Feeling Home Sick & Our Galactic Origins

I always feel a little home sick around this time of year. The person who represented home to me passed away on Christmas day. It was 1993 and all I remember is dropping the phone from my hand and falling to my knees for the biggest sob fest of my life, which lasted for about three month. It’s very rare to find someone who understands you in the silence.

Where I come from the sky is ruby red with two golden orange suns. One appears closer because it’s so huge, the other much smaller but just as bright. The colour of the sand and rocks range from light beige to sparkly mauve. The waters glisten pink and purple but when you approach them they are crystal clear. The picture below I found reminds me of home and makes me feel the most nostalgic of its beauty.

We don’t speak where I come from, in fact we don’t have a mouth or a body. We are simply presence in plasma form. It’s difficult to describe, we’re almost like big blobs of awareness interacting with each other through what we call telepathy. Words make everything so heavy and confusing, creating all sorts of third density karma. It’s a real pain to work with, it wastes so many resources and so much time. This is why our work here is so intense and extraordinary.

The purpose of my “people” are to create life, what you call the biota collective here on earth. Although we don’t speak we still experience disagreements and conflicts, but the way we deal with them are very different because there’s no such thing as words or emotions. When you are pure presence things are less complicated, they feel cleaner and more logically based.

The closest I have ever come to experiencing this type of unconditional love and presence with another human in human form was with a Sàmi Bear Warrior who found me living alone in the forest sometime in the twelve hundreds. I had been living on my own since the age of 8, after my Father died on a fishing ship and my Mother passed away from illness. I survived on the coast of Norway for sometime until a boat picked me up and brought me to a near by village where an older medicine woman took care of me until I was well enough to trail off on my own.

I spent many years in the forest living alone making things to barter with the village people, all sorts of slaves, soaps and medicine. He arrived during an electrical storm at dusk, I had been waiting for him for some months. Back then you’d feel things many moons before they’d happen because we were much less distracted and more attuned to nature. He brought me back to his indigenous village. We had one child together, a boy who’s name meant yellow bear. Unfortunately our village was invaded shorty after and I died a quick death. I was only able to spend four years with him and our beloved son.

We barely ever had to speak and when we would go out into the forest it was pure magic collecting plants and herbs together because we knew the language of the fauna, flora and land. It’s so liberating to feel in communication with people and things without the need for language. I think that is what I miss the most about my home. Eyes speak a language older than words and when we spend time connecting to people through staring into each others eyes for long periods of time we can connect to their origins, their essence, in a very profound way. This is also why people avoid eye contact in our day and age. It is very intense for most and often makes them feel uncomfortable to be seen so literally.

When I look into someone’s eyes I lose focus on the present time and place. It’s like being transported through a time warp into their depths. The information that we can gather as we peer into the soul stream of another is gigantic. We can see into all of their past life times and into their root essence and galactic place of origin. Spending less time speaking and more time peering we can grow a deep understanding for that person’s disposition in the current time and space we call now.

This is a powerful time of year when the veil is very thin because it’s the time of death in the Northern hemisphere. Everything is covered in snow and the seeds of life are buried deep within the land working arduously to align with divine perfection. If you would like to seize the power of this season I highly recommend spending time connecting with your soul through deep eye gazing with yourself in a mirror. If you feel you have lost touch with yourself, you can regain a strong sense of who you are by connecting to your deepest core this way.

You must be prepared to meet the many faces of yourself that make up who you are today. The people and places that formed you over the lifetimes on all planes of existence. If you are lucky you will see all the way back to your place of origin and get to know yourself in a very intimate and fundamental way. The essence of who you are at your core is nothing like what you can see in the now as you glance at yourself superficially in the mirror. Each of our essences are rooted back into a very different place with a very specific life design and purpose. Getting to know yourself intimately this way will help you understand what makes up the person you are today and what your greater mission is here, what your gifts are and what you came here to do and share with the world.

Wishing you all a beautiful season of connecting with presence, both to yourself and to the loved ones around you.

Image Source, Cover, Purple Planet (unknown)

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