Dancing with a Dragon

About two months ago I started to see dragons pop up in my field, they would show up in conversations, posts, pictures and odd little synchronicities. I never consciously worked with dragon energy before. The only thing I ever remember hearing about them came from Scorpios (the astrological sign) and what I ended up identifying as confrontational energy. So I never really became interested in exploring this form of energy before. I’m not a fan of confrontation, I’ll go extremely out of my way to avoid full on confrontation with someone who is angry. Those types of exchanges leave me with a headache. I’m more of a lets sit down, have tea and chat about our feelings type of person. Some of us, especially those with lots of libra in our charts will work double time to stay in a vibration of harmony and balance and confrontation feels the furthest from that possibility.

All personal and superficial associations to dragons aside, I started to discover their actual energy about two weeks ago during one of my sessions when it spontaneously showed up. It gave me information about the people I was holding space for and especially about the gifts they were in the process of receiving or in the process of cultivating already. After that session I thought wow, dragon energy is so exciting to work with. Wrapped up in that idea I started to contemplate doing a session with Florian who is known to work with a dragon to do past-life and ancestral healing.

Quan Yin

All healers work with different energies during their sessions, I personally connect directly to spirit and call-in christ consciousness, St.Germain, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Mary Magdeline and Mother Teresa among a few ascended masters that show up spontaneously. I also work with the elements, Mother Earth and occasionally I will work with inter-dimensional beings of light.

So as I planted the seed and began to sense intuitively whether working with Florian was the right thing for me at this time, over the course of a week I was given the yes on few different occasions. A couple days later while in meditation the dragon that works with him appeared to me and began working on some stuck energy within a couple of my chakra centres. The energy was powerful yet comforting, enlivening yet totally reassuring and although I was connecting to this dragon energy I still felt like it was a bit distant or muffled. At this point I’m thinking, “well the session has already started”, so I feel confident to contact Florian to do some ancestral healing on me, something I have been actively working on for the last year.

My life is a complete mystery in the sense that when I decide something, things just come together for me, out of thin air in most cases and so before I could even set up a time with him I was in his space getting ready for the session.

Florian is a very humble looking person, polite, conscious and sort of a happy go lucky type of guy. He looks nothing like a shaman, nor does he look like he would work with a dragon. As he prepared the space and connected with spirit, called in divine light, the elements, directions, Father Sky and Mother Earth, the usual routine, I was in the mind set that this was going to be a piece of cake. The position used for this type of healing is very simple, you are lying down and he places his hands close to your head. Before I layed down I set up the recorder just in case I pop out of body during the session or end up venturing off into the quantum.

The minute he says, “are you ready?” and his hands surround my head, I feel this massive surge of energy move into my energetic space and wrap itself around my spinal-cord. It’s been two years since I’m no longer in a state of disassociation with my body but I am still getting used to managing sensing so much in my environment. Either way, this dragon energy is not an average electromagnetic force. Poor Florian who might not have worked with someone who is as highly sensitive to energies like MEow, I couldn’t help but let out a loud screech that lasted at least five seconds. Something that has never happened to me before during session, ever.


At this point I’m thinking omg how embarrassing and second what have I done, this dragon is going to kill me. There was no pain involved but my body had reacted to its energy moving through me, down my spine and literally plugging into my DNA. Usually during energy sessions I just lie there stiff as a board with only a few movements to adjust. This was definitely a first time for yelling out loud but as soon as it settled in, I was back to silence despite the massive surge of energy still moving through me which ignited my clairvoyance. I don’t think I would recommend doing this work for longer than an hour to anyone who is sensitive to energy because by the end I was ready to be unplugged in a major way and in my case soak in some water.

The session consisted of Florian channeling information the dragon offered to him about the different layers of experience within my ancestral linage. Initially I wanted to work on my mother’s side of the family but it jumped onto my fathers side immediately. Before Florian even began to start reiterating the information he was being given I was already moving through a fast forward series of images of experiences from different time frames. Just like how when two empaths come together everything becomes amplified the same goes for two shamans coming together.


I first saw myself in England and then a place now considered to be southern Iraq, then Egypt, Europe, Northern Europe and Russia, among a few others that I still can’t identify yet. Much of the information that Florian was sharing I had seen minutes prior but from a different perspective, he was seeing them from the masculine perspective and I was seeing them from the feminine. He picked up on some very personal information about my essence and the energies that I work with here in this life-time which was a nice confirmation for me to hear and it also helped me to understand more fully which part of my bloodline they come from.

Each time the dragon energy would finish channeling a specific generation the energy would calm completely and then as he moved through to the next level up within my linage I would feel another surge of energy, like a big wave moving through my body. Sometimes I would feel the energy activating different parts of my body and other times I would feel it deactivate certain places. This is essentially what is happening on a cellular DNA level as well as a quantum energetic level.

The idea behind shamanic healing is that certain subconscious beliefs held within our DNA that are no longer serving us from previous timelines become deactivated by bringing those lifetimes and experiences into the light. Through conscious awareness they unravel and dissolve. Just like darkness can no longer exist once the light has been shone on it, non serving beliefs can no longer control you once you become aware of them. As for the light and gifts that existed in previous lifetimes, once they are brought into conscious awareness they can be harnessed, as the light emphasizes their existence it brings them further into active play.


Although dragon energy itself works with both light and dark forces, the job then becomes up to the shaman to stay present with the highest intention and healing for the person involved. Also how conscious the energy worker is, will dictate the level of healing that can be channeled through a session. If a shaman is only half conscious of their own darkness, their darkness will inevitable own them rather than them owning it. Once it has been owned by the shaman they are able to stay aware of its presence and move above it so it can be utilized completely for integration back into the light. Daily cleansing rituals are key as well as maintaining a healthy spiritual practice to connect with the elements, earth and sky to amplify one’s lightness of being. Over all it was extremely intense, a very legitimate healing session and one that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to do past-life or ancestral work on themselves.

Sending love & gratitude to dragon energy today!

One Love,


Image sources:
Quan Yin
Screeching cat
Shiva & Shakti Balance

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