Extra-Sensory and Sovereign

My favourite conversations are conversations about the conversation. No matter where you look there you are. This powerful realization which usually sinks in after an awakening opens up the conversation to encompass questions like, “Why are we even having this conversation to begin with?”, “Where is this energetic thread leading to?” and “Are my mind and body in communion as I add to this conversation?”

There are three main components to why we should adopt the idea that we see parts of ourselves in everything we look at. One, is to increase our capacity to know thyself by increasing our capacity to observe how we perceive; to attempt at understanding why we are perceiving what we are perceiving at any given moment. 

Second, to discover if our perceptions are a function of finding personal power or personal truth? 

Thirdly is to increase our ability to reflect and respond verses react. All of these combined help us make healthier choices that nourish and support our personal growth. They help us expand what’s possible through cultivating our personal truth; freedom. 

The fact that most people are not very aware as to why they are perceiving what they are perceiving leaves them open to being influenced by a wide variety of external stimuli. Much of that stimuli is purposeful manipulation. Not all manipulation is aimed to your benefit. The process of observing, perceiving and typically reacting takes place so quickly it’s no wonder most of us are living out unconscious behaviours, societal and cultural conditioning as well as unhealthy relationships dynamics, especially with the self. 

Awakenings essentially help us align with sovereignty first and foremost. If you want to learn how to master your extra sensory abilities you must first learn about the psychological veils that stand in the way of illusory sensory perceptions. There’s a huge difference between our biological machines reacting and our Soulware responding. When we align with sovereignty on an individual level we begin harnessing our powers to become healthy influencers on a collective level.

Everything that happens in your life from said point of awareness prompts you to question who you truly are, your relationship to others and where you can find the most meaning and purpose. Most importantly it points out where you’re being inauthentic with yourself and others so you may begin to take greater responsibility for your mind and energy expenditures. This process helps remove the unhealthy influences we have from programmed perceptions so we may experiencing the perceptions of heightened states of awareness. The higher you go in awareness the greater your capacity to see multi-dimensional perspectives without being confined to just a few.

Before this awareness hits home we’re just sort of going through the motions of habit and basic behavioural responses. Afterwards, we begin to question things more deliberately. Patterns get broken down, relationships get mended or disappear and purpose begins to skyrocket. If you’re someone who has any healing to do, trust me, it’ll get done. Healing during an awakening is often the difference between life and death. 

When we begin to have conversations about our conversations it’s because we’ve graduated to becoming more interested in growth than we are in being ‘right’. Trying to be ‘right’ in the eyes of another is a sure fire way of keeping ourselves locked into unhealthy relationship patterns with a parent, friend, spouse, teacher, co-worker or society as a whole. 

Becoming more reflective in this sense can often leave those who are still stuck in their stories perplexed by your seeking to understand where the story fits in to the bigger picture of evolution. 

Graduating from being ‘in the story’ to discussing the details of why that story exists in the first place is your ticket to freedom and the train ride into meaningful co-creative ventures. Once we gain greater awareness we also gain greater compassion for all the different stages of development both within the self and within others. Stages we must necessarily go through. This expansion of perception is also what helps us create healthy boundaries verses unhealthy protection. Changing the way we respond to each other in this way frees up agency. 

The process of becoming a sovereign being is no easy task. It’s very gruelling to have to questioning ourselves over an over until we find the reasons why we give our power away and play out the victim or attempt at controlling external circumstances that are out of our control. The question is, “What needs am I trying to meet?” and “What is preventing me from aligning with my inner truth?”

Understanding that we become more unconscious each time we chose to focus on our power as external really assist us in owning ourselves completely. We realize that by taking responsibility for how we wish to respond to people, conversations and circumstances is the process of awakening and self-empowerment itself. The only way of transforming inner patterns to experience a different outer reality. To affect the world positively, starting from the inside out. 

The first hermetic principle is: All is mind. When we begin to study the depths of this we come to know more precisely how unaware we are in general. The fact that we are so unaware of how unaware we are is our main impediment to growth. How easily influenced we are by external sources of pleasure or pain measures precisely the level of sovereignty we’ve grown to embody. 

If you’re looking to experience heighten states of awareness that will imbue your world with a magical overtone and bring you into a stronger sense of purpose and inner peace, the first place to start is self-responsibility. Being sovereign grants us the flexibility to stay in a place of child like wonder with the world because we are not living in fear or at the whim of outside forces. 

Open awareness allows us to enter into flow states increasing our extra-sensory abilities through curiosity, body connection and mental stamina. Launching us into a multidimensional experience with something greater than ourselves that is not detrimental to ourselves or another but rather a sacred dance between both that becomes a thread of genius weaved into the web of humanity.

Cover Art Sophie Wilkins – Sasha

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