Moving Life Force into the Heart

Moving life force—our primal energy—up from the lower chakras into the heart is one of the most challenging steps we learn to take when it comes to mastering our vital energy for creativity and enlightenment.  This is the sacred dance of masculine and feminine energies within and our intimate partnerships without. We live in a culture that is fly-high on sexualizing each-other and forming connections base off of rudimentary sexual desires in order to maintain connection in a fast paced disconnected world. Let’s face it, true intimacy is terrifying for most people. 

heart in a cage

Opening our hearts up to receiving primal life force is about learning how to build trust, being vulnerable and connecting authentically with another human being. No easy feat when most of us have multiple pad locks and red tape wrapped around our tender hearts. It’s way easier to stand behind the masks of our sexual identities than to stand before a new lover in full surrender, heart receptors wide open to growth. 

The second chakra which houses our unique identities, also houses our sexual preferences and the power dynamics of relationships we learned growing up. As we become physically attracted to another person our second charka lights up like a star. It begins to absorb the energy being exchanged and compares the quality of the that energy to its own energetic imprints and sexual preferences. Depending on the force and type of sexual energy being exchanged, it will either match the relationship power dynamics we learned, or not. We can usually tell if a person is a sustainable match to our second chakra imprints after having spent some time simply exchanging non-physical sexual energy with them.

If you’re second charka begins to feel uncomfortably raw, it might mean that the sexual energy being exchanged is not a healthy match or that you may need to heal past relationship wounds. It may simply be an over accumulation of sexual energy that needs to be released through orgasm, which is often the case when the individual is too focused on the sexual dynamics of the relationship. This can happen when we are not yet aware of the power in cultivating vital energy and moving it through the body for things like increased vitality, healing, longevity, creativity and soul illumination. 

third chakra

If you’re looking to expand your consciousness and creative capacity out into the world, including drawing in abundance, you can start by moving this energy up into your higher chakras. As the energy moves through each centre it will bring to the surface any past issues that still need to be released.  The power of vital energy naturally heals, it is life force itself, programmed to bring forth new life into the world in divine perfection. 

As it moves into the third chakra it will teach you about your own personal power, self-esteem, self-control, personal boundaries ect. If you feel powerless to the relationship or the quality of sexual energy being exchanged, your third chakra will feel over stimulated when the vital energy reaches it’s core. Healthy relationships can help you grow if you are open to receiving the messages your body sends you. If a relationship is unhealthy it will still help you grow but best that it be a match to your growth capacity if you don’t want to see it explode. If it’s felt too intensely and you don’t have the will or the desire to move through what arises, it will eventually be a detriment to your physical health and creative progress. 

The third chakra also houses our personal intuition, our inner knowing about who and what is aligned for our highest good. If you listen carefully to your third chakra it will show you who is empowering you on your path and who isn’t. If you don’t feel genuinely safe, either mentally, emotionally or physically within a relationship, your third chakra will show you what needs to be healed in order to establish self-trust and set health personal boundaries. Simply take the time to meditate on the feelings that arise and the process of personal growth will begin.

Moving the energy into the fourth chakra is a huge step towards cultivating self-love, healthy co-creation and self-actualization. It moves the vital energy from the dualistic energy centerers of the lower chakras, from both sexual and personality power dynamics into harmonic resonance with a force greater than both combined. When the vital energy reaches the heart centre and throat chakra it produces a sensation of unconditional love and seeks to move this energy out into the world in order to connect with all living things. It helps teach us how to keep our individual desires in balance with the needs of the outside world and how to transform base sexual energy back into powerful vital energy to create, magnetize and be at service in a productive way.

You can learn to move vital energy up through your body during meditation through the power of intention, breath and movement. Allowing the breath to expand the centres where the energy feels stuck and focus it into the centres just above. Any type of intuitive movement that feels good either in dance, exercise or stretching will drastically help to release stuck pockets. Take your time to sit with the feelings, images and sensations that arise during the meditative practice so you may hold space for what wishes to be loved into awareness. 

Wishing you all a beautiful summer filled with ecstatic connections!

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CoverAlpha Channeling
Caged Heart
Third Chakra
Alex Grey

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