Rewilding the New Age Paradigm (In honour of Greta Thunberg)

My animal totem consists of: 

Crocodile, Mouse, Wolf and Eagle. 

I seek to protect first,

then I put everything under the microscope 

for quiet contemplation, 

so it may reveal the bigger picture. 

-Life shapes you, so you can truly begin to shape it.

What are the real important truths hidden in our modern day storytelling? From our daily posts to our weekly videos, to our success stories of fame and fortune, and the proclaimed galactic show downs happening in outer dimensions?

What are the true necessary teachings buried beneath our new age spiritual fluff and glamour? How do we insure people don’t get distracted and lost in the paradoxical scapegoats of our forward thinking movement? 

Perhaps we should get a little more organized with our priorities? After all, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. 

These are some of the many important questions any spiritual activist is asking themselves. 

Our spirituality encompasses everything that it means to be human. Our new age spiritual and forward thinking movement is attempting to take humanity to the next level of evolution, right? We’re attempting to do this through helping each other heal individual and collective wounds, those that are generating division and nihilism. We’re also doing it by deeply exploring the infinite possibilities of quantum physics and consciousness, so we can begin to structure collective reality differently, from the inside-out. 

How can we ensure seekers wring out the crucial nectar from every teaching and move forwards into the next stage of development quickly?  If we dress things up as super human we end up disappointing more often than not, adding a wrench in the wheel of progress with endless stop-gaps of disillusionment.  

We can confirm a certain amount of empathic and psychic phenomena in the world as well as a growing understanding of the placebo effect but lets face it, mega superpowers are still out of reach. We believe there to be less than one percent of the population that can produce fire from chi. Spiritual seekers, are we chasing super powers at the expense of the future of our planet?

It appears that the more we pump up what super powers can be attained through our spiritual development, the more our egos become lost in the outer dimensions of reality. The less focused we become on what we can embody in the here and now. Unfortunately our human conditioning appears to need superhero glamour stature to capture our minds and hearts to express simple truths. Mostly because we’re a generation raised on MGM studios, Reality T.V and a hard core competitive economy.

So much of what’s currently unattainable disguises itself as something of higher importance, something that people in younger stages of development get lost in, the details of which distract them from evolving into necessary action for real time global solutions. We’re shifting into a new economy, we’re instigating a return to the land but we’re also counter balancing it with a certain amount of wishful thinking that pulls us away from focusing our energy intently on what’s paramount.  

The much needed injection of ‘Heyoka’ humour is providing some relief but too often it’s reinforcing division and separation within communities as well as negative programming through shock value antagonism. It can easily spiral people into nihilism as it reinforces the vanity of our culture.

It’s almost as though we can no longer see and accept the simple truths because they’re too boring for our over stimulated palettes. In order for them to catch our attention they often need be served to us as something of spectacular godly stature. 

We’re a generation raised on ‘only spectacular will suffice’. More ayahuasca, more sex appeal, more charisma, more fancy rich spiritual settings, or anything seemingly supernatural will do. All that shines or out wits the masses wins merit points in dictating the future of humanity. Only that which appears impossibly possible is reeling people in. Unfortunately what’s currently winning merit points in a healthy direction gets lost beneath less quality and more superficial quantity. 

The irony is that what we’re placing the most value on is at the heart of our Achilles heel. 

Upholding elusive truths within our spiritual communities creates inertia. It becomes the spiritual propaganda that blocks us from making the paradigm shift needed to start addressing real global issues faster. Where we’ve become blind sighted by the laboratory grown diamonds of our magical thinking is where our illusions continue to deepen, both spiritually and less realistically. 

Without giving permission to these elusive truths, all the superfluous layers holding us back from taking the next proactive step forwards would dissolve. Uncovering only what is the healthy way forward for the generations following in our foot steps. There’s some good in every lens, I know personally of a few people who are using the new age ascension model to create real change in the world, but they are few, most are falling into the disillusionment of it.

It’s true that the lenses of perception we share in our stories do structure the ways in which we see and perceive reality, I experienced it for myself. So yes, possibilities are endless when it comes to the nature of reality. Yet they can equally create the possibilities of endless downward spiralling. Indeed the real life magic is in our neurolinguistic programming, that which we chose to focus on and spell out into the world. That which ultimately dictates the conditioning of our subconscious minds and eventual actions.

What we ought to be more conscious of is that each of these thought matrixes should include space for every other lens to co-exist, but more importantly for the prioritization of pressing environmental factors. In order for us to move forwards united, we need to stop perpetuating paradigms of grand illusions. How do we do this when humans need to hold on to so many illusions of grandeur to simply motivate themselves out of bed in the morning and face the global threat of extinction?

Can our portals of awakening be created with the intention of bringing people to the shores of humanity, individuated, world-centric and prepared to contribute towards solving world problems? If not fast enough, our mythological stories won’t even have a time space reality to share them in.

This is a heavy burden for new age teachers to take on considering many are riding on the backs of teachers whom lived in a different state of worldly affairs. It’s not easy, just take my example, typing away my frustrations hoping to spark the attention of others, hoping to align more of my life through these words.

Every person chipping away at improving our mental, emotional and physical health are contributing to the next level up, but when do we realize that the next level up is about us facing pressing planetary issues now. How long should teachers stay focused on healing and interstellar adventures when Mother Earth is calling. I’m sorry to be the one to say it, but we all know the truth.

We are group minded creatures that like to congregate and seek belonging in each other. We do this by homogenizing ourselves into similar lenses of perception, the downfall is that in doing so we easily follow senseless trends and forget what’s happening outside of them in the third dimension. Sometimes leading us completely down the wrong rabbit holes for an immeasurable amount of time. Where our cult like herd mentality begins is where leaders refuse to take responsibility for prioritizing their teachings around selfless actions directed at global solutions. 

Only those whom carry this awareness with a strong following or enough money can proliferate the movement on a large scale. Not all of us are charismatic leaders that can rein in the masses, everyone co-creates by playing out their part. This is my contribution to the melding pot. Free speech, the most powerful tool we have, whether we like what we hear or not. 

It’s a sixteen year old girl named Greta Thunberg who has inspired me to write this, her, along with hopefully many others around the globe her age will be skipping school this Friday to address the climate crisis. Many of us feel the pressures rising yet are unsure as to how we should best align ourselves to make a real difference. Courageous young women like her are wasting no time in showing us how it’s done.

The light magician always seeks to reveal but many of our spiritual teachers are in their mayan kundalini phase which can too often tempt them into using their powerful magnetism for personal gain, power, control, prestige and profit. Tricking them into losing sight of harnessing their powers for steadfast global action. Yes it’s a boring task, no one wants to hear about environmental issues but it’s a challenge I know we are capable of facing. It’s also a challenge that once we focus on, will bring us all closer. 

So what’s more important, manifesting the life you want of pleasure and luxury or working on real global solutions?

How can we make trendy what is so unattractive yet obviously most important? How do we tone down people’s expectations after entering such portals of awakening? After being fed a gargantuan amount of elusive truths that place more emphasis on becoming gods and goddesses, magicians and alien channels? No one seems to be interested in doing the dirty work in our spiritual communities other than the old school spiritual teachers, some of which are quite loud about how they feel we’ve lost touch with reality.

Yes magic does exist, I tasted it with my own being but it’s nothing that can be marketed. It’s a direct experience between you and the universe, but mostly it’s earth magic, the magic we find through healing, the magic that we find through having a healthy connection to our inner source of love. It’s in our compassionate connection to each other. Real magic is utterly humbling. It strips us away of everything superfluous and ego driven. 

It’s the people in positions of power and those with money that can truly create the global shifts we need, including courageous girls like Greta, but first we have to convince each other of why we should re-arrange our lives to meet these priorities first. Can we infuse this into our new age discourse more to create greater trends that will push us in the right direction? It’s the only way to proactively convince the majority of the people in power to make the key decisions that will guide the future of our planet back into harmony.

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