The Shiva Return

The Goddesses are returning to their Shiva energy. When we plant seeds of creation we use our Fire Power to birth new energy through the process of transmuting old energy. We alchemize what culminated from the last cycle and that which was handed down to us from our ancestor’s previous cycles of manifestation. We take these residual fumes and birth it all anew back into solid form. As natural creators on this planet it’s our divine birth right as women to be able to do so. We not only birth souls here, we birth energetic movements and new dimensions of thought and Lovescapes, initiated through our co-creative efforts with all living beings.

Our seeds, the ones born from our flames of passionate love for humanity need to be firmly planted into the great eternal space of consciousness, the unmovable and ever expanding force field we call Shiva. The place where divine masculine energy is rooted. From this vibrational lens we can see that only when both energies of yin and yang are combined do we create the next inception of reality. Conception, both earthly and cosmically through the fire power of the divine feminine alit alive. Whether that’s through the śakti of awakened man or woman, sparks to life something genuine. The genesis of collective evolutionary agreements can be reborn as they are planted back into the cosmic bedrock of shiva.

Following the latest wave of awakening of the divine feminine energies, which started back in 2012 and climaxed more recently, shocking the world into all sorts of new levels of awareness around sacred connection and the honouring of life force—sexual energy—we’re finally beginning a new phase of yet another wave of awakening that will assist humanity into returning nto greater balance. This wave will come into its fullness with less force and through a subtler harmonic resonance with all creation. The contrasting energies have paid their dues, we can now forge forward resting a little lighter in the higher dimensional planes of non-dualitic thinking.

This prediction will take about 7 years to reach its fullest potential in our day and night experiences. It’s the long awaited awakening of the Divine Masculine both within the masculine consciousness as they begin to embrace their Divine Feminine aspects more deeply and within the Divine Feminine consciousness as we begin to embrace our Divine Masculine qualities more robustly.

An interesting twist for the males now embracing their feminine qualities as they come more fully into their Divine Masculine beingness will be their desire to let-go of their false identities, the ones that were rooted in the patriarchal system, the bastardized masculine qualities force fed to them since birth that have led them to suffocate in boastful consumption, over-working themselves and priding themselves in ego driven superficial relationships with women. Those embodiments that lack true connection and a solid place for them to express emotion without being shut down. They’ll release fear, guilt and shame for honouring their feelings, their emotional wounds and their need for self-care practices.

Women on the other hand embracing their divine masculine qualities will be relieved of their need to either feel as though they have to put on a show for men or have to put them down in order to lift themselves up to feel confident in their ability to create change in the world. Stepping into their power will no longer mean having to embody the superficial masculine qualities men have been dying over, literally, in an attempt to move away from them. They’ll no longer feel as though to stand firm in their power they must be able to rise to the top of western business culture, chasing patriarchal power, demonstrating overbearing logical thinking abilities to the detriment of their creative and spontaneous nature, nor the need to outsmart the men in order to feel acceptable to themselves and their innate power.


It’s a time when a new surge of acceptance for what has been suppressed both in men and women can now start to flow with a genuine playfulness for expansiveness. An appreciation for a wider array of cross-polination of beliefs to what’s possible will emerge. This energetic imprint is what has been referred to as the great polar shift. We can start to feel more balanced within, less co-dependant on each other to fulfill each others lack based on internal imbalances and more secure in our new identities as the gender roles begin to morph into a great new era, as a symphony of androgynous traits emerge.

We may see this dualistic over-coming express itself on a physical level but more so on a spatiotemporal level. This meshing of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies within will exert a greater movement towards individual creativity and self-expression, individuation through the longing of internal and external interconnectedness. There’s no way of suppressing what’s to come, its inevitability is one of ancient tellings, a key element of universal understanding will emerge that will drive us towards global peace. The ascension of Mother Earth leading the way as we hit the third quarter in this first reverberation of trust will serenade mass consciousness.

Those more rooted in the masculine will begin to feel this rising as chaotic passion and creativity yearning for depth. They’ll be unable to stop its pulsing push towards embracing their heart’s wisdom and intuition. The more feminine of us will feel that arid consistent sacred geometric hum of the structured and determined functionality of order.


I’m really excited to see where all this takes us in real-time. The co-creative possibilities have just expanded 1000 fold and we’re finally coming into a healthier foundation to build upon, one that can weather the storm of larger scale global changes. Don’t let-go of Love, transmute the fear. Don’t cling to comfort, learn to adapt to what might feel unknowable. That evolutionary step always feels a little awkward at first. You know you’re here to make a lasting impact on the world before your time is up. Our legacy will be what we chose to leave behind collectively, for our future generations, not what we individually leave in our bank accounts, on store shelves or in our digital albums.



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