The Evolution of Numbers as Sign Posts

Numbers have always played a huge role in my life. The superstition of them passed down to me from my Mother’s side of the family, the Celtic and Gaelic side. Not so ironically numbers have played a huge role since my arrival in Ireland some days ago. They’ve lite up my trail like a giant superhighway guiding and protecting me as I soul-journe. Even as I start to write this article the time shows 8:44, which out of trillions of number combinations possible on a clock, this one in particular signifies paying close attention to numbers as sign posts. This not-so-random number, in a trillion time stamped combinations, brings to life the magic of numbers, precisely because I’m writing a piece specifically about numbers as it appears. Indicating to me that I am in divine alignment with where I should be, honouring my soul’s purpose and allowing without resistance my higher-self to guide the way.

I grew up listening to my aunts, mother and grandmother speaking of them as clues to what might unfold next in our lives. We’d deduct larger numbers, such as addresses, cash totals, phone numbers, dates, you name it, to verify whether we were in alignment with luck or not at any given moment. If the number was deemed unlucky we’d possibly chose another course of action to follow, just incase their indicating a bad omen was true. Much of this type of superstition can be considered outrageously illogical but the fact is mathematics forms the basis of all life. Think of the Fibonacci sequence or the golden ratio, everything we perceive as a fix law in nature can be traced back to our understanding of sacred geometry and its blueprint as the origins to all living things. 


Almost all spiritual texts both ancient and contemporary speak of numbers as sacred keys into unlocking greater truths and possibly the meaning of life itself. If you’ve embarked on a new age spiritual path you will have come across the 1111 phenomenon. You either noticed this number appearing at a very pivotal time in your life or at one point you might have become inundated by it’s presence everywhere you looked, helping to increase your awareness of how all things are interconnected, potentially guiding you towards your soul’s purpose here on earth. 

The first number that started appearing to me at a ridiculous rate was 911. I finally looked it up and came across the concept of a Light Worker; A soul that was incarnated on earth at this time in order to awaken the masses to redirect humanity towards a healthier and more sustainable way of living. My feeling out of place in this world since as far back as I could remember was given new meaning and I felt a renewed sense of hope that big changes could happen during my lifetime. I do believe we are all “lightworkers”, maybe that’s my naivety but I believe at our core we are all simply searching for betterment and trying to expand our capacity to love more fully. Our awareness of that understanding is what I believe differentiates our actions in the world. It’s also necessary to set the record straight on a common misunderstanding of what a light working is, one that is slowly being addressed collectively, that is, light work is not all about positive affirmations and loving words, although for some it’s their main function but for others it’s about a deep love for humanity that inspires them to expose the shadows existing within human behaviour and society. Revealing shadows increases our awareness as to how we can work in greater harmony with each other and with nature. 

One of the most important ways that numbers can assist us as we embark on our spiritual journeys is to guide us towards doing the inner work to heal, embody our truth and find our passions. It’s only when we allow compassion for ourselves and the destruction of our lower ego to take place that we can then learn how to heal the world from the inside out. Some of us were given greater challenges in this arena, if you were born into a difficult set of circumstances, just know that your greatest challenges are there to mold your greatest gifts and you might possibly be more attuned to assisting humanity from the perspective of a shadow worker, having learned primarily about humanity’s shadows. Those that have had a rather ‘easy life’, supported deeply by family members growing up, not feeling as though they had to move through too much emotional trauma, might be more attuned to light work, showing humanity how to step into greater divinity through simplicity and positive affirmation. Either way, both are the same, two sides of the same coin, if you are called to be at service to a greater cause, both these types of spiritual work are assisting humanity in it’s highest evolution. 

Within the current paradigm of awakening, how can numbers help guide us towards inner healing and activating our soul mission? First thing to note are the 1111s. If you’ve been seeing 1111 appear within your reality at a ridiculous rate it’s time to stop and reflect on your thoughts and thought patterns. Each time you see the number 1111, stop what you’re doing and ask yourself, “what am I thinking right now?”. Often we move though our days on automatic, rarely stopping to clearly listen to our inner voices. We are mostly unaware of our conditioned brain patterns, repeating the same thoughts and themes endlessly, most of which are not in alignment with our highest good, simply shaped by our upbringings and societal conditioning. 

When the 1111s show up its an indication that you’re moving into a heightened state of awareness and it’s time to pay closer attention to your inner world, the one shaping how you perceive your reality reflecting back to you. As you notice an 1111, stop to ask, “what am I thinking right now?”, you’ll become more and more aware of the thoughts shaping your actions and responses to the world. You’ll begin to notice when they’re not for your highest good, when they don’t feel like they belong to you, you’ll notice the patterns of negative self-talk that have been going on for years and you’ll notice egocentric-talk that ignites narcissistic behaviour. This new awareness will give you the opportunity to adjust the way you think and perceive in order to express a more evolved and loving you. Becoming aware of our culturally conditioned behavioural patterns requires consistent dedication and this is precisely where the number 1111 can lead the way. In this sense the arrival of 1111 also teaches us that what we focus on expands, it can truly become a self-created portal into awakening and emotional self-mastery.


Once you’ve begun to work with the 1111s to refine your self-awareness you’ll begin to see triple numbers appearing. The 1111s assist in increasing self-awareness that will lead you to develop a stronger connection with your higher-self. The higher-self is made up of a more evolved, wiser and loving you that can be interpreted as distinct archetypal energies, ascended master frequencies, angelic forces, guides and what feels like foreign intelligence existing within you, as a part of you and guiding you. Aspects of you that you were previously unaware of, or simply could not tap into fully to embody the wisdom of. These wiser more compassionate aspects of self are more attuned to your truest self, to your innate gifts and what your soul purpose is. Triple numbers appearing are a reinforcement that you’re beginning to tap into these higher concepts of self, into higher learning, faith, unity consciousness, self-trust and empowerment, soul purpose and an understanding that we’re all altering reality together through our focused attention.

You can begin to communicate with the sacred language of numbers by researching and studying the numbers you’re drawn to. There’s so much out there, this movement is huge and everyone has a different interpretation of what the various numbers represent, so I suggest you research ancient texts as well and attribute your own personalized meaning to them, the best option. You can set the intention to develop a relationship with them by starting to play with your favourite numbers through an increased awareness of their presence and by allowing them to guide you when you’re unsure about what decision you should make.

After moving through a period of working with the 1111s and then the triple digits, you’ll likely start perceiving more paired digits such as 8:22, 9:33, 11:44 or 10:55. When these types of numbers started appearing to me, just like the triple digits did, they would appear in abundance on the clock for a period of about 7 days. Literally, each time I would look at a clock it would be a double digit. After day three I’d simply succumb to laughter, how absurd yet how impossible to ignore this pattern and the significance unraveling itself to me. This is one way in which the sacred language of geometry begins to awaken the soul, through the undeniable appearance of repeated numbers in your every day life. 

The double digits start amplifying once you become aware of the interconnectedness of all living things and are beginning to walk in alignment with your soul’s path. Don’t misinterpret this as meaning everything you are experiencing will feel good or be light and fluffy. You might be in the myst of a dark night of the soul when these numbers start appearing in abundance, this is an equally valuable part of your journey as you step into your higher calling and purpose, so rest assured that it might feel counter intuitive, but know you are on course despite whatever feelings you may be moving through. Again, research the significance of the double digits appearing to you repeatedly to create and clarify their meaning so they may assist you. This way you can understand the sign posts as they appear in auspicious ways to you. Assisting you in breaking through personal barriers and making real-time decisions that can propel you towards personal evolution. 

numbers art

Next, sequence numbers will begin to appear in abundance. For me this was FOUR YEARS after experiencing a ridiculous amount of 911s and 1111s showing up in my reality. These signify that you’ve taken significant steps towards self-empowerment and soul alignment. These represent that’ve you’ve not only fully embarked on your soul’s greater mission but you should continue to stay committed. At no point in our lives are we off the hook from increasing our capacity to grow in compassion and self-awareness but once we’ve fully committed to a cause greater than ourselves and that of our conditioning, the number sequences will act as continued support towards our best actions and our highest aspirations. As with all the numbers appearing in our lives, they are meant to support growth and evolution. They are sign posts to increase self-awareness and support us in facing challenges to self-over come. The disappearance of them is also a reminder that we’ve fallen back asleep in some aspect of our lives. Understanding the universe through numbers isn’t for everyone but if you have an affinity for them and develop your own personal language with them they can act as a whole entire layer of intuitive guidance and soul-centric support. We can literally code, de-code and fine tune our reality by harmonizing with the thumb print of sacred geometry. 

Specific numbers appearing in abundance will also reflect themes occurring within the collective mind, similar to celestial movements in the sky, they reflect back to us movements happening within the collective mind and heart. They can be used as pointers towards what current challenges we are facing as an interconnected species. There is so much more I’d like to share on numbers and this article only brushes the topic, I’ll circle back around to it from different angles in the future. 

As I wrote the last sentence of this article and looked up at the clock it was 11:11, true story, welcome to a birds eye view of the sacred world of numbers as sign posts. 

Blasting Love! 

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