To Solve our Current Climate Koan, we need to Think About the War on Sense Making

I was recently contacted by one of our co-creators about the Climate Problems we’re currently facing. He was curious as to what the divine feminine might have to offer through an energetic perspective. His questions were as follows: 

“Scientists say we have 12 years to transform our economy/society to mostly eliminate the burning of fossil fuels if we don’t want some kind of catastrophic threat-to-human-life type situation to arise. In my experience, integrating that knowledge into our daily lives is pretty hard in all the milieus that I hang out in. Spirituality is no exception! So I’ve been asking people who seem to have access to beyond-brain consciousness for insights. What is the meaning of the climate crisis? What is needed to solve it? And what is the role of inner work in doing so?”

Being mostly driven by my intuitive and creative capacities, I’ve been quite selective about what I chose to place my attention on when it comes to left-brain stimulation with a goal of balance. 

This drive has led me to study from the divine masculine whom I consider to be mirroring the divine feminine’s innate understandings from a masculine perspective.

The way they’re using their intellectual capacities is akin to creating a bridge from the energetic world to the more structural world. They’re pushing the frontiers of language. Furthering intellectual discussions to assist humanity that are driven towards bridging what the divine feminine have been expressing from an energetic perspective. 

The wild women are still labelled crazy and delusional because we often lack the language to clearly express what we’re sensing and why we’re sensing it. That is to articulate the logical reasoning to back it.

We’re basically pushing a movement that’s challenging an entire system. We’re attempting to do this using an old language that was mostly founded on masculine principles, created predominately through the masculine lenses of perception which peaked during the industrial revolution. 

I’ll go as far as to estimate that the English language was formed 5:2, masculine to feminine thinkers. A language, in my opinion that has not evolved in a way that efficiently expresses our intuitive way of interpreting the world. Thus has not rooted our understandings of natural rhythms, ancient wisdom or cosmic laws into its neurolinguistic programming. 

For this reason and for the redemption of our planet, the divine masculine both within males and females are attempting to meet half way. To create a bridge that will unite both forces of anima and animus, launching us into a new global mind set. 

“If you aren’t aware of how effective various agents are at manipulation, deception and confusion, then you either have a very high capacity to endure uncertainty, or you’re not really thinking clearly about the implication of the war on sense making.” Jordan Greenhall, a lead thinker in the field of the war on sense making.

I see the English language as a hindrance to higher wisdom separating us from healthy lifestyles due to the forces behind its creation. Jordan is attempting to bridge the gap, along with many other divine masculine thinkers all around the world, from zen masters to modern day way showers like Jordan Peterson.

Before we work on the Big issues we have to come to a place of understanding. A type of meta-consciousness that lifts us out of our small mind thinking and creates a bridge to big-mind collaboration. A place where we can start solving the bigger problems together as a collective human race.

The feminine can deeply sense what is healthy verses unhealthy, both in ourselves, in the people around us and in our environments. We receive much more information from our five senses in general, especially after giving birth. We simply feel much more on a guttural level. Due to the feminine being so sensorially connected to the outside world, we’re naturally less predisposed to holding a strong vibration of sovereignty.

Evolving our language to include the feminine knowings will likely save the planet from self-destruction. This is what the rise of the Divine Feminine is all about.

What is the meaning of the climate crisis?

The inception of the climate crisis began around the time of the industrial revolution when technology rocket launched us into a whole new era of life style. As soon as we began to have access to transportation, things began to take off in the direction of mass production and mass consumption.

Technology has also gifted us with longevity, our life expectancy has doubled in the last century. We began to crowd ourselves into cities and slowly disconnect ourselves from the natural world and our natural resources. 

This has made it easier and easier for people to feel disconnected from their natural environments and disassociate from the causes of the climate crisis. Only those still living close to the land are witnessing with their own eyes the destruction.

For the rest of us, out of sight out of mind.

Images on television are not enough to shock us into taking responsibility because we’re now desensitized to what is real verses fake. Our sense making has been tampered with and it started over a century ago when we put the development of technology at the forefront of humanity. Our disconnection from sense making is also perpetuated by false ideologies and gurus. It’s been a slow crawl up towards the meta-mind of co-creative repsonsibility.

We’re no longer focused on what actually matters the most or capable of feeling the depths of what we’re witnessing through the images being reported back to us.

We’re so saturated in a sense of ignorant helplessness. For the majority, priorities are simply on immediate survival, for the rest about remaining comfortable and feeding ego stimulation.

–We’re so disconnected that we have now entered an era where the unthinkable is about to happen. 

What is needed to solve it?

We need to slow down, re-prioritize our lives, reconnect with our bodies, our natural sense making and our intuitive capacities to determine what is life giving rather than life taking.

That is to protect and restore life rather than forcibly have it serve us.

To reorganize ourselves so that we are aligned with protecting all life on earth. To fiercely nurture our bodies. The more we treat our own bodies as temples the more likely we are to treat the earth as a temple. As within, so without.

The more selective we are as to the food we put into our bodies the more educated we are about where the food comes from, how it is produced and who and what is impacted by its production. Sounds easy but it is no easy feat in our fast paced society.

The environments we immerse ourselves in are either disconnecting us further from Mother Earth or bringing us closer to understanding how to function in harmony with her.

Moving out of consumption based societies into gift exchange societies is going to require a huge amount of trust in oneself first and then trust in others second. It requires cultivating personal integrity, a healthy sense of self-esteem so we may align with creative passions.

All of which require us to prioritize heart and soul rather than money and power. 

Ultimately we need to re-organize ourselves into community living but first we must re-learn what healthy boundaries feel like and how to live connected as a healthy interdependent species.

What is the role of inner work in doing so?

The inner work requires us to get to a place where we’re in a state of complete mental, physical and emotional sovereignty. A place where we’ve grown up enough to overcome our ego illusions and neurolinguistic programming.

To be able to see past all the marketing campaigns trying to sell us products that are harming us and our environment. To see where we’re only mass purchasing because we’ve been sold on the idea that we’re not good enough as we are, that we need something more to be loved. 

It’s difficult to explain to first class citizens how ignorant they’ve become because they can’t sincerely juxtapose their reality onto the realities of the majority around the globe and those that do, haven’t woken up yet to the power and responsibility they hold in redirecting the course of humanity.

In the case of the majority, for some strange reason they believe themselves to be made of finer clay because they are sitting atop the cart. They can’t see that they’re made of the exact same earthly ingredients as everyone else.

That those who are deemed less educated are only in that position to begin with because for generations they have been busied with pulling the cart rather than having the vantage point of observing and learning from atop to develop higher levels of awareness.

The irony is that many of those in third world countries are living in harmony with nature and according to healthy models of the gifting economy already. The elite deceptively imposing their way as the best way.

We need to re-hardwire our nervous systems to the natural rhythms of the earth rather than the algorithms of artificial intelligence.

Social media channels down grade our capacity as sovereign beings. We are inundated with videos that promote false prophets, those whom profit off of our insecurities through negative conditioning. Sending us into perpetual downward spirals of believing there is something we need to fix about ourselves before we’re ready to start fixing real world problems, such as the climate crisis and world hunger.

Social media marketing ploys that keep us over consuming and addicted to belief systems that break down our capacity to think clearly about our interconnectivity with the natural world.    

The remedy is to continue to connect with the land and stay active in our natural and community environments.

To go for walks in the forest, to soak up the sun and swim in our lakes and rivers. To get a first hand look at the state they’re in but also to ground with the earth and release positive ions as we absorb negative ions back into our bodies.

This purifies and cleanses our energetic systems. Connecting with nature takes us out of our monkey minds, the programmed mind and returns our awareness back into our bodies, where we’re more likely to feel what state of health we’re in and see clearly what state of health our natural environments are in. This will enhance everyday choices that support nature rather than abuse of it.

Connecting with each other in sacred settings and honouring the simple things will help us strengthen our trust in each other and reconnect us to what is fundamental.

The only people benefiting from the escapist mentality are those that aren’t concerned with the future of our planet or the health of the overall general population. It’s a challenge to de-program ourselves from societal illusions but we are now at a global awakening point where all people and groups need to come together and co-ordinate the shift.

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