Karma’s On Our Side

We’re all destined to confront our negative karma at one point in our lives. I say negative because it’s usually associated with some form of suffering and also because there’s positive karma for us to reap too. It’s impossible to miss the bad Karma when it comes knocking because it usually punches us in the face from a variety of different angles and invariably tests us till it’s completely resolved.

Living life with your spiritual lens on makes it easier to realize when you’re being presented with an opportunity to clear out negative Karma. Identifying it depersonalizes it to a certain extent and we all know that when faced with any form of suffering, keeping an objective perspective on things allows us to transcend the situation faster and leverage ourselves into a better position than where we began.


Precisely in between suffering and leveraging is where I love to apply the idea of finite vs infinite. From the finite perspective we can’t see past our current situation, making suffering seem endless and impossible but from an infinite perspective we can peek beyond our immediate circumstances of suffering and feel confident that it’s leading us somewhere greater. Even if we’re destined to feel the fire of karma burn our former selves away multiple times within our lives, we can simultaneously stay aware of the higher purpose involved and how each scene playing out fits into the larger picture of our themed lessons. This alone can provide a huge amount of relief, it has for me, on multiple occasions.

Even those that haven’t dabbled in the concept of karma will still at one point in their lives experience similar events to what spiritually attuned people call karma. They will distinguish these events by the huge amount of inner suffering they experience towards a situations that might seem ridiculously exaggerated or fly out of left field and shake up their inner worlds. These are the real moments in life that generate an opportunity for growth on a deep level and karma is ALL about personal growth. In this sense karma is always a good thing and is always on our side.


Clearing karma boils down to the clarity and integration we can source from those moments of suffering and realization through the process of karmic awareness.  We come to conclusions about how to make better decisions than previously done in similar situations. These moments allow us to see where thought patterns have formed our conditioned responses to the outside world, particular people and circumstance and those very moments that ignited the karmic cycle to begin. Often related to a continuation of experience from our childhood or past lives and nothing to do with the people that re-ignited them.

They show us the whys behind how we live out our relationships, work, financial, family and social lives. Let’s face it, karma is often a real stab in the ego because the ego loves preserving the status quo, it loves protecting itself because one of its main goals is to be our ultimate protectors. It not only tries to protect the image we have built of ourselves over the years that measures self-realization, it’s the barrier between pain and our tender hearts.

We often think we understand our own motives in doing this or that but as the arrow of time unravels karma, through the twisting winding roads into our psyches, we are given new information to re-evaluate our thought patterns and create new ones. Thoughts that will generate positive karma moving forward and a fresh look at old scenarios. Think ‘dropping off the luggage’ that you’ve been hauling around unbeknownst to you.


With karma there is no punishment, it’s not like we did something wrong that we must repay a debt to, it should be looked at as an aspect of human life that we wish to master.  Our moral stance on affairs is dictated only by our personal karma and dharma during this lifetime, the things we came down to learn and master. Out beyond this physical reality there is no right and wrong, in this same sense, we determine what is right and wrong for us, based on our thoughts, feelings, our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level of growth. What one person deems as wrong, another could easily justify as right and so on. So what becomes our karma is not so much a ‘bad’ experience happening to us but rather ‘an’ experience happening with our full participation albeit usually starting off as subconscious.

When faced with our personal karma we have a few ways to tackle how to deal with what has been shown to us about ourselves in relation to our personal karma. Below are some helpful tools to leverage your way out of ‘bad’ karma.

  1. Stop what your doing, take the time to seize the opportunity to grow and expand your soul by addressing what’s been presented to you, meaning don’t try to avoid the pain or lesson, sit with it and face it head on.
  2. Sit down and write out your story, separate fact from emotion.
  3. Own your shit, try to remove the other characters from your story as much as possible. See what aspect of your healing they represent. Don’t fall into victimhood by continuing to blame the other.
  4. Look to find the theme behind what you are dealing with, eg. Addiction, attachment, powerlessness, greed, jealousy, self-righteous indignation, shame, on and on.
  5. Use the ho’oponopono way of healing towards yourself and the people involved. ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you’. This works miracles to bring you back on your feet and release the fears surrounding the karmic root issue.
  6. Do what it takes to transmute the emotions that came up, either through self-healing techniques or with a therapist that you can trust. Artistic expression of any kind is a wonderful way to unload.
  7. Recapitulate the events, go back in time and relive the situation that triggered the karmic healing and practice breathing your power back from the situation. Repeat until you no longer feel the emotion that was originally triggered when you relive the memory (Contact me for more info on this technique).
  8. To resolve karma in the higher dimensions (which I highly recommend) and use the energy of the full moon to do so, you can write out a letter that addresses the situation or people involved, requesting that all past, present and future timelines be cleared completely. Below I share with you an effective template for healing karmic attachments on an energetic level written by Rion DeRouen. Follow the instructions below on a Fullmoon and watch the changes ripple back down.

Soul Contracts – Full Moon Clearing

“I, (FULL NAME), born at (LOCATION-HOSPITAL, City/State/Province/Country) , at (TIME AND DATE OF BIRTH) would like to state the things I wish to clear. Please remove all attachments/contracts/agreements, past/present/future, that do not serve my highest destiny. Please remove all old time lines, all aspects/IDs/echoes of past selves which do not resonate with my best interests now, in the present, on (MOON DATE). Please remove all attachments, contracts, and agreements which do not serve my greatest interests, my highest destiny, abundance, love, bliss, joy and harmony in my life. Please resonate my wishes with my higher selves and file this form into my own individual akashic records. Put all of my higher selves on notice by the counsels that be that on this date, (MOON DATE), here are some of the things I wish to clear from my field. Please remove all contracts/attachments and agreements that do not serve my highest intent or that of my higher selves as well.”

I, (Full Name), request the removal of the following:

Dear spirit guides, I call upon you to help me revoke, resolve, cut, dissolve, and transmute any wounding/negative karmic attachments, imprints, hooks, cords, bonds, chains, contracts, ties, agreements to, and relationships with, anyone and anything that no longer serves my highest destiny, my most fulfilling reality, returning to me any energy, power, essence, love and light I may have lost, transmuted and healed by love and forgiveness. I ask that you return any energy, power, essence, love and light that is not mine, to its proper owner, transmuted and healed by love and forgiveness . . . for the wellbeing of all that I am now. So be it. So it is. It is done.



(Note/Instructions: The things you wish to clear . . . put your right hand on the piece of paper and say “These are the things I wish to clear out my sphere of influence, out of my energetic field, my mental/emotional/physical/energetic/spiritual bodies, my DNA/cellular memory, out my consciousness from all lifetimes and dimensional realities past/present/future immediately.”

Imagine the entire piece of paper turning gold and that you are handing it to one of your highest selves which is then filing it in your akashic record. Say: “I wish this contract/agreement to be reviewed, by the counsels of Heaven.” (THEN BURN IT)


Whatever you do, know that karmic clearing is a necessary step towards enlightenment and it’s a gift in the sense that it brings you closer to home, to yourself and your highest version. Be patient with it and give yourself the time to work through it, you can’t rush the process. Also realize that when you are on a spiritual path you will have lots of karma to clear up that might seem endless at times but with spiritual awareness you’ll know that you’re aligned to get the work done and it will likely be one of your main goals during this lifetime. You won’t be given anything you can’t handle and the truth is, you personally lined it all up for yourself! Enjoy the ride and don’t be afraid to deep-dive into the underworld of cause and effect!

One Love,



Image sources
Finite vs Infinite



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