Recalibrate your Inner Sun

The Solar Plexus, the third chakra has been in the midst of a healing crisis, collectively, since as far back as I can tap into. We’ve had moments in time where this centre has been aligned with our divine truth and power as co-creators on the planet but for the most part it’s been weak or over active, thus keeping us separated from experiencing heaven on earth.

Collectively, we’ve been doing some really remarkable work on this energy centre, on a more conscious level, for over a century and now accelerating more quickly into the present. I’m really excited about the different implications that this centre coming into balance has on society as a whole. The consequences of this will be seen as a turning point in history, one that will change our hierarchal structure both economically and culturally.

We often speak about moving into the heart, this is crucial to bringing about world peace and compassion for all living beings and working together towards common goals but without the healing of the third chakra first, the lower centres of energy within our bodies can not fuse with the higher realms of our expression. It completely affects how we perceive reality and take action in the world.

The third chakra is located directly in the centre of our bodies, if you place your index finger on your nose and your thumb on the point of your chin, you will capture the distance between your navel and solar plexus. The solar plexus is a juncture point of a complex network of nerves. It’s a highly delicate area that is extremely sensitive due to the amount of nerves connecting together in one place.


This centre of nerves allows us to digest and absorb food, filter blood and breath in oxygen to name a few. It plays such a crucial role in healthy bodily functions. Due to it’s large network it’s also the place where we feel many sensations within the body and the first place we instinctually protect when in danger. For empaths we often feel others emotions enter through this area as well as absorb vibrations from our surroundings. This centre is commonly an open portal for empaths and highly sensitive people and from what I have learned myself, we must spend extra time healing this area of our bodies when we’re not out interacting with the world.

If we don’t properly care for our third chakras it will feel completely raw and we’ll feel totally vulnerable to others and environments. For many years I dreamed of making a copper plate to place over this area and secretly wear it out of the house when I was going into energetically, highly activated situations and environments. Realistically, there is no better medicine than our own self-care, done from the inside out.


One a metaphysical level this area of the energetic body governs so much. It needs to be strong enough to house the energies flowing up from our root chakra and second chakra. The root chakra being our connection to the collective human experience in the physical, our fears of survival and our connection with the earth. Our second chakras, the house of our individual identities and personal purpose.

Our connection to others and our identities are a huge source of fire power that ignites our being into expression and existence. Both these energies combined flow upwards and pool in the third chakra where we can assume our individual roles and gifts while connecting and sharing them with others and the world. It’s the seat of our personal identity, self-confidence, intuition, personal power, discipline and drive forward.

If this centre is not healthy and in balance, it can not meet the power of the heart and fuse mind, body and soul together. The upper chakras bring forth our divine will and lower chakras bring forth our personal purpose, if out of balance they will never properly meet and come into union.

Tips to Heal Your Third Chakra


Take nice deep breaths from your mid point regularly throughout the day. It will expand this area of your body and consciously bring energy into it; prana, oxygen, life force.

Meditate on connecting your inner sun with the outer sun. Visualize your inner sun growing brighter and brighter until it feels full and plenty and then connect it with the actual sun in the sky through intention and request that your inner rays intertwine and lock with the sun’s rays beaming down on you.


Stretch Do the Lion’s pose in yoga, stretching the tongue pulls on the Gastro Intestinal Tract and opens tissues back up that are starting to stiffen and stick together. This will free up space for fresh oxygen and nutrients to enter this area.


Another good yoga posture to activate and strengthen the solar plexus is Camel Pose. See image above, be careful when entering this posture, make sure your knees are equal distance apart to your hips and move back slowly. Start by grabbing onto one ankle and then the other while supporting your lower back with the other hand. Same thing, come up slowly one side at a time supporting your lower back.

Strengthen your core muscles. Any exercises or sports that focus on strengthening your core muscles will increase the health of your third chakra.


Listening to sounds such as the E note, approximately 329.628 Hz will activate this area of your body because that’s the frequency which it naturally vibrates at when it’s in harmony and balance. Listen here.

Depending on whether you prefer to absorb or emit sound, you can also sing the Chakra Mantra (bija) RAM. If you place your hand over your solar plexus you will begin to feel it vibrate in this area more so than in other areas of your body when you produce the sound. Personally I feel like I can clear out loads of stagnant and blocked energy this way.

Eating foods that are yellow is one way of looking at it but I prefer to look at it a bit differently. Eat foods that you feel energize you and healthy foods that comfort you. Not everyone’s body is the same when it comes to how we respond to food so our intuition is the best remedy. Ask your body what foods will best serve to strengthen this area and listen to your first guidance.

Stay away from high stress stimulants. Any stimulants consumed in excess that excite our nervous systems will wreak havoc on this area. Over consumption of caffeine, drugs and alcohol will all weaken this area dramatically. Leaving you feeling helpless to certain situations and environments.

Expressing your emotions in a safe space will activate and strengthen this area. You will feel more empowered, confident and self-assured in your own identity.

Respect your personal boundaries, don’t throw yourself into situations where you do not feel emotionally safe, this will weaken the area. You can slowly build up your solar energy by take bigger steps towards self-confidence and emotional resilience all while respecting your limits and not pushing yourself too far, too fast.

Listen to your personal intuition. This centre houses intuitive energies that are based solely on our unique life path. Following our personal intuition will lead us to greater self-trust and self-confidence each step of the way. When this centre is out of balance we will not be able to clearly distinguish between ours and others incoming emotions, leading to fuzzy personal intuition.

Share your gifts when possible. Allow your special blend of being to radiate out into the world. We are here to share our gifts with each other and co-create this reality into something beautiful. When you allow yourself to share your gifts within the context of exchange or invitation you are fully activating this chakra centre and allowing it to harmonize and co-create effectively with the outside world.

Within the Solar Plexus Chakra chart posted at the top of this article you can find both essential oils and minerals that will activate, clear, cleanse and balance this area. My personal favourites are cardamom and citrine. Find what feels the best to you and enjoy this sensorial way of connecting with your inner sun!

Energy work done by an experienced practitioner will assist you in healing this area. Send me a message here if you are interested in a session.

Listen to your inner Lion Roar…you can start here by listening to actual lions’ roar! (If you observe their body movements, while they roar you can see that the sound they produce stems from their solar plexus).

Enjoy the activation and recalibration process. This is such a tipping point in our own personal evolution and that of humanity!

One Love,



Cover photo taken here
Camel pose taken here

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