The Rainbow Bridge

We returned to the people, we returned to the land, we returned to our senses. We exorcised Wetiko from our consciousness, we exorcised it out from our lives. 

I speak on behalf of the people. We each speak on behalf of us. There is pain in that knowing, in the knowing that there are many parts of us that haven’t yet unified to accomplish the tasks at hand. We are connected through mind and through hearts yet divided through pain and ignorance. Here on the ground, close to the earth, adrift in the scent of pine needles and dirt, we are still so lost. Dying and starving through war, disease, disasters and famine, through greed and depression.

The pain provides us with the tools. Without sitting with it, feeling deeply into it and wallowing in the victimhood of it, without allowing it to swallow us whole, we could not dance with what it means to allow, accept, love and continue to strive forward. Before we sink into the depths of our most inner post-postmodern dramas and dilemmas, we feel helpless, hopeless, we feel alone. Beyond the fog of it, in the awakening from it, we are gifted with the vision of how point A leads to point B. Faith in the mysterious ways of this world are all we have when it comes to darkness, when we are tested by demons, dragons and people searching and searching for more, more love, in all the wrong ways.  

Yet, we return as water bearers, we transmute it all to return with the light. 

I would not have the planetary visions I have today had it not been for my initiations into the realms of imagination, meaning, faith, surrender, purpose and spirt. Would you? We are all becoming rainbow bridges to a new/old world. Seeing beyond the veil allows us to ground our divinity into the here and now, awaken soul back into body, back into the shared body, back into Mother Gaia. 

Even for a flash, placing no value on materialism puts the spot light on the darkest realms of human destruction. If you ask a (wo)man to give up his riches, you are asking her to give up her most cherished attachments. His comfort, identity and confidence. But instead, if you ask her to use it to better something, someone, a system, a world, maybe just maybe, he will find the right tools to create life rather than take from it. 

When the phoenixes rise, the ashes are collected for the slave medicine of humanity. They become the sage’s face paint of modern man and woman, they symbolize the deepest desires to move beyond the path of intellectual materialism and into embodied wisdom and global change. This is the call that our native ancestors knew as the time of the great White Buffalo. We are all rainbow bridges awakening.

It is through each of us embodying the remembrance of spirit that we can begin to walk straight upon this earth again. We intellectually gnaw at the remembrance of our responsibilities but we must first lose our grip on all that is standing in our way of that remembering to begin embodying real action. Including placing an equal importance on our responsibilities as we do on our rights.

We can get lost in the tidal wave of what needs to be changed and forget to change what we can. Without beginning with the minute actions, we lose our grip, we become overwhelmed, we become bitter and resentful of the wrongs we see in the world. Let our choices from body, to family, to home lead the way. Let us nourish the world from the hearth out. With what’s in our power, our purchasing power, our power to chose what we feed our minds and hearts with. Because in the end, they are all simply projected back out into the world and spread like weeds or like wild flowers. It starts with our energetic expenditures and conservations.

An intellectual understanding of the problems can only take us so far, an insatiable appetite to connect with spirit, can often be too much, especially through psychotropic inductions, they easily breed inertia. A lack of courage to step outside of conditioned life will not take us far enough. It’s in walking the tight rope. We can not abandon our families to seek out new and better worlds, nor our communities in the belief that we need to awaken those abroad, nor abandon ourselves to numb our post postmodern psychological pain. The surrender that will change things, is from the inside out. Our responsibility to take action, rather than take heed. Our responsibility to do, rather than say. Our responsibilities TODAY are to create what is needed foundational within and to use wisely the powers we have within reach. To return life to our waters, to our oceans, to our seas.

The awe in such power roars, let it roar in your hearts, so we can no longer deny the moment, the minute, the responsibility to change.  

Blasting Love,

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