facing down, his visions were simply fanciful thoughts running through his mind. If the bowl falls facing up, his visions were correct.

After this is confirmed he walks the Reindeer, not once, not twice, but three times around the family’s tent to consecrate him as the new Sacred Reindeer of the Clan. A white ribbon is tied around his neck to signify his spiritual authority. 

During this cycle, it is in the dead cold of the Northern Winter that we are being called to renew our vows. We are being asked by spirit to grow closer to the animals and to hear the call of nature.

We are in search of a new Sacred Mascot, not just to protect the clam but to help us reclaim all that is great and innocent in the world.

It’s time to combine forces to gain greater clarity. It is time once again to listen to the spirits of the forests, the lakes and rivers, the birds and the fire. It’s time to hear the messages of both our ancestors and descendant, though the stars and trees.

If we heed our duties we’ll be able see the truth of what the world is becoming and move beyond the obstacles currently set before us. It is time to reignite our gifts and use them in the way they were intended to be used during these times. Here, now, in the dead cold of Winter, in Two Thousand Twenty Four. 

Cover Photography Silk & Willow

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The Giant Drum

I don’t usually share the visions I have from my shamanic journeying on this website. I’ve been silently collecting them in my personal journal for years now. Most of them reveal information about who I am, where I come from and what steps I should take next.

Many of them simply relaying information back to me about what is taking place within my own subconscious mind. Often through a symbolic language that I translate in research afterwards. In some cases I even seek out the support of shamans whom I feel can assist me in doing so. 

After many moons of not purposefully peering beyond the veils, I was spontaneously called into a journey session on a cool sunny Friday afternoon. The visions that came to me were of a collective nature. I’ve been gently nudged by spirit to share them ever since. So here I am relaying what I can only describe through a message.

Journeying speaks to us in the language of Soul. A language we can all speak if we so desire. I did have to work through a headache the following days. Perhaps that has to do with what I mentioned on briefly in my previous post. I can assure you, we’re not always meant to travel into other dimensions to gain information, but yes, sometimes we are called there.

More over, things must be in congruence and alignment with the proper correspondences to travel safely and not bring back energies residing outside this realm mistakenly. Whether through shamanic journeying, hypnosis, past life regression, astral travel or ceremonial practices, we literally open doors to other dimensions. 

The learning curve on these lessons over the years can sometimes require harsh mishaps to fully realize the whats and wheres. Hopefully not too harsh. Let’s just agree that learning to close doors an essential part of the practice. Knowing how to integrate the fragments retrieved perhaps the most pivotal and fruitful part of the dance. 

Without going further into the whys and hows, let me dive deep into the memory and share with you my journey. Perhaps you too have seen some of these images recently in your journeying. Perhaps we need each other’s visions to see clearly what is before us.

Friday November 03, 2023

Facing North, (although I now know I should have been facing South-East that day) I began to beat the drum I made with my own hands. It was a drum that was brought to life with the song transmissions of the Mi’kmaq lineage. A First Nations people of the Northeastern Woodlands.

When the drum was being consecrated, my homegrown tobacco and stones rolled completely to the East side of the drum. This meant that I bring the energy of the east with me and that one of my totem animals is Eagle. 

As I began beating, I felt a very strong pull. Instantaneously, I saw a hole of light through which I had to crawl. I found myself at the bottom of a giant tropical tree. It felt like I was in the Amazon jungle. The tree was massive.

In an attempt to reach the top quickly I picked up a ridiculous amount of speed. I barely had any clothes on except a few pieces of linen cloth. Across my back a large pouch made of the same material. I used it to place the serpents in that I found as I climbed the giant tree. 

At one point during the speedy climb, I came across a small monkey that wanted to be collected too. By the time I reached the top, I had six, maybe seven serpents and one happy monkey to take with me on the journey. The serpents twisted and turned as serpents do and so occasionally I had to place them back in the bag until they all settled down. 

At the top of the tree, high above the clouds, I leaped off the peak and shapeshifted into Eagle. Eagle has been my animal of choice in journeying since my most recent death. I flew out of the wooded area into the beautiful sunlight with my serpents and monkey in tow. 

As always, I saw a giant Emerald, yet this time it looked darker and different in colour making me think of it as Sapphire. The monkey and I gazed through the many kilometres at the meadowy land mass below. At each layer down we saw different weather systems moving through, rainstorms, thunder and lightening, drizzle and snow. 

To my surprise I saw hundreds upon thousands of Polar Bears walking in lines along carved paths coming out of the west, north, east and south. They were all beating large drums as they walked the paths to a clearing on the land. As I gained greater vision, I notice a giant drum in the centre spanning kilometres wide in circumference. 

Seeing again with even greater clarity, I noticed how the vibrations emitted from the beating of the polar bears’ drums were bringing the giant drum in the centre to life. Just as with harmonic resonance, the massive drum started to sound the same song transmission the Polar Bears were playing. It was all happening so naturally.

As I began to fly closer I saw babies from every culture on top of this massive drum. They multiplied as I ascended towards their spectacular sight. Multiplying until they covered the entire surface area of this massive drum spanning kilometres wide.  

As an automatic reflex I begin laying the foundations of a protective shield around them. Just as quickly as it was completed, a large glistening rainbow descended down from above. The size of the drum it was, opening a wide bridge to higher forces.

I could sense uneasy energies stirring. Energies that were attempting to prevent what I could only feel of as a global activation. Just as I felt the forces trying to get in and destroy the heavy duty work of the Polar Bears, the hundreds of wolves that are always with me ran off to be under this massive drum.

They were communicating with each other, twisting and turning in some kind of dance I knew from childhood. I heard them howling, growling and snarling as their movements awakened the spirits of the other animals in the surrounding forests. 

At once I saw all of the animals’ spirit eyes open from one edge of the darkened forest line to the other. Their presence together was so powerful. The unseen forces that were trying to penetrate the protective shield vanished immediately from the vicinity.

Simultaneously from above I saw mythological gods descend through the rainbow. I tried recognizing them all. I wanted to name them one-by-one as I saw them descend but they vanished as quickly as they arrived. The only symbol I saw left over in the mist after they were gone was a flaming trident. Did it correspond to Poseidon or to Shiva or other I wondered.

A few days earlier before the journey started I began to sense the earth trembling beneath me, literally. Day and night it went on and on, for approximately seven days. Even to the point where I started to look at the global earthquake data. Have there been more earthquakes recently than normal? Afterwards I wondered if perhaps the trident and the earth quakes were connected in meaning. Many gods have been known to make the earth tremble upon their appearance. 

I called out to my Spirit Father but when he arrived he guided me back into myself and vanished. He wanted me to act completely from my own will this time. I knew I had to trust myself. I release the serpents of wisdom onto the land as the monkey stayed close by to observe. They rushed off to illuminate what remained asleep both in the journey and in that dimension. 

I sat still on a giant rock in the distance, now noticing others like me sitting on their rocks all somehow partaking too. We were many and with this I felt a sense of courage and strength. Despite the distances between us, I felt a togetherness, a similarity. I even recognized some faces from the middle world. 

Suddenly my sight broadened to encompass the entire world. I saw all continents before me. The giant land mass that is Africa lit up. There was an energy cord connecting it to North America specifically where Miami is.

Then, as per usual sight, I see California sinking, but this time most of America disappears with it. Except for the piece that we know as Miami and the land masses below it. I could sense the land, now under water, reshaping itself. 

Following this crumbling sight I see extremely large boulders begin to roll down from Northern Canada, from the Arctic Circle to be exact. It appeared as if the earth was folding onto itself as the boulders came crashing down. These visions so strange and yet somehow connected.

As quickly as I was pulled away from a top the rock, so was I brought back. I found myself pondering from within the journey as to what it all meant and why I had been abruptly taken from one dimension to the next with such a flaming sight.

The atmosphere had changed since I had left and there was a celebration now in the air. Many people were coming and going from the rock I was on. I felt so grounded. Some of those people were children, some of them peers. I had short enrichening exchanges with each of them. I felt a sense of openness and humility as they waxed and waned from where I rested on the rock. I found myself surrendering to the rhythm of their movements, to the rhythm of the enlivening exchanges.  

Just near the end of the journeying when I could sense I was being pulled back out, I noticed someone sitting beside me on the rock from out of the corner of my eye. I felt deep gratitude for the recognition and knowing of great ease, in being with another, so close yet almost unnoticeable.

Reluctantly I was pulled out of that dimensional space. I knew there was more, I needed to go back but simultaneously I knew that I was being pulled away because there were things I wasn’t meant to see.

Following that journey I fasted for a day and went into stasis for a few hours the next. The following days after that I integrated and re-calibrated fully. The earthquakes below my feet stopped trembling. Were the earthquakes really carrying the transmission of the visions I had in my journeying? I’m starting to think that perhaps they did.

I really felt like it was more of a collective journey than a personal one, or in the least a mix of both. Perhaps why I felt guided to share with you, the reader. Have you had similar visions recently too? If so, please share in the comments below!

A Psychic’s Crystal Ball Rarely Comes Without a Crow

There’s great pain and suffering in knowing who you are and having to play your role all while having to integrate what you’re learning along the way. Sometimes we just want to rest but Soul says: “You know what you have to do, now do it or I’ll just sit here and drive you mad until you do”. 

Let’s get started then. We have a Solar Eclipse in Libra in the wake, only hours till count down. 

When someone goes to see a psychic what state of mind are they usually in? Are they in their power? Are they thinking clearly? Are they asleep to who and what they are? Do they know anything at all about the psychic who will be reading for them, really? 

Most often, none to all of the above, and their state of mind is usually that of confusion. They’re seeking answers to major life decisions. Seeking answers to the mysteries of existence. Perhaps in fear, sadness and grief. Most of all they’re in denial of exactly who and what they are and how the universe works to give them exactly what they need to know.

We all start our journey of awareness at those measly levels of cognition and heart power. Sitting across from someone who we give our authority over to in hopes of receiving information about ourselves that we just can’t seem to access ourselves. The consequences of which might last much longer than a session. For those in a complete state of blind-sightness a quick session could alter the course of their lives drastically.

What great responsibility in playing such a role. You see, we are all co-creating this adventure together but the greater the power assumed the greater the responsibility must be self-imposed. I say this from past experience. The consequences of which ripple down throughout the timelines. Make no mistake, playing with destiny is no cheeky game.

Until people go through a remembering of their own soul history, how can they even know if what the psychic is telling them is true? 

The many layers, levels of filtering, perception, interpretation of information in the field radiating is a foggy game at best, even for the most attuned psychic sitting across the table from you. The more you know what your actual blueprint and templating is, the funnier the interpretations of those doing the readings get. It’s like they’re playing telephone between your soul and a main character from one of their past lives. 

They capture a fragment of your energy and assume they’re extrapolating the right story or absolute truth on who you are, your past lives or what you’re currently going through. What’s even worse about going to a psychic is knowing that what they are telling you pertaining to your past lives is being filtered by their very own shadow self. The psychic’s crow, if left unattended steals the show.

I have Pluto on my ascendant. Telling these stories gets really annoying but people have to know. They need to know how fragile their eager minds are. Like sponges soaking in every word dripping from the psychic’s mouth like ought be scalar waves from Polaris. Being carried away in this direction or that direction based on someone else’s intuitive hunches, like puzzle pieces being put together by a sibling sitting next to you at the dinner table. 

Can’t you see? They’re planting seeds into your mind. They’re literally using one of the most sophisticated forms of hypnosis on you. I’m extremely sensitive to the power of words. This is what has allowed me to guard the fertility of my mind with great care. Not to mention my womb.

If you dare go to a psychic for counselling, please dissect everything they say with all of your own psychic discernment, capacities, logic and reasoning. What is left after that process might have some merit to consider. 

Sessions are more than just words. They’re energetic patterns, packed with instructional information on what to think, feel and imagine into existence. Do not let anyone program your life or how you should think and feel about yourself. This starts with acknowledging the power you potentially give over to the people you consult for advice, like psychics.

The best you can hope for when visiting a psychic is someone with incredible life experience who has accumulated wisdom beyond their years to guide you back into yourself. Taking great consideration and care of every word they share with you.

My advice to anyone listening is rather than placing your future in the hands of the Psychic’s Crow, sit down by yourself on any fine day and begin discovering who you are for yourself. Keep a journal, a dream log, dive into legitimate systems of self knowledge. Begin your journey of knowing thyself. Practice daily meditation and open to the soul within you. Ask to be shown who you are, ask to remember where you’ve been and ask to know your true purpose here. 

Perhaps you’ll find you have tapped into more information about yourself than the psychic can give you. You might even discover that nothing they say can and should be accepted in blind faith. You might realize that although some people may be activated to certain psychic gifts they still haven’t done the shadow work on themselves to avoid projection or distortions of intuitive interpretations. 

If they don’t do the shadow work it fully guarantees that their unconscious bits gets mixed into their reading of you, giving you the most watered down version of what they’re picking up at best. 

Listen, if you’ve decided to play the role of a psychic, in the least do daily practices that are focused on personal shadow work. Test yourself regularly to ensure you don’t start accumulating life times of having to go back to rebalance the scales of chaos you’ve created. 

Make sure your health comes first. If you are clinging on to states of increased awareness into other dimensions at the cost of your physical, mental or emotional health you’ve betrayed yourself and will eventually feel the consequences. 

The body always tells us when we’ve reached our limits. The ego might have it’s own ideas about things but it’s rarely worth the cost of our health. One thing I had to learn the hard way is that just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should or that it’s aligned with our true purpose here.

Establishing Star Gate Connections to Healing Rays (Existing Beyond the Electromagnetic Spectrum) 

The fifteen ray frequency scales of quality can be seen in Color, Sound, Motion, Angle, Shape and Proportion. Resonance works when one harmonic frequency resonates with another in a different scale of quality. 

—If you want to learn about how synchronicities work, learn the science of resonance.

If you eat foods void of nutrients, you will excrete a greater majority of bacterial biomass. If you eat living foods you will still excrete decay but there will be a greater percentage of living frequencies left behind from the living foods that were not digested. 

If you allow thoughts to exist without conscious awareness placed upon them, the thoughts that were produced by lack of nutrients in the food (as one example) will emit electromagnetic frequencies of decay into your auric field making it more difficult to reach up beyond the material plane into the Living Rays that create balance and longevity in one’s life.

Ok, let’s take a step back for a minute. We can see this concept of living rays, the material plane and vibrations from what is decaying as three layers on a cake. The top layer is composed of living forces, the middle layer is composted of physical matter—frequencies crystallized into form—and the bottom layer is the electromagnetic spectrum—the decay of living matter that is no longer carrying the potential to emanate physical life, yet present all around us. 

—What we hear as ‘sounds’ are the remnants of notes that have been struck throughout time and space.

When we look at the electromagnetic spectrum we see our capacity to measure the byproduct of things that were once living or alive. As various elements from the physical plane decompose, are changed or manipulated they send off a vibrational ripple effect into the world.

An echo in time of the material world, electromagnetic energy is basically a by-product dimension of the material dimension. Similarly, but from the top layer down, rays from beyond the material plane produce living physical matter in this world as an echo of superior movements. 

If everything is a by-product of something else, what you create is determined by the quality of energy you are sourcing from. What you are harmonically resonating with becomes both your source of creation—your creation’s harmonic frequency—and the electromagnetic waves that ripple out into the world as a consequence (the excess).

Your thoughts themselves are byproducts of not only the living rays you can attune to during meditation but also from the things you consume with your faculties and senses and what spectrum of frequencies those things are composted from.

Your emotions the same, both within the material plane correlate to a chemical response from stimuli within you and within your environment. They are thus also an effect of the thoughts you choose to focus on with your will.

From an exalted perspective they are a byproduct of the planetary energies streaming into time and space at the precise moment of your birth into the material dimension.

The subtle energy layers of your body are typically composed of one third of this electromagnetic byproduct. This is why cleansing the subtle layers of the body often requires physical detoxification in the least. Mentally purging the mind of unhealthy thoughts and beliefs, learning to connect with source and soul—the spectrum of frequencies producing the emanations that create the material realm itself. 

If living energy is to be propagated within the subtle layers of the body generating soul force, it can’t be filled with a greater percentage of decay—electromagnetic frequencies. It has to contain in abundance energies that are of a higher quality to produce the capacity to come into greater resonance with Life Rays of a higher and different spectrums. 

If everything is filtered through the physical body here in midgard or what is also called the middle world, the material world, the physical body itself must vibrate within a higher harmonic of rays that are less dense than the energies of decay within the electromagnetic spectrum of frequencies surrounding us. 

Preparing the vessel requires us to connect with the natural rhythms of the earth. This opens the flow of energy and aligns us to establish Stargate connections to higher rays of divine intelligence—a superior spectrum of frequencies.

That is to sleep when it is time to sleep. To awaken when it is time to awaken. To grow food and consume foods according to the natural laws of nature. To eat according to seasons and geographical locations. To follow the natural cycles is to become intelligent, reasonable and wise. 

To exercise the body and be active when we are naturally inclined to do so. When we awaken in the morning and use unhealthy methods to kick start the digestive system we are not honouring the natural rhythms of the earth. The body may respond accordingly but eventually we notice the consequences of not being naturally in sync with nature’s laws. 

Moving with the natural rhythms of the earth would be to wake up drink water or some nourishing warm liquid then to move the body which would create movement in the digestive system naturally. It also promotes communication with the subconscious mind, allowing us to see ourselves clearly and heal trauma within the body.

Focused work ought to be done when our awareness is peaking, when we are alert. Our nervous system moves in a natural rhythm throughout the day. We have peaks and declines of life force energy—qi, prana. Don’t push the self to do things that require a high level of concentration when the life force is declining, do them when the nervous system is primed, during increase and peak states. 

Same goes for exercise, over time if the natural rhythms are used properly the mind and body can be maximized towards the intake of Living Life Rays. 

If we continue to move against the natural rhythms we end up generating very toxic electromagnetic energy that gets stuck in the subtle layers of the body and accumulates over time to the point where it becomes very difficult to purge them from the system. Leaving the person hyper sensitive, reactive, fatigued, lack of soul force and low levels of magnetism to create and attract with. 

Imagine what is being created when there is only a well of decay to source from verses a well of life giving energies? It is almost impossible to create something other than decay from electromagnetic frequencies. Imagine the biofeedback loop on this model over time to the consequence of that individual’ system and what it contributes to the collective unconscious.

Any possibilities for the biological system to level-up by synchronizing itself with nature—living frequencies—allows it to simultaneously attract and resonate with higher frequency bands above that of the electromagnetic and material spectrum.

This is how we become healthy creators and contributors. Nature itself, this world was created from emanations of higher spectrums of frequencies. 

If the body itself is excreting a by-product of increasing decay than that of life-giving frequencies, it slowly becomes subsumed by the underworld. When we speak of the underworld we can look to that part of us that is connected to Pluto. The parts that get sucked back into the recycling process. A place where history often ends up repeating itself. There’s an important difference between re-cycling and integrating.

It’s that precise energy of Pluto streaming within/without that slowly propels transformation. Even Pluto itself is a three layered cake. It has a material composition of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and methane. It’s highly radio active (decaying) but due to this is can also heat up its inner core awakening an ocean comparable to that of Jupiter’s interior ocean of wisdom. 

Metaphorically speaking, its toxic radio-active components heating up the interior to create an ocean can be likened to our experience of psychological toxicity (shadow) building up to the point of generating a psychological breakthrough—Self Knowledge. 

If the earth’s magnetic field deflects dangerous cosmic rays from the sun—gamma rays— then we can assume that the quality of our very own sutble energy field will determine what gets deflected and what can penetrate through. 

Back to Pluto in respect to astrology. Which ever house Pluto falls into in your birth chart determines which layer of your subtle body you are here strengthening through the decay, death and transformation of Pluto’s energies. The aspect of self being highly influenced by the electromagnetic spectrum of hertz frequencies. 

By living through the experience of having Pluto’s energy constrained into one of your astrological houses during this lifetime, it provides the circumstances to decrease your susceptibility to decay within that layer of self within the next. After enough cycles of Plutonic influence we eventually revitalize every aspect of Self. Increasing our capacity to intake rays emanating from Living Spectrums. 

Pluto in the fourth house for example asks that you strengthen your emotional body—that specific subtle layer within your field that contributes greatly to the quality of your astral body. The 4th house, and Pluto brings us deep into the past, our roots, what has decayed already. Our emotions and feelings that connect us to our ancestors. The remnants of frequency patterns that came before us. 

Pluto in the first house asks that you strengthen your physical body, your literal temporal existence against frequency rays of decay. People with it in first house will viscerally feel a wider range of electromagnetic energy in their environments and within the people around them. 

This will propel them into self-identity to resolve self-perception and overall perception others have of them. If their Pluto is conjunct their north node here they are moving into a whole new Soul urge within their Soul’s evolution. Often bringing final closure to remnants within the body—first house, and past life lessons—twelfth house.

Pluto in twelfth house asks that you strengthen yourself against decay from within the spiritual realm of soul while incarnated. Some call this layer the Ketheric body. It means to purge yourself from all that has created decay within the soul stream from previous life-times and lessons. Including energies that are otherwise seen as off-shoots of the demiurge.

If you have Pluto in your tenth house you are here purging your family’s reputation, legacy and exposing skills to offer the world. You may experience many changes within your career path, as a leader, or family and within the larger groups you are associated with.

Pluto in the eight house will raise you out of codependency, out of the slave master dynamic and into self sufficiency by learning how to properly serve others as an independent co-creator and leader. You may also be learning how to allow others to assist you, to genuinely be supported by those who you share love with.

With Pluto in the eighth house you may suffer great psychological pain, power struggles related to life-force, sexual imbalances. Abuse, rage and overall trauma will be pushed towards a death and rebirth process. 

Each house that Pluto is constrained within your birth chart will indicate the potential to move out of frequencies of decay (past remnants) and into frequencies of living cosmic rays (creator energies).

Although we can’t create with decay to produce something of greater value. The toxicity of decay will eventually force a person into a position where something must die so that the person can truly be reborn allowing them to start working with bands of frequencies from that of Life-Giving Spectrums of Creation.

If you are interested in booking a session with me come see me here:

The Whales’ Choir

The fact that NPR titled it’s article about the Orca’s attacking the boats recently: ‘Killer whale ‘attacks’ on boats might be driven by past trauma’ shows just how ill-informed the mainstream media continues to grow, daily. Regurgitating nonsense and gibberish from their infantile understandings of the real issues at play.

Their lack of willingness to dive into the underlying causes for so many of the problems we’re currently facing in the world must continue to be radically confronted if we are to make it out of this mess. 

The revolving doors of profit and power that maintain their stupidity needs to be completely seen by the networks of good citizens simply trying to stay alive at this point, and unbeknownst to many still, simply trying to stay human. 

Not only are they ill-informed, in this particular instance the “journalist” is projecting her very own trauma onto the Orcas themselves. Evidently a reflection of her being catapulted into shadow work during these times like everyone else. 

Tactics to maintain the dumbing down of the masses is desperate and plentiful. The utter confusion it is causing decent human beings is unforgivable.  

When we hear something, we are sensing the vibrations in the air because the atoms in the air are vibrating. The number of vibrations per second is known as the frequency, measured in Hertz (1 Hz = 1 vibration per second).

These vibrations enter the outer ear and cause the eardrum to vibrate. When in auditory range this is how we hear. The slowest vibration an average human can hear is 20 Hz = 20 vibrations per second. What we humans consider a very low sound.

The fastest vibration we can hear is 20,000 Hz = 20,000 vibrations per second, which sounds extremely high pitch to us. Animals can hear different frequencies than humans. Cats can hear even higher frequencies than dogs, and porpoises can hear the fastest vibrations up to 150,000 times per second.

The fact is that we can’t truly determine the auditory frequency range of animals or marine life. Nor can we full grasp how marine life might sense the molecules of water vibrating both in and around them when being hit with sonar and other frequency devices. There has been an increasing amount of different frequency ranges introduced into the sea and air over the last century forcing both humans and animals to adapt drastically and un-naturally. This has caused all sorts of erratic behaviour in every species of life. 

“The speed of a wave is the rate at which vibrations move through the medium. Sound moves at a faster speed in water (1500 meters/sec) than in air (about 340 meters/sec) because the mechanical properties of water differ from air. Temperature also affects the speed of sound (e.g. sound travels faster in warm water than in cold water) and is very influential in some parts of the ocean. Remember that wavelength and frequency are related because the lower the frequency the longer the wavelength. More specifically, the wavelength of a sound equals the speed of sound in either air or water divided by the frequency of the wave. Therefore, a 20 Hz sound wave is 75 m long in the water (1500/20 = 75) whereas a 20 Hz sound wave in air is only 17 m long (340/20 = 17) in air.” [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]

Some frequency emitting devices might appear to be innocuous, such as man-made sound and light but as we know everything introduced has had an impact on humans and animals biopsychologically.

We know this through the basic study of cymatics but more importantly through the work done on remote DNA modification through the use of sound. This is also why some people have dedicated their lives to turning baby sea turtles around when they hatch and start moving towards the artificial light produced by the street lamps rather than the moon light which guides them naturally to the ocean.

“In fact, at 19 Hz, your eyes start to go all wonky because that happens to be the resonant frequency of the human eyeball. If you’re exposed to 177 dB sound waves at 0.5 to 8 Hz, it can start messing with your lungs, making your breathing erratic and literally shaking your bones around. Short-term exposure can damage your joints, but the effects of chronic exposure can include nausea and visual impairment [source: Horowitz].

The European Space Agency (ESA) claims that if you somehow got accidentally locked inside their Large European Acoustic Facility (LEAF) for testing the acoustic resiliency of their satellites, you wouldn’t survive the sonic onslaught. A key factor here is that you’d be in an enclosed space. Outside, sound waves disperse and dissipate too quickly to reach lethal levels. That hasn’t stopped researchers from investigating the use of sound as a weapon. It’s been calculated, for instance, that it would require 240 dB to make a human head explode.”[source: ESA]

People simply don’t think of things in terms of frequency enough yet. How it’s most referenced in pop-culture is something akin to “raising your frequency”. What we really need to do collectively is to understand frequency on a scientific level. This will allow us a better understanding of what frequencies are being imprinted into the environment and how they impact human, animal and marine life. 

How they alter our mood, our thoughts, bodily sensations, functions and levels of awareness. How they can cause heart palpitations, flu like symptoms, fires and droughts. How they can create artificial orbs of light that may capture information about the multiple layers of human and nature’s expressions. 

Finally, perhaps this will lead to a greater understanding of why the Great Orcas have decided to sink ships in the sea recently. They are proving to be more intelligent than humans at this point. Fighting back against what is obviously harming them. 

I invite you to take a deep dive into a lake or ocean and simply listen as the boats go by. Now imagine all the sonar technology outside your frequency range that is being pumped into the water by more sophisticate vessels from telecommunication ports, military and other. Now imagine further that your language of communication with family and friends is through song frequency. How do you think the Orcas feel about our man-made frequencies not only harming them biologically but interfering in the very means by which they communicate with each other? 

I have been absolutely disheartened by the huge amount of cell phone towers that were installed in the last few years. Yes we humans are very slowly adapting but at what cost? Perhaps we humans should start learning a few things from the Orcas rather than totally misconstruing their call for help to humanity with stupid articles such as the one mentioned. The one that lite my fire to write this out and in the least make an attempt at shedding some light why our ancient ancestors are so dramatically crying out for help.

Recommended reading:

Cover art : 12 Breaking Dawn by Lady Chamomile

The Importance of Realizing Combinatory Explosion & The Butterfly Effect in Spiritual Development

There are people who spend lifetimes exploring the nature of reality from within one school of thought or religion. They study that system of thinking; belief system with fervor and dedication. Over the years they begin to possess a certain mastery over it. 

When these people encounter others who have shaped their thinking by going deep within one system as well, they can relate to each other. There’s an unwritten agreement and even appreciation for each other’s expertise in their respective body’s of knowledge.

They can often find parallels and similarities within their varying systems. Allowing them to draw commonalities and differences, bringing them together or drawing them apart in a natural way that’s acceptable to this shared dance.  

Curiously, we might wonder about those that have not adopted a specific system of thought or belief. Are these people able to find more commonality within a greater variety of people or less? If their “system of thought” is to explore as many systems as possible, what exactly do they believe? Do they have a clearer view on the nature of reality? 

Does a person who has adopted a Christian belief system and another who has adopted a Hindu belief system have more in common than someone who has adopted Antroposopy, or Ásatrú, Scientology, Hoodoo, Iroquois Shamanism, or Aztec Polytheism or Santo Daime Spiritualism as a belief system? Which has a clearer understanding of the true nature of reality?

Rudolf Steiner was himself a man who studied the work of Helena Blavatsky,  Wolfgang von Goethe, Nietzsche, Aristotle, Kant, Thomas Aquinas and many more to draw inspiration from, but what led him to produce a unique approach to spirituality? 

All of this reminds me of a topic I encountered in 2017, which led to distinguishing the pros and cons of specialization. When we specialize we inadvertently become biased to the limitations inherent in studying just one method or subject so deeply. We lose sight of other methods and how what we are studying relates and inter-connects to everything else outside of the constraints of our specialization. 

The positive aspect of specialization is mastery of one single subject. In time, fully understanding that particular topic or belief system nourishes that one type of seed, thus allowing that seed to blossom; to come into its fullest potential.

In many cases the different systems of thinking and believing people dedicate themselves to separate them further from seeing clearly the nature of reality itself. 

As I mentioned in a recent podcast, the stories and rituals in our belief systems create very specific ways in which we may experience reality. Not only that, overtime they contribute to our co-created shared reality because of how they affect every aspect of ourselves in real-time. 

This is perhaps why Buddhism maintains popularity despite the fact that it’s not actually free of an inherent belief structure. The teachings present the importance of emptying the mind. Allow something greater than just a superficial reflection of the immediate environment and personal conditioning to emerge. 

Freeing people from belief systems embedded in cultural symbols. Symbols that the subconscious mind inconspicuously takes in daily from its environment. Clearing these out creates space for something deeper, something more evolved yet simultaneously primal to emerge. Something akin to Soul Essence.

Everywhere you look, there you are. So where do you want to look? This is probably one of the most important things I realized on my journey. This is what allowed me to see through the veil of simulated reality. To distinguish between natural and artificial. 

This teaches us that we’re able to see the truth of things more clearly by observing nature directly. Rather than observing humans, that are simulating a reflection of other humans, that are observing nature directly.

This is what truly grants us access and allows us connection to the mysteries in an intimate and authentic way. 

Due to the observable laws of nature, we are only ever producing something the same to that which we are observing, even when what we are observing is being obscured by something else.

This is how I’ve gained access to my own subconscious mind as well as what may be embedded in the subconscious minds of others. It’s also what determines the underlying principals of how we come into reciprocal realization with each-other. Symmetry and continuity show up as an underlying rule within everything.

It includes how famous people, like the man behind Hermes Trismegistus, Jesus, Yoda, Pythagorus, or Ashayana Deane were able to bring forth original ideas about the nature of reality.

This is why sincere adepts of the mysteries go through initiations to clear their minds of ideas and beliefs they’ve gathered from other people’s thoughts, patterns and belief systems before connecting to primal information directly to uncover their unique interpretations.

It’s unavoidable that our minds get filled. This is why it becomes essential to empty them. This then usually follows with an invitation to reconnect to nature itself, where unobscured observation can begin once again. It’s where nature in its purest form can begin to communicate with the soul within you, to produce your unique interpretation of reality.

It produces something novel through the law of symmetry and continuity because each human has a unique composition and dance with the universe.

What is important about Ashayana Deane’s story in conveying this idea, was that she had little to no formal education and was a store clerk when she came into the intimate understanding of how the structure of the universe was created. In other words, her mind hadn’t been shaped by the mental processes of intellectual thinkers that came before her.

I never read her books fully because I didn’t want to fill my mind with her ideas. I studied her material long enough to see how it branched off and created a long chain of continuity within the minds of many contemporary seekers and trending thoughts. Her creations were definitely soul speak. Unfortunately much of her work was converted into a sort of religion, with the Ascension Glossary as it’s bible.

In conclusion, I don’t believe we are ever truly teaching others. From what I’ve observed we can only ever come into reciprocal realization with someone about something. We gravitate towards each other based on frequency, no matter how polarized that frequency match appears to be on a surface level. Only then can we co-create something we’re already in the process of coming into the knowing about ourselves. I know we are all meant to connect directly with nature and birth forth that raw unique material we can then co-create with.

This is the irony of teacher and student application within schools. No matter what the teacher is saying the student will only hear a lesson based on their level of understanding and frequency. Which means that 99.999% of the time, it will be something completely different than what the teacher actually means. Most of it requiring memorization which primes the mind for absorbing information without questioning it. 

This doesn’t mean that teachers are obsolete. It just means that formal student teacher settings such as within public schools are basically useless. One-on-one apprenticeships need a renaissance, in which student and teacher come together based on natural attraction of frequencies. 

This is also why television programming and social media algorithms cause unhealthy chaos and confusion. I won’t dive into controlled opposition or populace propaganda much today. What I will say is that very few people are  “naturally frequency gravitating” towards topics being pushed through the one-way broadcast systems.

My cover art collage is titled: Natural Order within Natural Chaos

The Fine Balance Between Non-Dualism & Esoteric Teachings

The title of this piece defines a topic that interests many as we make our way into 2023. I used to struggle much in creating a bridge between these two ways of exploring the nature of reality but after contemplating it for many moons, I’m confident they’re both working in tandem towards the same results.

Both having played a significant role in my development, each time paving the road for higher application. The value of one can’t be replaced by the value of the other and it’s that simple if you can hold the tension between the two. 

I strongly believe they are both intrinsic to our spiritual development at this time. An over-standing of this has been shown by observing how they have helped me take that next and necessary leap forwards at pivotal moments on my journey.

Had I denied the value of either I don’t think I could have transcended those particular moments of ignorance and crises to bring about greater balance and personal ascension.

Within the historical trenches of spiritual philosophy you’ll find no one’s been able to reconcile them into one coherent path. Often, those that have tried simply surrendered to one path or the other as their final conclusion.

The Attractors
Inter-dependance Bettween all Planetary Life

“The Hua’yen school [of Buddhism] has been fond of this image (Indra’s Net), mentioned many times in its literature, because it symbolizes a cosmos in which there is an infinitely repeated interrelationship among all the members of the cosmos. This relationship is said to be one of simultaneous mutual identity and mututal intercausality.”

Non-duality has many branches of understanding. Eastern verses Western being two in particular. I’ve always agreed with Indra’s Net theory and the Mirror Like Nature of the Mind. Yet, I also tend towards the understanding that mind exists outside of thought. The world existed before I arrived and the world will be here after I’ve gone. The only difference being the way in which I am inter-related to it.

The idea that nothing exists outside of what our minds can conceive would only seem reasonable if everyone were to be thinking the same things. To believe that it is possible to assist everyone in transcending their subjective distortions of reality is a heroic aim but an unlikely one in this lifetime. 

The fact that duality is one of the laws of this reality clearly defines what is possible. Which I hope we can all agree upon. It also points to the value of our subjective capacities to aim for the highest of personal ascension while also understanding that there will always be opposing forces in the world, not just within, that will attempt at limiting our growth and development. 

The fact is, if the city of Tokyo was bombed tomorrow we would all experience it in our own way. Yet, still something that has happened independent of whether or not we are aware of it. Despite the effects being unseen, they would trickle down the pipeline of causality. Steeping their way out into the branches of the great world tree. Eventually touching us in one way, shape or form. Whether that’d be economically, energetically or otherwise. 

Similarly we can look to the monks that came out of the monasteries in 2021, only to realized that the whole world had been in lock down for almost a year. For a certain amount of time they were protected from what was happening beyond their subjective lenses but eventually all things meet again. The subjective meets the intersubjective, which both meet the objective world, again and again and again. This is how the web of Wyrd is continuously braided.  

Within Panpsychism there is an understanding that all inanimate objects have consciousness. We can clearly see they all appear different and have different functions. We can boil down the particles and atoms that they are made of but the idea that they are all one unified force at their core has no impact on our experience of them as separate individual objects. This goes the same for all sentient beings, living and non-living.

If we completely transcend all the layers that make up who we are and come to the absolute truth of our infinite selves, we simultaneously become humans that have lost their capacity to affect change in this world.

We know this from stories of people’s awakenings. It takes time to reintegrate these experiences. During this process we become more malleable to external forces trying to change us from within collective environments. We’re simply not present enough in the material plane during those peak moments of loss of identity. To go to those places is to gain clarity but to come back and integrate is to turn that clarity into will power and action. 

Yes there are some that will dedicate their whole lives transcending the body and if everyone were to do it simultaneously we’d ascend globally. What we need to remember is that not everyone wants to do that. Thus why it’s important that we equally honour the path of the warriors who are maintaining the balance on the other end of the scale by increasing awareness of why we have not ascended from harsher forms of duality such as war to begin with. Also looking to understand exactly what it is that is holding us back from freedom. 

Yes there are moments when being in the absolute truth that we all are emanating from the same source can provide us with the right amount of nourishment and strength to make us less vulnerable to opposing forces imposing their inverted ideas upon us. Through non-dual practices we can transcend internal impulses towards lust, greed, hate and envy that prevent us from doing the Great Work. 

There are certain layers that we ought to transcend. Conditioning, trauma, post-modern nihilistic thinking. There are other layers that we should definitely stay grounded in, such as the things that make us organic human beings in the world. To be silent is to become complicit. We want to transcend the false egos while simultaneously building up a health one based in right sight of what will maintain our longevity as healthy humans.

To incorrectly understand the right application of non-dualism within our experience is akin to not caring if someone comes into your home and shoots you. Simply saying “you are just an illusion, or another aspect of myself, so go ahead and kill me, I am you anyway.” Let’s not forget that some of our greatest spiritual leaders whom have died for peace have also killed. If not in self-defence, as a last resort to saving innocent lives. 

The healthy ego will stand up and say “no you will not harm myself or my children”, then will go off and use non-duality teachings to transcend the experience of victimization from living in a world where there are sick people harming innocent ones.

Non dualism may too often predispose us to turning a blind eye, this is where its application plays out negatively in the world. It has to be coupled and grounded in combination with other esoteric teachings that balance us out and keep us from disassociating and becoming ignorant of our responsibilities.

We can’t see the facts clearly until we’ve done enough work on the subjective self to understand where it is we are fooling ourselves into believing the many lies we are being fed. Many of the esoteric paths teach us to continue studying the nature of reality so that we may eventually overcome the subjective belief systems which may be causing us to stay ignorant. 

We can not simply accept at face value what is taught to us in our institutions whether that be religious, educational, governmental, health or media. The process of uncovering how we’ve been conditioned into believing anything we’re told is a painful process that will require much self-love and compassion to keep going. 

If we don’t know what the problems are, we can’t create the solutions and similarly we can’t create the solutions if we stay fixated on the problems. Both have their place and value in the evolutionary process. I go out into the world and observe what’s there, then I look to see where my personal subjective lenses are causing me to see the world in a distorted way. I look to change the ways I’m thinking about what I see based upon the process of continually questioning what I believe it is to be true. It requires actual time in study, research, contemplation and meditation. 

When those moments of cognitive dissonance become over powering I retreat into practices that allow me to surrender into absolute oneness with the miracle that is life.  I return to the mundane and practical, “chop wood and carry water”. Afterwards, I may again return to what I’ve learned and integrate it with a greater capacity. 

I look to see what I can change in the world to create less suffering for others in the long game, this requires that I share authentically what I am uncovering with the knowing that it may be painful for others to hear. That I may have some details wrong. That it may cause them suffering. That I may lose friends and family’ support. 

When we are not seeking to harm anyone we can rest assured that the pain and suffering that might come of it is based in our genuine desire to know the truth. Truth and love are interchangeable when it comes to the most important things in life. To grow towards something better is never an easy path. It takes great courage to turn and face the truth of what is being uncovered both within and without.

When I walk for an hour along the Atlantic coast I see millions of little pieces of plastic, whether plastic bottles or fishing line, broken pieces of toys, broken pieces of human-made items. After a while of contemplation I start picking some of the pieces up to carry them to a garbage to disposed of them away from the oceanic wild life. 

Perhaps someone might think, “I’m vegan, it will not affect me directly.” This type of myopic reasoning might make it longer for someone to go from subjectivity into the greater long game of humanity. To a place where they realize their responsibly in at least spending some moments picking up these pieces while they are receiving the oceans tremendous healing powers.

As we try and clearly observe our world we pay closer attention to what is right in front of us. We begin to understand that there are things happening that are not subjective interpretations, they are simply facts that must be faced if we are to begin the arduous task of aligning our lives towards bio-regenesis for the future of humanity on the planet. 

We can all begin by trying to facing our conditioning and the beliefs we hold within that prevent us from seeing the plastic in the waters. Some people are so kind in nature the first belief structure they need to transcend is their denial of systemic corruption and how they are supporting it. Just because you live in a place where you don’t see violence in the streets doesn’t mean you’re not a slave to forces that don’t have your best interest in mind. 

It doesn’t make you a “bad” person to talk about the negative things happening in the world. Let me ask you this, “How much do you want to subjectively transcend within to liberate yourself as well as those you love?” 

Life in 2023 will likely continue pushing us out of subjective internal drama states of lust, greed, hate and envy, to increasingly make us available for the greater and greater challenges ahead.

I don’t believe any of us should force adapt ourselves to an unhealthy environment. Instead I seek to change the conditions that created the unhealthy environment to begin with. I seek to liberate myself and precisely because I am a unique expression of the infinite source, as I do so, I liberate others in the process.

The esoteric path is one that pushes us to uncover the ultimate truth of how nature works. It’s a path that will reveal all the layers of double speak that have veiled humanity from learning about our true nature and history. It unmasks how the corporations became the unelected gods of the 21st Century. Why they are increasingly seeking to make us less human and more artificially crafted. Gods that aim to rule our every day lives, our most personal identities, experiences, preferences and understandings of the world. 

Cover Art: Artist Unknown

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Objective Morality & Human Nature

Understanding objective morality requires a participatory effort. If we already had it figured out, we’d have a consensus on the most important factors involved in humans agreeing on the most fundamental things.

The broad definition of objective morality can be summed up with the idea that despite our unique subjective experiences creating the different axioms that define our personal morality we all share a common underlying understanding of what is inherently right and wrong. 

That common underlying understanding first born from the constraints nature imposes upon us. The observable realms of cause and effect are restricted by how far down the timeline we can see, limiting our capacity to consider what is objectively right and wrong. 

The general idea is that if we work against our very own nature we will eventually become sick. This applies to both the individual and the collective body. Knowing ourselves is the first precursor to using this model, especially if you’re observing things from a shorter timeline (which most of us are). If you don’t know what will kill you, you certainly don’t know how to avoid it.

More commonly though, from that first tier understanding, nature most often does not respond instantaneously with negative consequences to our harmful actions. 99.99999% of the time nature will not immediately strike you down with lightening if you harm another human being or yourself.

Our ability to understand the depth of things and how they are interconnected is what determines our general ability to act as objective moral agents in the world. 

From a second tier understanding, the negative consequences of immoral actions will be mirrored back to us from our subconscious minds. That is, if a morally objective wrongdoing was done, our nature will begin to reflect back to us an innate sense of shame. Physical sensations bubbling up into thoughts and feelings which express themselves in the distorted cognitive re-framing of our experiences. 

Self-awareness and self-knowledge birth the rational mind. We can not be rational about what we are feeling and sensing if we don’t understand why our thoughts are expressing themselves in a particular way to begin with. 

Nature is both beast and divine. The beast will kill to protect and provide without seeking a way around having to harm others. The divine seeks to meet one’s needs in the world without having to destroy everything in it’s path. It’ll often choose simply to move around obstructions.

From the beginning of time the warring for territory and resources has led to the annihilation of many peoples and cultures. Nature may not have shown the instant consequences of such wrongdoings but the divine surely left it’s roar in the stories and archetypes drawn on the halls of time. Mythologies that demonstrate the cyclical and proliferical nature of those problems. One war leading to the next, one death of a culture to another, one life of harmful doings leading to the karmic impacts imposed within another. 

There is no consensus on objective morality because we are unable to see far enough out into the field of interconnectivity. Beginning with the field of interconnectivity within the self. Our human minds aren’t designed to see so far. Even the best quantum computing computers in the world can’t predict every instance of cause and effect (thus why they are becoming increasingly more dangerous than humans). 

What we do have to guide us is our desire to know the truth, to gain greater self-knowledge, to increase our intuition and to gain a better understanding of the natural laws. Within this context the law of correspondence plays a key role. 

Knowing ourselves allows us to know where we are best suited to put our energy. What foods and physical exercise best suite our unique bodies. Who we are most suited to interact with, for how long and why. What activities spark our passions and longevity. What type of career would best match our strengths and abilities. The types of men or women we are best suited to pair with for family, work or pleasure.

Our best intuition comes from an accumulation of experience combined with a strong connection to soul. If we lack in either of these departments we are likely to act out of ignorance. For a strong connection to soul we need to nurture a strong connection to heart and put in the effort to understand our cosmic nature. Heart teaches us compassion while simultaneously teaching us the lessons of what not to let into our sacred circle and why.

While fear will have us acting from a place of emotional reactivity love will have us acting from a place of observation, self-reflection and care-full action. 

The law of correspondence being the third tier (or third turning). Similar to Wu Wei, it allows us to act intuitively from our cosmic connection to the divine reflection within each moment. This type of sight provides us with a way to best fulfill the needs of what is beyond our capacity to comprehend with reason.

From this place of attunement it will not be possible to never harm others entirely, but if the other two tiers have been cultivated, harm will never be intentional and in the least will be well informed. 

If attention and effort is placed long enough in gaining an understanding of our basic human biology and psychology, of our place within the universe and how we are innately wired to it. As well of our intimate moment to moment connection with it, we may begin to align with something more akin to objective morality together, on a global scale.

Part of the journey of our cosmic evolution in getting there is becoming accepting of our own personal limitations while maintaining an unyielding desire to keep learning. Hungering for truth and hungering for knowledge. It’s what I like to call an appetite for the divine!