Forget Lightworker, Forget Darkworker, Be the Impetus of the Silverworker

“Let us therefore trust the eternal Spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unfathomable and eternal source of all life. The passion for destruction is a creative passion too.” Mikhail Bakunin, Russian Anarchist

Greyworker sounds too boring anyway and it nullifies rather than exemplifies the silver lining in our ability to move between polarities, which honours the mindset of a Heyoka and the grit of a seasoned Warrior. Last year I shared my thoughts on the Lightworker vs the Darkworker, articulating it coherently was like trying to spread thick molasses on thin toast. Once we reach the core of almost anything, it spontaneously inverts or similar to the molasses analogy, cracks open that which it’s being applied to. This is why in order to heal we must first reach the core root of our pain, which then spontaneously inverts it back into self-love. This article will be equally painful to read as I attempt at cracking open the doors of perception beyond the polarities of light vs darkworker, but any attempts at glimpsing the silver lining makes the mess well worth it, right? 

Appearances are almost always misleading that’s why it’s incredibly important to learn about discernment. What the heck is discernment you might ask. It’s a fairly old term that’s persisted yet is still quite illusive. Discernment is our ability to see beyond cultural axioms and identity politics highlighting constitution within the numinous. Judgments are typically based on pre-conditioned lenses of perception and our logical analysis of a situation. 

Discernment is a biblical term which refers to our ability to move beyond the mere perception of something and make nuanced judgments about its properties or qualities. On a deeper level it’s the big picture spiritual lens that transcends the small picture analytical mind, whereas judgment requires evaluation and appraisal from a logical perspective which attempts “sensible” conclusions. 

Discernment often appears very irrational. Trusting discernment is granted through becoming aware of what is structural during shamanic journeying. The ability to connect larger patterns motivating the soul experiences of various social groups, using similar parts of the brain that assist artists in sculpting their masterpieces, which can often have a huge impact on societal and cultural cognitive reframing.

The modern ways in which we use our “judgment” can be seen more as post-structural conditioned thinking, rooted in our post-post modernist experience of interdependence, currently based on fleeting moments that carry no weight in the world beyond conditioned opinion. Notice the inversion that both structural and post-structural take when applied to our multidimensional experience verses our traditional way of interpreting the world. Can you smell the molasses?

The Lightworker devotes their life to being at service to others while the Darkworker devotes their life to being at service to the self, both function on the societal judgements that define their respective and accepted roles. If both of these roles are embraced to their entirety both carry the same objective: to uplift humanity into a higher state of being according to following rules of conduct dictated by their peers. The Lightworker goes about this by helping others find peace while the Darkworker goes about it through finding peace within the self. So within, so without.

The Silverworker mostly uses discernment to create chaos that produces order and order to produce chaos that both produces balance. The main function of this archetype is to use the fire of transformation as a vehicle for returning things into a harmonic state, to find the silver lining for soul evolution. It does not follow respective societal rules and functions only according to the structural rules seen within the underworld of energetic interconnectivity. 

Similar to the functions of the Lightworker which uses selflessness to create positive change externally and similar to the Darkworker that uses selfishness to create change internally but different in the sense that it can shape-shift from one polarity to another to meet the end goal of restoring harmony within and without, above and bellow. The Silverworker’s energy moves through a person who has the core soul intention of harmonizing patterns of energetic play within energetic webs of interconnectivity, linking both methods of Lightworker and Darkworker together to create new patterns of social behaviour. 

The Silverworker for example is closely related to the Heyoka Archetype but does not function based on satire or humorous expressions of contrarian behaviour to create change. The Silverworker functions on a level of discernment which is both uncanny and illogical but not necessarily humorous. It’s rather stoic in its pursuits and far more weighty and impactful in its often transparent methods of addressing imbalances within the hidden realms of psychological interconenctive play.  


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Freud Quote

One thought on “Forget Lightworker, Forget Darkworker, Be the Impetus of the Silverworker”

  1. This is it!!!

    I was just on a blog that called greyworkers a mess and I just had to defend.
    Obviously a misconception; just because they’re are used to having things one way or another doesn’t mean a mix of it is a ‘mess’

    Grey workers are the balance that is required.
    I mean the world isn’t all black and white, there’s grey in some areas and that’s where it mix. The silver lining!

    Thank you for this article 👏🏽

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