The Ancient Practice of Tantra Massage

Body as temple

The body is a window into the mind and soul, by locating physical tensions within our temples we reveal emotional and mental patterns buried deep within our cellular memory. This cellular memory shapes the outer circumstances of our lives to such a subconscious degree that we often don’t make the connection between our everyday choices and what our grandmothers experienced during their life times.

Natural and holistic therapies attempt to treat the root of health problems where as most western remedies only treat the symptoms. So with this in mind, I dare myself regularly to step off the conventional path of medicine and dive deep into the fringes of holistic treatments. I also really enjoy bringing ancient modes of healing back into mainstream awareness to enrich our watered down approach to health and wellness. What you don’t know can’t help you and although some ancient practices are best left behind in history books some are worthy of resurgence. Tantra Massage is one of them. 

This year I had been inspired to go for a Tantra massage many times but something always came up and to be honest I felt a little reticent about the whole thing. I think most people still get uncomfortable discussing subjects surrounding their sexual intimacy, menstruation, yoni issues or anything related to their womb. I’m an extremely open person and usually have no trouble sharing on most topics that are considered taboo but as much as I can talk about my moon cycle or my vagina openly, the truth is I’ve always felt a huge disconnect from my womb.

Mendala 5

After my kundalini awakening I took a few classes on how to manage the life force that was burning through the different layers of my being. Much of the healing that was occurring was in my base and sacral chakra. As kundalini burns through you, any unhealed wounds come up to the surface to be healed and so all of my sexual trauma surfaced, identity issues, relationship, power/control issues and mother wound issues came into my conscious awareness. The work that I’ve done on these two energy centres over the last three years has been tremendous but I’ve still felt a disconnection within my intimate partnerships stemming from this deep disconnection to self. So after much contemplation and deliberation the universe began to send me a whole slew of synchronicities to align me with the perfect practitioner to do the work with. 

Intra-vaginal manipulations are fairly common within osteopathic practices, especially for women who are experiencing pain or discomfort after giving birth and although women go for gynaecological examinations every three years where a vulsellum is inserted into the vagina in order to retrieve a tissue sample to test for cervical cancer, we still have a huge resistance in receiving any other form of treatment in this area, natural or not. Understandably, our womb is considered to be the sacred entry point into the cosmic spiritual womb of existence, you can’t get more sacred than that but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Simply put, most of us fear assuming our feminine power in its absolute totality. 

Years ago I was told a story about how my grandmother begged my grandfather to sign hospital papers that would give her permission to receive a hysterectomy to prevent her from having any more children. My grandmother gave birth to eight children who often went without food, she had trouble keeping things functional at home as she was married to an alcoholic man whom spent most of his pay checks at the local tavern post-work. She knew she wanted to stop having children but in the 50’s you still needed permission to do so from your husband. When the local priest came to hear of her plans he stormed down to their house and despite the devastating conditions that they were living under he convinced my grandfather to not sign the papers.  

The priest had more influence over my grandmother’s womb than she had and my grandfather had all the rights to it. Just writing these words down gets me fuming. This story exemplifies why most women in general are still so disconnected from their wombs. Anytime a woman is separated from the rights to her own womb, a separation between mind and body occurs, this wound is passed down from mother to daughter and granddaughter, until a reconnection is made body, mind and spirit. I feel this disconnection within me, it rises up as a fear of intimacy, physical numbness and a fear of my own feminine power. It also rises up as a deep rage agains the masculine. How can we confidently share a part of ourselves when we feel such a lack of connection to it? How can we effectively use our life force to create in the world when we fear the source of our own power? I always felt it buried beneath the surface but never knew where to start healing the disconnection until my kundalini awoken and threw me head first onto the path. 


Three years along my power path and I found myself sitting before a beautiful women who has had a life long journey slowly enabling her to refine her gifts as a Tantra Healer. As she sat there and explained what the massage would be like, I still could not imagine how I was going to feel or what sort of emotions would arises. Would I cry? Would I yell? Would I have to stop? Any thoughts seemed useless at that point, all that mattered to me was that I felt like I could trust the woman sitting in front of me. Only priestesses of the most high can be doing this type of work successfully because it’s a delicate dance between body, mind, heart and spirit, one which requires the healer to be fine tuned to all levels of being.

After briefing me on what to expect and responding to my questions I laid down to receive the massage which lasted for aprox 2.5 hours. A good portion of the pressure points she used for the Tantra massage were on the outside of the body, the abdomen, the lower back and the groin area. She used specific stroking techniques to the chest and the back to activate the kundalini energy to begin to circulate it and work with it. The majority of the work is moving life force up the chakras towards the brain, forcing trapped emotions to come to the surface. Tiny little pressure points on the throat and forehead brought me to tears unexpectedly, resurfacing long forgotten memories and slowly my feet and legs began to tingle and go numb. 

After the initial activation was done I had the choice to stop or continue and allow access into the vaginal and cervix area to release pressure points within. Surprisingly I didn’t feel the discomfort or awkwardness I thought I would encounter as she entered my sacred womb. As she began to press on the different pressure points the first thing I noticed was how my whole body slowly began to go numb, to the point were my whole face and mouth were completely tingling in a way I had never felt before. She explained that there are three stages to this type of tantra massage healing, the first is becoming aware of all the parts that I’ve disconnected from in the past, the body parts I’ve disassociated with go numb and tingle, the second stage is to feel those parts again completely, which can sometimes feel painful due to not connecting with those sensations in such a long time and the third is to begin to fully sense pleasure again in those areas. 


Being a shaman myself I started to receive information about my mother, my grandmother and my female ancestral linage. Some pressure points were simply releasing emotions that I could not connect memories to while others were reconnecting me directly to personal traumatic events. This work is definitely a door way into reconnecting with the womb, your sexuality, integrating abandoned parts of self, healing past traumatic experiences, and embracing your feminine powers and life force. I felt safe and honoured during the whole process and although I felt a little groggy the following 24 hours, I felt as though I was finally tapping into something I had been trying to reconnect with my whole life.

I highly recommend the art of tantra massage to any women feeling a disconnection from their womb, their sexuality and their personal power. In ancient times much of this information was passed down from generation to generation but slowly as women began to separate from each other and move into single family homes we also began to separate from ourselves and disconnect from our most powerful source of energy and wisdom. 

For more information on a session and to set up a preliminary meeting you can contact Thalia de Vigne here. 

Blasting love!

Image sources
Body Temple
Kundalini fire
Tantra Healer
Ancestral Healing

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