Realignment of Logos & Reclaiming the Dragon (Part I)

Perhaps the only way out of this karmic loop is parthenogenesis after all? It can’t be the other way around due to assigned anatomy, but nothing about that feels right does it? Real parthenogenesis, too far biologically and evolutionarily in the past and future. The closest thing we have to it right now is artificial insemination. Expanding our ethical boundaries out towards synthetically and artificially designed humans. Transhumanism something currently infiltrating the human race. 

After reading Dragon Mother by Michael Tsarion I was inspired to do my due diligence and flirtatiously respond into the ethers of humanity with a healthy dose of thoughtful commentary. What use is it to read such a brilliantly book and not share what has been catalyzed? For if nothing else, than to inspire other readers to join in on the conversation. 

This book undoubtedly responds to an ancient reoccurring pattern within the psyche of humankind. Not excluding the great battle between sexes. It felt like a psychic purging and cleansing of important matters. Both for me personally but also collectively. What is a woman? What is a man? What do they want? What do they need from each other to bring about real solutions to world problems?

As gender roles become more illusive, few seek to revitalize the core essentials of what healthy masculinity and femininity are.  

As a forerunner, I’ll state that we all see through the lenses of our own trauma, Michael is not excluded from this process. I applaud his efforts in The Great Work. He’s not alone, many are participating in it right now. As he mentioned in a podcast with Alex Hickman, we are all auto-logging our subconscious thoughts into everything we do and say. An idea that at first can be very uncomfortable to accept but with maturity it can radically accelerate the alchemical process towards true self-actualization.

A strange paradox which I confronted years ago. It’s the eternal dance between the subconscious and the conscious. No matter what topic we’re writing or talking about, the content will always and necessarily reflect back to us a part of our own psyches. With weathered brows it will clearly reflect back our hidden shadows. A necessary step in becoming a conscious being and one that only the willfully ignorant can avoid. With utter reverence to what it has to teach us, we can begin to develop the higher mind. An internal system of gnosis that moves us towards —as Michael puts it— The Imperial Self. 

Michael attempts to piece together the missing links between what we already know regarding the female psyche and how it’s influencing men. Drawing us towards conclusions about how those missing links may have shaped societal issues causing the current global disaster. He describes masculine violence as the product of the Criminal Mind but makes further attempts at connecting the Criminal Mind to its feminine raison d’être. With all this at the head of the cart he dives as deeply as he can into the primordial waters of his own Feminine and Masculine nature. Spending many hours of anthropological, historical and occult studies, to bring forth a remedial elixir for the masses. 

Natural law dictates the nature of his studies as far as I’m concerned. As much as the pendulum swings to one side, so shall it fall to the other. He admittedly tells us that many of the ideas he brings forth have been embellished but reassures us it’s clearly what’s needed. A way of bringing forth real change at a fundamental level within our psyches. A way of instigating within the collective mind a general idea about how a lack of awareness of the female psyche may have perpetuated so many of the real atrocities we’re facing today.

Some of those embellishments and some of what can’t be denied, alert strong feelings of attraction and repulsion for both men and women. Sensationalism an important part of what becomes salient to the general public because less and less have become interested in self-inquiry. 

Some of the “Click Bait” terms brought forth from previous psychologists and psychoanalysts, carry within them epochal attitudes and cultural underpinnings, including valid attempts at describing omnipotent archetypal energies shaping our reality. Both should not be overlooked. Michael didn’t coin the term Terrible Mother, that was Jung. 

Either way Michael chooses willingly to stir the pot in a fairly righteous attempt at invigorating a topic we all have much invested interest in. Unearthing perspectives to helps us better understanding the dance between Sophia and Logos from pre-birth till death, using Freud, Rank and Neumann’s developmental models combined. 

The Terrible Mother is described as an offshoot of the Great Mother Archetype, whose images arise from painful, rejecting, and often overwhelming themes. Here we can envision this archetypal energy through the physical depiction of the Great Kali. 

Everything in existence has it’s shadow, or its natural counterpart. The Black Hole of the Galactic Centre being seen as the dark womb, a natural counterpart to the greater Cosmos. Treading lightly here pays us much heed, precisely because bringing life into this world is still too often a violent and traumatic event. Perhaps without this energy labelled by Carl Jung as the “Terrible Mother”, life would cease to exist in the flash of an eye, ( “ I ” ). 

A good approach for tackling this archetype with deep reverence from a psychological understanding is to first comprehend the role that trauma is currently playing in the cosmic story of creation and evolution. An energy we must all contend with on our journeys. A key player in our current psychic understanding of creation, whether male or female. One that need be integrated not eradicated.

Perhaps this is something I began doing in early 2011. A process which allowed me to have an orgasmic birth in 2012. A painless birth is something most don’t regard as possible. More to ponder on this for future unravellings.

When Jung labelled the chaotic and primal aspects of the Dragon Mother or Great Mother as the Terrible Mother he inadvertently led us to believe that it was something un-natural, a mistake of some kind in the evolutionary forces of humankind. How could it be seen as anything else? We fear nothing more than the obliterating forces of stagnant waters, emotional insanity, libido hijacking, death and intolerance.

A masculine defined archetypal energy that has been pigeonholed from growth and expansion. After making it though half of his book, I could see that this was precisely what Michael was trying to do. To expand the knowledge around why Jung labeled it as such to begin with. We can’t be exactly sure of Jung’s intentions or that he understood entirely its inextricable role in creation, but either way it has left an undeniable mark in our shared logos within the psychoanalytic community. 

It is also worth mentioning that within his book, Tsarion relies often on outdated conclusions about the concept of consciousness, as something that is purely the product of biological mechanisms. In the first few chapters he pushes the narrative that to understand consciousness we simply need go further down into the microscopic rabbit hole. 

He uses Freud’s understanding of consciousness as being a symptom rather than an underlying cause of natal development.

A materialist reductionist perspective I did not expect him to assume under any conditions. No matter how badly he wished to prove a point. There is no excuse for this, given the wider understanding of consciousness we currently have. A self-justified inner clashing of axioms ignored to further stretch his points has been duly noted. 

There are a great number of studies on after death accounts that demonstrate even when a heart and brain have flat lined for up to 20 minutes, a person can return with knowledge of what exactly was occurring with friends and family in far away places, in great detail, even while they were classified as dead. Consciousness is certainly not the unconscious product of the physical body alone.

Over all he makes good arguments for how the Mother’s physiology and smallest minute psychosomatic states may create the condition for the child’s unconscious development. However, he does not attempt at addressing exterior influences other than the transference of subconscious information that the Mother received from her Mother while in utero.

His theory also concludes that the Mother has more of an influence in shaping the child’s morality and consciousness through unconscious transference than anything else. I suspect he has had no direct experience with the subject himself. It is well understood that the first born more often takes on the physical traits, personality traits and the psycho-epistemological traits of the Father. Including phobias and neurosis.

It’s so evident all you need do is ask any parent. The reason for this has to do with survival. If the first child resembles the Father both physically and energetically the Father is less likely to abandon both Mother and son. The second child most often takes on the traits of the Mother, her willingness to abandon her child is far less likely even when the child does not reflect back to her a similar physical and energetic constitution. 

The child knows survival depends on the Mother, not just for her nourishment but for her love and attention. The baby instinctively knows that if the mother decides to reject him, he shall parish, this is clear. What he overlooks is the powerful instinctual connection the child subconsciously has to the Father pre-birth for these same reasons. 

This strong masculine energy that he senses from deep inside the womb. His Father is one who protects both him and his Mother. An energy that guides the mother to do her due diligence and care for the unborn child as well. The connection to the Father precedes the connection to the Mother in this sense. The first born child instinctively understands that without the protection from the Father first both Mother and child could perish. Rendering the Mother’s placenta or milk, in later developmental phases, as absolutely useless if not alive to consume it.  

He is in complete denial of the value of the Father, especially to the first unborn child when it comes to his unseen forces surrounding and influencing the fetus. There is no room for a complete black out here. 

He goes on to speak of how “the mother’s self-conversation and words reverberates throughout her body to be registered by the fetus”. He makes the assertion that “consciousness is nothing more than feeling and that feeling is a perpetual evaluation of world and self”.

He speaks of the child as being a blank slate vis-a-vis the influences of the Mother during the uterine period. Receiving the influences of multi-generational trauma accumulated from catastrophes 13 000 years prior. Far more have already come to understand, we are born in possession of certain foreign knowledge beyond that of our bloodlines. Children’s accurate accounts of past lives, including names and dates prove this already.

This foreign knowledge must be delineated from what he describes as the result of telepathic communication between Mother and Child. That which is nothing more than a somatic transference of her own unconscious body. Either way the unconscious body of the child is undeniably at equal distance to the realms of prima materia. 

If the world of prima materia is not constrained to the material world, why would he place constraints around the spark of consciousness which came from creator itself to only that of the mother’s subconscious mind. It’s obvious to me that this spark of consciousness, albeit not yet consciously aware of itself, has subconscious influences from greater emanations. Including the Father and others in important proximity as well, such as the siblings, grandparents and the external environment

We have proven already that telepathy through spooky action at a distance exists and does not require proximity for thought transference, let alone exclusively somatic reverberations. What can we say about the direct connection the fetus has to the collective unconscious? So his theory to return all influences to the Mother and her Mother’s Mother is complete madness.   

We can not ignore the divine intelligence inherent in Logos when using the vehicle of a woman’s body to create. The seed from an oak tree produces another oak tree, a humming bird another and so on.

The point he is confidently pressing upon here and one which Otto Rank spear headed, is that there’s a tremendous amount of unconscious somatic energy transferred to the child from the Mother that we still have yet to account for. Conscious and unconscious physiological, mental and emotional information that carry ancestral codes and current psychological traumas.

Roots of neurosis that continue to fester and eventually express themselves through the person’s subconscious, spilling out into their lives. All of which has not been recognized by Allopathic Medicine and Western Psychology alike. I must agree entirely to that which he points to here. 

How the trauma within the unconscious body of the Mother (and Father) is exactly transferred will perhaps only be something we can measure when technology significantly advances. Non the less it has been widely accepted by many researchers. There have been a multitude of studies done on intergenerational trauma, which can be observed in animals and humans alike. Something which is not linear but dynamic and constantly changing.

It would be good to make a few comparative studies based on the living conditions of pregnant women. A way of comparing the somatic stress levels found in the infants under various conditions. Women used to spend a tremendous amount of time homemaking together while pregnant and men were away. 

Surely the move into single family unites where women and men are no longer receiving the extra needed support during that period has contributed to an increase in both stress levels of the fetus and parents.

There is no doubt that our modern ways of living have increased cortisol levels and filled our unconscious minds with fear and anxiety. Undeniable contributing factors towards the perpetuation of trauma from Mother to child. 

Michael proposes that the initial fear of “castration” happens when the umbilical cord is cut. Something that is unavoidable and necessary. We can then postulate that the practice of waiting until the umbilical cord has been drained of all life giving sustenance – blood – significantly reduces the amount of trauma that occurs. 

Once the blood has been drained, the cutting of the umbilical cord no longer symbolizes being prematurely and violently torn away, castrating the baby from the cosmic womb. After the umbilical cord is drained it is sensed as dead and thus the cutting away of it, a natural removal of what is no longer needed for survival. 

Tsarion also speaks of the relationship between Father and son during the breast feeding stage. He perceives that a felt sense of anger from the Father is impossible and that it is more of a feeling of envy that connects them both. What he leaves out is that the fear of castration does arise here too. The fear of the Father a direct result of the son becoming the object which then sits in between the “Father’s enjoyment of the relationship he has with the object of trauma”. 

His son knows instinctually he is a rival and a threat to his Father. The moment the woman no longer identifies with her sexual organs in relation to her husband— as they take on different functions, that of giving birth and providing milk— a separation in her psyche is made and forever changes the relationship she has to her husband. She herself can no longer sense pleasure from breast or vagina for a significant period of time after birth. Her breasts raw and often bloody from the sucking, her vagina stretched and torn. 

That period is often prolonged and the women must sacrifice pleasurable feelings of a sexual nature to focus on the survival of her baby. The males are often known to feel a rejection during this time. They are no longer the centre of attention to the woman, both sexually and emotionally. She must put the needs of her husband aside to focus solo on the needs of her new born child for a natural period. 

She also protects the baby from the Father’s physical nature– rough handling. The masculine, often don’t have the same instinctual touch or connection to the sounds and needs her child communicates non-verbally. This creates the desire to place a kind of barrier between them to ensure her child does not experience any unnecessary harm. 

The battle for attention and connection to the primal and the cosmic womb–Mother, commences from this point forward. The husband knows his connection to his source of comfort is rivalled. A competitive edge is formed between Father and Child. Due to the most primal connection that the Mother has with her son or daughter, them being as something that came from her body, she will always choose to prioritize the child’s needs above that of her husband’s until the child no longer needs her for her milk and comfort. 

The husband also knows that if the baby cries at bedtime, the mother will leave his side and forego many nights of emotional and physical intimacy with him to sooth her child. This connection is so great and primal that a mother’s breasts will begin to lactate moments before her son cries out for milk from another room.

Her instinctual response to his needs are drawn from unseen logos. If her husband forces her to stay, arousing feelings of guilt within her for abandoning his needs, she will grow to resent him more and more each day. Creating an even greater rivalrous environment between him and his child. 

If she prioritizes her husbands needs, over that of her hungry child, she essentially creates a division within herself. The child is still sensed as being a part of her. She will feel shame and grow to resent not only her husband but herself and her son who cries out louder each time she chooses to do nothing about it.

In the chapters that follow Michael delves into how his perception of Motherly influences, fetus to genital stages of development, shape the psyche of her children into specific categories. He creates six main archetypes of masculinity and femininity to differentiate the most common ways each are affected. Those we clearly see expressing themselves out on the world’s stage today.

He explores the differences between guilt and shame, the former from a developed self-conscious individual, the latter from the super-ego. I’m not surprised Mercury is in Cancer right now as I read this book. A definite psychological shift in perspective tying together many missing pieces.

In Realignment of Logos & Reclaiming the Dragon (Part II) I’ll  be exploring these next chapters. From what I understand Micheal’s work goes even deeper into this topic in some of his other books including his podcast on the Dark Female Illuminati. 

I hope to hear others join in on this important conversation!

  • Cover Image
  • Dragon Mother by Michael Tsarion
  • Discovery of New Galaxies