Spiritual Catfishing & The Dangers of the Online Spiritual Community

I decided to write this article after an experience I had with a popular online site in the hopes of shedding some light on of the more darker corners of the virtual spiritual community. To be fair I’ve seen worse hypocrisy within my experiences at religious gatherings. In both cases sharing theses stories increases overall awareness and community growth so I feel it’s important to do so.


To preface it all I’ll start by saying my animal spirit is Wolf, I’ve been shapeshifting into wolf since a child when I travel in meditation and this medicine is what has allowed me to uncover what I have thus far and to share it with you today. Wolf is the forerunner who travels ahead of the pack to discover potential dangers in order to protect the young, old and more vulnerable of the group. We are inherently hunters following scents down the darkest coridors into the underworld to shed light on what needs to be healed. Many whistle blowers have wolf medicine such as Julian Assange and Naomi Klien. Not only do we feel it is our duty to protect the pack, we are guided to where we need to go with very astute intuition.

This story starts back in May of 2016, I briefly encountered a person at an event who nine months later spiritually catfished me online when I was at my most vulnerable. The omen was so clear at the time, a huge rock flew out of seemingly nowhere and hit my side of the windshield as I drove away from the event, shattering hundreds of pieces of small glass shards onto me. Only in retrospect can I see this omen was related to my meeting this person that day. The universe is constantly giving us signs but it doesn’t mean we’ll necessarily be able to instantly connect the dots.

what-people-think-a-spiritual-awakening-is-like-vs-what-26615366I was at the peak of my spiritual awakening and moving through a huge life transition after a cataclysmic entanglement with another soul that literally left me incapacitated. Anyone who has gone through a spiritual awakening will know that most of the time you’re completely open and vulnerable to the immense amount of energy flowing in and out of your system as you feel more deeply the interconnectedness of the universe and all other living sentient and non sentient beings. It’s a time to be well surrounded by people who have mastered the process of awakening and can guide you through safely and efficiently by helping you re-ground and connect more deeply to your heart.

Being exposed to so many new sensations of energy one can often find themselves at a loss of self and seek out answers from hubs such as on-line spiritual sites about the transition taking place. People are often reported to go through episodes of psychosis along side many other physical and emotional transformations.

Until you go through the process yourself it is impossible to understand the gifts and challenges inherent in an awakening. Most people on a spiritual path will experience an awakening at one point in their lives as they progress on their journey and will slowly gain the tools necessary to return to balance as divine co-creators on this planet. Techniques for managing their new perception of the universe (reality) and how to keep an energetic self-care practice that maximizes their well being and simultaneously increases the wellbeing of those around them. It can be a slow process but if one is dedicated to the path of ascension they will be initiated into the different dimensions of the multiverse through honestly facing challenges and life lessons.


Unfortunately many empaths are what I call open ended, meaning they are not so great at shielding or protecting themselves from incoming energy, leading to all sorts of extra challenges, physical, emotional and mental while undergoing an awakening. Many of these open empaths are women who have naturally focused on transmuting rather than protecting to move energy throughout their lives. The feminine energy naturally receives while the masculine energy naturally asserts.

When someone is going through a massive energy shift it becomes imperative that they find a safe place to adapt and integrate the new sensations and their new understanding of the world at large. The writers for this on-line spiritual Facebook page, linked to a large website with over a million viewers are less interested in providing a safe place for those connecting than they are preoccupied with spiritually catfishing those they can ruthlessly reach to fuel their new articles and daily posted quotes as they emotionally cut themselves with little effort in embodying the actual practices they are sharing.


The facts that led me down the trail to this discovery and the huge lack of integrity of those involved were as follows: One of the writers, home grown in Montreal knows that I’m going through an awakening and decides to contact me online. He doesn’t tell me he’s a writer for an on-line spiritual site with a million viewers and that all the personal information I share with him will be shared not only with all the other writers and some close friends but will be used as fresh inspiration in articles to be re-written for an audience of over a million viewers for the duration of the time we are in communication.

When he first contacted me I was honestly so relieved that I had someone to talk to that seemed to understand exactly what I was going through. The more he shared openly and vulnerably the more I did as well. The more he held space for what I was experiencing the more I opened up and expressed my deepest fears, emotions and spiritual processes. This person was a close friend of someone I was connected to, so although I psychically sensed the information was being shared I was in no way aware it was being done so to the extend of other writers including a whole on-line community until three months later when my health became seriously jepordized.

Nearing the end of the two and a half months time that we communicated I increasingly began to feel a strange sense that my energy field was being more and more violated. This sensation had actually began way before when they started to observe me from a far with the assistance of a middle man who catfished my spiritual journey by tagging my posts which spoke of my spiritual awakening process as it was occurring. The sensation of paranoia took over increasingly as the feeling of what we call ‘watchers’ or remote viewers became increasingly prominent and began to drain my energy field.

Quantum physics shows us that by simply observing something we change its state and to take this further, the way in which we are being observing will dictate how that thing or person is affected. If you are being observed by people who don’t have your best interest in mind and are actually emotional energy vampires playing games with your head and heart from a distance, let alone through directly contacting you under the guise of someone else, you’ll soon find yourself feeling extremely weak and confused. It is very similar to the energy exchange between empath and narcissist.

psychic attack

To accentuate the dangers involved with energetic vampirism or spiritual catfishing, I witnessed along side with many other people in the community a completely open empath lose her vitality to the point of complete physical exhaustion and utter mental confusion. Slowly day by day her energy started to dwindle and I could see psychically that she was being spiritually violated but I could not at that time pin point where the energy cords that were syphoning her energy were leading to directly. It takes many people with a huge lack of integrity to uphold this dysfunctional web. Fortunately there were amazing and talented people assisting her to break free from this psychic lock which ultimately, along side her spiritual strength saved her health. This is when my wolf spirit decided to follow the trail till the very end with utter persistence and determination.

After connecting the dots and finding the culprits I realized that this other woman and I had been spiritually catfished by the same people. After this realization and with the highest good in mind I offered help to this person on numerous occasions, both as a healer and a friend. All in the hopes that they would begin to integrate this shadow aspect in order to help them rise to greater wellbeing and to save many future victims from suffering the same energetic violation. Each offering of help was refused. The conditions of my offerings went from playful and friendly to alarming and then a straight-forward ultimatum. Still no budge. I finally got this person on the phone and I could tell that they were no where near being spiritually integrated, it was as though I was speaking to a single fractal of the person who initially wrote me with much greater enthusiasm, wisdom, knowledge and kindness.

The biggest problem we face with the online spiritual community is that someone may understand indepth new and old spiritual concepts and practices but go undetected as they never truly put any of them into practice. Possibly starting off with good intentions to build a following as they traverse the ups and downs of ascension but eventually due to lack of self-love and integrity never truly working to embody that which they are writing about or teaching.

We are all doing this to different degrees as we evolve but the more you are in a position of power over others going through an awakening the more crucial it is that you walk your talk. Not doing this exemplifies what we refer to as false gurus. To the lesser degree some false gurus might lack awareness thus be confronted by hidden shadow aspects as they grow but ultimately they face them openly. While others to a greater degree of misrepresentation are aware of their shadows yet refuse to do the work to integrate them. They also refuse to digress or let go of their spiritual role completely to spend the time needed to become whole and more authentic on their journey. This is when ego over heart starts to drive their motives.

I’ve debated disclosing the names of the people involved but it’s not my intention to bring down any one single individual. It is my intention to create awareness around the importance of using discernment when navigating the web for a safe place to learn and grow as well as taking proper precautions when being contacted by a relatively unknown person when you are vulnerable and awakening. Asking about the person’s intentions upfront is always one way to attempt a clean connection but even more important is talking to them on the phone or meeting with them in person to truly experience how integrated they are and what sort of energy exchange you are engaging in.

When choosing which on-line community to connect with to further your spiritual growth you must consciously look to the core of the messages being shared to determine if they are of the highest good for all readers. If they are not aligned with your highest good or that of the greater community they will not sit well intuitively and will often spin you into and emotional and mental downward spiral.


Questioning the truth of what we’re reading is our greatest tool for protection and freedom. Doing the internal work to heal the core wounds that generate and bring these experiences into our lives through the law of attraction the most important goal. It always amazes me that people can lack so much integrity and still have the gumption to participate or run a million plus on-line spiritual community. It amazes me that people can have no conscience about how they are affecting the lives of so many other people through lack of transparency about their personal process and real lives.

Transparency leading to greater accountability and true spiritual growth, it illuminates shadow aspects that create manipulative behaviour and help to bring down the veil of illusion on what the human and spiritual experience really is about; finding greater peace both within and with others. This authenticity can in turn become real tools for others to learn from, a real beacon of light and knowledge for people on a spiritual path to evolve and uplifted themselves with.

Blasting Love!

Image sources
Wolf Medicine
Energy Violation
Healing Core Wounds

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