Releasing Saviour Dynamics Through Self-Inquiry 

How does the saviour become the perpetrator? As I moved through the later stages of the alchemical process it became clear that the act of trying to save another when they are not asking for help is essentially a power move for control (subconscious means to feel empowered). It’s how the saviour becomes the perpetrator in the human story of interrelationship. 

The saviour archetype exists within as a house of mirrors where shadows reign. This dynamic makes up a huge part of the distorted spiritual community moving upwards into more sophisticated expressions within society. 

This is based on the understanding of the fractal universe and the macrocosm existing within as the microcosm. If you are interpreting something about another that gives rise to a strong desire to “save them”, ask yourself how it might relate to you. I can clearly remember a time when saving others was my only means to self-empowerment.

Why do we feel the need to save someone when they are not seeking for help? Most often you will find buried within the subconscious mind a wound that has been rejected or neglected. It’s the act itself of repressing and denying those parts that need attention and internal work that amplify and project them back out into the reality field and onto other people.

This is why things can get so messy with people who haven’t begun the healing work or are just getting started. At the first level of awakening the self can only see itself projected onto the walls of the cave. At the second level the mirror of self turns back onto itself and the light of the sun, the sol, the soul can then begin shinning its rays of awareness back into itself, a pivotal moment within the alchemical process where the person truly begins to awaken the self. 

Arriving at this point is a painful experience. As the person’s conscious awareness rises they encounter that stage in personal development where all that has been projected out must in turn be owned and integrated back into the self for progression within the procession. The amount of time a person can spend in this stage will depend on how long it takes them to dissolve their false ego identifications. 

The more energy put towards repressing these shadow aspects within the self, the more intensely they’ll continue to be projected outwards. The greater the sense of urgency to integrate these aspects through the act of “saving” another. False ego protection is the core frequency that binds the victim, savour, perpetrator dynamic together. 

The longer it takes an individual to break down the false ego to heal, integrate and rebuild a healthy ego the more complex and elaborate these projections become. Often taking on personalities of their own, in the form of external entities we empower and allow to grow until they become clearly defined collective archetypes and cultural mythologies. These can range from what is experienced as personal curses to collective egregores to deeply embedded archetypal villans within the most subtle layers of our being.  

For this reason when managing mind space in regards to “entities”, regardless of the idea of whether they truly exist as separate forces we experience as external to us, whether in astral form or projected by other’s thoughts or from beyond, by dealing with them from the first person principal we can eliminate all potential for perpetuating cycles of victim, savour, perpetrator dynamics. It’s the point when we truly begin to move towards authentic embodiment, healthy relationship and individuation in the world. 

It’s what allows us to be the most in control of our experience and will to power here. None of this is to say that real problems don’t exist outside of ourselves that we aren’t here to remedy. It’s to say that the macrocosm exists in direct response to the collection of microcosm pieces existing that are an expression of each and every one of us.

This internal development through awareness is the first and only step to the next layer of larger alchemical cycles taking place within the collective unconscious of humanity. 

Taking real action out in the world to change the things we know to be harmful requires acknowledging that self empowerment must be reached within ourselves first by shining the light of awareness into the self. 

Due to the interconnected universe we live in, we can only begin to do this by obtaining glimpses of our reflection of the self within each other. The chaos that occurs through this process is one that can’t be avoided. It’s function and purpose nestled in the divine complexity of universal higher order.

Through a growing self awareness we eventually become self responsible and release the other to empower ourselves for greater and greater tasks.

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