Deep Receptive Flow

Yum, that deep flow! Nothing surpasses the feeling of being in the flow with Mother Nature. Feeling as though each breath taken is also her breath taken. It’s harmonious and scrumptious. How did we get here? For many people, right now is that moment of simply being in the flow with life rather than being in resistance to it. Some might have just starting their journeys but for those that did that nitty gritty work from 2015-2017, you know the wave I’m talking about, the one that knocked you off your feet to re-align you with your soul frequency, ya that one. For those that went through that hurricane, and stayed focused on learning and growing, you are now feeling the blisness of what it’s like to be in a state of receptive expansion. Some like to call it divine neutrality, I prefer deep receptive flow because it sounds sexier!

It’s definitely a feeling of neutrality because it’s a 5D state. You’re comfortably looking down on the storms of duality with love but not feeling them in a visceral sense. Much less affected by them, much more compassionate to them, simply arms open to them, like a mother to her child when all seems to be going wrong. You just hold them, lovingly. The simplicity of such an act of wisdom and compassion, as towards a child, is all they need to feel ok again. Works like a charm every time. If you’ve never tried it, I highly recommend you do, the next time your child is having a tantrum, instead of trying to talk or negotiate with them, simply open your arms and silently hold them. They stop crying almost immediately, because all we ever need to feel is acceptance, loving and compassion. The same goes for how we need to face duality, whether experienced within our minds or bodies or without, within situations with other people or through what we see happening in the world.


This deep receptive flow is similar to how a newly sprouted spring bud would feel. It’s a state of allowing, freshly birthed and ready to experience the world with no prior conditioning. This is the beauty of having actually given yourself the gift of working diligently through any stages of awakening you may experience in life. We allow a striping away of the old, to discover the truth of who we really are, which makes everything feel like a new experience. Just as how our senses awaken during the spring time to explore the new smells of the earth defrosting, grass growing and flowers budding, so do our senses feel more alive once we’ve removed all the extra conditioning from our childhoods, society and culture, all those layers that aren’t a part of who you are fundamentally. 

In this deep state of allowing it’s very difficult to align with the wrong situations and people but even if you do, it becomes almost impossible to judge them or yourself through the sticky interactions. After having gone through the process of learning to love yourself, judgment is a joke past. As we know the more self-love we have the more love and compassion we have for others. If you aren’t sure as to what parts of yourself you are still judging needlessly, just look to where you judge others the most. I’m still a hard core warrior at heart but there are much more efficient and subtler ways to have an impact on the world, such as writing or any form of artistic expression. My self-love is too strong to attract situations into my life where I need to place my wellbeing in the hands of another in order to make a change based on truth and justice. This form of martyrdom is dead, it’s a form of militancy, as a wise woman once said.

Discernment, the ability to intuitively and rationally know what is not good for yourself or another, simply because it isn’t nourishing or vitalizing you or them, is second hand to you right now. The thing with life is that depending on why we flew in, what we came to accomplish and into what set of life circumstances we chose to assist us in doing so, there might be major challenges to face the whole way through. Whether you’re a pessimist or an optimist (or simply put, your underlying attitude), what sort of will power you have and what quality of love you offer yourself and others, will determine how gracefully you can face life’s oppositions and how you flow.

Each whole-hearted attempt at truly utilizing peak moments of awakening as doorways of personal initiation will determine your ability to gracefully move through the following one. As I look back on my life, I’ve gone through quite a few intense portals but each time, I know a little more about how and what to do to maximize the learning inherent within them. Like mini rebirths, everything must transform in some way so something more attuned can be reborn, especially as we move into mid-life. If we have the courage to face the second half of our lives in authenticity, we’ll definitely be forced to let-go of anything that wasn’t allowing us to do so, by being innately in the flow with who we truly are. 


Being attuned and receptive plugs us directly into our gut, our personal intuition and that in combination with our matured minds, gives us the ability to continue to expand while being in receptive mode–mastering duality. We expand in non-judgment and simultaneously stay open to receive direct messages from our higher selves, as to what will best assist our personal growth. The fuck it all attitude, starts to apply, not to what one wishes to negate or deny about themselves or their emotions, but to what is simply unimportant in the big scheme of it all. Thus the flow is unleashed, as less and less resistance between what we think we should do, verses what we deep-down know we should do takes place. Also the beauty about being a full fledged adult and doing your unique ‘you’ thing, is that you are constantly attracting more and more people and opportunities that resonate with your truth, because you’re closer and closer to knowing what that is. Finding our truth is a continuous process and ever evolving, but the base line conditioning dissolves when you so chose to face yourself. 

So where in the 2018 do we go from here? As I reflect on my life in this current state and what is blooming, it’s very much about co-creation. The age of Aquarius is here as we know and it’s all about co-creating the New Earth. Due to us feeling less affected by the nature of duality in general, as an overtone theme to this year’s energy, we’re more co-operative and more readily able to grow individually because we’re operating collectively, open to cross-pollinating our ideas. Collectively bringing what we’ve been loving the crap out of to the table and being able to chose the best way forward without the feeling of seperatness–ego–blocking the way. It’s a beautiful time for many indeed. I’m personally a co-creative junkie, I love working with many people simultaneously, it feels so natural, especially at this point in history and especially now that we’re all recognizing how connected we are energetically, telepathically and inseparably. If we’re going to call in REAL world peace, it starts by redefining our separate roles into a more conducive collective mould for the New Earth to flourish from. Seeing the truth of our connectivity promotes healthy transparency and increases our desire to harmonize with each other. 

Enjoy this beautiful season and seize the incredible energy that is currently leading the way, the deep receptive vibe taking us home! 

Image Sources

Taming the dragon of duality


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