Activation & Initiation

What is the difference between a spiritual activation and a spiritual initiation? The more advanced on our paths the more knowledge we gain of various traditions and practices. Our ability to compare and contrast these spiritual practices becomes clearer. 

There is no end to our studies, we simply unravel more through experience and what we can learn from books and others whom have dedicated their lives to such a path. We slowly start laying the pieces down of a grand tapestry, reaching far beyond societal dogma. Our understandings deepen, our minds expand and although we know we can never fully see it all, we begin to formalize with greater precision. 

In this storytelling I will share with you how I distinguish an activation from an initiation. My journey in getting here has included many lifetimes, experiences that have directed my wonderment back towards our ancient wisdom teachings. It has been a journey of following my roots back home.

What I have learned through these studies is that who we were here on earth, just hundreds of thousands of years ago, contrasts quite significantly to who we are today. On every layer of our being imaginable. Although we can read about ancient practices and attempt at extracting their knowledge, their true application within our then-experience of them has long come to pass. We’re no longer those humans, we’ve evolved and in many cases de-evolved from previous states, making it impossible to realize their wisdom in the same ways they were originally intended. 

Non-the-less we may still bring forth common threads linking many of our ancient teachings to modern day practices from within our current-day state of being. Despite the fact that ancient spiritual activations and initiations can no longer truly be applied during our times exactly the way they happened thousands of years ago, we still attempt at retrieving such information because we’re still connected to that same soul thread and our place of origin.

I will try to write plainly. Terminology that only relates to one tradition or another often complicates the truth. If it can’t be explained simply it’s often because it’s coiled-up in hubris. Also to know that I know what I know, I must boil it down to its most basic components. We must access the core essence of things more easily if we are to make greater way for the changes ahead. 

Once the basic components are comprehended in their simplest forms, it’s easier to identify them in other languages where they’ve been obscured. Many traditions in the past have done so to keep the knowledge hidden from common view. A way of preserving the spiritual core of the lineage and teachings. Being bound to a specific lingo, culture and tradition ensured they were only realized by the select few that received the necessary guidance to apply them with care. 

This is why we often have difficulty understanding terminologies associated with processes used in communities external to our own. We might have an intimate understanding of same teachings when expressed within the lexicon of symbols taught by our tradition, but a difficult time interpreting them when they come from another, despite similarities. 

As most can now see, everything comes from something previous. Sometimes processes, rituals or rites of passage have ingredients added to them or taken away but they all draw from systems that came before them. Many ingredients can be change without disrupting the core tenets of a teaching, so as long as they are superfluous and arranged accordingly as they are interchangeable. The core tenets themselves though are of a fixed nature and can not be substituted for anything lesser or greater than what they induce. 

Although we can find commonalities that tie different traditional practices together, we should not assume their differences to be of less importance. If anything, they are the very spaces between the threads that make it possible to maintain a larger tapestry of divine intelligence. What is different can be found within the substrate level and the similarities within the top layers. Those differences are what produce the nuanced complexities of the overall experience and induction of any given practice. 

Activations are first and foremost a stimulation of the human body, mind, emotions and soul. It’s an excitation of the senses, both inner and outer. It’s a frequency stimulation that creates resonance with corresponding energy centres of the first triad. The centres of survival, life-force and personal power. 

Activations stimulate and trigger the base centres. The main function is to shine a light of awareness, cleanse the system of fears, activate the individuals creativity and to assist them in developing personal power. Activations are the first step in a larger process that when followed by successful initiations brings forth the soul’s greatest expression of Self into the Cosmos. 

Activations are required in bringing forth a human beings’ Seed into this world. The Seeding is the last and final result of this larger process. Once the tree has grown and matured with the right environment and is healthy, it will flower and eventually produce a seed or seeds that imprint themselves into the soft tissue of the living earth. This imprint produces a frequency wave that moves throughout the earth, galaxy and beyond.

Activations ignite the growth of the tree, they produce water and heat, they get the sap flowing, they pump nutrients from the core into the limbs, from root to trunk to branch. Activations function similarly to the cardiovascular system in the body but more along the lines of the lymphatic system. They help us establish a solid foundation by eliminating all that is harmful within the person’s mental and emotional bodies, inducing physical purification. Over all altering our experience of time and fate.

An activation can occur by coming into contact with various frequencies in the environment, whether that be sacred power spots on the world’s grid or by coming into contact with other individuals that hold frequencies of a similar nature to our own but of a different quality, they can also happen through music, dance and art.

Every person emanates a different frequency and to that not all people become activated by the same energies; people and/or places. One person may contain the right ingredients to activate a whole geographical population while others may only activate a few humans in their lifetimes. Similarly for physical locations that hold specific frequencies. If visited, will activate some humans on first contact while other humans may never be activated by that location no matter how many times they return. 

It is also worth mentioning that purpose plays a key role in all this. We are guided towards our purpose through intuition. If everyone were to be activated by the same people and places we’d all be resonating at the same frequency and driven to the exact same places. Luckily we’re moving in mysterious ways towards our soul’s longing through different pathways. Our inner state is what attracts these unseen forces. 

Activations are often mistaken as initiations because they play such a powerful role in our soul’s growth, behaviours and transformations. Initiations on the other hand relate to conscious efforts that are in process after we’ve been awakened through various activations. We can not fail an activation process, it comes in forcibly and works to awaken hidden aspects of Self. 

To give a watered down simile is to use the example of someone being woken up from a deep sleep. If you’re sleeping and someone wakes you up, the process taking place is out of your control. Nor can you fail. You are simply sleeping and the next minute a very loud boom goes off and your awareness is awake. You did not consciously choose to wake up, you were asleep and unconscious. Had you been awake the process would have fallen under the category of initiation, where awareness and conscious action is happening. 

Activations can only occur between people if they are a part of the same Soul stream or Monad. If not, there is no way for there to be a base resonance between the two points of consciousness to begin with. Activations can not be described simply as frequency upgrades either.

People whom have learned to consciously activate other people’s energy centres don’t always do so using vibrations that are emanating from a higher spectrum of frequencies. If this type of work is done onto others consciously yet non-consensually it will generate karma for the person to deal with later on down their path. It’s an abuse of power when done non-consensually. This applies even if the person on the receiving end is completely oblivious to what is happening to them when it occurs.

We may be activated on a large sliding scale of frequencies that in one way or another wake us up to the awareness of the energies inherent within the lower triad. Some first activations may simply make us aware of the energy centres themselves to begin with. Some to show us what state they are in. Most often they awake us to patterns within our bioenergetic templating that relate to core needs, desires and motives that are beyond current states of awareness. 

There are many types of activations, many ways and things we can wake up to and from. If one increases their awareness of the lessons inherent within the lower centres they slowly become conscious of who they are. They become aware of behavioural patterns, what motivates them and what holds them back from embodying Self. 

To further the previous example, it is not possible to wake someone up from sleep if they’re already awake while dreaming. Meaning when the alarm clock goes off, responding to the situation moves into the realm of initiation and is no longer an unconscious response occurring from a void of awareness.

Activations are happening by the billions each and every day. The majority of which are occurring on an unconscious level. Only adepts will be fine-tuned to the details of such occurrences. Once this level of awareness has been reached it is possible to begin learning how to consciously activate Self and to know which activations from external sources should be accepted or rejected all together. It all depends on what you are attempting to fine tune to within this lifetime. 

The final level of mastery over activation is to be able to choose by conscious will-force (what, when, where, why, how) activates within the first triad. If you don’t know about these deeper inner spiritual processes its very difficult to identify them when they’re happening. Once the awareness blossoms you’ve entered into the territory of greater free-will and Self Initiation. 

Any inner struggles or battles there-after are all gearing the person towards Kungfu; the mastery of life-force into skill. Once this takes place there’s a quickening of sorts related to karmic retribution, the soul’s evolution, and an exponential growth towards individuation or re-integration.

Activations trigger the deepest conditioned patterns within a person’s psyche. The emotional body becomes enflamed precisely to allow the gift of activation to burn away what is necessary to continue growing. The first major set of activations launch people into what is otherwise known as the first stage of the great alchemical process. We are thwarted into our own machinations of fear, instinctual drives, sexual-creative struggles and sense of power. 

Through these activations we gain awareness into all parts of the lower Self. All that is driven by the unintelligent conditioned human within. This surprising catapult of awareness is what leads us into the initiation phases of our development. 

During initiations senses become attuned to the elements and we come to observe ourselves as conscious awareness creating. We begin to master the different life-forces behind our illusions and powers. When enough experience and awareness is gained, forces of knowing grants us access to information that assists us in making decisions that are in alignment with the larger cycles of time we are connected to beyond our current lifetime. We become better at knowing the best path and decisions are no longer based on unconscious conditioned responses.

Both activations and initiations allow us to reconnect with the lessons of past lives, aspects of our eternal selves and the essence of our very Soul which seeks to bring elements into balance so we may eventually becoming an emissary for our true purpose.

Initiations are related to the upper triad. If the tests are passed the heart centre becomes the bridge to speaking the words of wisdom gathered from the lessons of activations. These words are a reflection of what we are choosing to project out into our reality field. Initiations are the experiential fine-tuning of this whole process. Consciously choosing what needs to be worked on based on all that has awakened during activations.

Activations help us know and strengthen our foundations. Once the foundation is healed and fortified, initiations may bring us into contact with higher states of our being and increase our spiritual senses. They bring us into spiritual realms and dimensions existing within and beyond the physical cycle of life and death.

Activations make clear the powers inherent within the first three energy centres and initiations are defined events by which we may overcome and master those energies using the three upper energy centres– interconnection, the power of word and mind.

If an activation has happened to create awareness of the lessons of grasping for example, a self-initiation would be a conscious challenge imposed onto the self using the energies of the upper trigram to bring forth non-attachment. But if you don’t yet know you have such a lesson to over-come you’re likely to continue receiving increasingly more intense booms of activations until you become aware. Applications of initiations can begin on the smallest scale and work their way up.

Years ago I met a woman who had become aware of certain neurosis. She dedicated a practice to simply denying herself the pleasure of tearing stickers off personal items when they were already half peeled. This may sound silly but enforcing this type of discipline can be very challenging to deeply conditioned patterns within the psyche. These root problems impact our lives on much larger scales but traces of what they are can be seen at every level of existence. Behaviours simply having more or less of an impact depending on where and how they are expressed.

As courage, strength and discipline is cultivated, initiations can become greater and greater. Initiations require self-initiative otherwise they’re what are known as tests. Both are fuelled by ongoing activations, whether through self or naturally through something/someone else. This cyclical process keeps the compass calibrated towards the soul’s evolution.

Depending on what you are here specifically trying to learn will color the themes of your initiations. They ought to be applied on the micro level first, infusing initiations into everyday habits interrupts the patterns enough to take greater leaps. Eventually expanding them in scope, from habit to character and then expression of the personality and will-force.

Bringing an idea to life by way of a business or book, mastering a specific archetypal energy or attempting great mystical feats are to name a few. Even things like consciously repaying retribution of past life mistakes with grace are all within the ranges of self-initiation. It’s the activations that guide us to know ourselves, the initiations are how we consciously further our growth.

Creating self-initiations that are practical and aligned with what has been unearthed through our activations keeps us growing. Attempting self-initiations that are far reaching without attending to what has been blatantly exposed during activations will lead nowhere. It’s by moving carefully one step at a time and honouring what is being uncovered that leads to the most expansion over time.

When a kung fu master is attacked in the street by thugs. He knows that with the slightest movement he could kill his opponent, so for an adept like himself the initiations are more about refraining from using his powers in unnecessary ways. It becomes about disarming the perpetrators without losing himself or his honour in the act.

Higher level initiations are often about learning how to restrain and control inherent powers. It’s about using them appropriately to the advantage of as many as possible at the most crucial times.

Cover artist unknown

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