Demystifying Elitist Satanic Culture

Context & History

In light of all the “conspiracy theories” spinning around on social media during quarantine, I’ve decided to write a more lengthy report based on my own personal experience and research. So what’s the deal, are they real or not? Do the Elites perform Satanic Sex Rituals then drink the blood of those they Sacrifice? Depending on what you’ve spent time researching and your own personal life experiences, you’ll have a very different understanding of these concepts and how they relate to our current global culture.  

Let’s take a deep dive into our cultural history.


“Cannibalism has no single, ubiquitous meaning. Rather, it is adapted to suit the spiritual framework of each culture in which it’s practiced. For ancient Egyptian pharaohs, it guaranteed an eternal afterlife. For Druids, it might have been connected with agriculture and fertility. For others, cannibalism has served as a tool of empowerment and intimidation—and as a way to honor the beloved dead. But most of all, cannibalism deals in taboo.”

Yes, cannibalism still exists. To get a broader historical and modern day view of it, you can obtain a concise download here.

Given it’s deep historical roots and present day problem in neighbouring countries it’s astounding that the protected classes are somewhat reluctant and naive about its role in modern day rituals. We might be slightly more sophisticated then our predecessors and warmongering neighbours but we all have a few things in common: A desire to cultivate supernatural powers, to explore what’s deemed taboo and perhaps experience eternal life.

If these desires and curiosities are expressed from within darker personality types, experiencing the most dangerous degrees of taboo, personal power, gain and violence against another human being may be highly sought after. Does cannibalism exist in first world countries? My common sense tells me yes while my disbelief yells “no”. Even though I’ve been told by a close friend he witnessed it happening to a homeless man on the streets in Ottawa. Apparently there are lots of things that happen on the streets that never hit the media. It wasn’t an organized ritual, but it was Ottawa.  


How many of you reading this have experienced some form of sexual abuse as a child? The last time I asked a group I was sitting with it was 4 out of 6. I dare you to inquire first hand for yourself. The numbers are startling, every time. How many of those people were sexually abused at a young age by a trusted friend of the family, close relative or immediate family member? Even more disturbing. 

The truth is that pedophilia has been documented within almost every culture since the beginning of time. On some timelines it was actually considered a part of a child’s rite of passage into adulthood. Think of the rites of passage used in Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. No one is going to like that answer and no one should.

We’re evolving out of less intelligent primates that once lived out their instinctual sexual desires like heartless beasts, or are we? Remember the sexual preferences of Oscar Wilde in the 1800s. Does a 40 year old man having sex with a 14 year old boy count? This sounds familiar doesn’t it? It’s the exact sexual age preferences of Epstein, Prince Andrew and friends.

The omnipresent irony of what we selectively “cherry pick” verses what actually is. He had an outright disregard for ethical principals and this was precisely part of what made his work notoriously famous.  

Our sexual centres have dominated our whole existence from the start. Without this natural instinct to have sex and procreate we’d die off. Not only does it fuel us with creativity, its a nourishing source of vitality. Without evolving to control our base urges, some humans are capable of committing the most heinous acts of sexual violence: sexual abuse against innocent children. 

Extreme dark type personalities will succumb to lower dimensional temptations, like animals they are detached from star chakra and heart centre, declaring: “The innocence of this child is mine to take. Their lives and minds, mine to rule”.

Humans living from higher octaves will seek to nurture, protect, connect and commune with respect for all lifeWhen they seek to explore sexual taboos and power dynamics, they only do so with people of equal maturity, intellectual clarity and in absolute consent and transparency. 

Paying off judges, while using social status and power has long been the underlining factors in escaping the onslaught of the legal and justice system. If you have amassed enough power and money you can buy your way out anything, even avoiding jail time for violently sexually abusing a three year old child.

Things are slowly changing. 

Search, “How many pedophile rings have been dismantled in the last decade” and read through the hundreds of articles and personal testimonies on youtube. You’ll notice headlines such as these:

“A former police detective-turned-investigative author has been found dead, just days after publishing a book that exposed a high-level government pedophile ring”

Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles”

“National Crime Agency officers found “sickening images of children in cots” and other abuse material when they raided his home in west London”

“A major pedophile ring has been smashed in a joint operation involving UK, US and Australian investigators.”

Now replace the search words with “human trafficking”. The reports go on and on, and on. 

Does child sex abuse exist in Hollywood? Absolutely. Agents, publicist, directors, actors, singers and producers have all been previously convicted.

Just in the last 10 years the Catholic Church has had to pay millions of dollars in compensation to victims of child abuse perpetrated by priest around the globe. The rite of passage into manhood from Ancient Rome?

Just 30-40 years ago it was difficult to bring a child sex offender to justice because many victims were too afraid to speak out. Also the internet didn’t exist in the way it does today, which gives victims a doorway to communicate with the world, despite how isolated they are.

The glass wall between the elites and the poor was much thicker before the 1950s. A time when woman were just beginning to own the rights to their own bodies. A transition that by default strengthened the rights of her children. Since then, men have also began to speak out.

As more people are gaining the courage to come forth, we’re beginning to see how many humans still behave as they did in the dark ages. While some third world countries blatantly embody the problem, first world countries simply seek to hide it. What they do blatantly, is use related symbolism to create art within our pop-culture. 


“Prior to the 20th Century, Satanism did not exist as a real organized religion but was commonly claimed as real by Christian churches. These claims surfaced particularly when persecuting other religious groups during events like the Inquisition, various witch hysterias in Europe and Colonial America and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s.”

The history of satanism is not so cut and dry. It was only in the 1960s when a man named Anton LaVey made a rodeo show out of it that popularized and rebranded it within our current culture. Similar in many ways to how Aleister Crowley sparked a name for himself. They both practiced occultism openly and were known for their intelligence and mischief. Both promoting a certain level of hedonism and individualization at narcissistic levels. If you read into both accounts, they appear to be masters of illusion, creating their image upon lie after lie. LeVay was highly critical of contemporary thought and religion, his philosophical roots in Nietzscheism. 

“All religions of a spiritual nature are inventions of man. He has created an entire system of gods with nothing more than his carnal brain. Just because he has an ego and cannot accept it, he has had to externalize it into some great spiritual device which he calls “God.”
God can do all the things man is forbidden to do- such as kill people, preform miracles to gratify his will, control without any apparent responsibility, etc. If man needs such a god and recognizes that god, then his is worshiping an entity that a human being invented. Therefore, HE IS WORSHIPING BY PROXY THE MAN THAT INVENTED GOD. Is it not more sensible to worship a god that he, himself, has created, in accordance with his own emotional needs- one that best represents the very carnal and physical being that has the idea-power to invent a god in the first place?”

― Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible

A recent documentary that drew many conclusions about Hollywood’s connection to satanism featured Micheal Aquino, a former Lt. Colonel in US Army intelligence who co-wrote a paper on psychological warfare called MindWar (Mind control is at the core of more evolved forms of cult abuse). In the documentary you can see clips where he vaguely describes his practice of satanism. After becoming high ranking in LaVey’s church he started his own religion called Setianism due to philosophical differences. 

Here is a quote taken from the The Temple of Set website: 

“The Temple of Set is an evolutionary product of human experience. Such experience includes the magical and philosophical work of many individuals and organizations which have preceded us. Some of these were socially acceptable by contemporary or modern standards; others were not. Some made brilliant discoveries in one field of interest while blighting their reputations with shocking excesses or tragic failures in others. In examining the secret and suppressed corners of history for valuable and useful material, the Temple insists upon ethical presentation and use of such discoveries as it makes. Setians who are in any doubt as to the ethics involved in any of the fields which we explore should seek counsel from the Priesthood. All Setians are further expected to display a high measure of maturity and common sense in this area.

The Black Arts are dangerous in the same way that working with volatile chemicals is dangerous. This is most emphatically not a field for unstable, immature, or otherwise emotionally or intellectually weak-minded people. Such are a hazard to themselves and to others with whom they come into contact. The Temple endeavors to not admit them to begin with. If such an individual should gain admittance and later be exposed, he or she will be summarily expelled. In cases of doubt the Temple may be expected to place the burden of proof on the individual, for the sake of all Setians and the Temple’s integrity.”

After briefly studying their work, one of the quotes taken from both LaVey and Aquino’s material struck as significant in defining Modern day Satanism. “My will be done”, as opposed to “thy will be done”. Depending on the core driving motives of the satanist, their level of intelligence, dedication and discipline to what they wish to accomplished, combined with neither a predetermined set of ethical principles in regards to the wellbeing of the people they interact with, psychopathy becomes their norm.

From a very broad understanding of what’s involved in the initiation process, it’s not satanism itself that defines how a member may do harm, rather it’s the will of the individual subscribing to the philosophy that determines how the teachings will be applied. The main problem perhaps being that satanism normalizes meaninglessness, unhealthy competitive environments and narcissism. An obsessive focus on Individualization leads to competitive monopolies taking over mainstream narratives, lifestyles, values, the economy and resources.   

Child Ritual Abuse

There’s a belief that many politicians and celebrities are devil worshiping satanists, that kill and sacrifice babies and to drink their adrenal-filled blood in order to enhance their personal powers. This belief has been labelled, “Scapegoat explanations for complex problems in times of social disruption” by many anti-conspiracy theorists. 

We can see that child ritual abuse dates back to the beginning of time. When the “will” of an adult or community is skewed by their distorted beliefs and societal programming. Here’s a list of harmful ritual abuses practiced openly around the globe today. Taken from the International NGO Council on Violence against Children.

  • Corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment; 
  • Female genital mutilation; (male genital mutilation is not mentioned in here so I’ll add it in
  • Amputations, binding, scarring, burning and branding; 
  • Violent and degrading initiation rites; 
  • forcefeeding of girls; fattening; virginity testing (inspecting girls’ genitalia); 
  • Forced marriage and early marriage; 
  • “Honour” crimes; “retribution” acts of violence 
  • (where disputes between different groups are taken out on children of the parties involved); dowry-related death and violence; 
  • Accusations of “witchcraft” and related harmful practices such as “exorcism;” 
  • Uvulectomy and teeth extraction. 

These are practices that are considered customary in current cultures, including here in the west. In this sense, they are easy to identify and work towards decreasing. Precisely because they exist out in the open. Within developed countries including the UK, United States and Canada, constitutional and human rights are protected by Law. In this sense most child ritual abuse is illegal. Keeping it secret and hidden away from the public eye is necessary to avoid imprisonment or death penalty in some places. The more socially unacceptable the crime, the greater the precautions taken to ensure it’s not uncovered. The greater the incentives for high profile perpetrators to play the social game of philanthropy and direct a narrative towards normalization from behind the scenes. 

“A symbol system provides both a “model of” reality (showing how to interpret the world as is) as well as a “model for” reality (clarifying its ideal state). The role of ritual, according to Geertz, is to bring these two aspects – the “model of” and the “model for” – together. —wikipedia

In this sense, the role of ritual can be applied to things like an elite global agenda. In essence rituals are sets of symbolic actions repeated over a prolonged periods of time. Actions that create power (mind-control) around ideas, people and lives.

Imagine a disproportionately ginormous fraction of money and power concentrated into a tiny percentage of minds. Imagine those people desiring to create certain outcomes to maintain their power by controlling a monopoly over the economy. Imagine them doing this by “repeating” certain narratives, events and laws. These types of rituals are used to maintain economic, social and political power. 

What many researchers, academics, behavioural scientists and psychiatrists describe in relation to organized ritual abuse, is the difficulty in obtaining empirical evidence supporting the survivor’s claims. However, they can clearly identify, and treat, the post-traumatic-stress-disorders, dissociative disorders and the wide variety of other acute disorders experienced as side effects. 

—Similarities between large scale Ritual Abuse and Child Ritual Abuse

One of the main issues with obtaining empirical evidence of child ritual abuse is that the organized groups who indoctrinate their victims into violent worldviews control them away from their own sovereignty, from a very young age. When victims finally heal from the mind control, it’s often past a time when obtaining evidence is possible. At which point, personal testimonies may be convincing but often never enough for those that wish to believe these things do not exist.

Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard gives a very convincing testimony of his abuse. Perpetuated within his childhood to the government institution that took him under their care, to eventually his alleged invitation to a child sacrifice ritual by global financial elitists after having gained enough power within the financial community.  I invite you to not stop at this testimony alone, there are many on the Net and Youtube that will help you make up your own mind. 

In conclusion, we can all agree that humans have been proven to commit great atrocities against the most vulnerable and precious members of our human race, in great number, in a very organized and ritualistic fashion, on many scales, in may shapes and forms. As to how many people in Political and Hollywood circles participate in organized child abuse and sacrifice is still left to be empirically determined. 




  1. based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience, rather than theory or pure logic.

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