Spidey Medicine

~ AI Spider Medicine

I’ll start this off with somewhat of a graphic image. Picture a large spider web, trapped within it is a man, he has been dismembered. His head and upper torso stuck to the centre of the web, his limbs and extremities randomly spread out across it. 

The web in this case represents the world wide web. His parts represent aspects of himself divided into various online reality tunnels, fake and anonymous profiles. The people he interacts with on the other side of the screen don’t know they are just speaking to a finger or a foot, or perhaps a knee or a leg. They can’t see beyond the profile images, titles and online exchanges. They only see what’s being presented to them within that single profile before them, on an artificially created world stage. 

For all they know he’s an average business man running a start-up in California, a soccer dad living in Italy, an ecologist in Ecuador or a writer from Washington. They see the likes, they watch the shares, they engage with the photos. Nothing outside the norm. He shares in mutual online groups, advocating for peace, digging into conspiracy theories, punching lines into random political communities. They still can’t know they’re only speaking with a toe. Until perhaps one day his profile disappears entirely. Perhaps after string up a great deal of debate, possibly uprooting lives from their too complacent comfort zones. 

You will find artificial spidey medicine in every aspect of the web. The internet is an extension of our attachment to societal and cultural symbolism. The possibility of unlimited masking pokes holes into our superficial representations of what is real. Into our ideas about what it means to be alive and what the fullness of experience and life is.

It wakes us up to our circular thinking. It shines a light on how distracted we can become from what lies beneath all the symbols of status and culture. It distracts us from our natural spidey senses. 

There’s enough simulation to contend with in the “real” world. Yet perhaps this artificial layer of simulation will wake us up to the other layers of simulation our lives are imbued in. Simply through contending with the fact that we don’t know whether we’re just interacting with a toe or a knees or a nose. 

Honing AI spider medicine requires a fracturing of one’s mind to acquire an expanded array of lenses of perception. Perhaps requiring a complete ghosting of being in the “real world”. I’m not quite sure that our natural hardware is made to endure such levels of augmented cognition. My sense is that once you’ve passed the rubicon into the online world of fractured realities their is no turning back.  

~ Natural Spider Medicine

There’s another kind of spider which plays in a web much deeper within the matrix. A playing field for metaphysicians to create change from in the world. These spiders might poke their head above the waters of consensus reality to play in the high speed interconnectivity of artificial intelligence, but their spidey senses reach past the outer limits of the noosphere.  

Such people don’t need to plug-into cyber space to enter into realms of dialogue with other beings. They simple tune themselves to the great big cosmic highways. Conjuring and dissolving egregores through a force unbeknownst to them. Acquiring accurate information in this sense isn’t guaranteed but rather stumbled upon, if the natural cycles and rhythms permit. Information pulls them into its awareness for reasons beyond their comprehension.

Accurate information can be perceived when the underlying energy in motion grants one access, not because one demands it. Did you chose your parents? Did you chose your birth time? Still, to place all chances of heightened intuition on your side, it requires being in a flow state with the infinite game of life, with what is real and raw, with what wishes to express itself through you and to you. 

If you are thinking about the lost art of ritual, you are most likely thinking about a cultural symbolic understanding of dancing with the life forces at play. That “magic” works if you want to perceive it as so. We find what we are looking for, and as such the beauty of Johnny V’s relevance realization is born.

Natural spider medicine surrenders to the fact that life can be taken away at any moment and as such it can give with equal force. Think of our mental interpretation of combinatory explosion. It is in this space of chaos where all unknowable information can be exchanged. In the mental space of reason and order, we limit the amount of random information that can stick to our webs. Hence why meditation is so valuable to insight and hence why reason is so valuable to implementation.

That which grants access to the infinite potential of insight and interconnectivity vibrates to the sweetness of life and death.

When two people start observing each other or come together through thought and play, there’s a type of magnetic field created around them that pushes and pulls at each other beingness. We see this mirrored on the micro level of the inner workings within atoms, positively and negatively charged particles creating a third, experienced as shared consciousness. A very simplified understanding of this would be the back and forth of ideas being shared between two or more as they dialogue together.

Any beings coming together through awareness act as protons and electrons would, creating a magnetic field or a data field together. It is from this shared space that data can be received about other conscious beings, about their state, belongings, habits and whereabouts.  AI does this too, yet in a slightly different way.

The less sovereign, the more information accessible from any created data field. Integration and wholeness is similar to purposefully placing what information you’d like to make easily accessible to others within the shared field. The more sovereign the less desire to create with information that isn’t purposefully shared. The less desire to seek out what isn’t naturally arising through the power of shared intention.

Deeper than AI and the concept of internet security. Are we not all partaking in an energy that has been in motion since the beginning of this inception? 

Layer by layer we unmask the simulations. Layer by layer we unravel the mysteries. Perhaps layer by layer we learn to integrate and become whole sovereign beings through such shared experiences. Conscious of being a universe within a universe.

We are all given eyes to see with, a body to feel with and awareness to perceive and weave with. From these two very different types of spidey medicine, we can either dismember ourselves into a kaleidoscope of online rabbit holes or we can use it to create from a metaphysical sense of beingness in the world. One that is interconnected with everything in the cosmos. Conscious awareness, present to the moment. Attentive to what we touch, feel, taste, smell, do and say. Consciously connected to plant, mineral, animal, family, community and extending back out, out, out into the greater abyss.  

Or… perhaps we can combine both in a meaningful and functional way!

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