Sweet Surrender

There comes a time in life when it’s not only necessary to let go of our concept of self in order to gain a concept of the whole but it’s enviable. We spend most of our time living in our own bubble of existence, plotting, planning and feeling as though we are the rulers of our lives. There is nothing further from the truth than this false concept of control.

If you look back on the long line of interplay between you and your life you’ll notice that it was simply an effort of negotiation, with a force so inconceivable, so mind-bending and jaw dropping; the ebb and flow of existence weaving it’s way through you. We do have choices, many, each day, that are based on our accumulation of knowledge and wisdom but they pale in comparison to the fixed hands we were dealt upon entering this earth, the body, DNA, the fixed set of family members we were assigned to walk alongside, including all the other initial forces that moulded us into being.


We have mostly vague ideas about how we see ourselves in the world, these ideas have stereotypical titles and attached to generalized concepts but as each moment passes what truly arises within us, to point us towards our destiny, is far greater than what is within immediate reach. It is something that lies within the unknown void, where stars dance and souls mingle, within the miracle and fabric of life. An expanding force, a soft nudge that leads us from mundane moment, to daily task, into feelings, excitement, sadness, choices and pivotal decision.

I’m sure if you would have asked yourself ten years ago where you’d be today, with a slew of questions about particulars, at best you would have only conceived 50% of it. Maybe you would have correctly guessed the city in which you live, the field of work you are engaged in and the friends you spend most of your time with, perhaps. But would you have been able to conceive the feelings you are having and your outlook on the world as it is now, compared to then? I highly doubt it. Less likely would you have seen the path of evolution your soul has taken you on, the trials and tribulations your heart has put you through or the dynamic interplay life has served you, through the vast array of seemingly spontaneous and random experiences.


As we get older, we soften into this reality of 50/50, free will to destiny. We learn to loosen up our grip on all the stress that we’ve let chew us up on the inside because we can see that it truly has no return other than impeding life’s miraculous flow and unfolding. One of my favourite ways to live is to focus on following my joy and bliss. What would make you feel the best right now? Doing what is calling your highest vibration to the forefront of your experience will lead you to either more experience of bliss or an obstacle that must be unraveled or traversed to greater experience of bliss but either way it will lead you there because like attracts like and the laws of the universe have often shown us that when we emanate something we call more of that same thing into our lives. Rarely will you follow your misery and find bliss, misery will lead you to more misery and obstacles that bring you right back on the path to greater misery.

When this realization truly hits home, you become courageous enough to never deny yourself what calls you into wakefulness, excites your mind and tingles your heart because doing so has never failed you before, no matter how crazy it may seem at the time, it has always led you to the greatest lesson to push you forward, the most rewarding experiences and unforgettable memories. All the things that make life meaningful.


Surrendering then becomes a dedicate art, for the skillfully awakened soul that wishes to engage fully with life, as he molds the remaining 50% of his time through willful action based living. There are three main steps to surrender that you can ponder to entice this peaceful way of engaging with the miracle of life. When done regularly, life rewards you by way of inserting more gratitude into your experience, more appreciation and more love; a true sense of wellbeing and an almost unbearable lightness of flight is born.

Acceptance of Feeling

The first step to surrender is to accept your feelings. Not just the ones that are banging at your nervous system but the feelings which lay deeper within your sacred heart of knowing. This takes introspection, dedication and self-trust but with time we can learn, just like we have with our intuition, that our first response isn’t necessarily truth but rather layers of conditioning built on a wide array of factors, including past experiences, upbringing and societal conditioning. The truth of our feelings, like the truth of our intuition is subtle and non-assuming.

Accepting our feelings means being free of self-judgment. It means being non-attached to our initial reactions and allowing a softening of our traumas to occur to experience our most inner soulful feelings with open arms and gratitude.

Detaching from Ego

The second step is to detach ourselves from both the voice of protection from ego and the voice of glorification that the ego is constantly trying to steal the front-stage with. The ego just like our intuition is the most keen piece of survival technology we have within our human design but because it acts on bodily response verses soul response it is often misguiding. It is a tool to take with a grain of salt lest we let it run us in loops of matrix draining conditioning. Ego doesn’t enjoy surrender because it feels that this will lead to either eminent death or passive wakefulness.

Ego should be handled with love, respected for its efforts but never left to run the show. Allowing ego to be, letting it speak to you in all the ways it wishes to, without letting it be the captain of the ship is the only way to match yourself to the gifts and blessings that await you, the ones the universe wishes to serve you up, on a golden platter.

Connecting to Source

To get to this place where we can hear the whispers of spirit we must succumb to the previous steps first. Removing the obstacles of conditioning and illusion the mind begins to settle, our heart rates drop and open, our nervous system begins to synchronize to the earth, sky and cosmos. In this place of connection we are given guidance, inspiration, strength, health, love and a peaceful experience of existing both as an individual and as a whole, interconnected to all living beings and everything at large.

In this space we can attract, not what the often mess at the forefront is strategically planning or auto piloting a responds to but what attracts the fullest potential to the cards we’ve been dealt. Life full of energy, synchronicities, grace, opportunities, power and divine love, both in servitude to your highest calling and to that of all which sits next to you in existence.

Surrender, sweet surrender.

One Love,


Image source

Crooked Tree
Miracle Forest

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