2018 Wind Up

The cat is finally out of the bag on so many levels. A lot of what were false ideologies, beliefs and useless distractions have been exposed for what they are, totally non-serving to human progress. People are beginning to return to the sacred and feeling a more awakened state of being. We are actually listening to the words of the lyrics being played in the background music of our lives and asking, “wait a minute, is this nourishing my being?, What am I buying into here?”.

We have begun to seriously pay attention to what vibrations we are feeding into, the fears that are causing inflammation within our bodies, dis-ease within our hearts and minds. We’re understanding that every person’s unique response to one another and the world is a deep reflection of how they internally operate and treat themselves. An understanding that we can learn from tremendously when embraced.


We know everyone is searching for safety, abundance, love and acceptance at the very core. We know that we all want the same things and we are learning how to respect each other’s unique pathway to getting there. Breaking through the lexicon of human brain fog was a slow uphill battle in 2016 and 2017. We were brought through trials and tribulations of heartache, loss, sickness, anxiety and disillusionment to find out exactly where our strengths, passions, mind patterns and heart beats truly reside.

We cultivated forgiveness, agelessness, courgage, open-mindedness, compersion, compassion and connection through some hard knock experiences and cracked open the truth behind why we are here: to be non-judging mirrors for all humans to evolve peacefully from, towards something greater than we were yesterday. We’ve been attempting to help each other return to a state of peace and prosperity through the process of holding space, allowing the contrasts of old beliefs to unfold and unearthing shadow aspects within consciousness. We let-go of our fears in expressing our individual truths, we let-go of trying to change one another through direct force and are learning that spreading ideas into awareness through sharing our personal experiences the best route, even if done on a smaller scale and incrementally through the great gift of story telling. We’re learning to love and co-exist harmoniously through honouring ours and others unique energetic imprints, selflessly but with firm boundaries and courageously.


For those of us that didn’t turn our backs on ourselves and kept holding strong to the beliefs of compassion over judgment and love over fear, we’re now coming to a place of personal integrity that can’t be shaken. A solid place to create bravery and cultivate change in the world. Change seems to feel impossible when we’re talking about global issues but we can rest assured that love spreads like wildfire just as ideas do. We are so tightly connected, one person’s ah ha moment can spread within the web of consciousness in a ripple like effect through all of mankind. This happens at a pace equal to the number of those it resonates with as truth. 2018 is all about adopting a new perspective, going for the bigger picture at a rapidly increased pace. Basically jumping into the abyss of self-trust through self-knowledge and intimacy.


Just as the one single act of courage that Rosa Parks took when she sat at the front of the bus created a wave of change regarding equal rights for all people moving forward in history, so does one person standing up for any right or injustice worthy of shining a light on make history sooner or later. It’s though the collective spreading of such power to shine with self-respect and self-love that makes the changes. The power of freewill and the power to chose is akin to what we wish to seed out in the world. These become flowers that grow in your neighbours yard the following years.

the brain

The way I see human consciousness is similar to the web of neurones firing in our brains and what fires together wires together. The more people firing similar ideas towards the same goals, the more these neural pathways strengthen and before you know it, new global habits form through these repetitive thoughts and interrelated decisions turned into actions. Our default behaviour can be one of awareness and cosmic love. Our connection to what is sacred and our dedication to the single undivided moment before us is what will dictate where this world will go in the next few decades.

If we can all tune in to what is real in the here and now we have come to a place where solutions are solved through the recognition of what is actually worthy of us putting our energy into for the long haul. Not just for the little self moment of relief from the cacophony of emotions and contradictions we experience in day to day living, but what is necessary to be sacrificed and adopted for the betterment of our future generations.


Staying calm while sitting on the edge of destiny’s unfolding is the blazing balance of 2018. It’s a time to celebrate each other and every moment as precious with solar authentic kindness, strength, awareness and openness. So many amazing co-creations are forming right now. I’m sure for many this unraveling of deeper connection has begun to roll in. I have met some really extraordinary people in the last two years simply by putting myself out on a limb and unveiling my truth. Our truths are constantly in evolution and what these past years have taught me is that in order to grow and move past self-limiting ideas we must first allow ourselves to see and be seen clearly. Facing our relationships and interactions with open mindedness and heart awareness brings about lasting courage. The human evolutionary fuel to help us keep up with the cosmic rhythm calling us forth into the next decades.

There is no greater test of faith in honouring the miracle of life than living transparently. When we chose transparency growth moves quickly and walls of illusion crumble even faster. Wishing you all a blessed holiday season as you connect with each other, with simplicity, the smells, the sounds, the medicine of laugher and joy!

Blasting Love,


Image source

Everyone quote
Rosa Parks
The collective brain
Blazing balance

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