Healing as we Awaken

When we reach that moment in life where we have opened ourselves up enough to a greater knowing, spirit, the great mystery and beg at her feet for knowledge, her love and wisdom we begin to find ways to call her into our experience at a faster rate and with more precision. What happens during those moments of intention setting become the catalysts to our awakening and the beginning of our conscious infinite dance with the cosmos.

This might sound extraordinary and blissful but depending on our personal life paths—intentions set before coming down—our healing process as spirit begins to penetrate through our being can happen quite painfully on many different levels. Depending on the way in which we call it in and the amount of internal resistance we have—healing to do—we thus create the frame from which we experience our unique awakening process.

I don’t believe the pain of awakening is determined by the amount of trauma we’ve experienced in our lives but rather the level of resistance we have to surrendering to the process, of opening ourselves up to the light, the cosmic flooding of divine love and the level of bliss we allow in. For some this inner resistance is so great, due to our inability to love ourselves in that moment that we can fall into what the West calls psychosis. I have been a witness to many dipping into the depths of this state and I have curtailed around it myself. It’s what I call multi layered cognitive dissonance which births temporary illusions of the mind and perception that one is incapable of self-love, inner peace and clarity.

The awakening phenomenon process is akin to the Kundalini process of the Shakti principal awakening with the Shiva principal, a process that requires a cosmic dance between these two energies. The feminine and masculine energies, the yin and the yang mingling and building higher levels of awareness together. They essentially intertwine to create a state of bliss, a final union with the divine, a flash gestalt sense of being everything and nothing.

It is the Shakti electric current, which is the source of the light, the energy, power, movement, change, and nature together with the masculine Shiva omnipresent, eternal, formless divine principle which is pure consciousness – the unchanging, unlimited and unswayable observer. When these two begin to dance and rise together in our being they must move through the major energy centres or chakras to make their way to the ten thousand pedal lotus represented as illumination or enlightenment. (Reference taken here)

As they mingle and make their way through the different energy centres they awakening both the suppressed energies that require healing and the full potential of what is offered. In order to gain access to what they have to offer we must first pass through a series of initiations in which we have the opportunity to heal whatever has been suppressed and has been limiting their potential to move towards self-knowledge and liberation, a soul expression inexistent of illusion and in pure form.

The first gate or energy centre is the base chakra, the base chakra represents our right to be in this world, how safe we feel and how connected we feel to our family, friends and community. This was our first chakra to activate as we entered the world. It creates the core negative or positive beliefs we have about life and our general attitude towards our experience of life. Any traumas related to our birth, our early child care, our connection to our care-givers, feelings of physical safety and the consistent or inconsistent love and attention we received at that time will come up to the surface during the initial stages of our awakening process.

Our healing process is so unique and personalized that all we need to do is move towards the modalities of healing that feel good to us in the moment we realize we’ve been triggered and are essentially in the midst of a healing crisis. The person holding space for healing only needs to be grounded and present to the other, creating a safe space for the natural healing process to occur. 

The second gate or energy centre is the sacral chakra, the seat of our soul’s identity, our identity that transcends this life. It is where all energies are brought into balance, those of internal duality that sit paradoxically face-to-face with each other. The who we are vs what is reflected back at us from the external world. Any issues we have around feeling solid in our identity, who we truly are vs whom we were conditioned to believe we are will rise to the surface for healing. Issues around our sexual identity, control in relationships, expressions of creativity and our attitudes towards money all are diffused out through the way in which this energy centre developed. Any forms of addiction will also need to be addressed when the life force rises into the second chakra.

The third gate or energy centre is the solar plexus. This initiation is all about how we express our unique soul identity out into the world. How we cultivate personal power through inner balance of the second centre to bring forth our unique offering and its expression by the way in which we act out our unique identity. It is also the seat to our personal intuition, the feelings we get that relate to how we feel we are being perceived to how we perceive ourselves. If we have not felt confident and safe enough to stand firm in our beliefs with unswaying confidence we will be challenged to heal these wounds as the life force rises into this centre. Many empaths have an open solar plexus, which can cause inner conflict with what they are feeling coming in from the outside and what they are feeling within. Dragon breath or any exercises that focus on strengthening the core muscles will be good to increase resilience in this area.

The fourth gate or energy centre is the heart chakra. This area governs our capacity to love both ourselves and the world around us. All of the ways in which we were taught to love that contrast the ways of cosmic love will be challenged here. If during our childhood we were shown a way of loving that is not in alignment with a free form way of loving, it will collide as the life force rises into this energy centre. This is where we must learn to love unconditionally both ourselves and others, with the understanding that we are all connected on a very fundamental level. We must move past self judgment and judgment of others, essentially we must learn to discern between selfish forms of behaviour that strive to protect our unique interests and behaviours that support the collective heart. Striving to include all others in our decisions through compassion for the One – ourself, family, friends, neighbours, communities and humanity as a whole as well as all sentient beings.

The fifth gate or energy center is the throat chakra. It is intrinsically connected to the second chakra, it’s our ability to speak our truth rooted in our unique soul identity. This is an important centre for clean, higher manifesting of our life path or destiny into the world. As we express our truth with the inclusions of the lessons and potential energy of the previous centres we begin to birth a more complete version of ourselves into the world, our best version that includes the wellbeing of the whole. This is when we realize that all the words we speak are literally weaving the co-creation of the shared reality we are experiencing. The power in this energy centre is enormous, the challenges and initiations related to its awakening and healing are equal in measure. We are faced with so many conditioned thought patterns, the habitual inner and external lingo and dialog that keep us in the loop of the old ways of being and living vs the new ways of collectively uplifting.

The sixth gate or energy centre is the third eye. Within this energy centre we carry the potential to envision our most loving soul’s purpose into the world. When this centre is activated without blocks we can connect to collective consciousness, the cosmic mind. Here we are challenged to unblock pre-existing conditioning that has formed the way in which we see the world that impedes us from perceiving universal truth. Here we house and project forth the energies of inspiration and vision that have been brought forth from the preceding energy centres and from a higher source. We are challenged to still the mind amidst the internal chaos, to find the divine order beneath the negative programming we were indoctrinated with throughout our lives. Clarity of mind allows us to project clarity of vision.

The seventh gate or energy centre is the crown chakra. This is our connection to source, this is the mirror of perception where the universe meets itself in human form. This is essentially the feedback loop of ‘I am God’. The layers moving upwards from this centre bring forth the voice of our higher selves, guides, basically any higher frequency energies that are undetectable to our basic human senses. When this centre is activated we have access to timeline jumping, dreamtime co-creations, all future potentials, parallel realities, all higher intelligence and connecting universes. When we are going through our awakening process and the life force energy finally reaches this centre and moves up towards the higher energy centres that exist outside of the physical body we experience a state of pure bliss and union with all that is. In the hindu tradition this is called the opening of the ten thousand pedal lotus. This is when the death of the ego occurs and the truth that the same consciousness and awareness that we experience penetrates through all things, inanimate and animate and is intrinsically connected.

The experiencing of the last stages of awakening can easily cause us to temporarily be unable to re-integrate the truth of what we’ve experienced back into our everyday shared reality. Many people experience months of reintegration and others chose to stay with one foot in and one foot out beyond the veil. As each individual energy centre becomes activated it is possible to experience energetic blockages as physical symptoms. This is the basis for the study of metaphysical symptoms rooted in mental and emotional blocks. A good reference is Physical Anatomy by Evette Rose. This is our golden opportunity to face head on what needs to be loved and cared for more deeply within.

What a journey this experience we call life is! Let us all strive to bring our best energetic imprint forward and hold space for each other as we heal the blockages that are encountered along the way. We are all co-creating this reality and that means we all have a personal responsibility to give ourselves and others the time and energy to heal, let-go and surrender to a higher knowing. Most importantly don’t forget to enjoy the ride and be grateful to have begun dancing with cosmic love!

One Love,


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