The Galactic Round Table

I’m sitting here at the galactic round table, 5 known seats are taken, they’re all me. Various aspects of myself, we’re all made from star dust and we’re all very different. Our roots originating far in the sky beyond what the eye can see. We’re talking energy here to begin with and so the galactic table is seen through my third eye. All of us are having a discussion on life.

When you start to move inwards and commit to a path of self knowledge you begin to distinguish between the various aspects of self which exist simultaneously, creating the you in the here and now. Each aspect gifting us with something different, each aspect inherently producing different challenges for us to overcome. Some aspects have a predominate light or shadow vibration while others equally have both. As you look around your own personal galactic table you’ll see that you’re made up of fractals too, different energies igniting your being through thoughts, composing your personality, your wounds, your ego and heart. The sacred geometry within, which is contained deep within our core that makes up our unique vibration which simultaneously spirals out into space and time, we are energetically rooted through-out the universe and beyond.

Sitting directly on my lap is my inner child. After having discovering her hiding under a table last year I’ve been consciously taking care of her. Acknowledging her and honouring her needs, her pain and her dreams too. Slowly over the course of a year she went from trembling, to crying, to hugging, then smiling, to laughing and playing. Now when I look for her within, I don’t have to look too far, she’s right there breast feeding off the milk of my self-acceptance. She has inner authority over many outer situations in my life now too. Without her continuous presence, my ability to stay vulnerable, innocent and adaptable would not be strong.

Innocence is one of the key ingredients that allows us to hold space for ourselves and others as they work through their pain. To paraphrase Matt Kahn, “Can you honour the spiritual path of another if that also means holding space for their ‘fuck yous’ and their dark night of the soul projections?” If you’ve answered yes, you’ve retained your innocence, you’ve found within yourself the love only a child can have in this Kaleidoscope of an experience we call life. If we can continuously approach life innocently, we can stay present to what is, start new at each moment, unlearning the old to learn the new, grow and evolve. A safe place where we can be seen and heard and see and hear others.

A fertile ground for this growth is with soul family or those you love, feel close to or are inextricably drawn to. This is often why our most challenging relationships are with those closest to us. Also why our greatest evolution happens through these relationships.

Finding the purity and innocence within to see harsh emotions for what they are, a painful search for self-love when all outer searches have left us dry and high is paramount to integration.


Sitting to my right is the Sun’s Energy. He shines the need to be creative and express, the desire to stay distant enough so as to oversee a situation from a higher perspective and future timelines at play. He has a strong need to reflect in solitude and an equally strong need to report back his findings. Although he has an ability to see above duality, he has a dark side, who I call the dark goddess. She carries within her the power to launch lightening bolts of awakening into the hearts of travellers gone astray. She urges me to keep on pushing through any situation that presents itself as fear. Just as she can jolt change into the heart of another, so can she strike lightening bolts of change into my own life in spectacularly shocking ways. She doesn’t care whether I feel willing or able, her job is to keep pushing my self-imposed buttons of limitation towards what she deems a worthy cause. She is the non-conformist in me and the fearless lion that enchants me with her ferociousness.


To my left is a woman containing a Quan Yin energy, mother of Love, Mercy and Compassion. She is the hopeless lover in me, the one that pushes me to love more and more, above and beyond what the other parts of me, wounded and ego wish to allow. She’s the one that continuously guides me towards finding a way to cognitively reframe any crazy situation so I may return back to love. She is also the martyr within me, the one that is at undying service to another despite the pain it might cause me. We’ve had some good negotiating happen over the last year and I’ve been learning how to better manage her energy so she doesn’t deplete my ability to function in the world. I’ve learned to focus her power of love first on myself then towards others. She’s teaching me how to distinguish when I’m misappropriating her energy through ego and when I’m infact soul crafting kindness out in the world equally benefiting all.


To the right of her is the Priestess, the divine goddess, Shakti energy. She continuously drives me to stay connected within and to dive deeper into my womb, into my connection with the cosmos, my connection to Life Force itself. She shows me the world through vibration and helps me understand its interconnectivity. She has full rein over my sexuality and shows me the ways in which I should share it with others and how this energy is the most powerful tool for healing we have. She is who makes me dance, laugh and sing. She is also the destructive force within that can burn down a single situation with one word or glance. She is a force to be reckoned with so an energy I try to imbue carefully so as to use her influence to be that of healing, creation, and abundance rather than destruction.

The other two are still in discovery so I won’t go into them too much, one is earthy and shamanic. The other is very geeky, analytical and more logically based, representing the more divine masculine aspects of myself. They feel so transient still, they pop in and out as they please because my ability to identify them well is still in progress. These are the energies that I am diving into more this coming season and how fun it will be to get to know these different parts more intimately. How will they change my life and what I create here?

We’re all sitting at our very own galactic round tables. Constantly self-negotiation which energies to draw in on and use in various life situations. The question is always, what will best serve the integrity of this situation, who can I call on to deliver the best outcome when doing an activity, in a session with a client or interacting with another human being? When we become more aware of the different parts of ourselves, we can begin to create with greater humility and solidity in the world. Calling on our superpowers with conviction and toning down those overbearing darker influences through self-awareness. Knowing ourselves in this way also helps us get to know each other more intimately. If we can distinguish within ourselves the different parts, so can we begin to distinguish in others the various energies that make up their being.

Life becomes clearer when we can better know which aspects of a friend, lover, client or family member we are in the process of interacting with thus assisting us in communication more effectively with them. In turn we can make better decisions in general when we know who’s driving our own ship at any given moment. It helps us master self-discipline and strive towards self-integration.

Which aspect of you is reading this article right now?



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Quan Yin

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