Finding Balance – The Divine Masculine & Feminine

Women have been considered to be the heart of the earth, the life of the fire and the wind beneath the wings of all living creatures for as far back as we can see. Naturally so, we nurture through the magical elixir that pours from our breasts and heal wounds through our compassionate touch. We gestate life in our wombs. We raise the dead with our song and dance. We create homes wherever we go through our intuitive knowing of what will nourish the tribe in any given environment.

We burn holes in tragedies by celebrating life with divine strategy. We see beyond logic, bridging the link between unhealthy human conditioning and a failing system. This feminine energy is the life blood of the earth that connects all things. The feminine essence is what we are perceiving when we experience synchronicity in the outside world, its the cosmic sticky glue that transcends the physical and material aspects of life. There is no structure at the core of the feminine essence, there are only storms, fires, flashes, ashes and rebirth. Life and death are intrinsically interwoven into its very essence. It can be sensed, felt, tasted and heard. The feminine energy in essence is what we can describe as the placebo effect, this is why it is so elusive to begin with, unmoved it is simply power, neither positive nor negative, one that can bring things to life or destroy them depending on the conditions imposed by its equally powerful counterpart, the masculine essence. An energy designed to structure the material and physical plane throughout which the feminine essence can bring all things back into life.  

We are slowly evolving to the point where both female and male are embodying the masculine and feminine essence in a balanced way but for the time being we’re not quite there yet. Ideally we’re aiming to become whole within ourselves but the reality is that only a small percentage of people have found a masculine and feminine state of inner balance. So until we reach that goal we try to complete each other to maintain the over all health of the community.

Prehistorically the masculine energy has always embodied the physical strength necessary to ensure feminine survival. Without his protection she would be killed by predators or harsh environments and if she ceased to exist so would human life on earth. Metaphorically, although she is the fire that burns to keep all alive, without the masculine’s ability to strategically set the stones and logs in place, the fire can not be functional in keeping the tribe alive and thriving.

As we look back on history with freshly awakened eyes we can clearly see that the feminine energy was over taken by the masculine, precisely because of its sacred life bearing power, in a paranoid frenzy, in an over-dominating attempt to preserve the invaluable flame that keeps the tribe alit, it began to smoother it. In doing so the feminine essence slowly became compromised and the essence of the masculine lost sight of its own equally important role and authentic power. It lost sight of what it genuinely means to be the protector of the sacred fire, buried beneath ego’s hunger for its control. 

As the imbalances of this oppressive strategy became overwhelmingly apparent with time, the feminine began to join forces around the globe to increase the awareness of the sacred feminine roles within society once again. A way to burn through the defiled personifications of what became a distorted feminine and masculine identity. In the light of our collective blazing bonfire we’ve exposed many of the shadows that created the imbalances we now can perceive in the outer world and where the essence of both masculine and feminine were hidden and separated from their natural states. The glorification of superficial gender roles for both masculine and feminine are slowly reconfiguring themselves and in it’s place a clearer understanding of their sacred functions. Inciting many divine unions to come on-line. 

Over the course of the last one hundred years as the divine feminine essence erupted and exploded, like the fierce flow of volcanic lava, directing words and actions towards returning the world to a more harmonious and balanced state, we are now baring witness to the rise of the divine masculine energy and what the return from superficial to sacred means for them and how that impacts our society and culture.

Even throughout the ages of paranoid control tactics, the divine feminine have never lost sight of the divine masculine essence, we never abandoned them, nor did we burn away anything that was sacred within them through our warrioring. Our devotion to them has steadily increased, our love and support for them has never wavered an inch, regardless of the scale of our storms. It is precisely through our chaotic resurgence that we’ve proven our dedication to their equal rising. Ultimately our intuitive understanding that one can not exist without the other prioritizes their empowerment as much as our own and in this sense the understanding that there is no other way than to rise together.

So what is the most sacred role of the divine masculine essence in maintaining the harmony of the tribe? How can the masculine best be at service in the protection of the divine flame in order to protect his own divinity simultaneously?

The two basic functions are to protect against the innocence of the feminine essence and the other is to protect her heart. A divine feminine who is completely in her essence, will surrender herself to the masculine totally despite potential dangers, her innocence is at the core of her servitude towards the masculine essence. The  feminine will intuitively walk into any man made trap of over-reaching power. She might intuitively know she will be injured but due to her primordial programming she will over-ride this intuition because her love and deep servitude to the masculine essence will always take priority and out weigh the potential dangers. She knows at her core that without his essence she can not survive and due to this comprehension on a primal level–of being inextricably interwoven into him– she will source courage to move towards potential dangers in order to return things to a balanced state from a place within that the masculine can only touch indirectly while in her presence. Similarly a woman can only touch indirectly the raw primal courage a man sources from when he puts himself in the line of fire in order to protect woman and child from death.

This innocent devotion to the masculine in all his forms, both dark and light, is precisely what brings to life the duty of the DIVINE masculine to protect her from her inability to foresee danger. To lend her the eyes to see her own power but first and foremost to maintain the health of the overall tribe by protecting her against her very own innocence and selfless devotion. Essentially the divine masculine must always walk ahead of the feminine, peering beyond spiritual into structural, material and physical, not only for her survival but equally for his own. This happens through the masculine’s ability to think logically, to reason with the physical and unconditional aspects of life allowing him to assume an equally powerful seat at the throne.

At the very least, he must ensure that her innocence does not cause her bodily harm or act in a way which imprisons her heart. Although many of us walking the earth at this time are androgynously learning to assume both masculine and feminine qualities, there are still many here that are of double feminine or of double masculine essence that need to be assisted in finding balance, protected or nourished by the other to survive and eventually thrive. This applies to men who are predominantly of feminine essence and females who are predominately of masculine essence too.

Protecting the heart of the feminine essence, which is in total service to the masculine, entails releasing the desire to take ownership of the feminine body, MIND, heart and her sexual life force. The irony is that in many cases the masculine requests ownership through loyalty but is not willing to offer it in return. This has been a huge double standard that consumes a huge percentage of relationships. The feminine heart will guide her love to where it is most needed within the tribe to ensure the health of the whole. When man prevents this from happening through ownership, he is preventing society from experiencing health and equality on all levels. The same goes for a woman, when a man’s protective nature is calling him to another woman, if she cares for the health of the tribe she will not prevent him from following this primordial calling, as long as all is done within sacred truth and transparency. 

A woman’s core driving motives, whether blind or otherwise is to love the masculine so he may experience his divinity, so he may see and understand the language of his soul and to adore him, especially when he has forsaken himself. A women’s heart speaks a language more ancient than time and plays a tune that will not allow her to ignore the calling of her heart. Her heart rules her existence but her heart’s devotion is not to one single individual but to the whole of the collective. You see, the innocent heart of the divine feminine could possibly leave her without food, shelter, pregnant, bloody and beaten if it meant saving the soul of the divine masculine essence, her devotion defines logic and reason, at her most fundamental state she would surrender her very own existence for its survival. 

Where the masculine is in denial of his power and sacred responsibilities towards the feminine essence he shoots all men in the foot. He not only forsakes himself, his children and the feminine essence but he forsakes the freedom of all man, woman and child. Precisely because the divine feminine will innocently surrender to the masculine despite danger and unruly consequence, the divine masculine must act protectively in accordance with his logic and reason to determine when such an act of devotion is harmful to both parties and to the whole of the tribe.

Fundamentally the feminine essence nurtures life at all costs and the masculine essence protects life at all costs. The feminine who are not in their divinity will abuse the masculine essence by taking advantage of his desire to protect, through the manipulation of her sexual life force. She might request that he be at service to her even when it is no longer beneficial to his wellbeing or the rest of the tribe.

The masculine who is not in his divinity will prioritize his sexual desires over the protection of her innocent mind and heart. When both have a clear understanding of their equal power, roles and responsibilities, a healthy tribe can begin to flourish and the double feminine and double masculine within society can be protected and nourished to produce balance despite their naturally one-sided predispositions. Eventually all will come into sacred union with self but to get there it is necessary to understand the current roles based on the needs of both that we are attempting to break free from.

Blasting Love!

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