Spiritual Integrity

This whole topic is very slippery at first glance. I came upon it recently when I was divinely guided to launch an offering that was to assist others in clarifying their intentions for their next vortex creation. A vortex is like a giant swirling ball of energy that emanates from the core of our being, swirling up and outwards magnetizing to us everything that is a vibrational match to that which we hold within it. (If any of you don’t know Abraham Hicks, check them out, they go into this concept in great detail). As we move through life we keep spiralling up our unique life vortexes of evolution, the big vortex, the core intention we flew in with and all the other little vortexes of intention that reside within it.

It’s a co-creative dance with life and all in existence. To see clearly where we are going we look to the past in order to observe which lessons came to the surface for us to embrace so that we may recognize them as our strengths moving forward in assisting us in finding what our heart truly desires to experience here on earth.

While working on this offering with others, I was guided to channel a visual component for them to play with and assist them on their journeys. These turned out to be mandalas representing their vortexes. Within the centre of the mandala their very deepest core desire was inscribed. These desires are based on the strongest vibration emanating from their heart centre, the vibration they are seeking to experience the most of in life. Such as freedom, playfulness, trust, creative expression, independence, joy, unconditional love, safety, companionship, acceptance and so on.

The outer layers of the mandala contained power words and symbols representing the vibrations they are move towards with lesser force and acting more as supportive expressions to the core desire at the centre, the one with the predominating vibration.

This beautifully interconnected universe will always align us with more of what we are doing, thinking and thus feeling and so I was guided to watch a video on the process of ascension randomly and was shown that mandalas have been used to assist the ascension process for millennia. My memory is zero but I don’t feel like I’ve made this correlation before.

The video that I watched in particular was titled, “The Art of Soul Ascension”, Arcanum with William Henry. It speaks of how the transcendence of the soul into light is depicted in many buildings around the globe through different cultural interpretations through art painted on the walls and especially on the domes of these buildings. In short the process of ascension is the inner journey towards a state of peace, harmony and balance. This is why I believe we are becoming more and more intuitively driven and guided as we move closer to global ascension.

As the mind tries to figure out how to obtain peace through the inward process of healing, falling into cognitive dissonance and then mentally debating between wrong and right, back towards the all knowing source, the intuitive process on the other hand guides us instantaneously through the feeling body. The mind is actually secondary to this, always seeming to catch up to what the heart already knows. This is why the mind should not lead and why too much identification with thoughts slows down the ascension process.

The mind is like a machine trying to calculate the pros and cons of everything based on belief systems that are unreliable and ever changing as we evolve. Our job is simply to be the observer of the mind without falling into its abyss. We can play with thoughts, stretch them out, elaborate on them, write them down and turn them inside out as a way of moving beyond them but becoming attached to them is glamorously and dangerously detrimental to our evolution as a collective species.

As we move into the 5th dimensional plane of existence, we gain stride through acting with confidence on our knowing. Not to be confused with our thinking. The knowing in this realm of existence does not come with judgment and is not limited in its capacity to forgive and love unconditionally. It’s a discernment way of operating that does not need to be justified by the mind or through the judgment of right or wrong based thinking. When we step into the 5D, a more cosmic way of existing and out of the 4D matrix of belief systems and programming, we are no longer required to hold on to anything as absolute.

All thoughts have the freedom to flow in and out of our awareness without resistance when we move into this space. Things can seem lopsided at first, one might think, “why is my intuition telling me to do this, when my logical mind or my monkey mind is telling me to do it another way so forcefully”. The key to moving on and upward is to simply move towards what feels right in your knowing body. Maybe more easily said then done when we’re in the throws of our own lessons and what we are trying to master here on earth during this lifetime but none-the-less as we move through the initiations they have to offer us, we begin to gain greater awareness and confidence in this process.

If we were only to listen to this place of knowing would be able to move through our lessons faster and with more ease. When we react to situations or stimuli in a contrarian way to how we feel it is because our level of awareness has not expanded enough to lead the way gracefully.

In these instances we are still looking for more proof as to why our knowing is right, despite our thinking and believing. Personal and spiritual integrity is a huge topic but as we become increasingly more aware that we are all in fact one connected organism moving towards inner peace, we can begin to identify when we are stepping off the path of integrity by reacting from a place of hurt, strict logical thinking or the monkey mind of karmic dues to be paid.

Spiritual and personal integrity boils down to trusting our knowing and inner guidance more so than anything else. Our mental understanding of the structured morals and values we believe in should act as filters for discernment rather than a dogmatic guides to action.

When we are caught up in too rigid belief systems we tend to fall into an unhealthy competitive mode where we or others are either wrong or right, which leads to gossiping, self-betrayal and the justification for punishing others based on their un-evolved aspects of self.

Every person on this planet has freewill and the application of that freewill can only be expressed with the consent of others involved. We are held cosmically responsible for actions and create karma for ourselves when we are imposing our freewill onto another human being without their consent, plain and simple.

Their is so much freedom in living in the 5th dimensional plain. It’s a place where we can live acceptingly of others and where all are free to chose their unique paths of ascension. No longer trying to convince them of our views or punish them for not acting in accordance to our belief system. It’s a place where we are guided to constantly move inwards in self discovery, constantly re-learning how we can reach inner-peace so that it may become our predominate frequency, one we can then share with others.

5D living is all about integrity on a spiritual level because it asks of us to constantly follow that deeper knowing which is peace driven at its core, for some it may be done consciously and for others subconsciously. The place that calls us beyond mental loops, beyond beliefs, beyond suffering and beyond our identification with the self as separate. A place where no one is to blame when things go wrong in life because we know we have the power to affect the world through living in accordance with cosmic law.

A law which is embedded into the heart of woman and man. We always know what to do by feeling into the body’s core. Imagine a world where everyone acted from this place? Imagine the sense of peace within and then reflected without?

The key is faith in our higher knowing, understanding that we might not logically see why our intuition has brought us to a specific action or road but understanding that our intuition works in the highest good of all and not just the self.

Sometimes the universe uses us to assist others because we are the closest possible match to assisting another on their path of ascension.

We can’t separate from each other in our collective evolution forward even if we tried. Just as the cells in the body are constantly working together to bring about harmony, so are we as individual human beings working together from a higher place to bring about global peace and prosperity.

Things are moving quickly and I’m grateful to be in a place to support others as they move into this more intuitive way of living and trusting inwardly what the body and heart is saying and simply using the mind’s filter in tandem to observe and provide feedback into the collective mind for evolutionary fuel.

It’s quite simple when you finally surrender to your knowing and allow an inner movement towards peace! They say we can’t teach others what we haven’t experienced ourselves so I guess I can say I’m happy to have had a life full of challenges that have given me the opportunity to be present in the here and now with myself and others.

Blasting Love!

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