Spiritual Initiation

A true spiritual initiation served out by Great Spirit can not be orchestrated by our little minds, let’s get that straight, in fact it’s meant to help us transcend our minds. We can not even travel the world to meet the most acclaimed shamans in order to be ‘officially’ initiated spiritually towards enlightenment. We can’t receive it through a reiki attunement or a ceremony being held at a wellness center. It might spontaneously reach the tipping point at these events or places but they’re not attributed to those single events alone. They’re a cumulative  effect, an energetic momentum that builds up, layer by layer, somehow carefully yet unknowingly and miraculously.

We also have to trash religious and new age connotations of what a spiritual initiation is, or any other concept of what a ‘spiritual initiation’ means to you. We might find remnants of it here and there but ultimately only once we’ve cleared those ideas out of our minds can we talk shop, because let’s face it, it’s barely describable, even through our greatest attempts.  I can’t pretend to know how many of them one might be eligible to receive in a lifetime, I guess that’s an intimate deal struck between our souls and spirit alone. I can only assume that it’s based on how fast we’re able to process and integrate the spiritual lessons being orchestrated for us, little by little, with the post-awareness that a supreme force has been guiding them.

What I can describe is my own experience. Only through a slew of impactful synchronicities after the fact was I brought to the understanding that it had occurred. I don’t know if every spiritual initiation we receive is so ridiculous or not but from the last one I underwent, often described as the first within my library research, was utterly mind blowing. Or let me rephrase that, was literally thought exploding. 

Our minds or rather our thinking dictates so much of our experience here given that we interpret much of life through our thinking faculties. We judge, we analyze, we contemplate and react to life usually from a place of thought, or for many, the emotions that the thoughts create. We often become slaves to our minds as the famous quote by Robin S. Sharma goes, “The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master”. 

We know we can’t transcend dimensions of existence by singularly operating from thought alone because we have bodies, which are pure consciousness themselves. Each cell within the body a living organism with it’s own experience of life, it’s own wisdom, co-creating with all else in existence. And so, it makes much sense that our first initiation is often orchestrated in such a way that it literally blows our thinking minds out of the way. Completely out, so that a new code of interpretation, mode of experiencing life, may take over. 

This process is usually a push to shift us from the logical to a rational, intuitive way of operating. It’s the process of ego destruction at full throttle. It’s a process which allows us to move beyond judgments, conditioning and the likes. It allows us to move more deeply into our extrasensory abilities and our ability to live from the heart. This process may take days, weeks or years depending on the person and for some maybe not in this lifetime.

From the stand point of a seeker, we begin our journeys through thoughts, we start to seek and search, we read and study people, religions, philosophies and our own thoughts. This brings us deeper and deeper through layers and layers of thought. We study the great prophets and sages of our times. We sit on their shoulders, we make love to their perspectives, we revel in their devotion to know and understand through gaining greater perspectives. Hell we do hand stands on their shoulder and eventually we begin to jump on their heads, we literally do everything we can to see further and further than they did through our own thoughts, which we endlessly pile on their thoughts. We cross pollinate their ideas, then we cross pollinate our ideas with theirs but still we only chip at such a small fraction of what we can experience here through our multi-dimensional beingness. 

When we do all this thinking work, inwardly we begin to work our way through what the Emerald Tablet’s describes as the Halls of Amenti. This outward seeking through attempting to gain knowledge mirrors an inward seeking which transports us through layers of inner thoughtscapes which create the walls and structural foundations of our own minds. It takes us on a journey so deep that it strips us away from every preconceived notion we’ve ever had, every belief imaginable, every thought possible, until it catapults us deep into the noosphere (it’s 1:11 as I type these words, yeah number codes rock). As this catapulting was happening, I felt so much inner energetic burning and so much physical pain. Literally everything I’ve known or understood, that created my experience of reality disappeared. It literally crumbles to your feet. In that moment after the crumbling, all thoughts become void and null. Everything loses it’s meaning and all becomes washed away. Not only were there no thoughts, there were no feelings. I felt completely devoid of everything. The initiation was not the process I just mentioned, although you would think it enough but that process, that no-feeling, I had been there before, I knew it well but was never able to push through completely. The initiation was in the aftermath, in the learning how to relocate my eternal flame, my soul spark and fan that golden ember back into a wild fire of infinite love, compassion and boundless creativity. Without trying to control it, staying empty and detached from all expectation. No longer concerned with where it might lead.

Each little effort to fan that little golden ember back to life was an act of pure magic, pure faith and trust that what came next was need not to be contemplated or pitted intellectually against anything else. As I prepared for the day and attended to my work, still no hamster wheel of thoughts, just the blissful sensation of breathing and presence. The people around me noticed something different too and remarked that something had changed. 

Once thoughts are no longer our masters we are free to be and simply feel and operate from a higher place. We run off discernment, intuition and heart resonance. The mind is used to accomplish tasks but no longer the ruler of our kingdoms. It feels warm and fuzzy, embodied, even in the face of loss or dispair. People, places and things line up without the need to analyze or force situations. We lose self judgement. It’s definitely a deep state of receiving, where there’s no past ruling and no worries about the future inwardly gnawing. It’s a multi-sensory experience. It’s juicy, all encompassing, self-loving and free.

Blasting Love!

Image Sources

Sharma Quote
Goddess of Knowledge
Ember of Creation


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