Ascending into Individuation

There are bigger spirals of understanding that consist of little spirals of understanding. The over standings of the smaller understandings. We all hit these moments, plateaus of integration. They’re moments when we have the choice to timeline jump into a whole new perspective of thinking, such as an epiphany would provide. These are the moments in which we are asked to dig even deeper for meaning to show up even bolder and wiser on our process of individuation (ascension).

The path of self-knowledge can start out from anywhere. Of course we’re all on this path from birth and self-awareness usually grows but for some of us the search within becomes the ultimate path. Some might learn a certain amount and stop there because the desire to seek further is no longer a priority or a precursor to where they’re going. They’ve perhaps found a certain contentment with what they’ve discovered or lack the motivation to experience new things, which will enviably call in new thoughts, sensations and feelings by which to know thyself from. Some just decide at one point in their lives to consciously continue the exploration through the use of various techniques or lenses of perception to further their exploration and decide they don’t want to stop.


All the books I’ve ever gravitated towards have been centred around mysticism, psychology, philosophy or spirituality but after having two children I decided to start meditating daily which opened me up to discovering what the world from within had to offer. After doing this for a little while I started to feel different and think differently, poking past layers of conditioning and dabbling into the soft mussy parts of my soul. A growing curiosity of what was behind the veil or this illusion we call the mystery of life was baptized into me once again, with more fervour and focus.

One morning after deciding to search the internet for new spiritual teachers I came across Teal Swan, each spiritual teacher is a portal into the self. They usually all provide some gateway into learning about the infinite-self more deeply through their teachings, their unique lenses, the ones they developed as they individuated themselves out into the world. Simultaneously I came across the work of many other teachers including Katie Byron, Matt Kahn and Drunvalo Melchizedek. Then I found Lilou Mace’s channel and Buddha at the Gas Pump, which combined have interviewed thousands and thousands of people on their spiritual journeys, including gurus, life and wellness coaches, tantric practitioners, eccentrics, quantum biologists, thought leaders, writers, you name it. Nature was also one of my biggest teachers at the time, connecting with the land and animals from a fresh spiritual perspective opened up yet another portal into knowing thyself further.


I think the most interesting things I was pointed to during that time were the unexplainable events in our history, such as the construction of the ancient pyramids in Egypt and teachings long forgotten on the miracles of the body, including the concept of our multi-dimensional selves and the belief that with each layer up in our energetic vibration, moving all the way back to where it all began, we can discover portals into other worlds through the experience of our multi-dimensional beingness. You have to start meditating daily to develop the sight for this but once that capsule has been opened you can encounter more than you normally would in a regular lucid dreaming session, this is often when things get trippy. Some people use psychedelic drugs to get there while others activate their third eye simply by focusing inwards consistently.

After coming across what we call the New Age movement, a wormhole that is profound and rich in bringing deconstructionism to both the nature of psychological, spirituality and biology we find ourselves within a mystical portal that initiates us towards incredible depths of self-discovery using vibratory vision with the goal of increasing our human potential in all areas of existence. The beauty about putting on a pair of spiritual narrative bifocals is that we get to experience our perception of self anew through a completely different set of lenses. But because nothing is permanent in life, including our perception of self, we eventually begin to again see through a new lens, gravitating closer and closer towards our centre of existence.


During the process of individuation we initially put on as many lenses as possible in an attempt to eventually come to our own unique understanding of the world, one that reflects the true nature of our unique soul vibration. It’s meant to free us from the indoctrination of outside conditioning and help us fully embrace our inner nature as individual beings living here as part of a collective whole. I believe this process of freeing ourselves would ultimately connect us closer together, uniting us through embracing our individuality. It requires that all people have a deep respect for the other’s path, equal to their own. Never reducing themselves to falling into the trap of becoming a carbon copy of someone else or allowing their truth to sway too far from home. Bringing order to the inner chaos would reflect a certain order to the outer diversity within humanity.

As we bump up against each other on this journey of self-discovery we are essentially learning to resolve inner conflict. It’s only when we’re triggered by an outside stimuli that we can begin the process of looking deeper into our conditioning to remove the layers withholding us from expressing our divine nature and unique truth. When we lose our sensitivity to each other, due to lack of heart connection we lose the capacity to experience meaning and deeper purpose. In which case many people fall back into outdated modes of operating which require little effort or responsibility in co-creating the larger picture of collective human purpose: To assist one another in developing our full potential. And purpose itself is something we’re all abundant in. Our existence sits squarely on our ability to deep dive into each sun set. Without connecting to the soul spark which lies within, we’d no longer exist, plain and simple, we’d literally vanish off the face of the earth from lack of motivation (imagination).

Heart based living helps us uncover purpose as we discover ourselves on a deeper level. It promotes authentic connections and motivates others to find their truth, passion and purpose. It ignites the desire to establish healthy strides forwards, both individually and collectively. Let your imaginations run wild and role with it, the world needs your soulcentric self more than you might believe.


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Less Astonished

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