Disclosure & Empowerment

Raven medicine came in as a powerful activator after sitting in sacred circle with the divine feminine this past weekend. We were all anointed with the smudge of coal from the sacred fire ceremony held by The International Council of Thirteen Grandmothers, an alliance that has come together to educate and advocate on the need to return to the earth’s wisdom and it’s need for greater protection. These powerful women understand that without Gaia we are nothing and our mouths must begin to speak her wishes as we rearrange our ways of living and prioritize her needs. They come from all around the world and speak a language older than borders.

The 13 grandmothers

I asked them and raven how I can be of service to them today and they spoke of disclosure. Although I follow the authenticity movement with all my heart I still sometimes fear that what I say will be judged, misunderstood and used against me. I am human and with that humanness comes the natural insecurities of the ego protector. We all in some pre-fabricated form wish to preserve a certain image of ourselves in the world because many of us have felt what it is like to be judged, disliked and ostracized from some group or another. We all simply want to be loved and accepted for who we are and not have our challenges outweigh our gifts in the eyes of others, especially with family and friends.

The truth is, we all have shadows in our closets and one person speaking openly about theirs leaves room for others to speak openly too, allowing for a vibration of self-acceptance to emerge which are the foundational blocks to empowerment, truth and integrity. As soon as we do this we release the resistance we have towards the things that might be weighing us down and actually begin to gain strength over them.


In my family there are lots of secret shadows and many very much in your face shadows. On my mother’s side of the family the lineage is of Irish and Scottish decent. We were the slaves, prostitutes and thieves that founded this country along side the French and English that were shipped over. We are also the grand-daughters of the witches that were not burned at the stake. Many of us whom lived multiple generations of poverty and despair, many whom became controlled by alcoholism, drug addiction and un-aligned ways of creating abundance for ourselves in this world, yet hold so much wisdom in our hearts. It is completely natural to feed into these forms of escapism when pushed into a corner of disempowerment.


As we shared this man-made ‘medicine’ of alcohol with the Native people when we migrated, we offered them something to distract themselves with from our intentions to take over their land and culture. In the process we numbed them from their deep connection to the earth and their ancestral wisdom. Alcohol separated many of them from their roots and the knowledge of the land which is essential to the well-being of all citizens of this planet earth. As I sometimes roam the inner city jungle of Montreal I notice all of the natives presently still lost, searching for their home which has been taken over by another culture, another way of being that suffocates their wisdom and way of life. They beg for money to buy more alcohol to forget again, for a moment, the pain they carry within their hearts regarding how they were treated, how the sacred land has been treated and how they are now feeling so disconnected from their direct roots into Gaia, from the core of their being.

One of my sprit guides is a Lakota chief. He is the only spirit guide that will literally take over my vessel when he sees fit. The power of these people, a people that were so connected to nature, still lives within all of us and their wisdom and knowledge of things unseen and misunderstood through modern ways of seeking knowledge transcends time and space. They move through us and beyond us back out into he collective mind we all share. It is my belief that the wisdom of the earth and the ways of our ancestors, the natives to this land will return into the collective consciousness in great force over the next decades. So many of us are being called, can feel their influence in our lives and can see their influence popping up in post-modern culture, although may a times through its mis-appropriation.

The energy of the thirteen grandmothers spoke to me about disclosure of addictions and how we must embrace our totality and not just the idealized versions of the people we are thriving to be. Many of us, sacred rebels, are the underdogs, the ones that have suffered the blows from generational poverty and lack of education, but we are not to be discredited or discredit ourselves from the work we are doing here. We do not uphold false images, we truly stand-up for the rights of the less fortunate and do not play by the rules of the current system. Those who came from difficult lineages and are rising, ascending back into our ancient wisdom, act as bridges from the ancient world to the modern world. And we are proud to stand on the line between both worlds and wave our flags of truth to create harmony between the ancient heart and the modern mind of man.

Misguided attempts to uphold an image before authenticity is not going to lead the way into change, they are simply going to uphold the dogmatic mentality that has kept us locked down in shame, victimhood, misunderstanding and separation. In that spirit I wanted to share my own experience of addiction as I pushed through the challenges brought on to me by my family linage’s propensity to numb and forget.

Growing up in this world has always felt foreign to me, there always seemed to be so much pain in the experience, what I’ve held deep in my heart of knowing, is that this reality holds the potential for true bliss to be experienced and is a god-given right for all people of this world. Issues related to mental, physical, emotional and sexual abuse have dictated my ancestors experience, my grandmothers, grandfathers and finally my mother’s reality. We are not separate from our ancestors energetic imprints and DNA and so we are not separate from their pain. Our dedication to healing ourselves has become the doorway we give our children into a new realm of experience here on earth. One that generates the heart courage necessary for the people to reclaim their right for freedom as opposed to blindly numbing ourselves to the mega-corporations take over of this reality and our experience of it.

My mom’s side of the family are a bunch of super-gifted women, clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, extremely compassionate and tuned into the earth type of women but we still struggle with the habit of numbing our senses, our voices and our gifts because of addictive behaviours that were passed down to us born from enduring many forms of slavery. Many of us have fought long and hard against the odds of these challenges and are over-coming slowly but it’s also given us the humble view point of what is real in this world, what is true and what is necessary to grow and thrive.


I am so lucky to have worked through the grips of alcohol and drug abuse in my life but I still struggle with addictions in other forms. I have been on and off tobacco my whole life and as such I feel drawn to shaming myself for this, especially being on a spiritual path as a healer.  I also know better and understand that it is not how perfect we are but rather how truthfully we walk our paths as we strive to truly heal these wounds passed down to us. It is ultimately because of my wounds and facing them systematically in my life that I can hold space for others to do so. Through the experience of my own healings I can offer wisdom from a real place of power and conviction. I also love caffeine too. Being someone with low blood pressure, caffeine gives me the boost that I feel I need to bring myself into alignment with my natural state of being.

Each physical manifestation can be related to an emotional or mental state that is out of balance with our true natural self. This explanation on low blood pressure and the one below on smoking are paraphrased from Evette Rose’s Metaphysical Anatomy book. The reasons for low blood pressure are allowing ourselves to be weakened by life and harsh interactions with family. It also relates to our feeling that our needs will never be fulfilled, feelings of being stuck in stressful states due to our upbringing. Feelings that your mother and you did not have the support needed or the resources needed in order to accomplish goals intended. All of these mental and emotional states passed on to my mother and I created the conditions for low blood pressure to manifest in my life and thus the subconscious need to consume caffeine in order to bring myself back into balance.  I continue to heal myself and make the internal adjustments needed to release myself from past family trauma and thus slowly one by one I have overcome addiction after addiction.


Each of us engages in our addictions not out of weakness but rather as tools to strengthen ourselves as we move forward. We often feel like addictions should be hidden because they are simply there, created from hedonistic, selfish mindsets but most often they are not. They are often felt as the very things that are helping us take great big leaps forward to evolve past our pre-conditioning.

Smoking for example is born out of having felt too many responsibilities as a child, the need to support and fend for oneself too often. We may have had to emotionally support our family from an earlier age and felt obligated to step into such roles. We use it to calm the mind from stress and circumstances that we feel we can not control.

I highly recommend for anyone suffering from physical ailments or addictions whether that be food, shopping, t.v, porn, sex, cleaning, gossiping, alcohol, drugs or other, to look into and contemplate their metaphysical reasons for being. It is only when we can make the connections between how we are using these things to empower ourselves that we can begin to free ourselves from them. If you would like to book a session with me related to this topic I would be truly honoured to share this knowledge and wisdom with you, just message me here.

So with all that said I want to conclude by sharing with you that you are not your past, nor are you your shortcomings, your challenges and your addictions, you are the efforts made towards self-love, the striving you take towards healing and assisting others to heal. You are the bridges between worlds, ancient and new, when you rest in authenticity and self-acceptance. You are only doing yourself and others a favour when you stop trying to hold yourself to an image of perfection and instead embrace the humanness of who you are, who we all are, including our family circumstances and linages. Those challenges inherent in what was passed down to us, are great gifts in disguise, simply covered up over times of suffering. As we allow the light to shine on all our darkest corners we shed layer upon layer of past conditioning. May we all be free from our own inner critic and share ourselves fully with each other in raw open vulnerability so we may rise together and work together towards this new earth model we hold dear in our hearts.

Go sit on the land and speak to our trees and animals, they have guidance for you.

One love,


Raven picture taken from here
unmarked quote taken form here

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