The Line in the Sand

Delving into the esoteric nature of reality can sometimes drive you to insanity, but let me reassure you, it’s not only necessary, it’s the only way out of the mess we’re currently in. 

The conundrums are plenty. What creates reality? Does consciousness produce all things or do our material bodies produce consciousness? The mystical experiences we’ve had or haven’t yet had often steer us into one way of thinking verses the other. 

Even after abandoning all I had been shown through a number of deep mystical experiences to embark on a somewhat dry scientific study of nature and neurobiology, in the end, I was not convinced of the materialist reductionist approach to consciousness and what the nature of reality truly is all about. 

If you listen carefully to the most recent findings in these fields, you’ll notice there are no clear answers there (either). Most of these researchers themselves are not convinced, they simply keep debating and researching on what might be in order to further their years of study. 

Perhaps it’s their education that keeps their visions within their hypotheses. Naturally we become more of what we are already, right? A tulip bulb blooms into a tulip, a gosling into a goose. Well, except butterflies and frogs. Their life cycles take them through a whole metamorphic journey. Expressions of the same essence that appear shockingly different throughout various stages of development. They don’t appear to simply grow into more of what they are already but instead appear to turn into something completely different.   

Maybe a certain amount of confirmation bias is there to ensure we stay attuned to our purpose. To expand our thought creations to create reality from our unique soul code essence. Creating lenses through which to see life through and then imprinting them onto the world and into the fabric of shared reality? Oh, wait. Even to think that sentence onto screen I have to be that witch I am, which is not a materialist to say the least. 

We might as well continue to dive more deeply into studying the nature of reality from the only way we can then. Through the development of the self. The most interesting blue print past down to us for doing this work, that I’ve found up to date in written form, are the Natural Laws in combination with the Hermetic Principles of Alchemy. 

As I tried to implement these in early 2021 I found much success. My goals over a six month period were not to make sense of the mishmash that was before me but rather to dismantle it completely from within my psyche while simultaneously building back up what I wished to see without. 

I wanted more beauty, where people were free to roam the world again, where governments had the best interests of their citizens in mind. A place where people could breath freely and no one was being coerced into genocide. Big gaols for 2021. 

Through this experiment, the more I took my focus away from what was being pumped out into the collective mind through media institutions primarily funded by government institutions primarily funded by corporations the more I began to see through the layers of thought that made up my experience of the world. 

Our minds are soft sponges indeed. I urge you to watch what happens when two individuals are given a ride down specific streets in London that contain specific information on billboards and then asked to create a promotional ad for a fictitious brand once they reached their destination. 

If you’ve studied the power of suggestion, you already know what the outcome was. The main ideas they came up with to create their “original” branding contained the exact same elements that were presented to them on the billboards throughout their drive. 

Did you hear that? Do you understand it’s implications? We rarely create from higher states of awareness. The rest is imprinted upon us from our environments, no matter how original we think our ideas are. This is why deliberately changing environments is the best way to see past the limitations imposed onto us though one environment verses another. 

It’ll stretch your capacity to be aware of what makes up who you are. Don’t worry, you can still be more of who you really are but without the attachments to the parts of you that were never you to begin with.

These occult “secrets” are not so secret after all and only require a keen perception of one’s external influences. Then to experiment, changing one’s focus of those influences and noticing how it impacts your health, attitude and daily decisions. Try to notice how they impact the world around you and the daily feed back you receive from your environment.

This is my opportunity to set into motion the idea that when the student is ready the teacher shall appear.

I managed with many others to sway the narrative from within, to create greater freedom of speech and mobility. The challenge still remains that a tipping point is needed from at least 51% of humanity to completely shift how we collectively experience reality.

If 51% were creating more of what they wished to see in the world verses what they are unconsciously absorbing, would that be enough to imprint a new experience into our collective lives once and for all? 

If so, what would it take to steer 4.5 billion souls towards inner awareness and consciousness? What tools could we use? Is the process of personal evolution fixed to models of transcendence such as described by Ken Wilber Spiral Dynamics (for a modern day soul)? Can we jump start it with an entheogen revolution? 

What can you personally do, right here and right now? The current war we are faced with exists within ourselves. We’re not here to make sense of the narratives our greedy forefathers left behind for us to die in, we’re here to change the world from the inside out. 

To speak to those who are reading this and have already unravelled some of the conundrum. What is the line you draw in the sand between what you understand from the teachings of the natural laws in combination with the hermetic principals to what you can actually alter out in the world? There are big claims that the blinding light will lead us no where, but the blinding light is also the pinnacle of our most sincere hopes for humanity.

So where have your experiences of these in study drawn the line in the sand for you? How much of these teaching do you think can be applied with success given our current collective agreements? What does this imply of the efficacy of these teachings? Have they evolved? If so do they need to be updated? Are they only context dependant? Can they be scaled up? If so how much can they be scaled up individually verses within group application?

To conclude, if they can be mastered on a micro level, within the micro environment, are they more likely to impact the world on a macro level? If so, what does mastering your micro environment mean? Cultivating courage, health, relationship harmony and personal transcendence?

Cover Art: Sverrirorz

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