Masters, Teachers & Initiates

This is story about Masters, teachers and initiates. There are many things that take place within this process of exchange. In ancient times, it began pre-birth, rituals and ceremonies were designed to lay the proper foundations for Mastery to blossom over the course of a soul’s life-time.

Then through-out that soul’s formative years they would be further introduced to concepts that would anchor the original intentions into the soul’s physical planes of existence here. Nurturing that specific light-sound-frequency as you would a sprout, with sunlight, water and care. First teaching the basics of what is needed to survive and then thrive in the denser planes of existence before moving upwards.

After that was completed, very specific ceremonies and rituals were introduced at specific astrological times to provide rites of passage. Offering insight, support and challenges aiding the soul in traversing through inner and outer layers of consciousness in order to begin mastering the higher planes of existence while alive and breathing on this planet. 

Teaching all the ways in which the body should be nourished, then into the realms of emotional and mental intelligences, to finally arriving at the point of integrating the labyrinth of identities and higher dimensions of existence we may potentially integrate and master while in human form. Moving into the depths of the great void, into the primordial where time and space began, while simultaneously reaching outwards towards the far reaches of the universes.

Every teacher and Master offers a unique frequency that may alter the perception of their students. Rituals were designed to prepare the initiate for a transfer of information into higher states of awareness. This is perhaps why Masters would share physical space with their students. The proper preparations require attention to detail and a firm understanding of where the student resides in terms of their own personal path work on the many dimensions.

There is energy that can be transferred physically, mentally, emotionally, and ethereally. Energy transferred via the interconnected web that is life, such as a unique understanding, occult knowledge or wisdom. A frequency can be transmitted through a poem, book, song, lecture or piece of art.

A specific energetic frequency can be transferred through physical contact or proximity. In ancient times initiates would often spend years with their students, allowing the teacher to experientially follow the student’s evolution so they may introduce appropriate lessons at the correct time.

This is the same work parents do with their children.

At times the sharing of an expanded perception was done through offering a plant medicine or an elixir that was specifically designed or concocted for the student. Often the teachings were shared simply by way of coming into contact with an inner radiance emanating from the teacher’s accumulation of inner spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Through a natural form of energetic osmosis. 

Which is very different than the experience of interacting with a highly developed empath who is able to merge into your field entirely, shifting your vibration from the combining of energies that type of event produces.

It is possible to encounter both, a spiritual teacher and someone who has the ability to merge into another’s field. This is more rare and the learning curve much more consequential when understanding how to use theses combined with integrity and wisdom. Permission on this level must first be requested and then granted to avoid mis-use of these powers.

In previous times a student rarely had the privilege of choosing who they would be initiated by, similar to the fact that we don’t chose our families. Being born into a certain family at a specific time and era meant following the rules and traditions of the spiritual groups and Masters who ruled those times. During the times we are in now, seekers have more freedom to learn outside of the constraints which previously existed.

We are all students and teachers but not everyone will be initiated in the mysteries of life. Part of that is due to the constitution of the person. The energy and frequencies carried inside them from previous lifetimes generate a certain type of path for them. Some will have previously experienced rigorous initiations and levels of spiritual attainment that influence their inner compass, creating the basis for their innate understandings, will and connection to the universe.

A student is a person who is learning to take responsibility for every aspect of their development on all levels of existence. A teacher is someone who has successfully accomplished much of that in greater feats, allowing them to arrive at the point of being able to both initiate and guide others. 

A Master is someone who guides teachers as they guide students. Masters are often some of the most humble people you shall meet. Carrying within them lifetimes of trials and errors both as student and teacher. A Master knows that not all initiations were successful and that some went tragically wrong. They share these lessons to assist others so they may avoid similar mistakes.

A Master knows never to initiate the uninitiated. A teacher learns the ropes by making these mistakes in judgment along their path. A Master avoids this un-necessary karma. They understand that these types of errors will eventually need to be restored into balance, often in proceeding lifetimes. 

You are not karmically responsible for such events if you are not in a teacher student contract with a person. It is best to note though that anyone holding asymmetrical power over another via esoteric knowledge and wisdom is held personally responsible for misuse of this knowledge through karmic patterns that will emerge and eventually be brought into balance. That is to say, if you know better you must do better.

To learn the trials and errors of energy transference and how it may affect their students, a teacher consciously takes on a certain amount of responsibility and thus consequentialism. A teacher teaches the foundations, healing methods, fortification practices, maps of consciousness and ancient wisdom rituals of spiritual lineages. 

The Masters update the teachings based on the evolution of spiritual knowledge and wisdom occurring throughout time and space. A Master always teaches by taking responsibility for the lessons that arise when interacting with other beings. By taking on this level of responsibility they encounter no resistance and lessons are transmitted and integrated seamlessly on all three planes of emanations.

A Master knows that very few learn from their mistakes and that even less learn when mistakes are pointed out to them directly. So the master never teaches in a traditional fashion. A master can only teach by being the eternal student learning and asking the questions that allow an understanding to arise naturally within their students. The Master knows, they are playing all three roles simultaneously.

Those who are tending to their own gardens have little time to tend to another’s, and so the way of the Master is most often by way of example. 

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