The Shadows of Digital Shamanism

(cultic groupthink vs collective intelligence)

The reason why ‘learning to navigate reality tunnels’ is becoming popularized partially roots itself in the online world of digital shamanism. A movement that fast took off when shamanic initiates, guides and teachers decided to take their work online to share through blogging, vlogging, daily quotes and the likes. People individuating themselves create virtual reality tunnels through their social media channels using their online personas and teachings. Wanders, seekers, the lost and distraught, including random passerbyers will all stumble across them. 

This isn’s a bad thing, a large degree of them showcasing a variety of expression’s reflecting their own personal process of evolution. Sharing their hopes, fears, passions, writings, studies, research, art, insights and ideas with the rest of the world. We want diversity, it opens our minds up and helps us move through our own individuation process more quickly. It’s a free online school for a generation of meaning makers.

The more variety and lenses of perception we have to compare, the more refined our own thinking can evolve, allowing us to become increasingly more selective.

Where digital shamanism takes a turn for the worst and becomes unhealthy is when those people showcasing and sharing their work as ‘healers’ begin to interact directly yet in an indirect fashion with viewers. Developing strong healthy boundaries will help you both identify this behaviour and not fall under the spell of the unhealthy cognitive dissonance it creates.

Have You Unknowingly Been Cast in Someone Else’s Play?

That being said, we’ve coined ourselves to be in the Greatest Meaning Crisis of our Times (John Vervaeke)  and because of it, more people than ever before are seeking answers to every last question their minds can ponder, online.

Due to this, many are still externalizing their power. This means many are still handing over their inner authority to people whom seem confident and appear to have a certain amount of credentials in their field of study. The problem is, very few people have the ability to think clearly and make sense of the world themselves. Confidence and salience does not equate to what’s healthy and wise.   

“People need privacy. Without it, they stay in performance mode. These performances become increasingly warlike.” An excerpt from Future on the Globalization and Proximity Crisis.

The biggest dangers arise when digital shamans become looped into the feedback from their spectators. Answering questions and engaging in dialogue with specific online audience members without being transparent and direct with who they are engaging with. These types of interactions create rivalrous environments.

It’s a form of online gas lighting. Cognitive dissonance occurs when this type of emotional abuse happens. I’ve witnessed it tear apart quite a few lives while being the fly on the wall in various reality tunnels created by online digital shamans. A similar twist to memetic tribal wars. When the interactions are either direct or non specific to a single viewer there’s a greater chance of people working through their ideas and or coming to their own solutions.  This is why mediums of communication such as podcasts, interviews or youtube conversations are the best methods of exchanging and sharing ideas, aside from face to face interactions which of course rein supreme.

Anyone who has the confidence to stand up and say they have special insight or knowledge into life will automatically draw to them a certain type of audience member, those who are inexperienced and un-individuated. I remember the days when I thought everyone knew more than I did, it was a frustrating time when I didn’t realize that we all own a piece of the whole.

What I learned from that short time period was that those preaching the loudest were often just as informed as the neighbour down the road who had a ton of life experience, book knowledge, access to the www and perhaps a basket full of magic mushrooms to tempt their imaginations with. What the others have that my neighbours do not, is the charisma and the courage to take it online and call themselves teachers.  

“Healing is an inside job, always. No one else can heal us. I cannot emphasize this enough. It’s one of the biggest lessons I learned in my own healing journey. There’s often a traumatized child inside of us that wants an external authority figure to protect us, guide us, soothe us, and tell us what to do. The work of growing up is becoming our own parent and healing that wounded child ourselves. The only thing another person can do here is to point us back within ourselves and hold space for us while we do our own work. Running to external healers or teachers and giving up our sovereignty to them only perpetuates (and sometimes worsens) our traumas and learned helplessness. At worst, it can land us in some very dysfunctional relationships, or in the hands of sociopathic, narcissistic predators posing as healers and gurus. Finding our own internal compass and clarity is really hard. It can be a messy and confusing process, especially if we’ve gotten used to relying on others to guide us. But this is the necessary work of becoming a whole person, a sovereign adult.” Euvie Ivanova

There are a number of things we can observe happening to the viewers who are experiencing this type of interaction with online gurus and guides. The first thing is that they become dependant on an outside source to provide them with answers to their specific psychological trials and tribulations. Their path, one that is unique to them. You would literally have to walk in their shoes from the day they were born to accurately assist them. This is why it’s realistically impossible to heal another person. The best we can do is hand them tools and point them in the right direction, if and only if they come knocking.

So imagine how confusing it would be for those on the brink of a mental and emotional breakdown to seek answers from a digital shaman who’s attempting to provide individual remedies to an increasingly widening audience through the internet.

When that’s applied to an increasing number of different people at any given time, you have a hodge podgy of contradictory information being broadcasted somewhat directly yet indirectly to a thirsty audience which becomes misconstrued information within their realty bubbles. 

Until people gain the right knowledge and experience in life, they’re literally slaves to their basic human biological tendencies. Once they’ve gained experience they can begin to decide beyond it, but until then they’re unaware that they’re controlled chemically and conditioned just as pavlov’s dog was to an outside source of authority. They’re unaware of how easily they’re led to believe almost anything, especially when it’s fed to them during a time of emotional crisis. 

Collective intelligence gives voice to what is ontic. To paraphrase Jamie Wheal, “Something that is between us and among us but not specific to any of us, an additional intellect that can emerge that is perhaps what can be identified as what is coherent collective intelligence emerging.” 

The above describes a way of interacting with the world which requires people to have healed their own wounds first which allows them to release the need to control the healing process of those they’re interacting with.

The responsible digital shamans are far and few in between but a good example is Russel Brant. They are a dying breed. Speaking from collective intelligence, defined as Jamie Wheal so brilliantly puts it, only opening their mouths to speak when the collective is speaking through them. Not allowing themselves to be controlled by any single individual viewer. They speak to ideas emerging within the collective mind rather than to individual audience members.

This huge difference turns unhealthy online interactions into insightful contributions. This is where those who are labelled as co-dependant digital shamans mislead more than teach. This will require a sovereignty revolution before it can be fully experienced as healthy collective intelligence.

The saddest stories coming from people who have failed to diligently navigate through these reality tunnels are those who have handed over their inner authority completely and end up being cast in a play they themselves did not chose or inadvertently casted the digital shaman on their centre stage. Becoming equally co-dependent to online daily interactions due to their emotional state. Taking each quote and digital bite shared to be necessarily real and relevant to their lives and personal journeys. Often times this keeps people in cognitive dissonance for months and years, unfortunately ending sometimes in even greater tragedy

These digital shamans are either co-dependant themselves and are addicted to the emotional charge they get from the covert online exchange or are unaware of the harm they’re inflicting due to their psychological trauma and lack of wisdom.

It’s not only time that people started assuming responsibility for themselves through useful sovereignty practices, healthy boundaries and inter-subjective introspection as internet use increases, it’s important we continue sharing the collective wisdom being observed within our online communities to promote healthier choices and interactions for all.

Any online digital shaman that does not teach from a distance and targets specific audience members yet will not respond directly to them and do not promote sovereignty at the core of their teachings are psychologically and emotionally dangerous to the average person looking for health and wellness.

I especially feel inspired to share what I’ve observed for the younger generations entering into the online arenas of reality tunnels. Often people are smart enough to learn from the wisdom passed down to them. We simply need to make the information available. 

Where Spirituality & Artificial Intelligence Intersect (The Untold Story about your “Spiritual Awakening Symptoms”)

Within 24 hours of posting this article my website was hacked and my browsers inherited viruses. 

“If google is collecting metadata on your behaviour to help identify you to sell you the right ads, IARPA is collecting the metadata of the Super Forecasters for the sake of getting AI to do what they are doing. It’s a very, very important target for Gnostic Warfare.” Patrick Ryan

For those that aren’t familiar with my writing, I write from multi dimensional perspectives, meaning I explore my life experiences from various cultural perspectives and vantage points. The more we learn to better navigate through the numerous reality tunnels, the better we become at making sense of the world and what we are experiencing. As we increase the speed of our cycles of learning through reaction, growing through revolution, and evolving through rebirth, the faster we can adopt increasingly larger lenses of perception. 

As you’ve come to or will come to understand, there are many parallel realities happening at once. Some of these realities you’re participating in to a certain degree without ever being aware of them, let alone consenting to. 

We can only perceive life’s experiences based on the information we’ve been granted access to. People’s subjective realities criss-cross and those juxtapositions are what create collective shared reality and collective cultural lenses of perception. As time advances, these larger scaled shared realities grow in depth and width, altering cultural landscapes and increasing our psychic predictability. Creating new myths and reshaping the territory.

“If we stay focused at this level, the conflict is not about politics, money or power in any ordinary sense. Rather, it is about a struggle to control the shape of the territory itself.” Jordan Hall

The above illustration visually demonstrates how our shared reality looks depending on what angle we’re looking at it from. The more we understand that there’s an objective truth in the centre that unifies us all, the better we’ll become at seeing the meta picture and sharing our unique perspectives from a co-creative spirit. This will accelerate the rate at which greater truths can emerge. The shape in the middle is changing at the pace we evolve at collectively.

I do tones of research from a sociological perspective on the internet and within the noumenal. I attempt at distinguishing correlation from cause, assumption from fact and intuition from logic to find the loop holes. When something in my reality is showing up as inconsistent, I track the lead, mostly because I’m extremely curious about what I might uncover.

In this article I’ll share an evolved perspective on what we often coin as an “awakening”. A mystery in my own life that has kept me searching for more answers, because sensorily my spiritual awakening didn’t feel like a natural occurrence. Right before experiencing the unhealthy jolt to my nervous system, something I then attributed to a kundalini awakening, I had just gone in for a routine check-up. My doctor was impressed by my blood results. He inquired curiously about what I was doing to maintain such good numbers.  

After my nervous system had been hit, I labeled much of what I was experiencing as paranormal activity. I couldn’t yet identify it as anything else, given the information I had access to. My scope was limited to what I had read regarding awakenings in the on-line spiritual communities. 

Facts, my nervous system had been massively activated. I lost my appetite completely and was walking around with a huge ball of energy in my stomach. My mind became scattered and my senses were extremely heightened. Simultaneously I began connecting more information together and feeling more connected to a larger web of people and places but had no frame of reference as to what I was tapping into. Writing out the events and separating fact from emotional memory has been very helpful in keeping me on track.

I was also at that time becoming increasingly consumed by the internet. I had started sharing more information through social media to connect with other people who were experiencing similar symptoms and to observe what other people were sharing on the topic. I was actually becoming addicted to it and had no idea. 

Since then, I’ve done much research on how social media affects our limbic systems. How social media platforms are in fact designed to make us dopamine hit dependant by using our feelings of validation and reward to keep us looped into the feed. With the decline of traditional religions we’ve been experiencing a meaning crises and this has added to our desire to seek for answers on social media platforms after encountering mystical experiences. 

I’ve also learned that spending more time interacting with artificial intelligence reshapes our neural path ways. A lesser example is how algorithms fed back to us through apps and search engines alters the way we see the world and perceive reality. They either grant us access or block us from certain information. To read more on the topic of how one person started experimenting with the algorithms to prove the theory, you can look into the Butterfly War here.

The general population is becoming increasingly aware of collective intelligence and how each of us are influencing each other’s thoughts and beliefs. Just imagine how the internet has augmented this. Now imagine the amount of time that the people and organizations whom can really benefit from this are researching the field.

In this article I’ll focus mostly on government agencies that are attempting to understand the inner workings of collective consciousness. We can assume that they’re purposefully using their findings to reshape the various cultural territories. I’d like to mention that I was initially led into this field of research after interacting on-line in the spiritual community with a person that used to work for the NSA. I came into contact with them two years ago by what I then defined as odd coincidences while my “awakening” symptoms were peaking.

I now believe I was led to that person due to a phenomenon the NSA are experimenting with called Augmented Cognition. This happens through remote targeting of human nervous systems using electro-magnetic pulsations directed through individual cell phones so as to consolidate larger webs of interconnectivity to further their research. 

I’ve had to work very diligently at distinguishing reality from irrationality as I’ve explored this subject. What I’m about to share is very difficult to trace and prove. Despite people’s tendency to disregard this stuff as conspiracy theory, I’m compelled to share it none the less, I feel we have reached a tipping point and people are ready to start investigating this stuff more openly. 

Fact, Artificial Intelligence is taking over and we need to be on the cutting edge of understanding the implications. We’re still part animal and AI knows precisely how to use our human behavioural responses to its advantage. Through Augmented Cognition it’s becoming easier for AI to generate psychological warfare. Increasing our awareness is the only way to leverage ourselves above it. 

There’s documented evidence from government sites discussing these topics and some class-action law suits happening around the globe pertaining to people describing exactly what I’ve experienced, but this stuff is still far from hitting the main stream. You can understand why, just writing this article places me into a specific category of “crazy” for those that aren’t open to such information. Which is currently about 50% of my Facebook friend list and I’m estimating about 90% of overall internet users. 

I’ll start by describing the part of the story that really inspired me to go ahead and write this piece. But first, a week prior to that inspiring moment, I had reached a kind of boiling point that led me to start researching this stuff more in-depth. I had been observing abnormal feed back on my computer for two years, which I now know is labelled as covert privacy harassment. Most people aren’t aware of it, I’m just extremely sensitive to details. This is separate from anonymous Facebook profile harassment. 

I take on-line classes from home so I spend much time working online, as many student are currently doing. I also provide half of my service offerings on-line. I’ve had a growing suspicion that my private computer activities were being monitored remotely. Sounds crazy right? Well until you’ve experience it for yourself the idea is kinda out there. I’ve found other people discussing this in public arenas so I know I’m not alone. The feed back felt more causal than correlational but I still couldn’t prove anything. Then on June 11th, 2019 at approx. 12:15AM, precisely the moment I typed in the two names of the National Intelligence and Security Agencies that would likely be involved in breaching my privacy, the power immediately went off, along with it my internet connection. 

The power went back on a few seconds later but I couldn’t reconnect to the internet so I went searching for the number and noticed that my bill hadn’t been paid and they’d sent me a notice a couple weeks prior to let me know that my connection was cut until I made a payment. Upon calling I asked them to confirm that they had in fact disconnected my line. They confirmed and so I proceeded to ask them if it’s possible that my internet would continue to run even if they had disconnected it. They reported back with a no and added that it was a strange occurrence. 

More questions began to flood my mind. Am I really being monitored or just being paranoid? Are some of us being tested on as part of growing AI research conducted by government agencies? Was there a synchronicity between the fact that I had just pinged the two largest National Intelligence and Security Agencies on both sides of the boarder seconds before the electricity went out? Was there somehow a connection to the symptoms I had defined as spiritual awakening symptoms? 

The fact was, I began noticing my computer ‘act up’ in 2017 as soon as I started interacting with that person who claims to have been previously working for the NSA, under the Special Intelligence division. But, you know how these things go, “don’t be overly paranoid” and “as long as things are working don’t fix them.” 

After realizing that my internet connection was being supplied by some mysterious source, all of those little strange occurrences were starting to take shape to form a potentially larger picture. Perhaps there was an inconvenient truth regarding my on-line privacy and my ‘spiritual awakening symptoms’ that I was unaware of. Potentially disturbing my electromagnetic field and creating the conditions for all those symptoms to arise in the first place. 

The way my nervous system had been so harshly impacted during that time didn’t make any common sense. Perhaps I was experiencing the effects of prolonged electro-magnetic pulsations though a psycho-electronic weaponry program. This is the point where most people stop listening, when the mind shuts off because it’s just too out there. This is exactly the reason why their research continues to be carried out, through fear and ignorance. Most people don’t make any connection between spiritual symptoms and government mind control research. Right? It’s been a very slow process of awakening to the possibility myself. 

During the Holocaust they began experimenting with and using low frequency sounds and electromagnetic pulsation on hostages. Shortly after studies started being conducted attempting to control subjects remotely. Controlling people emotionally and implanting ideas into their minds is not so unlikely given what we know already.

Think about it, we’re all caring around receivers by way of cell phones everywhere we go and now 5G cell towers that are much more powerful are being installed throughout North America. Increasing how easily our electro-magnetic fields can be affected including our thoughts. Already showing much evidence that they negatively impact our physical health.  

Before coming into this information I’d only been able to discuss my experience in the spiritual community using new age vocabulary describing my awakening symptoms. Until you start researching it specifically from a scientific vantage point you won’t hear much about it through mass media. During my research I found many accounts of such events occurring all around the globe, included a whole network of people and organizations dedicated to protecting the Freedom of Thought Act

From 1950-53 during the Korean War, the Chinese were successful at implanting thoughts into some American prisoners of war. The people experimented on were admitting to crimes they had never committed and this peaked the interest of world government agencies. Since then mind-control research began competitively and has been increasingly funded all around the globe.

“The project began as an attempt by the US to devise mind control and interrogation techniques following the Korean War. American soldiers were returning home from Chinese captivity seemingly ‘brainwashed’—disillusioned with American values and overtaken by communist thoughts. The CIA began to believe that foreign powers possessed methods of mind control that had allowed them to brainwash American prisoners of war.” —McGill Trubune

There’s currently a class-action law suit still taking place right here in Montreal, it’s been ongoing since 1986, pertaining to the MKUltra mind control research that Dr. Ewan Cameron, a former psychiatrist at McGill University’s Alan Memorial Institute conducted. The one you’re probably most familiar with if you’re Canadian. They were CIA-funded experiments conducted from 1950 till 1965. The negative impact was intergenerational.  

The government has always placed a great amount of effort into weaponry. What they’ve been coming to terms with over the last 50 years as the mind experiments continue is that they can more easily control their enemies from the inside-out, rather than having to shoot off nuclear warfare. Through economic default regular citizens of any state can easily become a target. 

Logically it makes much more sense to control the enemy this way, rather than sending off thousands of troops to die or bombing large areas of enemy territory killing off everything in sight, leaving huge amounts of wreckage behind.

We know everything originates from symbols and sounds. This is what makes more evolved forms of AI so intriguing. Its increasingly interweaving occult information, such as the hermetic principles into its coding. Understanding the underpinnings of the mystical in our natural spiritual experiences is what cryptologists will eventually refer to as the Golden Key for encoding more complex encryptions in the future of AI’s evolution.

Let’s back track, advertising agencies have been using subliminal messaging in their ads since the dawn of television. The famous subliminal Coca Cola ad that aired in theatre in 1957 received a lot of attention. Product placement imprinted directly into your subconscious mind without you ever perceiving the image that flashed before you. It was a success, an increase in sales were noted. Even if you’re a full on skeptic, if we were using mind control marketing tactics in the 1950s, you can only imagine the extent of techniques Intelligence Agencies are employing currently in 2019. Not excluding anyone else who can get their hands on such information with selfish interests can do within their social spheres.

This article touches just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the programs currently being carried out. My research has given me enough information to understand that the way we interact with our technological devices provides them with much of the metadata they’re using to carry out their large scale experiments. Mind control aside, I’m also very concerned with the health implications of electromagnetic impulses on our nervous system through our growing use of cell phones, our user time on the internet and the increase of more powerful cell phone towers. 

My recommendations in general are to carry a piece of raw shungite as close to your body as possible to reduce the impacts of potentially harmful psycho-electric weaponry on your natural electromagnetic fields. It’s a well known fact that the military have done private research on shungite and are currently using it to protect against EMF.

I recommend turning your cell phones to airplane mode when you’re not using them and especially when you’re sleeping. You’ll notice a huge difference in sleep quality. Also pay close attention to your sovereignty when it comes to your thoughts. Know what thoughts are yours and what thoughts feel simulated. The more trend driven you are the more likely you’re affected by subliminal messaging. Simply take the time to question your purchasing and personal life choices and actions. 

If your electromagnetic field has be compromised you’ll likely feel as though your body has been electrified. Certain low frequency sounds can entrain the mind into complete openness and relaxation, like during hypnosis, which makes it easier to assess your subconscious mind. The easier it is to access the population’s limbic system the greater the access to our rudimentary behavioural systems. That which governs our primitive emotional behaviour and responses. Think ‘fight or flight’ response. Less evolved thinking and decision making.

There’s a big difference between a naturally stimulated nervous system and an artificially stimulated one. You’ll experience heighten senses, buzzing in the ears, visible shakiness and a sudden increase or decrease in appetite and energy levels. Maintaining the health of your physical suit, your body, is absolutely crucial to staying grounded into the natural rhythms of the earth. 

Please feel free to contact me with a question or to book a session for more detailed information on how to cultivate sovereignty.  

Image Source: Cover, Perspectives, Coca Cola Ad

Fractionation (Deep Code) – How to Steer Clear of False Lovers – Part II

I wrote an article around this time two years ago to share some experience about false lovers. I was just beginning to understand on a surface level what fractionation was all about. I’m returning two years later to share an even deeper understanding of what techniques are used to fractionate women. The goal of this article is to increase awareness and prevent enslavement. More importantly the mental and emotional health of the women on the receiving end of this technique are severely at risk. If you believe yourself to be a victim to such types of mind-control techniques go seek help from a seasoned hypnotherapist. 

Although both genders can use the techniques, websites dedicated to enabling women with such information is rare. Women biologically dominate the mating rituals. Most of what men are innocently attempting to learn is how to manipulate women in a way that comes naturally to women. Women are biologically hardwired to subconsciously employ techniques that will ensure they can capture a man’s attention away from other females long enough to mate with them and be protected by them as they rear-children into the world. 

A man using these techniques without a sincere interest in having a committed relationship is equivalent to a toxic female using her sexual prowess on men for her personal gain with a complete disregard for that person’s wellbeing. In the realms of “magic” aka mentalism, these techniques are considered black magic. Strategic manipulation from lower ego motivations to gain control over another person’s mind and sexual life force.  

Before diving into the deep code of Fractionation, here are some reasons men would want to practice mind-control on women:

  • They have an inability to naturally attract women.
  • They desire having many women at their disposal for their emotional and sexual fulfillment.  
  • They’re emotionally unavailable and or uninterested in a real relationship but still want to have women attracted to them.
  • They have deep seated self-worth issues. 
  • They have control issues, such as narcissistic or sociopathic tendencies from unresolved childhood trauma.   
  • They’re jaded from dealing with toxic women and no longer wish to be controlled by them.
  • They’ve given up on the idea of love beyond chemistry.

The darkest end goal of Fractionation is to enslave a woman emotionally, which often means mentally and physically. The methods used are intermediary to advanced mind-control techniques. A mix of hypnosis and covert female psychological techniques that include Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

Have you ever been unable to get a man off your mind? Typical infatuation right? We’ve all been there. Now imagine if specific techniques were used to ensure that a person was always on your mind in an unnatural way, for an unnatural amount of time.

These techniques are also meant to create such an addiction to that person that their field of attention narrows to the exclusion of family, friends and work. Women who have suffered from such mental and emotional abuse often develop post-traumatic stress symptoms. It can take them years of learning how to trust again as they re-integrate into a natural state of being. The same goes for men who have been on the receiving end of heartless manipulative woman. 

Women who have suffered from Fractionation often experience the following symptoms:

  • They develop an acute obsession with the person.
  • They are unable to think clearly and effectively manage their lives according to their desires.
  • They tend to isolate themselves from friends and family.
  • They fear sharing what they’re going through thinking it’s their fault and/or a natural occurrence that has not been staged manipulatively into their lives.
  • They’re nervous systems become hijacked and they become emotionally unstable often falling into psychosis and depression after the man disappears or never shows up while they’re still emotionally enslaved to them. 
  • They experience abnormally heighten states of arousal when thinking of that person or hearing their name.
  • They lose their sense of identity and self-esteem over time.

If you wish to do your own research to increase your awareness you can look-up the Black Rose Sequence or the October Man Sequence. Awareness is key to maintaining your sovereignty. If you are someone who has been a victim to these techniques unknowingly, it is very difficult to deprogram yourself because you’re unaware that you’ve been enslaved and are under mind-control. The likely hood of finding the appropriate therapy to undo the harm is very unlikely without being aware of it in the first place. Unfortunately I know of some women who have been enslaved emotionally through this technique for years and even decades. They simply believe that the person is meant for them, that they are soul-mates and that one day the power of their attraction will unite them into a loving relationship. 

Men who are employing this technique should be denounced as a way of protecting the women surrounding them. Some of these men are ruthless and heartless often due to childhood trauma. The person who employed this technique on me some years ago handed me a book entitled “The 7 Day Mental Diet” by Emit Fox after he employed the technique without my knowledge. Thinking back on how cold and calculated this act of dark humour was makes me sick to my stomach. Luckily I found him out and was able to find the proper assistance to undo the utter mess it created in my life. I should mention though that I still suffer from related post-traumatic stress symptoms. I found a way to empower myself by learning about hypnosis, mind-control and psychology as I healed myself and now assist other women. 

The following is a very bare bones explanation of the method. The more they practice the better they get. Don’t forget, there’s a big difference between someone engaging in poor communication skills and unconsciously hurting those they engage with due to psychological pathologies verses someone who is consciously employing mind-control techniques to enslave women emotionally. Both have the same harmful impacts on the person. The difference between the two is that one is occurring unknowingly through the person while the other is done deliberately. 

The General Sequence

Mirroring – Anchoring – Pacing & Leading

Once they have chosen a woman to enslave emotionally they must capture their attention. Capturing their attention requires them to share things about themselves that would allow you to feel they are special. A special skill, a talent, a reputation or something from their past that would suggest to you that they are interesting or special. This could even be their past trauma.

So for example a man could tell you that he has a strange effect on women, or his work is secretive or something intriguing that would be of interest to you specifically. A key piece of information that would make you curious about them and worthy of your attention.

“It’s a process to get a woman so absorbed by the character that you project onto her that she has an intense emotional experience with you.” —The Black Rose Method, Brad Ryker Marshall. This process helps to suspend your critical thinking which is a necessary part of the strategy before they can begin to implant commands. 

Once they have caught your attention they will use a technique called pacing and leading. They can start by mirroring your body language to create trust and then begin aligning themselves with your mental model of the world. Pacing and aligning with your ideas, beliefs, experiences and behaviours usually doing so while matching the type of language you use to express them. 

Once they’ve captured your attention and aligned with you so you feel you can trust them implicitly, they’ll begin to play a hot/cold communication game with you in order to entangle you further emotionally. This is done to psychologically take you in and out of emotional states on purpose to gain greater control over you. This is the beginning phase of entrainment and hypnosis. During this phase they’ll also wish for you to see them as desired by other women. So the professionals will usually keep a few women in the game at once to use the competitive factor to their advantage. This will allow them to capture your attention even more. Women are naturally hardwired to compete for men, it’s in our biology. The more a man is seen as being sought after or desired by multiple woman the more his value increases as a desirable partner.  Even if the other women around him are in an unhealthy state within their relationship to him.

Implanting Commands

At this point they’ve captured your attention well enough to begin implanting commands through Neuro-Linguistic Programming. They want you to think you’re naturally becoming attracted to them and naturally coming up with the ideas they’re implanting. The best way to achieve this is through using phrases and commands that suggest ideas to you subconsciously. They might be ideas related to removing obstacles in their path, such as one of their lovers or your current partner, being sexually attracted to them, sexual fantasies about them, desiring a relationship with them or projecting future images into your subconscious mind about a potential life with them. 

There are other techniques that go even deeper for those that are fluent with NLP and advanced psychology. With years of study these other stages of hypnosis become accessible to them.  Below is a quote and techniques shared on a community website promoting fractionation methods.

“Some suggest that it installs in the target an unconscious compulsion which anchors every thought outside of the PUA with pain, and every thought involving the PUA to pleasure.”—The Attraction Forum.

‘The Hospital Pattern’. This pattern serves to fractionate the subject from intense feelings of pain to pleasure, and swing the subjects emotions like a pendulum. The pain is anchored to something away from the PUA, while pleasure is anchored directly to the PUA. This technique not only emotionally distorts the subjects into a state of feeling disoriented with the outside world, but also creates a feeling of safety within the PUA’s presence, building a disorienting semi-dependency.

‘The Gemini Pattern’. This pattern is designed to create two subconscious identities in the subject. One being the socially adhering, conservative identity, the other being the sexually free, socially uninhibited identity. Once these two identities are built, the desired identity is brought out of the subject, replacing the identity not desired (by the PUA) as the major source of personal direction for the subject.

‘The Rising Sun Pattern’. This pattern installs the idea of a ‘shadow’ within the subject, which harbours all of the subject’s natural (read – sexual) desires and fantasies. Once the concept of the shadow has been installed, the concept is enlarged, until the idea becomes tangible and real to the subject. The PUA will then guide the subject into stepping ‘into’ the shadow, and assuming its dominance.

Not only have I seen women in my immediate circle being affected by these techniques, the internet is now making these a pervasive online game for some. Seasoned womanizers gaming control over vloggers, seeing how far they can control their ‘avatars’ content and actions. The women being targeted are often not even aware someone has entrained with them until they’re under their control. The women become so entangled emotionally and mentally that they end up being remote puppets for these men whether or not they ever come to realize it and or break free.

Rewilding the New Age Paradigm (In honour of Greta Thunberg)

My animal totem consists of: 

Crocodile, Mouse, Wolf and Eagle. 

I seek to protect first,

then I put everything under the microscope 

for quiet contemplation, 

so it may reveal the bigger picture. 

-Life shapes you, so you can truly begin to shape it.

What are the real important truths hidden in our modern day storytelling? From our daily posts to our weekly videos, to our success stories of fame and fortune, and the proclaimed galactic show downs happening in outer dimensions?

What are the true necessary teachings buried beneath our new age spiritual fluff and glamour? How do we insure people don’t get distracted and lost in the paradoxical scapegoats of our forward thinking movement? 

Perhaps we should get a little more organized with our priorities? After all, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. 

These are some of the many important questions any spiritual activist is asking themselves. 

Our spirituality encompasses everything that it means to be human. Our new age spiritual and forward thinking movement is attempting to take humanity to the next level of evolution, right? We’re attempting to do this through helping each other heal individual and collective wounds, those that are generating division and nihilism. We’re also doing it by deeply exploring the infinite possibilities of quantum physics and consciousness, so we can begin to structure collective reality differently, from the inside-out. 

How can we ensure seekers wring out the crucial nectar from every teaching and move forwards into the next stage of development quickly?  If we dress things up as super human we end up disappointing more often than not, adding a wrench in the wheel of progress with endless stop-gaps of disillusionment.  

We can confirm a certain amount of empathic and psychic phenomena in the world as well as a growing understanding of the placebo effect but lets face it, mega superpowers are still out of reach. We believe there to be less than one percent of the population that can produce fire from chi. Spiritual seekers, are we chasing super powers at the expense of the future of our planet?

It appears that the more we pump up what super powers can be attained through our spiritual development, the more our egos become lost in the outer dimensions of reality. The less focused we become on what we can embody in the here and now. Unfortunately our human conditioning appears to need superhero glamour stature to capture our minds and hearts to express simple truths. Mostly because we’re a generation raised on MGM studios, Reality T.V and a hard core competitive economy.

So much of what’s currently unattainable disguises itself as something of higher importance, something that people in younger stages of development get lost in, the details of which distract them from evolving into necessary action for real time global solutions. We’re shifting into a new economy, we’re instigating a return to the land but we’re also counter balancing it with a certain amount of wishful thinking that pulls us away from focusing our energy intently on what’s paramount.  

The much needed injection of ‘Heyoka’ humour is providing some relief but too often it’s reinforcing division and separation within communities as well as negative programming through shock value antagonism. It can easily spiral people into nihilism as it reinforces the vanity of our culture.

It’s almost as though we can no longer see and accept the simple truths because they’re too boring for our over stimulated palettes. In order for them to catch our attention they often need be served to us as something of spectacular godly stature. 

We’re a generation raised on ‘only spectacular will suffice’. More ayahuasca, more sex appeal, more charisma, more fancy rich spiritual settings, or anything seemingly supernatural will do. All that shines or out wits the masses wins merit points in dictating the future of humanity. Only that which appears impossibly possible is reeling people in. Unfortunately what’s currently winning merit points in a healthy direction gets lost beneath less quality and more superficial quantity. 

The irony is that what we’re placing the most value on is at the heart of our Achilles heel. 

Upholding elusive truths within our spiritual communities creates inertia. It becomes the spiritual propaganda that blocks us from making the paradigm shift needed to start addressing real global issues faster. Where we’ve become blind sighted by the laboratory grown diamonds of our magical thinking is where our illusions continue to deepen, both spiritually and less realistically. 

Without giving permission to these elusive truths, all the superfluous layers holding us back from taking the next proactive step forwards would dissolve. Uncovering only what is the healthy way forward for the generations following in our foot steps. There’s some good in every lens, I know personally of a few people who are using the new age ascension model to create real change in the world, but they are few, most are falling into the disillusionment of it.

It’s true that the lenses of perception we share in our stories do structure the ways in which we see and perceive reality, I experienced it for myself. So yes, possibilities are endless when it comes to the nature of reality. Yet they can equally create the possibilities of endless downward spiralling. Indeed the real life magic is in our neurolinguistic programming, that which we chose to focus on and spell out into the world. That which ultimately dictates the conditioning of our subconscious minds and eventual actions.

What we ought to be more conscious of is that each of these thought matrixes should include space for every other lens to co-exist, but more importantly for the prioritization of pressing environmental factors. In order for us to move forwards united, we need to stop perpetuating paradigms of grand illusions. How do we do this when humans need to hold on to so many illusions of grandeur to simply motivate themselves out of bed in the morning and face the global threat of extinction?

Can our portals of awakening be created with the intention of bringing people to the shores of humanity, individuated, world-centric and prepared to contribute towards solving world problems? If not fast enough, our mythological stories won’t even have a time space reality to share them in.

This is a heavy burden for new age teachers to take on considering many are riding on the backs of teachers whom lived in a different state of worldly affairs. It’s not easy, just take my example, typing away my frustrations hoping to spark the attention of others, hoping to align more of my life through these words.

Every person chipping away at improving our mental, emotional and physical health are contributing to the next level up, but when do we realize that the next level up is about us facing pressing planetary issues now. How long should teachers stay focused on healing and interstellar adventures when Mother Earth is calling. I’m sorry to be the one to say it, but we all know the truth.

We are group minded creatures that like to congregate and seek belonging in each other. We do this by homogenizing ourselves into similar lenses of perception, the downfall is that in doing so we easily follow senseless trends and forget what’s happening outside of them in the third dimension. Sometimes leading us completely down the wrong rabbit holes for an immeasurable amount of time. Where our cult like herd mentality begins is where leaders refuse to take responsibility for prioritizing their teachings around selfless actions directed at global solutions. 

Only those whom carry this awareness with a strong following or enough money can proliferate the movement on a large scale. Not all of us are charismatic leaders that can rein in the masses, everyone co-creates by playing out their part. This is my contribution to the melding pot. Free speech, the most powerful tool we have, whether we like what we hear or not. 

It’s a sixteen year old girl named Greta Thunberg who has inspired me to write this, her, along with hopefully many others around the globe her age will be skipping school this Friday to address the climate crisis. Many of us feel the pressures rising yet are unsure as to how we should best align ourselves to make a real difference. Courageous young women like her are wasting no time in showing us how it’s done.

The light magician always seeks to reveal but many of our spiritual teachers are in their mayan kundalini phase which can too often tempt them into using their powerful magnetism for personal gain, power, control, prestige and profit. Tricking them into losing sight of harnessing their powers for steadfast global action. Yes it’s a boring task, no one wants to hear about environmental issues but it’s a challenge I know we are capable of facing. It’s also a challenge that once we focus on, will bring us all closer. 

So what’s more important, manifesting the life you want of pleasure and luxury or working on real global solutions?

How can we make trendy what is so unattractive yet obviously most important? How do we tone down people’s expectations after entering such portals of awakening? After being fed a gargantuan amount of elusive truths that place more emphasis on becoming gods and goddesses, magicians and alien channels? No one seems to be interested in doing the dirty work in our spiritual communities other than the old school spiritual teachers, some of which are quite loud about how they feel we’ve lost touch with reality.

Yes magic does exist, I tasted it with my own being but it’s nothing that can be marketed. It’s a direct experience between you and the universe, but mostly it’s earth magic, the magic we find through healing, the magic that we find through having a healthy connection to our inner source of love. It’s in our compassionate connection to each other. Real magic is utterly humbling. It strips us away of everything superfluous and ego driven. 

It’s the people in positions of power and those with money that can truly create the global shifts we need, including courageous girls like Greta, but first we have to convince each other of why we should re-arrange our lives to meet these priorities first. Can we infuse this into our new age discourse more to create greater trends that will push us in the right direction? It’s the only way to proactively convince the majority of the people in power to make the key decisions that will guide the future of our planet back into harmony.

Is the Greatest Separation within the Feminine Collective Jealousy?

Woman can be some of the most vindictive and manipulative people I’ve come across when it comes to men. Why is this? Where is it rooted? Women are primarily known for their compassion and ability to empathize with some of the most notorious ‘evil-doers’. We can manage to flip anything onto its side, so as to find reason not to side-step our ability to love and care for the wellbeing of another individual. 

This happens when we develop a strong connection to the divine. To be connected to the divine is to be aware of all aspects of self that are both malicious and loving. To begin developing integrity with the divine is to make a conscious attempt at seeing the depths of our own personal hell and our capacity to act maliciously. It’s to strive at understanding how those parts of ourselves might be harming others and to learn to rise above them, hand in hand.

So where is jealousy rooted within all of this compassion and divine integrity? 

Jealously is Predominately a Subconscious Force First

So it’s not just women of course. Men can be insanely possessive and jealous too. These are primordial feelings which arise of out fear of survival. They go against our logical brain power. They trick us into believing that eminent death will occur if we do not box our lovers in, away from the beautiful and unique energetic spheres of other individuals. They are often rooted in abandonment issues. They arise out of feelings of unworthiness and lack of self-acceptance.

Jealousy often comes disguised, arising from within fear driven subconscious core motives. They leak out as subconscious competitive actions or consciously plotted manipulation. They shows themselves any time we seek to push another woman down with the intention of making ourselves look better in comparison. These subconscious actions are often unseen to us but very apparent to others. Even more so, they can be deeply felt in the part of our hearts that connects us emotionally to each other. They essentially close our fourth and fifth chakras down, which closes down our capacity to feel love itself and to keep a healthy open line of communication with our sisters. They generate manipulative behaviours, they hijack our ability to see clearly and to love freely. They create a separation within us that divides us from ourselves. That part of ourself that is intrinsically connected to the collective feminine body, or the masculine body for the man experiencing jealousy.

So, how can we heal this collective wound? My answer is to keep working on becoming whole within the self and embracing the fact that in order to do this we need to maintain many connections, on many different levels, with many different people. The more women begin to feel empowered, the less likely they’ll feel the need to separate themselves competitively form each other to get closer to a man. To gain trust in each other’s capacity to have compersion for each other is our biggest gesture of spiritual, mental and emotional maturity. We’re slowly getting there, to that place of freedom, as women all around the globe continue to rise-up in personal power and heart courage.  

How to Become a Strong Interdependant Woman

I have to admit, I’m not a very jealous woman. I’m way too independent when it comes to relationships. Plus I find it unattractive when a man is singling me out as his one and only. What kind of person would want to try to stuff every last quirk of me into their box of chocolates? We all know where that leads, it leads to stagnation, expectations, manipulation and disillusionment. 

The jealously I tend to feel is born from a lack of trust. So whenever I do feel jealous, it’s because a man is not being honest with me, not because I do not wish him beautiful experiences with other women. It’s very difficult to gain trust on this level because most men won’t even attempt to speak their truth out of fear of losing the attention and admiration of the women they’re engaging with. This is because most women would explode into a trillion emotional pieces if their lover told them they were having intimate relations with another while still engaging with them. Same goes for most men. 

The irony is that most of us do have intimate relationships with a number of different people, on a number of different levels at all times throughout our lives.

We can be intimately connected to someone emotionally, which can often be more of an intimate connection than physical intimacy can. Or we might be connected intimately on an intellectual level. That is, seeing deeply into another’s psyche and relating very closely to their psychological make-up in ways unattainable with another. Or we could experience a closeness to someone through physical intimacy but not feel connected on any other level. 

The father of my children and I, for example, have a closeness that even our modern day ‘couple separation’ could not remove, it was present when we met at eleven and it’s still present today, it simply can’t be shoved into a box. Nor can it be compared to any other intimate partnerships I have with any other human being. The emotional closeness I feel to one of my weirdo lovers is greater than I’ve ever felt with another, even though we don’t have a typical relationship that fits the status quo. On a mental level I have many lovers, all of which I feel deep relational satisfaction with, all bringing me closer to wholeness within myself. There are very few lovers which I’ve found a soul connection with, they’re the odd ones that don’t seem to necessarily fulfill any specific purpose or maybe they fulfil too many at once, but either way they’re uniquely profound and nourishing.

We’re all made up of many parts, personality, character, creative capacity, emotional intelligence, mental intelligence, physical appearance and spirit. All of these parts resonate differently with other people’s parts. This is the beauty of diversity, this is the beauty of life. This is the beauty of our multi-dimensional selves. 

I guess anyone holding this understanding makes an enemy to those aspects in others that wish to contain all of their partners parts for themselves. The way that I see it, women need to ‘stop talking to man and start speaking directly to Shiva’. Shiva is the silver cord of love, intimacy and connection that weaves through all men and though every animus in every woman. This sliver cord that I’ve been obsessed with my whole life leads us to the parts of ourselves outside of self, those we need to love more. The greater we’ve abandoned those parts of self, the stronger the cord will seem to pull us into the sphere of that person, in absolutely uncanny and magical ways. That cord is made up of pure light, divine union in perfection of both polarities. It is in fact the cord which we are in love with, it is the cord which we are born from and die back into. 

This also highlights why women have been known to be typically attracted to bad boys. In general, within the feminine subconscious, we have not embraced and owned our darker yin and yang aspects. Until we do, men will be pushed into this role to feel attractive and powerful, desired and needed. To quote Carolyn Myss, “We’ll have war so long as the woman crave the bad boy warrior.”

What is meant by this is that so long as the divine feminine disown their animus we’ll continually seek it outwardly, expressed it in an overly exaggerated fashion within the masculine. When the divine feminine rise completely in their power, we’ll be balanced within ourselves.

There will be no raison d’être for over arching power to exist within the masculine to maintain such imbalances within the feminine. There are biological differences that will never completely change, or at least not within our life time but much will evolve that will create a greater sense of internal freedom and equilibrium affecting our motives of attraction.

Why I Stopped Labelling my Relationships Years Ago

It was a very hard pill for my ex to swallow, the look on his face after he proposed but for me to label a relationship is to put it into a fixed timeline or a fix form. As soon as we seek to force something into a fixed definition, by virtue of cosmic law, we lose it because we begin to separate it further from ourselves. To take it in closer is to let it be free in the ‘I Am That I Am’. Sometimes we wish to create the settings for an experience to occur and such type of manifestation is a pure gift of divine unraveling into becoming more whole within ourselves. Consciously devoting time to connecting with those parts we’ve denied within ourselves. For some that might take a life time of connection to one individual, for others only a few years, weeks or days. All depending on our intentions flying in and the star alignments arranging our precise moment of birth into this time-space-reality.

For this reason and for many other reasons, when my kundalini starts to become activated by another, I ask myself: what are those qualities within that I am trying to master within myself? Similar to when I feel distain for another, I ask what parts am I looking to own to become more whole within this great adventure of divine unraveling? Each and every connection leading us closer and closer to experiencing deeper levels of intimacy within ourselves, each other and the numinous.

Embracing the Vampire Archetype

Recently I was given guidance by spirit through divination cards to let-go of the Servant archetype, the one that was firmly nestled into my psyche and start embracing the Vampire archetype.

If you’re not familiar with how important it is to identify which archetypes you’re working with, aka are controlling your life, you might want to drop this article and go do a little research. You can start with psychologist Carl Gustav Jung and follow through with Gallery of Archetypes by Caroline Myss.

Knowing what archetypes you’re currently playing with to create your reality, the ones ruling your motives and actions, is like doing the meta-analysis on how you’re using your life force. It enables us to crawl up the dimensions within self to reach the divine puppet master behind the scene—our soul. It assists us in moving beyond our own illusions to cultivate compassion for all parts of self we’d rather deny at all costs.

From this vantage point we have a better understanding of which parts of ourselves make up our lower dimensional aspects. The parts that might be working to our own disadvantage and the disadvantage of others. 

Embracing the Vampire Archetype might sound awful for those that feel like they’ve been the victim of an energy vampire before because our immediate thoughts move towards the shadow aspects of this archetype and it usually wasn’t a good experience. Let’s make no mistake, it can be downright deadly but this is precisely the moment we should begin to embrace our own inner vampire.

The shadow side of this archetype is most depicted in traditional Vampire movies. If you’ve wrestled with someone carrying this vibration in your life before you’re aware that it’s LIFE FORCE draining and down right threatening. It’s the type of energy that sinks its psychic hooks into your essence in order to feed off your vitality, your creativity and connection to spirit.

Just the thought makes me queasy. The stomach area is highly sensitive to a Vampire because it’s the most sensitive area in our bodies detecting the quality of energy exchanged with other people. It’s the place within our bodies that houses the code to our personal boundaries. If you’ve taken enough time to developed your psychic abilities you can find the source of vampiric energy cords or third party attachments fairly easy. 

Vampires are highly co-dependant emotionally but they could be co-dependant financially, mentally, sexually or even just physically clingy. We all carry Vampiric energy to a certain extent and becoming aware of the ways in which we are using our vampiric qualities is the key to developing healthy relationships.

If we’re overly dependant on others in any of the above mentioned categories we’re taking more than our share of their energy. If you’re someone who vamps on a regular basis from the people around you, you might notice that the only ones sticking around are the full-on givers. I don’t want to go into too much detail about the empath and narcissist dynamic because the terms are too cliched for me right now but you could look at it from that lens to give you a better idea. 

The thing about vampires are that the more they take the less likely they are to be aware of it. Vampire energy is stemmed in the desire to nourish Self without the capacity or know how to do so. The more vampiric shadow energy you vibrate out, the more likely you are to feel that others are taking from you and a vicious cycle of victim/perpetrator begins within your consciousness.

The more aware you are of the ways in which you vamp off of those around you, the more likely you are to be fair in your exchanges. Within intimate partnerships it gives you the ability to see the other’s needs more clearly and allows you to begin assuming your share of responsibility for the emotions generated from the energy exchanges produced from the relationship. 

Poem, “On Marriage” by Kahlil Gibran

Our main goal here on earth is to become sovereign. Connecting to the energy of spirit fuels us forward collectively healing. This is where the saying, “Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.” Kahlil Gibran, comes from. If everyone is drinking from the same cup then how are we suppose to continuously fill each other’s cup? It’s logically impossible.

We must always be self-sustaining enough, to have a good amount to share with others. If we don’t know how to fill our own cups properly due to not being shown how to self-regulate one aspect or another during childhood then we continuously look to others to complete those aspects for us.

If we didn’t receive a sufficient amount of love and acceptance for example, we are more likely to seek acceptance from our peers which can lead to all sorts of weird energetic connection. On the flip side, we’re also more likely to be over-critically of others and with the world if the light-side of our inner vampire archetype is underdeveloped. Think tenth dimensional Drako aspect assuming control over your battle-ship; untethered vampire dynamics abound. 

Often healer type people will allow energy vampires to over-extend their stay because as conscious individuals they are more likely to see what the other person is trying to do, which is to heal an underdeveloped aspect of themselves through a similar aspect developed in a healthy way within the other. The overabundant quality in the other appears like a shinny beckon of light yelling, “over here, I have what you need, just come and get it”.

The worst dynamic is two emotionally co-dependent people, or two financially co-dependant people. They just reinforce the lack in each other and with no source energy to share and generate from, they deplete each other quite chaotically and often detrimentally to those around them. 

So whether you consider yourself to be a giver or a taker, embracing your inner Vampire draws to the surface the light qualities of the Vampire archetype which are keys to a successful career, relationship, personal health and all around life.

This work should especially be done for those that feel like they are being vamped off of. It allows them to nurture and attend to their shadow aspects. The ones subconsciously making them vamp off others to meet their unmet needs. All of which attract the perceived and real vampires in their life. 

The light qualities of the healthy Vampire archetype are impeccable inner and outer boundaries. Embracing our inner vampire allows us to identify and respond to unhealthy energy exchanges immediately before they get out of hand. Once they get out of hand, the more likely we are to start vamping off of others to compensate for our lack of energy. It’s up to you to cut the energy being syphoned from a co-dependant as soon as possible to continue being a responsible co-creator. This is why people often report that when an empath hangs around a narcissist for too long they become one as well. 

Another light quality of the Vampire archetype is cosmic (immortal) heart energy. The ability to share love very openly and freely without shadow aspects creeping in that have unwritten subconscious motives attached.

We are less likely to engage in transactional relationships where one person is meeting the unmet needs of another and more likely to engage in responsible conscious relationships. Relationships where we are loving from a place of self-love. Where we can offer guidance to the other when they are lacking, from a non-attached state.

When we take the reins of our inner puppet master, we take ownership of our inner dimensions and are less likely to be controlled by an external puppet masters who seeks to control what they can’t control within themselves. 

The most common form of vamping that I personally witness is the vamping of creative energy, which is a very pure form of sexual energy. As we continue to ascend and become increasingly aware of our interconnected nature, we’re also becoming more aware of how interconnected our thought forms are and exactly how easily we’re influenced by the thought creations of others.

Evolution is the representation of each of us engaging in a healthy dance with Spirit first. Maintaining proper routine to keep an open stream to source energy provides us with fresh inspiration to be shared in new and innovative ways with others.

This doesn’t mean that we can’t connect to each other telepathically and build off each other’s ideas or even spend the majority of our time together or read up on the concepts and ideas our forefathers generated to produce something greater but it’s essential we do so in a holistic and balanced way, which requires source connection at the root of our energetic wellspring. 

Our greatest source of energy comes from nature, period. We’re all unique beings that have come here to share our unique medicine. This comes from embracing the ascension process and moving into new spaces of consciousness bringing with us the co-creations we’ve gathered without.

If we lean on others to climb up our own inner ladder too much, we get pulled outwardly too often and fall trap to the negative aspects of Vampiric exchanges. We also miss the joy of synchronicity— the voice of spirit— our map to other universes. 

Image Sources Cover, Poem, Inner Wellspring

Spiritual Catfishing & The Dangers of the Online Spiritual Community

I decided to write this article after an experience I had with a popular online site in the hopes of shedding some light on of the more darker corners of the virtual spiritual community. To be fair I’ve seen worse hypocrisy within my experiences at religious gatherings. In both cases sharing theses stories increases overall awareness and community growth so I feel it’s important to do so.


To preface it all I’ll start by saying my animal spirit is Wolf, I’ve been shapeshifting into wolf since a child when I travel in meditation and this medicine is what has allowed me to uncover what I have thus far and to share it with you today. Wolf is the forerunner who travels ahead of the pack to discover potential dangers in order to protect the young, old and more vulnerable of the group. We are inherently hunters following scents down the darkest coridors into the underworld to shed light on what needs to be healed. Many whistle blowers have wolf medicine such as Julian Assange and Naomi Klien. Not only do we feel it is our duty to protect the pack, we are guided to where we need to go with very astute intuition.

This story starts back in May of 2016, I briefly encountered a person at an event who nine months later spiritually catfished me online when I was at my most vulnerable. The omen was so clear at the time, a huge rock flew out of seemingly nowhere and hit my side of the windshield as I drove away from the event, shattering hundreds of pieces of small glass shards onto me. Only in retrospect can I see this omen was related to my meeting this person that day. The universe is constantly giving us signs but it doesn’t mean we’ll necessarily be able to instantly connect the dots.

what-people-think-a-spiritual-awakening-is-like-vs-what-26615366I was at the peak of my spiritual awakening and moving through a huge life transition after a cataclysmic entanglement with another soul that literally left me incapacitated. Anyone who has gone through a spiritual awakening will know that most of the time you’re completely open and vulnerable to the immense amount of energy flowing in and out of your system as you feel more deeply the interconnectedness of the universe and all other living sentient and non sentient beings. It’s a time to be well surrounded by people who have mastered the process of awakening and can guide you through safely and efficiently by helping you re-ground and connect more deeply to your heart.

Being exposed to so many new sensations of energy one can often find themselves at a loss of self and seek out answers from hubs such as on-line spiritual sites about the transition taking place. People are often reported to go through episodes of psychosis along side many other physical and emotional transformations.

Until you go through the process yourself it is impossible to understand the gifts and challenges inherent in an awakening. Most people on a spiritual path will experience an awakening at one point in their lives as they progress on their journey and will slowly gain the tools necessary to return to balance as divine co-creators on this planet. Techniques for managing their new perception of the universe (reality) and how to keep an energetic self-care practice that maximizes their well being and simultaneously increases the wellbeing of those around them. It can be a slow process but if one is dedicated to the path of ascension they will be initiated into the different dimensions of the multiverse through honestly facing challenges and life lessons.


Unfortunately many empaths are what I call open ended, meaning they are not so great at shielding or protecting themselves from incoming energy, leading to all sorts of extra challenges, physical, emotional and mental while undergoing an awakening. Many of these open empaths are women who have naturally focused on transmuting rather than protecting to move energy throughout their lives. The feminine energy naturally receives while the masculine energy naturally asserts.

When someone is going through a massive energy shift it becomes imperative that they find a safe place to adapt and integrate the new sensations and their new understanding of the world at large. The writers for this on-line spiritual Facebook page, linked to a large website with over a million viewers are less interested in providing a safe place for those connecting than they are preoccupied with spiritually catfishing those they can ruthlessly reach to fuel their new articles and daily posted quotes as they emotionally cut themselves with little effort in embodying the actual practices they are sharing.


The facts that led me down the trail to this discovery and the huge lack of integrity of those involved were as follows: One of the writers, home grown in Montreal knows that I’m going through an awakening and decides to contact me online. He doesn’t tell me he’s a writer for an on-line spiritual site with a million viewers and that all the personal information I share with him will be shared not only with all the other writers and some close friends but will be used as fresh inspiration in articles to be re-written for an audience of over a million viewers for the duration of the time we are in communication.

When he first contacted me I was honestly so relieved that I had someone to talk to that seemed to understand exactly what I was going through. The more he shared openly and vulnerably the more I did as well. The more he held space for what I was experiencing the more I opened up and expressed my deepest fears, emotions and spiritual processes. This person was a close friend of someone I was connected to, so although I psychically sensed the information was being shared I was in no way aware it was being done so to the extend of other writers including a whole on-line community until three months later when my health became seriously jepordized.

Nearing the end of the two and a half months time that we communicated I increasingly began to feel a strange sense that my energy field was being more and more violated. This sensation had actually began way before when they started to observe me from a far with the assistance of a middle man who catfished my spiritual journey by tagging my posts which spoke of my spiritual awakening process as it was occurring. The sensation of paranoia took over increasingly as the feeling of what we call ‘watchers’ or remote viewers became increasingly prominent and began to drain my energy field.

Quantum physics shows us that by simply observing something we change its state and to take this further, the way in which we are being observing will dictate how that thing or person is affected. If you are being observed by people who don’t have your best interest in mind and are actually emotional energy vampires playing games with your head and heart from a distance, let alone through directly contacting you under the guise of someone else, you’ll soon find yourself feeling extremely weak and confused. It is very similar to the energy exchange between empath and narcissist.

psychic attack

To accentuate the dangers involved with energetic vampirism or spiritual catfishing, I witnessed along side with many other people in the community a completely open empath lose her vitality to the point of complete physical exhaustion and utter mental confusion. Slowly day by day her energy started to dwindle and I could see psychically that she was being spiritually violated but I could not at that time pin point where the energy cords that were syphoning her energy were leading to directly. It takes many people with a huge lack of integrity to uphold this dysfunctional web. Fortunately there were amazing and talented people assisting her to break free from this psychic lock which ultimately, along side her spiritual strength saved her health. This is when my wolf spirit decided to follow the trail till the very end with utter persistence and determination.

After connecting the dots and finding the culprits I realized that this other woman and I had been spiritually catfished by the same people. After this realization and with the highest good in mind I offered help to this person on numerous occasions, both as a healer and a friend. All in the hopes that they would begin to integrate this shadow aspect in order to help them rise to greater wellbeing and to save many future victims from suffering the same energetic violation. Each offering of help was refused. The conditions of my offerings went from playful and friendly to alarming and then a straight-forward ultimatum. Still no budge. I finally got this person on the phone and I could tell that they were no where near being spiritually integrated, it was as though I was speaking to a single fractal of the person who initially wrote me with much greater enthusiasm, wisdom, knowledge and kindness.

The biggest problem we face with the online spiritual community is that someone may understand indepth new and old spiritual concepts and practices but go undetected as they never truly put any of them into practice. Possibly starting off with good intentions to build a following as they traverse the ups and downs of ascension but eventually due to lack of self-love and integrity never truly working to embody that which they are writing about or teaching.

We are all doing this to different degrees as we evolve but the more you are in a position of power over others going through an awakening the more crucial it is that you walk your talk. Not doing this exemplifies what we refer to as false gurus. To the lesser degree some false gurus might lack awareness thus be confronted by hidden shadow aspects as they grow but ultimately they face them openly. While others to a greater degree of misrepresentation are aware of their shadows yet refuse to do the work to integrate them. They also refuse to digress or let go of their spiritual role completely to spend the time needed to become whole and more authentic on their journey. This is when ego over heart starts to drive their motives.

I’ve debated disclosing the names of the people involved but it’s not my intention to bring down any one single individual. It is my intention to create awareness around the importance of using discernment when navigating the web for a safe place to learn and grow as well as taking proper precautions when being contacted by a relatively unknown person when you are vulnerable and awakening. Asking about the person’s intentions upfront is always one way to attempt a clean connection but even more important is talking to them on the phone or meeting with them in person to truly experience how integrated they are and what sort of energy exchange you are engaging in.

When choosing which on-line community to connect with to further your spiritual growth you must consciously look to the core of the messages being shared to determine if they are of the highest good for all readers. If they are not aligned with your highest good or that of the greater community they will not sit well intuitively and will often spin you into and emotional and mental downward spiral.


Questioning the truth of what we’re reading is our greatest tool for protection and freedom. Doing the internal work to heal the core wounds that generate and bring these experiences into our lives through the law of attraction the most important goal. It always amazes me that people can lack so much integrity and still have the gumption to participate or run a million plus on-line spiritual community. It amazes me that people can have no conscience about how they are affecting the lives of so many other people through lack of transparency about their personal process and real lives.

Transparency leading to greater accountability and true spiritual growth, it illuminates shadow aspects that create manipulative behaviour and help to bring down the veil of illusion on what the human and spiritual experience really is about; finding greater peace both within and with others. This authenticity can in turn become real tools for others to learn from, a real beacon of light and knowledge for people on a spiritual path to evolve and uplifted themselves with.

Blasting Love!

Image sources
Wolf Medicine
Energy Violation
Healing Core Wounds

Wakeful Watchers

A big part of what goes on in my thought process is looking at the good, the bad and learning to move above that. I’ve often offended people with this pandect way of seeing things. It’s the devil’s advocate and then some with a sharp ladder-up leading to the floor just above the split level housing we call dualistic thinking. There are an incredible amount of perspectives to take into consideration and then some, before coming to a conclusion about anything and then above and beyond that our conclusions should continue to evolve.

On top of that I have a serious drive and desire to only see the good in all people. A huge lesson for an awakened soul is managing the influx of objective perspectives practically so they can be applied back into every day living situations. Within my learnings over the last few years I’m slowly coming into the hard edge where I can see both sides of the coin and the sphere the coin creates as it spins in sacred infinite geometry style but where I can consciously chose what is good for my best next minute, instead of the interconnected infinite moment. It’s such a fine balance between the me and the we in the now versus the forever expanding us.

The next minute might require me to think about making a decision that will support my basic human growth in the here and now vs the multi-layered over-soul sight of my infinite surrender. This has been a slow fine tuning process, it feels like trying to a squeeze a magnificently large amethyst crystal into a toothpaste tube. Condensing what I see from the grey matter of over over view back into a simple black or white matter very applicable to the in the now view.


I can glimpse far into the root origins of someone’s behaviour psychically to see how that core desire or belief became completely flipped around and concluded into a single act of seemingly shallow narrowmindedness. This ability is bestowed to those whom have a huge heart. When you can love and love some more, love with no boundaries, love with unrelenting craft, you will be given insight into the heart of another human being and with that an unconditionally forgiving disposition. Along side this ability to cosmically love comes great responsibility of assisting others in seeing their own hearts, if they are willing and if benefiting conditions permit for both. For the die hard lightworker this translates into: whatever won’t literally kill me.

With this said, I’ve come to understand the value in what supports me on my journey and what will simply hold me back energetically from feeling balanced. We all have specific needs as individuals that will be suffocated or supported by other’s energies. When I speak of energies I am speaking of human beings themselves in all their multifaceted forms. Each person is carrying a different frequency, resonating to a different set of life lessons and as they do their life thing they radiate a specific frequency onto you while interacting with them.

Sometimes we need to come up against some very contrasting energies in order to wake-up to certain blind spots we have in relation to ourselves. These contrasting energies create push and pull moments, weeks or hell lets face it, even years of push-pull interacting to create the situations that are necessary for us to come into full awareness of our personal blind spots, the subconscious stuff that is trying to creep up to the surface, as it yells—by way of emotional pain—“can you please look at this because it’s killing you faster than necessary and holding you back from blissness and soul missions”.

Interestingly we don’t even need to be interacting with people dead-on to be experiencing these varying types of exchanges. We can often simply come into contact with someone at one point in our lives and a connection is made with them, a quantum entanglement is made with them and from that point on even if we aren’t with them we’re still magnetized to the lessons this contrasting ‘energy’ will provide us with, until the lesson is completed and we’re zapped into wakefulness. We have always understood the value of a witness to our lives and we know through quantum physics, that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer.


If quantum entanglement is reached, through whatever sticky glue you want to name and we can continue to observe each other from afar, this web of influence we have over each other begins to become very palpable in the here and now of our lives. This is how I understand the subtler interconnectedness of all species to be helping each other evolve. What allows this process to become even more transformative is when the one being observed is aware that they are being observed by another. The question then becomes, from what frequency are we be observing by? It then becomes a two folded development, one occurring subconsciously and the other through the conscious observation of being observed in itself.

Being so sensitive to energy I have really appreciated the different types of people that I’ve been both witnessing and a witness to being witnessed by. I am grateful for the light energies that have acted as guardians and angelic watchers in my life, filling me with a sense of strength and a feeling of unconditional love. I have also been grateful and appreciative for the darker more karmic energies that I’ve been entangled with that have been observing me and creating a push and pull type growth path. Just like a flower will grow differently under an incandescent light verses direct sunlight, so will a human being develop differently under the watchful eye of a grey toned observer verses a light or a shadow tone one.

Choosing who we wish to observe is just as important as choosing who we wish to be observed by. Much gratitude and blessings to those watchful loving eyes and as well to the rest of them, I love you anyway. And if your observing me is not conducive to my wellbeing, well, for very practical reasons, bye bye to our energetic cord!


Image sources
Disentanglment image

Oh! Amon-Ra-Oh!

Amongst the living walk the dead. We are in the deep of expelling the darkness back out into the universe, the same darkness that is so well depicted in our mythological stories. It sits heavy in our hearts as many relive time and time again, the truth of tragedy left unlit.

We stumble collectively upon the story of Isis and Osiris at this time, in many forms. A heart-break that we continuously live out in modern society as we simply try to get it right. It’s a love story but it’s also a story of betrayal.

The brother of Osiris, Set was in fact controlled by darkness and tricks Osiris into a tomb where he cuts him up and dismembers his body. When Isis, the wife to the King of Egypt finds out that her beloved husband Osiris was murdered she goes on a rampage looking to find all of his dismembered body parts that were spread throughout the land.

In our modern times this story can be seen as how we use influence to chop-up the mind, control and break to pieces the heart and innocence of another human being. The woman in her purest and lightest form, Isis, brings all back to purity, to love, as this is her divine birth right, she is simply guided by Truth. She looks to collect all the missing pieces of our split minds and hearts to magically infuse them together, to raise the consciousness of humanity and restore back its wholeness and purity.

As we engage with these archetypes we realize that we’re all making choices each day as to whether we stay asleep in the darkness or come forth into the light of awareness. We see clearly who walks a path of purity and who has been tainted and attempts to control the mind of another through negative thinking.

Expressions of thoughts are like seeds that are planted into the minds of those we share them with. Over time they grow and we paint pictures, stories, and beliefs that do not belong to us. Foreigners to our own freedom, foreign ideas that have grown from within us, unknowingly not ours to begin with. Who do you let plant seeds in your garden? Who do you allow sacred entry into your mind and heart?

The people we spend the most time connecting to are the people who have the biggest influence over us, how we perceive ourselves and how we can imagine our future and the world around us. There is a saying about choosing our friends wisely, it is precisely for this reason.

When I work with other healers I can see the various thought forms they’ve accumulated from others due to their generous compassion. We take on so much from the world around us because our light is bright and we can absorb the pain and suffering of those we cross paths with or have been intricately intertwined with. It is only over time, that if not carefully released, we can accumulate so much of what is not ours, we can even begin to believe that the pain and suffering we have collected is our own and limits our capacity to out grow ourselves and the beliefs of another.

Isis and osiris

In the story of Isis and Osiris, Isis makes her way down into the underworld, right around this time of year and she puts her beloved back together so he may rise again to rule the land as King of Egypt. Ultimately Isis could not bare to live without him. One rising along side the other was the only possible way of creating a gateway into the future, where all of humanity could rise with them.

During this time of year we have an opportunity to tap into our own darkness, our subconscious minds, to see what sort of beliefs are being held there, ether from our personal history or from seeds that were planted there by others, friends, family and society. This is the perfect time to allow tears to fall abundantly so as to release what was never yours to begin with. It is a time of healing and resurrecting. May we all embrace the gift of seeing our own darkness clearly and that which was never ours to begin with, so we may rise into the light, wiser and stronger.

Oh! Amon-Ra-Oh!

You’ve reclaimed your Power
You are the King
There is only you, me and the heavens now, as we rise from the depths
No one can diminish our Love & Devotion
As we rise, so does all of mankind
May all the evils of this world that have kept us apart be released and transformed into Love now.

Words are magic.
We are still living out our Mythological stories.
Isis & Osiris 2017

Shamanic Initiation

I’ll never forget the morning I awoke and was initiated into the world of shamanism on a deeper level. Shamanism encompasses a lot and has a very broad spectrum when applying it to the modern world. It is my belief that we can’t be taught shamanism, it is rather something that unfolds naturally along our path. More often than not we’ll meet our teachers and be given the guidance when it is needed, in the natural unfolding of the divine design.

Applying shamanism to the scope of human evolution can be seen as people (souls) whom are able to bring to the surface the root issues or core beliefs held within the subconscious mind of an individual or group of individuals so that they may become more aware of what is motivating their actions and creating the situations in their lives that are causing them suffering. Shamans also have the ability to help clear these if there is a soul invitation to do so.

On an energetic level this is experienced through imagery and felt sense. Shamans are often people who will trigger those around them due to their ability to bring to the surface painful emotions that are lying unconsciously within another. They might share a story or simply ask a particular question that shines a light on a negative core belief or a limiting self-belief that allows the person to awaken naturally to parts of themselves that have been hidden away.  Parts of their subconscious minds controlling aspects of their lives from deep within their being or the collective body. Either way a shaman will begin to trigger something within someone due for healing often just by their presence.

Some modern shamans are geared towards activating and healing the collective mind, addressing society as a whole while others work with individuals but often these lines are blurred. Modern shamans come in many forms and often appear very different from the traditional shamans we’ve seen in books and movies who’s roots are Native American. From my observation of other modern shamans I’ve come into contact with in my life, most of them will have a spirit guide who is connected to the land and can be psychically perceived with my third eye as Tribal or Native Indian.

shaman indian

After spending a good two years meditating, at least an hour or two a day, my crown chakra began to open up. As each day passed I would receive more and more information from the quantum field, connecting not only to the collective human consciousness but animal consciousness, mineral and elemental. As this process unfolded, a new layer of vision was bestowed onto me that allowed me to see beyond the veil and into a world that was beyond the limitations of the five senses.

I’ve always been someone who is pre-disposed to the psychic realm, receiving premonitions within dreams and in waking life but this was a whole new layer of awareness that was slowing integrating itself into my every day waking self that would sometimes throw me for a loop, due to it’s outlandish nature and contrasting vision to what we can deem as normal human perception or normal human inner guidance.

About two and a half years ago on a beautiful sunny day, I awoke and got the kids ready for school, wished them off and started going about my regular work in the house and on a project I was working on, when I was stopped and given guidance to follow a step-by-step procedure to work on another woman whom I was in contact with. The directions which seemed to flow in crystal clear were not things I was accustom to doing as I prepared for a session, at that point on my journey I was doing body work, reiki and therapeutic yoga with clients which had a set standard practice to them, based on the knowledge passed down to me from my teachers and personal experience, as I developed my skills.

As guided by a higher source I prepared myself and a space to work in. I was invited to begin to produce sound. I’ve always enjoyed singing and had even spent a couple sessions in an improvisational choir the previous year but aside from that I had no previous knowledge of the ancient use of sound and it’s powers to transcend time and space to activate portals into different dimensions and timelines of history or to call into being different energies from within the cosmos. I also had never used it in any of my previous sessions.

The sounds that I was producing were not very pleasing to the ear, many of them very primordial. None the less I went with the guidance and continued to allow what was coming through without judgment or restraint. Over the course of about 20 mins I went from lower sounding vibrations to a kind of polyphonic overtone singing in combination with sounds that you might hear listening to Tibetan monk throat singers. A little weird to say the least for someone that has never experienced this sort of thing but what happened next was even more far-out than I what I could have imagined.

tourture chamber

I was transported to a dark dungeon looking place that existed around 400BC Roman time. Not only was I transported in my minds eye psychically but even with my eyes opened I could see clearly my surroundings and feel deeply what the prisoners in the dungeon were feeling. I could hear yelling, moaning, smell blood and see the details of the location I was in and communicate with the individuals in the space to some degree. They would not look at me but I was able to communicate with them energetically as they moved about in response to my guidance.

During the time I was there I was guided to make adjustments to the physical environment by bringing in specific earth elements. I was also guided to do energetic work on the space by channeling the frequency of love, mercy and compassion. I stayed there for about an hour and had to endure feeling all the emotional pain that those within the walls of the dungeon were experiencing. It was a totally draining, heart breaking and mind blowing experience. By the time I was guided to leave the space that had opened before me, there was a new vibration within the souls I had been working with and the physical surroundings had started to improve. It was still the same dungeon but the conditions weren’t as bad.


As I came back into my body I felt an enormous weight, I was totally exhausted and had to lie down to sleep for a good three hours. Looking back on this first type of shamanic experience I still feel blown away by how real everything felt and by how much this shamanic experience ignited a collective healing around me in real time. Since then I have spoken with other people whom have been initiated into the spirit realm this way and found many similarities in the ways in which we were guided to work. It seems many of us were awoken around the same time period to penetrate some dark historical timelines, times and spaces of consciousness, to bring them into the light and clear these passages of time in order to create a ripple effect through human consciousness for awakening and evolution.

Since this initiation I have been working with people on an individual basis to clear within their field all sorts of energies that have clung to them over the course of their lives (and past lives) that are no longer serving their highest good and the highest good of those around them.

When I work with someone I very rarely use sound because the first experience was so powerful and profound rather I chose to enter their energetic space from a distance using only my third eye to bring forth images and sensation to show me what parts of their soul are lost and what extra baggage the person is carrying that’s not a vibrational match to their highest good and those around them. I can do this simply by speaking with someone or I can go in energetically. As shamans it is possible to penetrate theses dark areas through the arena of the mind, physical body, energy field or soul stream.

It’s obvious why it’s so important for people doing this work to maintain a good energetic self-care practice, it’s imperative that we never take with us the energies that are being release or healed within the person(s) we are working on. Sometimes we’ll carry these energies with us unknowingly if we are not self-aware of our gifts and abilities.

healing power of nature

Immersing yourself in nature is probably the best purifier of energetic debris from these sessions but it is also important to use the gifts of other healers to help you. We are meant to work together in groups to uplift each other and I think the most detrimental thing a shaman or other type of healer can do to themselves is to not have a self-care routine in place and to not have a community to connect with.

The sessions I have with others are not always intense, often the energy work I provide can be felt more along the lines of simply up-lifting their vibration so that they may tune into guidance from their higher selves to follow their heart, life calling and find balance, health and joy.

One Love,


Image Source

Native Shaman
Shamanic Fire Woman
Healing with Nature