The Heros of the Meta Conversation

(2019 Wind-Up)

Did the way you perceive reality and interact with it change over the last year? Did you become more conscious that you were partaking in a meta-conversation? Many of the forerunners that were in the game already had been carefully crafting the space that everyone else was swimming in for most of 2018. Those who awoke in the midst of its chaos had some vital and rather critical choices to make. Let just say that when you aren’t playing life to the fine tune of a win-lose mindset you simply don’t know you’re participating in someone else’s game. One cannot consent to what one does not understand and so many of the virtuous were being provoked into the meta-conversation in a very abusive manner. The process of awakening under the right guidance can be exemplary but as it stands right now there are too many shadows within our societal mindset to pave a clean path to enlightenment for everyone in open arenas. 

The meta-conversation begins to take place once we dissolve our identification with self and merge into the whole of the collective mind. The conversations become juicier, multi-dimensional and interactive. We gain awareness of the functions of our multi sensory input and output as well as the impacts that we have on each other as a whole. We’re not only impacting each other’s minds and emotions, we’re impacting the way in which we might structure another person’s reality, through our words, thoughts and actions. For those that know we are intrinsically designers by nature, that total realization throws you for a triple back flip. When head deep in the nuances of the weaving, your study of the nature of reality becomes your life. 

Big questions arising from within the mystical study of Meta-Consciousness are the growing differences between artificial intelligence and natural intelligence, between state and the dark web and between chaos magic and what I’ll call the newly forming Earth Warrior Magic. 

You’ve likely heard the saying, “may the force be with you”, coined by George Lucas in the Star Wars Trilogy, which presents the notion of good and bad choices existing beyond religious notions of right and wrong. When using this somewhat new cultural filter to conceptualize right and wrong within the intricate play of the meta-conversation, the above questions naturally arise. These all refer us to an important discussion on its mega-shadow: meta-morality. 

When morals are filtered through the meta-lens they typically become determined by what’s labeled as healthy verses unhealthy. So rather than being processed through the diverse axioms of our cultural and religious conditioning, they are processed through the raw and somewhat un-compassionate lens of “what doesn’t kill you is not my concern”.  I recently had a conversation with someone who lives according to meta-morality to try and discover how they determine what is healthy and unhealthy in their exchanges with others. His answer was this, “Unhealthy pressure would create a physical deformity or ailment or psychosis (which can still be overcome and transformed into strength but much more difficult and less likely). Healthy pressure is any kind of challenge or ordeal or adventure that causes pressure up to the point of unhealthy pressure, a kind of eu-stress, healthy stress.”

The issue with determining what is healthy verses unhealthy for each individual within the context of pushing larger truths to the surface is that no individual is alike. There’s no standardized test that can measure the psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing of a person to determine when pressure would reach an unhealthy threshold. Even more importantly a person who is undergoing an awakening process is far less stable due to all the challenges and changes taking place on a mental, emotional and physical level, so throwing them into a meta-conversation using meta-morality is rather precarious and irresponsible. How can someone fully consent to a game they don’t understand the rules of, especially if they are not aware of the scope of which they are participating in it? If you’re interested in furthering your studies on the rules that govern meta-morality you can research the archetypes Loki and Odin. These will definitely highlight the shadow aspects of it.

What I determine as the main issue with such meta-morality is that such a lackadaisical way of managing our values predisposes us to becoming power-hungry and chaotic beings, out to get the best possible advantage from every situation without regards for others, the definition of a psychopath. Those adhering to meta-morality by default thrive in chaos magic because chaos keeps an artificially loose loop on defection behaviour, making it easier to get away with taking advantage of other’s disadvantages with little regard to their wellbeing. Which ultimately creates more separation than it does unity over time. An inseparable paradox to the healthy functioning of meta-conversation and an incompatibility with more evolved forms of divine intelligence. 

Although our nature is both animal and spirit, we can still observe within the animal kingdom acts of intelligent compassion showing up, not just competitive behaviour based on hierarchical competition. When you have befriended your shadow, you have merged with your animalistic tendencies to the point where they no longer control you or define your morals in such a way so as to create more havoc in your surroundings and with the people you are engaging with. Especially to the detriment of the most vulnerable within the tribe (the elderly, the children and women). 

When we are all contributing to the meta-conversation consciously we are all by default designated leaders, responsible for the shape and growth of it. Which requires a keen observation of our input and output on a multi-dimensional level and its impacts on both those closest to us and the global community at large. A fine balance of co-creative excellence. 

Engaging in meta-conversation will naturally create a certain amount of chaos due to the clashing of so many varying belief systems, branches of study and view points. Weaving biology, history, philosophy, politics, sociology, religion, art, mythology, anthropology, spirituality and metaphysics together. A healthy form of chaos when remaining detached from personal beliefs, that is being open minded to the possibility of evolving the discussion into higher realms of truth beyond personal biases. When these conversations are held within healthy environments they are radically evolutionary for mankind. When the meta-conversation is applied to individuals and smaller group interactions, in a blind case study environment where non of the participants fully understand the depths of the conversation they are partaking in or the rules that might govern the tribes participating in the meta-conversation, it becomes detrimental to healthy group dynamics and leads to win-lose situations rather than win-wins. Without healthy honest discussions their is no healthy revolution.

In 2019 let us all be more aware of the meta-conversation taking place locally and globally. Let us be fine-tuned to the feelings of others and ourselves so that the pressures caused from pushing forth shadows into higher levels of truth and light, can be managed more effectively and with more compassion.

As we become more astute at highlighting the rules governing smaller tribes in the collective global awakening game, we can co-create with a healthier code of conduct, one that ensures all participants in the discussion understand fully the implications involved when being baited into awakening models operated by the forerunners, this way each individual can determine their level of consent and participation in that mode of operation. The forerunners can design healthier portals of awakening for those around them that ensure they don’t irrationally disempower based on control dynamics that are rooted in tyrannical and hierarchical competition rather than interdependent cooperation and basic human respect.

To quote Caroline Myss, “Carl Jung once remarked that the group mind is the “lowest” form of consciousness because individuals involved in a negative group action rarely, if ever, accept responsibility for their personal role and actions. This reality is the shadow side of the truth All Is One. In fact, unwritten tribal law holds that the leaders accept responsibility, not the followers.”

The ones having already awoken to the power of now from a multi-dimensional perspective, carry a very important responsibility in furthering the awakening of the masses which includes managing the health of the tribe by determining how the new game is addressing more than just rules but rather how each individual’s consciousness engages with reality. Paraphrasing Jonathon Pageau, “the patterns of behaviour in the stories and rituals we are sharing through our meta-conversation, establish space, time, hierarchy and our relationships to others in unity”. They should bridge worlds not separate them further. It should also generate more trust, love and camaraderie. Let’s ensure it becomes more and more inclusive rather than exclusive.

Peace to all in 2019

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