Mashed Potatoes

A response to Alexander Beiner's inquiry into game~b. 

I’ve been thinking about similar questions to yours regarding gameb but haven’t put out a proper blog entry yet. I suppose this is the prelude. So here’s what arose after reading your post. Have you watched the first Future Thinker’s interview with Nora Bateson? If so you might remember her making reference to change happening on the level of “mashed potatoes”. This was a very important metaphor in so far as it points to where change is really created from. It’s in the places that might seem irrelevant to the big picture so they get over looked, this is the deep code work that game~b contributors are highlighting for me.

Everything is in the way we communicate multi-dimensionally, it’s in the how and what we eat, how and why we say or don’t say what we say, to the store clerks, the annoying tyrants in our lives, our kids, co-workers, lovers and each other. It’s in how we perceive and deal with conflict, it’s what we choose to think about when we wake up, what conversations we have throughout the day, what we are studying, writing, creating and how we move our bodies through space, its in what we buy and sell, it’s in how we breath, it’s in the how, why and with whom we have sex. Its the sovereignty, polymath, agency practice/understanding of creating in the world.

Real change takes time but with clear intentions and each of us living our dharma (purpose) the best way we can, evolution is affected positively. How many have been working on this stuff for decades? These collective creations, learning matrixes started way back for me personally. To affect things on a larger scale it’s necessary to first alter things on the micro scale, right? Yes apply hermetic principles here so I don’t need to get too freaky with the lingo.

So with that being said, Daniel Schmachenberg’s personal process for aligning one’s core values and interests to a game~b lifestyle of global solutions IS game~b ground work, it’s the mashed potatoes, the day to day deep code of creating game~b realistically in a game~a world.

Applying everything we are learning here on the micro level of our lives allows us to see our individual cell’s function in relationship to each other and the whole, clearly. Not every cell participating through collective intelligence connecting here, will look like “big action moves or strategies” on the surface level. I see it as part of my ongoing life’s work, the minute moment embodiment stuff, the hard work—this is how it doesn’t become utopian or stay conceptual.

We are infinite players coming and going, sharing and taking what we need, finding that next piece to integrate more of what it means to be a healthy contributor. When the foundational work is in progress and maintained/updated, a continuous up-regulating of ‘signal vs noise’ starts occurring and can be infused into our immediate communities.
It’s a launching pad for aligning lifestyle to principles at the maximum healthy speed possible for that individual cell based on its intrinsic function. At which point the effects begin to unravel onto the larger stages.

From my subjective reality, many of the mouth pieces for game~b have been speaking my ideas for me. We speak through each other in this sense, we are all creating and doing together, for the greater good of all, for as far as we can see. That will vary for each player.

Second part I’ve been observing from moving around between communities that are working on the same things but from very different lenses, is that the zeitgeist of “game~b” is taking place around the globe through collective intelligence yet simply wearing different masks and yes using very different lingo. Perhaps the moment they all connect will be the tipping point, the paradigm shift.

How many here have tried living in community already? Mashed potatoes I tell ya. This is why the work everyone’s connecting in the gameb circle is so important. Its helping us become better at being healthier individual cells so as to create more efficiently together when in larger and larger groups.

Taking care of our individual roles and responsibilities, our personal practices and connecting to people we are resonating with to continue the work is all that’s needed to create long term effects. Think global act local. Example, recently I was having a conflict with someone in my community, so I called in some elders to do restorative circling to assist. Game~a says “fuck it”, game~b says “I’ll put in the deep code effort”.

If you’re doing your dharma, you’re continuously upgrading your healthy game~b cell to assist the other organisms in functioning well. Each person’s dharma is going to look very different but using some of the awesome models coming in through the game~b node (there are many) is evolving us towards global solutions through conscious co-creation. So for example, thanks for doing your dharma Alex and contributing Rebel Wisdom interviews, along with all the best decisions you make through-out your day. It’s all connected, and it adds up and reaches way out into the world, rearranging it slowly yet steadily.

The game~b Facebook group is a watering hole, a nodal axis for going deeper, where people come to exchange, reflect, share and collaborate on projects that are calling to them based on the Game~b principals listed in the group. Sometimes it means simply being inspired, creating quietly then sharing, or in smaller groups and perhaps as time moves forwards, all of the deep code work will produce a highly effective Game~b community in real-time, somewhere on this planet. The best scenario, it will produce many that are all continuously producing and applying global solutions regularly.

Also, personal lesson: Try not to weaponize game~b as you leverage yourself out of game~a nodal access points, it can sneak up fast.

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