Transforming Energy

Our thoughts are bits of energy that produce a response in the body through chemical neurotransmitters which activate different parts of the brain and in turn sends signals to one or more of our main bodily systems. The nervous system which gathers information for us, actually works in a cyclical loop within our being, this is why it is sometimes difficult to rebalance our systems into new healthier states. The nervous system and brain command the body and the body responds by sending response signals back up into the brain creating a repetitive pattern. If a negative pattern isn’t broken, the cycle of command/response solidifies over time making it more difficult to fall into a new healthier pattern of feeling and being.

When we think certain thoughts or are expose to specific stimuli over and over we are solidifying neural pathways that reinforce certain responses within the body and an accumulation of specific emotions occur. These pockets of energy (emotions) accumulate within their related and receptive areas within our energetic fields. They either create an overabundance or scarcity of energy within the affected areas.

These pockets of energy can release overwhelming feelings and emotions when unblocked, this is why coming back into balance within ourselves is almost always exhausting at first. What occurs when we start balancing our energy bodies, is that the excess energy that accumulated in one area will be unleashed and will usually flow to an area that is deprived. If an area is in deprivation then new stimuli or thought patterns can produce the right internal response to replenish those areas.

Learn how to see

Our thoughts are literally hard-wiring our body’s experience of the world through cyclical patterns both on a physical, emotional and existential level. Within this cycle we understand that energy once produced within our being never dies but it can be transformed.

How do we produce healthy thoughts? Being aware of what you are thinking about is a start. Becoming the observer of your own mind to the degree that you can hear even the quietest voice within. Once we start this process of observation we begin to become aware that all the things we are taking in from the outside world such as radio, television, internet, news, conversations ect are affecting us viscerally.

We come to realize that our thoughts change depending upon what we are feeding our minds with. Just like when eating something that is unhealthy for you, you will begin to feel sluggish, agitated ect as the body responds to working extra hard to break it down. The mind will begin to produce negative thoughts in response to taking in negative information, energy or fear driven mental stimulation which you may immediately or over time experience as bodily sensations.


All of the information we absorb each day generates millions of different thoughts in response, these happen on a very subconscious level and steep to the surface of our awareness either quickly, if we are aware of the inner process or slowly if we are not paying much attention to it. If we have any sort of inkling to what we are consuming on a conscious level we naturally begin to resist the inflow of negative stimuli affecting us. We begin to create an environment in which we can control the dose of negative or highly charged information inputting and programming our nervous systems, brains, emotions and bodily functions.

What I have noticed personally in my life is that people for example who are glued to CNN tend to have higher stress levels than those that don’t watch t.v. Those who are engaged in mainstream media will often speak of the atrocities of the world but in a way where they have lost all hope for humanity losing the motivation to create something that can counter-balance the suffering in the world. What’s important here is to be aware of worldly affairs and events but also to have the wisdom to do so in a way that is not detrimental to the mind, body and overall health.

There are many other examples that I can get into about what energetic messengers we allow to penetrate our mind-scape that create a negative response within the body, such as lines and lyrics from pop-culture’s t.v and radio, hardwiring us for negativity and non-serving mental loops. A bigger question for another blog is about how all these ideas are creating fixed thought patterns within the minds of millions of people, affecting the reality we are experiencing here on earth, both on an individual level and as an interconnected species.


For now, how can you take all of the non-serving information floating around, outside stimuli from environments and people to create a positive response in your mind? Which in turn will generate a bodily response towards ease, creativity, focus and greater love? This is what I call self-regeneration or the regeneration of energy.

There are a few ways to be proactive about keeping a clean mental house, here they are:

Be aware of what you are consuming through your mind and senses.

Are you intaking something that is causing a physical response in your body?

Recognize if it is something that is making you feel good or bad.

Notice how your thought patterns change in response to various people, places, environments and information.

Ask yourself: Will this thought or feeling be of benefit to my life’s priorities and overall wellbeing?

Know that in order to create an internal state of homeostasis within the body it is necessary for you to be in non-resistance to your environment and the information stimulating your mind and body. This includes the energetic influence people have on you when you come into contact with them.


It is not possible to remove all negative stimuli but find out where you can remove negative mental stimulation and add positive mental stimulation in its place. Children are very sensitive to the inflow of non-serving mental stimuli and information. A scary movie can effect them for days and even be a major factor in adopting a certain type of thought pattern.

Exercise your free-will to chose what quality of thoughts you wish to experience your reality through and your physical wellbeing with. If you are engaged in songs, conversation or types of entertainment that are enriching you—making you feel relaxed and happy—you are almost certain to be reinforcing positive neural pathways within the mind-body cycle. The energy within your field is then balanced and emanating outwards rather than responding with negative emotions like fear, where it begins to absorb the energy influencing it. When this happens it produces an imbalance in your body either on a hormonal or immune level.

On one side, transforming energy boils down to our ability to continuously refine the quality of our thoughts through self-awareness and our capacity to chose wisely what it is we are intaking. Understand that energy can not truly and totally be released through contact with nature, exercise and therapy, it must be transformed within us through conscious deliberation, discernment and inner mental strength to control our responses to the stimulation from the outer world that we can not remove from our experience.

So on the flip side, transforming energy also means working logically through our mental responses or loops causing dis-ease, especially in the cases where we can’t control our environment. We learn to shape them into higher meaning so they can hold greater significance within our experience. Giving exchanges, events or people meaning, in a positive and self-benefiting way, we are essentially becoming alchemist fuelling our personal power, physical, mental and emotional health.

One Love,


Image source

Happy People
Sharing energy

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