Consciously Manifesting your Life

It is my utmost pleasure to talk about manifesting the life you want, why? Because I have been toying with this unconsciously (seen retrospectively), semi-consciously and very consciously through out my whole life. The conclusions I have come to are that yes we are literally controlling a huge portion of our experience, what opportunities arise before us, who we interact with and what types of experiences we draw in.

The mainstream reaction concerning manifestation is that if we were all able to manifest what we truly want why are we living in such a shitty world, why are children starving and people dying every day. This question is extremely valid and because so, it clogged my manifesting belief system for a long time too. It goes counter intuitive with the belief that we control reality because lets face it, most of you reading this are wishing well onto the world as do I.

There are many parts to understanding the practice of manifestation. I will discuss a couple important keys here. The first is the fact that until we gain control —assume responsibility— for creating our relationship with self and creating the tone of the relationships we have with others we can not move forward and begin to start co-creating positively our collective experience of reality thus changing the bigger picture on a global scale.

This is because everything begins from within, the macro reflects the micro experience. Sort of like when we are so happy about life because we just got a new job or have connected with the feelings of being in love, those rose tinted glasses shade the experiences of our outward world. We don’t notice in the same way the rude person staring us down or the impatient person pushing through the line at the supermarket. Their look of discontent doesn’t seem to penetrate us, why? Because we are feeling happy inside and we can see their unhappiness but we do not resonate with it. We can more easily know our boundaries, share our love and reach out a helping hand with more to give when we are feeling happy within. If we are feeling gloomy we will see and experience much more of others pain, the unfairness in the world, the evil, the imbalances become highlighted by our gloomy lenses. Most of us are still aware of what’s around us with rose tinted glasses on but we are not as affected by it, thus allowing us to create something new and something better from what we are presented with. So within, so without is like to selective and progressive vision.

So what makes us enter that state of happiness? Two things, one is the willingness to look at ourselves objectively and take responsibility for the mood and state of being we find ourselves in. How does that quote go? “The most important decision you will ever make is to wake up in a good mood.” Voltaire. We have to be truthful with ourselves if we do not find ourselves happy as to what is causing our unhappiness, as to what we don’t love about our lives, what we wish to change and what we are really dream of living?

These questions are at the root of good manifesting for ourselves and thus the collective. They allow us to face all that we have been hiding from due to shame, guilt, trauma, bad decisions, fear, self-worth issues ect. It takes guts to go there to begin with. Most of the time we are riding on autopilot through-out our lives, we work to make money, we have partners to fulfil needs, we have friends to boost our egos, we basically do things out of the habit of maintaining status quo, maintaining contentment. We might not even like the way our parents or boss treats us but because we have decided to survive that situation long ago either out of fear or because we did not believed we deserved more at the time, we just stayed there, long past the due date.

Manifestation starts by asking what do I dislike about my life that I wish to change?  Then finding the reasons why I wish to change this or that and then asking, how the hell did I get here to begin with anyway? Even if you don’t believe in the magic surrounding manifestation (a whole other topic I will get into another time) it doesn’t matter because it’s basic rational thinking. It’s analyzing where one is, why, and consequently where one wishes to go. “Where attention goes, energy flows”, James Redfield. It is quite powerful what begins to happen once we acknowledge we are no longer happy in our lives or with the situation we find ourselves in. We begin to take our independence, freedom and sovereignty back but not before we take responsibility for where we find ourselves to be. We begin to realize we do have choices about how we wish to be treated by others, who we wish to interact with, what our work environments and social circles are ect.  It’s not a black and white process, it is a slow steeping of new awareness and thus energy into our lives and into our exchanges with others that brings about a new reflection from the world around us.

Once we start making those basic life changes based on our desires and personal preferences we become happier with our day to day experience. We can only create rose tinted glasses for ourselves based on following what we truly wish for. We start manifesting situations more aligned with what it is we wish to experience based on our new truths. No matter what it is, we can start to focus on that and call more in of that by actively seeking it out, thinking about it and talking about it because fymfi using the power of word to create is the most powerful manifesting tool I have come across so far. It even works if you don’t believe in what you’re saying, especially if you say it enough and begin to believe it. There is a good Ted Talk on the topic of ‘Fake it Till you Make it’ concept by Amy Cuddy which provides and even broader perspective on the concept.

If you are perceptive and a keen observer then I ask you to look back on a situation in your life that you recently created, whether that be a new job, experience, state of being ect. Look back far enough to when you first started talking about it and to whom. What were you saying about it? How did the birthing of it arise in your mind firstly then in conversation with friends and family? Recollect the way in which you described it, the intention you had when conceptualizing it, did you say or feel that it was going to be challenging or exciting. Your core beliefs about yourself and the world will dictate how you do at creating something new for yourself. If you say it will be difficult to find a good companion or tiring to find a new job then that is because you truly do believe that, but listen carefully, those words that you speak based on those beliefs that you have are what you are literarily using as your foundation for creating your future experiences with.

So awareness leads us back to dealing with the how and why those beliefs came to be in the first place. You can read about this in many pieces Carl Jung wrote on the shadow aspect of our psyche, as did many others, including many modern spiritual guides. All this to say, when we are creating from these places of fear or selfishness we are not going to be able to have things unravel smoothly. It does’t mean we shouldn’t go ahead with the plans but trust that how you feel; a way of knowing what you deeply believe, will dictate how things will unfold for you. It’s lots of trial and error so get ready to be light hearted with yourself about what you are creating if you’re tracking manifestations. We can lie and say I will get the best job ever with ease and grace but if we are believing deep down, feeling deep down that it’s going to be a rough ride, so it is, so it is and so it is! I can not highlight enough the necessity for clearing the inner path before the outer path reflects our ideal outcomes. Recently I have come into conversation with a new way of processing old belief patterns that is rooted in the sensual revolution starting back in the 50s. When thoughts or beliefs arise within the mind that don’t feel good, meaning they don’t actually belong to your new belief system, stop engaging with them on a mental level, rather bring your awareness into the body and simply feel them. Allow those feelings to be without resistance and watch them dissolve 100 times faster than if you spent days or weeks wrestling with them on a mental level.

So, that was the first stage of manifesting, taking responsibility for our immediate experience of self and the tone of relationships we have with others. Clearing out all the crap that is holding us back from loving ourselves, believing we are lovable and deserving of the best. Yes do it, feel it, don’t run from those feelings, they are your key way in to the next level!

The second stage is about being as creative as possible about dreaming up, speaking up and feeling up what it is we are creating.

Use words that richly and specifically describe your ideal feeling of the final outcome while you are sharing your story with others because this is ultimately the part where we are waving our magic vibrational wand and setting ourselves up for the next reflection to birth without. Writing out your day as many do greatly increases your fire power and remember that manifesting has to be born from the heart with the greatest outcome not only for the self but the collective. Love yourself first and watch the world love you back!

Much luck to you as you actively create for yourself and humanity!

With love,


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