Subjectivity vs Objectivity, The Big Caveat

Between subjectivity and objectivity there is a midscape. I want to meet myself there, day after day, night after night, to cultivate the interdependent space of a healthy we.


Subjectivity is a state of mind, a lens through which we can look out onto the world and see more of ourselves, through what we are observing. Being in a subject state allows us to see things through our emotional filters, those that were created from our life experiences. It allows us to embark on introspective work, the continuous story unraveling through us as our personal evolution. Subjectivity is what allows us to know ourselves and maintain growth through self-reflections turned into intuitive knowings and thus refining our decision making capacity towards better outcomes.

Without our subjective state of mind we wouldn’t have the ability to know ourselves at all, let alone keep up with it’s perpetual state of evolution. We wouldn’t be able to determine our preferences and create realistic goals for ourselves from our personal uniqueness and desires. To explore the self is to continuously spend time dipping into a subjective state. It allows our powers as healthy empaths to emerge. The more aware we are of our own unabated experience of the self, the more accessible empathizing with another’s internal subjective state can become, because we’ve learned the depths of our own.

Subjectivity can be likened to our internal shakti. It’s very passionately driven, the accumulation of past experiences bubble up into present preferences and a new desire is born. A direction, a lead into how we wish to experience a future moment of self in the world. Without subjective clarity there is no direction, there is no desire, there is no personal evolution and there is no reason for continuing to cultivate personal meaning.

Being in a subjective state doesn’t come easily, it requires we hold space for all the emotions that arise and that we fully immerse ourselves into each interaction. Processing our subjective selves proposes we evolve through contrast, a new experience will either remind us of a past negative experiences or it will align us with the newly formed outcomes of desire, based off of our evolving preferences.

Empowering ourselves requires dedication to our personal evolution and subjective state. It holds us responsible to our personal lenses of perception. It requires we hold space and acknowledge emotions as they emerge because they assist us in addressing past trauma and becoming aware of exaggerated fearful reactions from core wounding. When we don’t spend enough time reflecting on our subjective state of being in the world, through mediation or journaling, we become reactive little creatures showing up as naive primitive animals, complete victims to the circumstances of our lives.

On the flip side, being too subjective creates narrow mindedness, unnecessary drama, narcissistic tendencies, apathy towards others and experiencing the state of the world as beyond our control.

Objectivity on the other hand is a state of being able to see the big picture, the collective pool of subjective states we must swim through each day as we walk amongst each other. It’s taking enough time to think things through, to the point of being able to imagine ways of seeing beyond things personally experienced by the small view me. It’s being able to trace the (re)actions of another beyond face value, beyond personal biases and beyond personal preferences.

Spending time expanding our awareness into states of objectivity, states vast enough to contemplate life outside of our comfort zones, allows for a healthy subjective evolution within the collective evolution of the objective whole. It transforms independent thinking into interdependent soul weaving. It allows us to communicate with others in a way that is designed to support the greater good of the all. It allows us to transcend our own negative experiences and their associated fear lenses by seeing ourselves through the subjective lens of another. It’s a very different kind of empathy that bridges into group empathy. It’s what allows us to hold space for the collective pot of emotions of all members of society. It gives us the awareness as to what our interdependent role is within the our family, community and global society. It proposes that we are more solution based than we are self gratifying. There is a certain level of self sacrifice involved by staying objective in our thinking but there is also a paradoxical self interest at play. What is good for the greater good can only be better for the self, in a long term sustainable way. It’s an instant me gratification verses a long term us satisfaction.

As we evolve as a collective species, the human race and become more aware of our inseparability to the earth and each other, our ability to dip back and forth between subjective and objective states of being becomes increasingly more valuable. Allowing ourselves to experiment with new people, communities and ways of living increases our capacity to expand our subjective lenses and clearly know the value of our unique roles and gift. It gives us insight into how we can contribution to the greater self, while supporting the little self.

The dangers in becoming too objective in our perceptions is that we lose sight of what it takes to evolve personally, a necessary step that enhances personal clarity and allows us to maintain individual cell health within the collective body. A necessary step if we are to best serve holistic progress. By staying in objective states too often, we see too much, we no longer feel the power of personal choice. We lose touch with subjective reality and thus our immediate relationships are impacted negatively because the empathy required to maintain them in a healthy way is no longer accessible through a lack of empathizing with our own needs and wants.

The state of objectivity is comparable to the all knowing Shiva energy within. It’s vast enough to hold space for all potentials. Our subjective feminine Shakti energy in balance with our objective masculine Shiva energy is what will lead the way towards both personal and collective evolution because it proposes that both are taken into consideration and weighed upon the scales of universal laws and justice, so as is the law of “as within, so without. Neither becoming myopic nor self dissolving.

Blasting Love!!!

Image sources

Self Portrait
Contrasting Self
Comfort Zone Blown

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