Cosmic Love

Love is the divine sticky glue that holds all of life together. It is in fact what we are made of, pure source light. When we focus on it, our bodies shiver and our minds expand, when we deny it, our bodies shrivel and our minds atrophy. There are many forms of love but essentially they’re all off-shoots of the ONE LOVE which is what we can otherwise call prana, chi, energy and life force. We give birth to love, the souls that we midwife into this world are all pure unconditional love before they enter physical form. In physical form we enter lower densities, lesser degrees of that same love but none-the-less, made from the core of the greatest divine spark.

Everyone on this planet is motivated by trying to find their way back up the layers of density towards divine love, love in its purest form, source light. When one is placed in situations where they’re interacting with people who are suffering whether that be thieves, rapists, lost drug addicts or raging war mongers what one will see, if they have the purity to see it with, is that all people on this planet are in fact searching for love through every single action they take, no matter how far removed it seems to be from that intention. Deep down, they do the things they do because they think or feel on some distorted level that what they are doing will bring them closer to experiencing love. Saints and masters have understood this long ago. This understanding has given birth to the great compassion and mercy they’ve taught the world about cosmic love, the necessary back bone understanding that fuels helping each other to rise and eventually obtain world peace.

If you can image love like a golden thread that weaves it’s way through our experiences in life, not limited to certain people or circumstances you will begin to understand cosmic love. Cosmic love can only be understood when one has decided to trust love’s guidance on every level of life and in every situation. Each experience of love whether that’d be with our families or the friendships we develop in childhood, to the crushes we have in high school, to the love we feel for strangers and animals we wish to help or the love we feel in the throws of passion, to the love we feel for our children and long term partners, to the love we feel for the inanimate things of this world and to finally the love we feel for ourselves, you will see that they are all part of the same ONE LOVE but simply in various degrees and forms.


The potential love a mother can feel towards her children is so close to that of the pure divine ONE LOVE that it can give them access to cosmic superpowers and do things like lift cars off babies. The unconditional love of a true friend is so powerful that with one glance they can raise the vibration of their friend from the most devastating circumstances of loss and despair. The love we experience when struck with the arrow of eros has the potential to create revolutions that change the face of history. All love bares within it’s existence the capacity to modify perception, physical matter and initiate an individual into evolution.

Love has often been given a bad name when it is selfless because it has the capacity to drive one past caring for themselves in the name of a greater cause or open themselves up to possible assassination because the brighter you shine your love the more you drive up and out lower densities. Many martyrs along the timelines of history have been killed trying to help others taste the love they have been so easily able to access and emanate as they fought to share the gift of love with the world and rebel selflessly to change ways of living that were standing in the way of all people’s experience of greater love. Think of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. You can find a list of about 80 people in wikipedia that were assassinated for trying to bring a greater sense of love into this world. These are the people that have made a dent in the world, they are the people whom cracked open the lower densities of fear and ignorance to bring our experience of reality to newer heights of wellbeing.


Another form of love that has been given a bad name is romantic love and passionate love. I can agree this type of love is probably the most annoying but I give honour and respect to it. The more we feel romantic and passionate love, the more we are capable of hurting those whom ignited it because love provides such a heightened experience of the world, it can easily be flipped on its side and spiral someone into the depths of despair and self-torture as we touch its polar opposite, the lowest of vibrations within us. Passionate love will push up to the surface anything that does not match it’s frequency but one must have the courage to properly work through what rises up to the top. We can go about this in all sorts of crazy ways as long as we transmute what needs to be transmuted in order to consume it’s gift and carry it into the greater gestalt of life with us. At the core of romantic and passionate love lies the gift of learning self-love, how precious. If properly embraced and played with, it becomes our pinnacle of evolution.


Some of us come down onto this planet with pre-set intentions to experience different types of love that will best meet our souls evolution. We will all meet love at various degrees and forms and either pass the test of using it for the highest good for all or letting its underbelly of polar opposites be our demise. Some parents for example might be so protective of their children that their love can actually inhibit optimum growth and stifle independence. Some romantic relationships might become attachment based and inhibit the maximum growth of both individuals on their path of greater purpose. Some love in friendships can turn into jealously and destroy their interdependent nature to assist one another. All forms of love have the potential to destroy or uplift and with each opportunity we are given to experience love in our lives, we will have to discern step-by-step what our best response to that love is.

On a biological level, we don’t chose love, love choses us. We are flooded with brain chemicals that act like sticky glue to ensure we stay grounded in the sensation of love when it’s to the best interest of the divine design. Whether that be the love parents have for their children or the romantic love one feels towards someone. We will often feel as though we don’t even have a chose in the matter, oh how frustrating it can sometimes be. But surrendering to it when possible, detaching your earthly self from it, having faith that it will guide you towards your highest good and allowing gratitude for it will all set off the right switches within the mind-body experience that will allow it to run freely through you and work it’s magic to transform all that is no longer serving you and the greater good of humanity.

It is my belief that any form of love we feel, whether for animals, minerals, human or nature is a divine gift from the cosmos. It inspires us to love ourselves more, to love others more and to revolutionize the world towards a greater experience of peace, love and understanding. I say, when love comes, embrace it all, both sides of the coin. The pain of it, the bliss of it, the transformational angst of it, the creative volcano of it, the obsessive drive of it, the renewed passion for life it brings about and the superpowers it allows us to tap into and emerge from more empowered.


Love is the only real medicine on this planet that can transform lower densities and turn pain into something beautiful, once transformed, it will have a ripple effect, like the butterfly effect on all other living beings we are connected to here (everyone) and beyond. It literally alters the matrix of this world and births new worlds into existence. Enjoy the ride, love does not belong to anyone, it’s the root divine force that weaves it’s way through you and your life experiences to bring about evolution, especially when you least expect it!

One Love,


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