Flattening the Box to Create the Circle

flattening the box

As things start to cross pollinate in 2018 we’re going to see many of our little conceptual boxes collapse. There is nothing more empowering than jumping off one of our very own merry-go-rounds of outdated mental paradigms to look at the big picture of what it actually represents, to more than just ourselves.

What was it made of? What filters complied its slide show? Who were the key players and how were they influencing its speed and energetic weight? What belief systems birthed it and what line of dreaming kept it going?

Many people are reflecting on the last 3-4-5 years and sensing into its conclusions to understand its grand momentum. Both individually and within different pockets of society, cultures, countries and globally. Together we are stronger and smarter essentially because we evolve through experiencing our unique response to collective agreements through each other.

We use one another to reflect upon ourselves, first individually, which creates movements in groups, incrementally increasing in numbers, which allow us to perceive ourselves as consciousness reflected back onto itself as global movement. Although we often feel separate from each other, as we move through our dramas and stories, the truth is, without this contrasting reflecting effect, there would be no awareness or possibility to recreate. No evolution. Our interconnectivity is undeniable no matter how much we bomb neighbouring countries. Thus, the complex irony of war.

The past five years have been so charged, filled with freedom seeking momentum and filled with creative interpersonal sparks that lit up like fireworks our inner worlds and subconscious minds. This happened globally but especially within the westernized countries because we’ve been slowly yet incrementally choosing to discovered a deeper more subtler way of experiencing our existence through the resurrection of ancient teachings.

Wellness centres have been blowing up, yoga studios are accessible almost within every town, along side them, a whole bunch of other practices have become (re)popularized, both online and off, which help us tune-in more deeply to the language of nature. Basically we’re becoming more aware beings, more sensitive to each other, our wounds and our animalistic selves.

Everyone’s hearts have been exposed, thoughts deconstructed and lives transformed through our heightened sensitivity to Mother Earth and our collective soul’s longings for peace and global prosperity. There has been a sincere desire to find meaning within the sea of injustices, our communities and within our immediate lives as we become increasingly more intimate with ourselves and our true nature. This increased sensitivity has generated a greater awareness of the imbalances within our thinking and ways of living. Growing access to high speed internet has connected us even more to our sense of collective belonging and oneness. Our innate responsibility towards each other.

left hand

I went for a session this past week with a very interesting woman who has amazing techniques to direct you back into your innocent self. She helps you find your deepest desires, the medicine within that is unique to your own journey. Some of the most interesting and authentic healers I’ve met don’t offer view points based on their soul’s journey, experience and wisdom but rather offer up questions to help direct you more deeply inwards. As the saying goes, “Stop looking for the answers from strangers, the answers to your life are within you”.

The more I advance in my work as a healer/seeker, the more I realize that each persons’ path to healing/seeking is unique to their specific wounds and how they were formed to begin with. No two people are alike, so treating everyone with a generalized treatment just doesn’t work effectively. The best we can do is properly hold space so that we may assist others in reaching the deepest aspects of self, which naturally allow their unique medicine to emerge.

This woman offered a really interesting technique to hack into the subconscious mind. I’ve been doing this type of work for years through many different modalities of Mind Hackery. This one was super simple yet highly effective.

This is how it’s done:

You grab a pad of paper with a pen and proceed to write out questions that you are seeking answers to, either about your healing journey or life in general, with your dominate hand. Then you switch the pen to the submissive hand, read the questions out loud and let the submissive hand write out the answers. You have to come into a calm state to get the juicy stuff flowing, allowing answers to just be channeled through, without interruption, key to truly benefiting from the exercise.

I produced very odd answers to simple questions like: What brings you joy? What brings you peace? What brings you meaning? So for example, under the question what brings you peace, some of the odd answers that emerged were dominance, trouble and stagnation. As I continued to ask questions relating to these counter-intuitive answers with my dominate hand, my submissive hand began to unravel a story of how some of my biggest scars/subconscious conditioned beliefs were formed. Super insightful practice that connects us with our inner child, our deepest fears and heightened desired longings.


Under the question, what brings you meaning? One of the answers that emerged was nihilism. This completely ticked me off because the very thought of meaninglessness feels as though it kills my flow, my creative spark and sense of purpose in the world. As I continued to interrogate my submissive side on this answer, my inner child, she who is closest to god incarnate, expressed that nihilism proposes, total freedom, a blank creative canvass, wildness, absolute perfection and worthiness. As I continued to expand on the answers through further questioning, it became clear that much of our sense of worthiness is based on whether our identity, sense of self, fits into pre-existing models of happiness, those which are already created in the outside world for us.

There’s a huge amount of relief in disassociating your sense of worth, from a value system existing outside yourselves that you yourselves never created to begin with, or doesn’t stand a chance up against your personal integrity. This is one of the more healing reasons why we embark on the inner journey, to discover our personal definition of self love. Ultimately, to tap into the infinite void, that expanded all knowing(nothing) shiva consciousness within, where we have the chance to return to a state of seeing ourselves as a spark of innocent infinite potential. From a place of nothingness, value is not masked by the illusions inherent within what we’ve already created throughout our messy historical timeline.


The contrast offered when touching meaninglessness is complete purpose-fullness and what a beautiful juxtaposition that is. The light in the dark, the dark in the light. The sweetness in the bittersweet and the kiss in the wind as the wind kisses your toosh. The saying, “the further down your roots grow, the higher up your branches can reach”, is a perfect analogy for why we would want to make out with death as we go for a midnight skinny dip in the sea of nihilism. A very common dip for many, living in a world filled with so many apparent injustices.

As we take a little more time to dry bathe in the ashes from which our rising phoenixes have emerged. A rebirth ignited from the destructive process of inner and outer paradigm crushing. Symbolically representing a time when we decided to stand up to the meaninglessness we created from outdated false meaning. Those of which are no longer valid within the new paradigms emerging, we dropped out to drop back in, with fresh perspectives on possible solutions for creating the New Earth.

During the gestation period of this abundant and pregnant year–now–we can observe how well we did in swinging the pendulum towards our innate shakti force, that cosmic divine feminine energy of creativity and communion to our unseen inner worlds and upper dimensions. We can clearly see that it’s brought us closer to a renewed sense of personal empowerment and creative potential, towards greater connectivity, shamanic and vibratory quantum vision, a leap forwards, away from outdated ways of perceiving the self and reality.

As it swings back out from its core, the cosmic void, we are going to create new meaning based off of our experience from old meaning. Updated versions on how we wish to envision things moving forwards as we implement our new updated multidimensional selves back into the physical world, precisely by harnessing our divine masculine aspects, in the here and now. I don’t know about you but I’m feeling giddy about the co-creative potential!


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Go Big
Submissive hand holds the key
You are the answer
Kiss in the wind

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