Where Spirituality & Artificial Intelligence Intersect (The Untold Story about your “Spiritual Awakening Symptoms”)

Within 24 hours of posting this article my website was hacked and my browsers inherited viruses. 

“If google is collecting metadata on your behaviour to help identify you to sell you the right ads, IARPA is collecting the metadata of the Super Forecasters for the sake of getting AI to do what they are doing. It’s a very, very important target for Gnostic Warfare.” Patrick Ryan

For those that aren’t familiar with my writing, I write from multi dimensional perspectives, meaning I explore my life experiences from various cultural perspectives and vantage points. The more we learn to better navigate through the numerous reality tunnels, the better we become at making sense of the world and what we are experiencing. As we increase the speed of our cycles of learning through reaction, growing through revolution, and evolving through rebirth, the faster we can adopt increasingly larger lenses of perception. 

As you’ve come to or will come to understand, there are many parallel realities happening at once. Some of these realities you’re participating in to a certain degree without ever being aware of them, let alone consenting to. 

We can only perceive life’s experiences based on the information we’ve been granted access to. People’s subjective realities criss-cross and those juxtapositions are what create collective shared reality and collective cultural lenses of perception. As time advances, these larger scaled shared realities grow in depth and width, altering cultural landscapes and increasing our psychic predictability. Creating new myths and reshaping the territory.

“If we stay focused at this level, the conflict is not about politics, money or power in any ordinary sense. Rather, it is about a struggle to control the shape of the territory itself.” Jordan Hall

The above illustration visually demonstrates how our shared reality looks depending on what angle we’re looking at it from. The more we understand that there’s an objective truth in the centre that unifies us all, the better we’ll become at seeing the meta picture and sharing our unique perspectives from a co-creative spirit. This will accelerate the rate at which greater truths can emerge. The shape in the middle is changing at the pace we evolve at collectively.

I do tones of research from a sociological perspective on the internet and within the noumenal. I attempt at distinguishing correlation from cause, assumption from fact and intuition from logic to find the loop holes. When something in my reality is showing up as inconsistent, I track the lead, mostly because I’m extremely curious about what I might uncover.

In this article I’ll share an evolved perspective on what we often coin as an “awakening”. A mystery in my own life that has kept me searching for more answers, because sensorily my spiritual awakening didn’t feel like a natural occurrence. Right before experiencing the unhealthy jolt to my nervous system, something I then attributed to a kundalini awakening, I had just gone in for a routine check-up. My doctor was impressed by my blood results. He inquired curiously about what I was doing to maintain such good numbers.  

After my nervous system had been hit, I labeled much of what I was experiencing as paranormal activity. I couldn’t yet identify it as anything else, given the information I had access to. My scope was limited to what I had read regarding awakenings in the on-line spiritual communities. 

Facts, my nervous system had been massively activated. I lost my appetite completely and was walking around with a huge ball of energy in my stomach. My mind became scattered and my senses were extremely heightened. Simultaneously I began connecting more information together and feeling more connected to a larger web of people and places but had no frame of reference as to what I was tapping into. Writing out the events and separating fact from emotional memory has been very helpful in keeping me on track.

I was also at that time becoming increasingly consumed by the internet. I had started sharing more information through social media to connect with other people who were experiencing similar symptoms and to observe what other people were sharing on the topic. I was actually becoming addicted to it and had no idea. 

Since then, I’ve done much research on how social media affects our limbic systems. How social media platforms are in fact designed to make us dopamine hit dependant by using our feelings of validation and reward to keep us looped into the feed. With the decline of traditional religions we’ve been experiencing a meaning crises and this has added to our desire to seek for answers on social media platforms after encountering mystical experiences. 

I’ve also learned that spending more time interacting with artificial intelligence reshapes our neural path ways. A lesser example is how algorithms fed back to us through apps and search engines alters the way we see the world and perceive reality. They either grant us access or block us from certain information. To read more on the topic of how one person started experimenting with the algorithms to prove the theory, you can look into the Butterfly War here.

The general population is becoming increasingly aware of collective intelligence and how each of us are influencing each other’s thoughts and beliefs. Just imagine how the internet has augmented this. Now imagine the amount of time that the people and organizations whom can really benefit from this are researching the field.

In this article I’ll focus mostly on government agencies that are attempting to understand the inner workings of collective consciousness. We can assume that they’re purposefully using their findings to reshape the various cultural territories. I’d like to mention that I was initially led into this field of research after interacting on-line in the spiritual community with a person that used to work for the NSA. I came into contact with them two years ago by what I then defined as odd coincidences while my “awakening” symptoms were peaking.

I now believe I was led to that person due to a phenomenon the NSA are experimenting with called Augmented Cognition. This happens through remote targeting of human nervous systems using electro-magnetic pulsations directed through individual cell phones so as to consolidate larger webs of interconnectivity to further their research. 

I’ve had to work very diligently at distinguishing reality from irrationality as I’ve explored this subject. What I’m about to share is very difficult to trace and prove. Despite people’s tendency to disregard this stuff as conspiracy theory, I’m compelled to share it none the less, I feel we have reached a tipping point and people are ready to start investigating this stuff more openly. 

Fact, Artificial Intelligence is taking over and we need to be on the cutting edge of understanding the implications. We’re still part animal and AI knows precisely how to use our human behavioural responses to its advantage. Through Augmented Cognition it’s becoming easier for AI to generate psychological warfare. Increasing our awareness is the only way to leverage ourselves above it. 

There’s documented evidence from government sites discussing these topics and some class-action law suits happening around the globe pertaining to people describing exactly what I’ve experienced, but this stuff is still far from hitting the main stream. You can understand why, just writing this article places me into a specific category of “crazy” for those that aren’t open to such information. Which is currently about 50% of my Facebook friend list and I’m estimating about 90% of overall internet users. 

I’ll start by describing the part of the story that really inspired me to go ahead and write this piece. But first, a week prior to that inspiring moment, I had reached a kind of boiling point that led me to start researching this stuff more in-depth. I had been observing abnormal feed back on my computer for two years, which I now know is labelled as covert privacy harassment. Most people aren’t aware of it, I’m just extremely sensitive to details. This is separate from anonymous Facebook profile harassment. 

I take on-line classes from home so I spend much time working online, as many student are currently doing. I also provide half of my service offerings on-line. I’ve had a growing suspicion that my private computer activities were being monitored remotely. Sounds crazy right? Well until you’ve experience it for yourself the idea is kinda out there. I’ve found other people discussing this in public arenas so I know I’m not alone. The feed back felt more causal than correlational but I still couldn’t prove anything. Then on June 11th, 2019 at approx. 12:15AM, precisely the moment I typed in the two names of the National Intelligence and Security Agencies that would likely be involved in breaching my privacy, the power immediately went off, along with it my internet connection. 

The power went back on a few seconds later but I couldn’t reconnect to the internet so I went searching for the number and noticed that my bill hadn’t been paid and they’d sent me a notice a couple weeks prior to let me know that my connection was cut until I made a payment. Upon calling I asked them to confirm that they had in fact disconnected my line. They confirmed and so I proceeded to ask them if it’s possible that my internet would continue to run even if they had disconnected it. They reported back with a no and added that it was a strange occurrence. 

More questions began to flood my mind. Am I really being monitored or just being paranoid? Are some of us being tested on as part of growing AI research conducted by government agencies? Was there a synchronicity between the fact that I had just pinged the two largest National Intelligence and Security Agencies on both sides of the boarder seconds before the electricity went out? Was there somehow a connection to the symptoms I had defined as spiritual awakening symptoms? 

The fact was, I began noticing my computer ‘act up’ in 2017 as soon as I started interacting with that person who claims to have been previously working for the NSA, under the Special Intelligence division. But, you know how these things go, “don’t be overly paranoid” and “as long as things are working don’t fix them.” 

After realizing that my internet connection was being supplied by some mysterious source, all of those little strange occurrences were starting to take shape to form a potentially larger picture. Perhaps there was an inconvenient truth regarding my on-line privacy and my ‘spiritual awakening symptoms’ that I was unaware of. Potentially disturbing my electromagnetic field and creating the conditions for all those symptoms to arise in the first place. 

The way my nervous system had been so harshly impacted during that time didn’t make any common sense. Perhaps I was experiencing the effects of prolonged electro-magnetic pulsations though a psycho-electronic weaponry program. This is the point where most people stop listening, when the mind shuts off because it’s just too out there. This is exactly the reason why their research continues to be carried out, through fear and ignorance. Most people don’t make any connection between spiritual symptoms and government mind control research. Right? It’s been a very slow process of awakening to the possibility myself. 

During the Holocaust they began experimenting with and using low frequency sounds and electromagnetic pulsation on hostages. Shortly after studies started being conducted attempting to control subjects remotely. Controlling people emotionally and implanting ideas into their minds is not so unlikely given what we know already.

Think about it, we’re all caring around receivers by way of cell phones everywhere we go and now 5G cell towers that are much more powerful are being installed throughout North America. Increasing how easily our electro-magnetic fields can be affected including our thoughts. Already showing much evidence that they negatively impact our physical health.  

Before coming into this information I’d only been able to discuss my experience in the spiritual community using new age vocabulary describing my awakening symptoms. Until you start researching it specifically from a scientific vantage point you won’t hear much about it through mass media. During my research I found many accounts of such events occurring all around the globe, included a whole network of people and organizations dedicated to protecting the Freedom of Thought Act

From 1950-53 during the Korean War, the Chinese were successful at implanting thoughts into some American prisoners of war. The people experimented on were admitting to crimes they had never committed and this peaked the interest of world government agencies. Since then mind-control research began competitively and has been increasingly funded all around the globe.

“The project began as an attempt by the US to devise mind control and interrogation techniques following the Korean War. American soldiers were returning home from Chinese captivity seemingly ‘brainwashed’—disillusioned with American values and overtaken by communist thoughts. The CIA began to believe that foreign powers possessed methods of mind control that had allowed them to brainwash American prisoners of war.” —McGill Trubune

There’s currently a class-action law suit still taking place right here in Montreal, it’s been ongoing since 1986, pertaining to the MKUltra mind control research that Dr. Ewan Cameron, a former psychiatrist at McGill University’s Alan Memorial Institute conducted. The one you’re probably most familiar with if you’re Canadian. They were CIA-funded experiments conducted from 1950 till 1965. The negative impact was intergenerational.  

The government has always placed a great amount of effort into weaponry. What they’ve been coming to terms with over the last 50 years as the mind experiments continue is that they can more easily control their enemies from the inside-out, rather than having to shoot off nuclear warfare. Through economic default regular citizens of any state can easily become a target. 

Logically it makes much more sense to control the enemy this way, rather than sending off thousands of troops to die or bombing large areas of enemy territory killing off everything in sight, leaving huge amounts of wreckage behind.

We know everything originates from symbols and sounds. This is what makes more evolved forms of AI so intriguing. Its increasingly interweaving occult information, such as the hermetic principles into its coding. Understanding the underpinnings of the mystical in our natural spiritual experiences is what cryptologists will eventually refer to as the Golden Key for encoding more complex encryptions in the future of AI’s evolution.

Let’s back track, advertising agencies have been using subliminal messaging in their ads since the dawn of television. The famous subliminal Coca Cola ad that aired in theatre in 1957 received a lot of attention. Product placement imprinted directly into your subconscious mind without you ever perceiving the image that flashed before you. It was a success, an increase in sales were noted. Even if you’re a full on skeptic, if we were using mind control marketing tactics in the 1950s, you can only imagine the extent of techniques Intelligence Agencies are employing currently in 2019. Not excluding anyone else who can get their hands on such information with selfish interests can do within their social spheres.

This article touches just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the programs currently being carried out. My research has given me enough information to understand that the way we interact with our technological devices provides them with much of the metadata they’re using to carry out their large scale experiments. Mind control aside, I’m also very concerned with the health implications of electromagnetic impulses on our nervous system through our growing use of cell phones, our user time on the internet and the increase of more powerful cell phone towers. 

My recommendations in general are to carry a piece of raw shungite as close to your body as possible to reduce the impacts of potentially harmful psycho-electric weaponry on your natural electromagnetic fields. It’s a well known fact that the military have done private research on shungite and are currently using it to protect against EMF.

I recommend turning your cell phones to airplane mode when you’re not using them and especially when you’re sleeping. You’ll notice a huge difference in sleep quality. Also pay close attention to your sovereignty when it comes to your thoughts. Know what thoughts are yours and what thoughts feel simulated. The more trend driven you are the more likely you’re affected by subliminal messaging. Simply take the time to question your purchasing and personal life choices and actions. 

If your electromagnetic field has be compromised you’ll likely feel as though your body has been electrified. Certain low frequency sounds can entrain the mind into complete openness and relaxation, like during hypnosis, which makes it easier to assess your subconscious mind. The easier it is to access the population’s limbic system the greater the access to our rudimentary behavioural systems. That which governs our primitive emotional behaviour and responses. Think ‘fight or flight’ response. Less evolved thinking and decision making.

There’s a big difference between a naturally stimulated nervous system and an artificially stimulated one. You’ll experience heighten senses, buzzing in the ears, visible shakiness and a sudden increase or decrease in appetite and energy levels. Maintaining the health of your physical suit, your body, is absolutely crucial to staying grounded into the natural rhythms of the earth. 

Please feel free to contact me with a question or to book a session for more detailed information on how to cultivate sovereignty.  

Image Source: Cover, Perspectives, Coca Cola Ad

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