Understanding the Trickster Within & Without

Google definition of trick is: A cunning or skillful act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone. I’ve been observing trickster energy for many moons. I think we all have at this point in our global awakening. Trickster energy is something innate to our psychological make-up.

There are many different degrees of the trickster energy and the more woke we become the more choices we have when it comes to consciously using it or ultimately not using it at all. As a backbone, trickster energy is everything subliminal that a marketing agency will use to persuade you into buying their products or thinking in a certain way to buy into a lifestyle that will increase your chances of purchasing sister products. 

In this article I will break down the archetype into two main parts. The inner trickster, the split in consciousness where we actually trick ourselves. The second is the trickster energy we could potentially use when interacting with another. Both categories have a night and light side to them.

The Inner Trickster

The inner trickster is a tricky little 4uk3r. It can be described as a pre-set function of our shadow self but it can also be described as a lower dimensional pre-set function of our higher-selves as well. The trickster working for the inner shadow is working for the part of ourselves we may call naive or unconscious. It’s the cloaked psychological chess move to obtain subconscious desires, all the things we have been suppressing, to expose the parts of self that we’ve been in denial about.

Similarly, the inner trickster working on behalf of the higher self is also these things but the way in which it enters into our perceptive reality is very different from the inner trickster which plays on behalf of our subconscious minds to integrate our darkness.

Both functions of the inner trickster will organize things so we may integrate more of ourselves, it attempts to bring us into wholeness through increasing our awareness of self. 

The Inner Shadow Trickster is a functional piece of hard drive which is governed by our night side and is not really that friendly or concerned with our physical, emotional or mental wellbeing. Its tricky ways of lining things up in our reality to awaken or test us will often be dramatic, seemingly unjust, painful and explosively self-destructive.

The inner shadow trickster comes out when we’ve been denying parts of ourselves for far too long, such as resisting the guidance of spirit. When you’ve been actively suppressing aspects of self, your inner night trickster might appear as an impulsive (re)action that gets you into a bind where you must make a distinct choice in life direction.

After the fact, you might think to yourself, “Why did I do that?”, or “Why do I have to learn the hard way?.” Our night side is not necessarily bad but it will use its power to wreak some serious havoc if we’ve been running on unconsciousness for too long. It does not distinguish between good or bad, it sees itself as above all other programs running. At the dirty depths of it you will find pure malevolence, within its outer rings you will find emotions like resentment and guilt. 

When your inner shadow trickster shows up to test you on behalf of the light side, it’s not tricking you into doing the thing that you’ve been repressing that will make you more whole, it’s tricking you with the things that you need to assert power over in order to integrate more light.

So for example, when the inner shadow trickster shows up to test you, it might line up a situation to tempt you with something that you’ve been consciously aware of needing to change to increase your health or something to overcome that will produce clarity from inner chaos. All of this is based on the precept that we are essentially living in a world made of energy at it’s core and are constantly producing a vibrational code that co-creates a large portion of our experience.

So the inner shadow trickster might be really sneaky with it’s temptations. It can also be seen as the chemical manifestations of the emotional pain body. If you don’t fall for the trap of past programs you pass the test and gain levels on your light side. 

The Inner Light-Side Trickster is the part that is governed by our inner light. It’s directly concerned with our wellbeing and life mission. It interacts with the cunning and wise aspects of the self. It will trick us into learning about our gifts, innate talents or surprise encounters with the divine and spirit realm.

It wants you to align with the most meaningful and highest path, it will guide us there by tricking us to do so in a gentle and loving way. It creates synchronicities and generates situations that promote opportunities for expansion through ecstatic moments or so called miracles.

In these instances you might think to yourself, “Wow, I could have never organized it better myself”, or “I never knew I could do that before”. Your inner light-side trickster will trick you into believing in yourself and creating higher meaning. It will set things up to promote inner wisdom and heart-courage so you can flow into greater bliss and abundance.  

The Interactive Trickster

From this angle it’s the trickster part of self that is interacting with others, whether working consciously or subconsciously through us. Being a highly developed empath I’m confronted with the trickster energy running through people all the time, both consciously and unconsciously. It can be quite annoying for highly developed empaths because typically we see the trickster energy before the person does, especially when it’s unconsciously running their actions.

Equally, if they are using it consciously we often foresee it in motion- precognition. The interactive trickster energy is the part of self which seeks to both justify opinion and the part that seeks to win hidden agendas. Both through either omitting information or purposefully altering information. It’s that energy you feel around opportunists. The conscious trickster will dig and sort information to fill its agenda at great lengths. 

The Interactive Shadow Trickster is that naive or malevolent part of ourselves that seeks for approval or seeks to harm. It can be the part that creates havoc through psychological warfare at worst. It’s the part of ourselves that is unaware of why we are interacting with people the way we are but we can feel that we are fulfilling a hidden need, we just aren’t aware of what that thing is until we find the gratification in what we were looking for.

When it’s unconscious we are harming others with our words or actions unknowingly. We say things like, “I don’t know why I said that, I’m such a jerk” or if we are conscious about it, we say things like “I’m going to teach that person a lesson”. In both instances we are usually unaware of the unmet needs we are trying to fulfil.

If we are unconsciously acting out our shadow trickster, it will start dominating our conversations with others to the point where our intentions can be very blatant to them but not ourselves. When we are consciously acting out our shadow trickster— consciously deceiving— we still might not understand the true need we are trying to fulfil behind what we are doing but we know we are seeking to deceive for our perceived ‘justified’ reasons.

The Interactive Light-Side Trickster is that part of someone that consciously asserts positive intentions through their power of persuasion to assist. They may do this by making subtle suggestions through story telling to allow you to see the benefits of something so you may gain clarity or reveal more of yourself to you in a gentle and loving way.

This can fall into the category of lying but it is not deceptive in a traditional sense. In this case the lie is the anchor which is revealing, not deceiving, the former seeks to gain authority over a person—tyranny. When the light-side interactive trickster is at play it enables a person to remember that which they have forgotten about their divinity. It assists them is seeing their innate gifts and talents, their personal power and to help them locate the well of love within through healthy subliminal encouragement. 

The integration or dissolving of both the inner and interactive trickster (which are essentially programs of embedded ideologies) usually results in greater awareness of deeper truths. This happens when we become completely aware of our light and dark sides and work with them consciously and proactively. Which makes obsolete the program that attempts to trick the self or another into increased illumination.

It creates a sense of knowing that we are not responsible to convince another of anything, there is no reason or agenda to fill. There’s simply a natural opening and genius/genuine willingness to co-create the unraveling of greater truths.

On the heroes journey this archetype is the wise magician who speaks only when he has something of true value to say. Letting life flow through on all dimensions of interacting, free of past programs, simply allowing great spirit to come forth and reveal itself further in a harmonious symphony of collaboration.

Blasting Love

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