Straight into the Middle Path

I’ve been contemplating the concept of moderation, what it really means and how it applies to the grand scheme of our lives especially as an intense empath who experiences life with mighty highs and lows. I know that things such as ecstatic bliss can not be found there, nor can the opportunities risks offer be created there. Taking risks is risky business precisely because it’s usually birthed from an extreme faith that something will workout despite it being an unreliable prospect, but when it does the results double or go a hundred fold on what they would have otherwise been. Often increasing the meaning of our lives exponentially. Some of my most cherished experiences have come from risk but then again so have some of my worst. I write that with a smile on my face because most of the worst things I’ve experienced have turned out to be my best allies, fortifying my strength.


Understanding very well the laws of nature, we can never really make a mistake, all is flowing back into a state of balance anyway, whether we enjoy that experience or not. Usually the higher we go in sensations and feelings the more intensely we come back down from those sensations and feelings as things magically and magnetically return into harmony. The earth resonates harmonic frequencies daily from the crickets to movements in the tectonic plates beneath our feet, which attuned empaths can actually feel and sense, all working day and night to return things into a balanced state.

Everything in life is based off of movement. The movement of energy which sits at the core of everything spirals out into matter, our bodies, to create our experiences in time and space. From there cycles can be observed in humans, the earth, the seasons, the environment, the sky, the stars, the planets, all are moving round and around. The natural law of life and death, the great macro expression of the microcosm of energy within our bodies from which cells are born and die daily all follow this law. It’s the law of duality which produces harmony, expressed through the expansion and contraction of everything including our thoughts, feelings and overall experience here.

Finding what it means to be balanced or moderate in our everyday living is not so straightforward when you look at it from this angle. What appears to be a chaotic experience in the moment might very well be the necessary contraction that balances out some hidden subconscious over expanded belief. This leads me to my next question: How do you wish to experience life? The important thing to take into consideration when pondering this question is how much depth do you wish to feel and to what extent can you handle the highs and lows of such depth?


I personally believe I’m here to experience the whole gamma of rays, why else would I be so sensitive to details and energy, drawing me into experiences in great magnitude. So the return to balance for me usually has a dramatic return (astro geeks think: Uranus return) more so than someone who is interested in experiencing just microwaves. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with experiencing things to a lesser degree. Either way, we’re all continuing to spiral up and as we move up things become more and more refined because experience gained is not easily forgotten, especially if we are on a path of self-knowledge and growth.

For those of us who continue to chose depth because it is possible to numb ourselves in many superficial ways if we so chose, we surrender fully to each phase of the spiral as it continues to cycle upwards. We want to feel it whole heartedly, knowing very well that it will inevitably change because we can’t stop time from moving forward. We are all intimately entangled with the arrow of time but by surrendering fully to where we find ourselves in each moment we can slow it down and thus experience more from that single point in space, allowing the feeling of life to move more fully through us. We allow ourselves to feel the extreme of it, to embrace every last morsel of it, what it fully has to offer and in by doing so we chose life to the fullest, knowing that departure from this plane is only a limited amount of spirals away.

The more we master this process of feeling deeply and allowing it to transform us from the inside out into something more than we previously were, the more we can be, sense, taste and feel alive while we’re here on earth. The more we can be inspired, the more we can create from a place so connected with everything that it has no choice but to align with universal law.

The more we can appreciate the whole spectrum, the more gratitude we can feel for the low moments because we let them burn through us and use their ashes to refuel us to new heights of experience for the next phase, which might be a continuation of the last or one that is completely opposing it. Either way all is in divine order but only if we completely surrender to each moment with faith.


So as far as moderation and balance goes, I apply it in this respect: As we spiral around and allow ourselves to feel the expansions and contractions fully, we always have access to a centre point, often referred to it as the zero point, it’s a place where we can touch our infinite selves, the place where our spiral of life began to spin out from. It replenishes and balances us in an instant because when we go there we have no roles to fill, no feelings to feel, nothing to be, nothing to prove, nothing to think about, we are simply present and at peace in the cosmic womb.

Going to this place regularly is my practice of moderation in life. As an empath I find it incredibly difficult to limit extreme depths and sensations so going to this place in waking or sitting meditation is what brings me back into harmony with the bigger cycles. This is where I may return to my natural state of lightness of being, progressive movement, risk taking, timeline jumping, ecstatic dancing, quantum healing and gratitude for all life has to offer me without becoming overcome by the extreme returns.

where to exisit

All this leads me to my next question, which is actually the first question, the overarching question of all other questions, the only question which can determine moderation in the grand scheme of things: Where do you wish your spiral to exist in the infinite possibilities of time and space?

This, in my humble opinion determines the extent of suffering we chose to experience, this is the quantum middle path of the golden ratio, so go crazy, bliss out like you’ve never blissed out before and then spiral back around and do it all over again. Just don’t forget to visit the zero point in between mastering your wildest imagination to feel the world into new states of harmony and balance. Oh and in between falling flat on your face while attempting to do so—because that will happen too— dive into the zero point again. Either way, feeling so much is a true gift for those that can ride the spiral with style.

Image source

Tectonic Plates
Zero Point

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