Transparency & Vulnerability

The power of healing forwards and backwards happens in the now. Its not an easy path to take when there is much to be healed. Not many are willing to face the fact that each act of honesty, each act of vulnerability, each act of transparency, creates an accountability that shifts the collective consciousness and trickles down through our bloodlines and into our communities.

Every courageous person that faces themselves, the other, their actions and consequences heal all those that came before them and their children and grandchildren. Our choices ripple through the collective mind. Speaking truth will be the purification of our waters that fill our oceans and rivers and bodies. It will be the equal distribution of food on earth.

Nothing was ever healed by being brushed under the rug. People despise taking responsibility for their actions because their egos overshadow their hearts, they are guided by fear. Most people feel entitled to their lies. They feel isolated from the negative impacts. Those who lie need to keep moving quickly forward, in fact they need to keep running. You see, it’s impossible to sit still in your own lies for too long. It wreaks havoc on your health because the power of truth is undeniable. The power of such love is too painful to deny, compassion too great to turn a blind eye. 

Generations and generations of abuse has gone veiled, no accountability and so cycles repeat themselves, future generations suffer. Children suffer, mothers, fathers and grandparents suffer. Each time we deny speaking the truth, accepting with open loving arms the pain of what that truth has to teach us and offer another, we continue to repress the light from expanding into our consciousness. 

When a group of people are held captive in a prisoners dilemma through lies, they’re consciously choosing to deny the light. They are choosing to continue to live in darkness, in fear, they are choosing to perpetuate a cycle of abuse. What we don’t realize is that by speaking truth we free ourselves from self-sabotage as we simultaneously free others. It has a positive effect on the relationships we have with our families, friends and lovers, it spreads out into the world and nourishes evolution.

The hottest fire of transformation we have on earth right now is the power of simply being honest. Just for a second, image if everyone were to tell the truth. Not telling the truth about our beliefs which are ever evolving but simply telling the truth about our actions.

Where would humanity be? Can you see how one single act of honesty can impact such a large area of consciousness? Now image if honesty were to spread like wild fire, it would burn through so many walls of false beliefs and mis-conceptions. It would remove shame, it would heal hearts, it would clearly show us what needs to happen to co-create a healthier world, one in which we could no longer deny because it moves us beyond right and wrong actions and shows us instead the sacredness of our humanity, bare in its totality.

We can not change the world from a place of unconsciousness. Truth is the light of consciousness. All the corruption in the world is held together by lies, not by beliefs, because our actions are stronger than our beliefs. A single act of honesty can save millions of lives, where as a single lie can hold captive a world. How can a person sincerely say they are fighting for a better world, one upheld by universal truths when they can not speak honestly to another human being?

This is a cause I will continue to warrior for because it is the one and only cause that will shift the world and align us with greater cosmic truths.

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