The Importance of Realizing Combinatory Explosion & The Butterfly Effect in Spiritual Development

There are people who spend lifetimes exploring the nature of reality from within one school of thought or religion. They study that system of thinking; belief system with fervor and dedication. Over the years they begin to possess a certain mastery over it. 

When these people encounter others who have shaped their thinking by going deep within one system as well, they can relate to each other. There’s an unwritten agreement and even appreciation for each other’s expertise in their respective body’s of knowledge.

They can often find parallels and similarities within their varying systems. Allowing them to draw commonalities and differences, bringing them together or drawing them apart in a natural way that’s acceptable to this shared dance.  

Curiously, we might wonder about those that have not adopted a specific system of thought or belief. Are these people able to find more commonality within a greater variety of people or less? If their “system of thought” is to explore as many systems as possible, what exactly do they believe? Do they have a clearer view on the nature of reality? 

Does a person who has adopted a Christian belief system and another who has adopted a Hindu belief system have more in common than someone who has adopted Antroposopy, or Ásatrú, Scientology, Hoodoo, Iroquois Shamanism, or Aztec Polytheism or Santo Daime Spiritualism as a belief system? Which has a clearer understanding of the true nature of reality?

Rudolf Steiner was himself a man who studied the work of Helena Blavatsky,  Wolfgang von Goethe, Nietzsche, Aristotle, Kant, Thomas Aquinas and many more to draw inspiration from, but what led him to produce a unique approach to spirituality? 

All of this reminds me of a topic I encountered in 2017, which led to distinguishing the pros and cons of specialization. When we specialize we inadvertently become biased to the limitations inherent in studying just one method or subject so deeply. We lose sight of other methods and how what we are studying relates and inter-connects to everything else outside of the constraints of our specialization. 

The positive aspect of specialization is mastery of one single subject. In time, fully understanding that particular topic or belief system nourishes that one type of seed, thus allowing that seed to blossom; to come into its fullest potential.

In many cases the different systems of thinking and believing people dedicate themselves to separate them further from seeing clearly the nature of reality itself. 

As I mentioned in a recent podcast, the stories and rituals in our belief systems create very specific ways in which we may experience reality. Not only that, overtime they contribute to our co-created shared reality because of how they affect every aspect of ourselves in real-time. 

This is perhaps why Buddhism maintains popularity despite the fact that it’s not actually free of an inherent belief structure. The teachings present the importance of emptying the mind. Allow something greater than just a superficial reflection of the immediate environment and personal conditioning to emerge. 

Freeing people from belief systems embedded in cultural symbols. Symbols that the subconscious mind inconspicuously takes in daily from its environment. Clearing these out creates space for something deeper, something more evolved yet simultaneously primal to emerge. Something akin to Soul Essence.

Everywhere you look, there you are. So where do you want to look? This is probably one of the most important things I realized on my journey. This is what allowed me to see through the veil of simulated reality. To distinguish between natural and artificial. 

This teaches us that we’re able to see the truth of things more clearly by observing nature directly. Rather than observing humans, that are simulating a reflection of other humans, that are observing nature directly.

This is what truly grants us access and allows us connection to the mysteries in an intimate and authentic way. 

Due to the observable laws of nature, we are only ever producing something the same to that which we are observing, even when what we are observing is being obscured by something else.

This is how I’ve gained access to my own subconscious mind as well as what may be embedded in the subconscious minds of others. It’s also what determines the underlying principals of how we come into reciprocal realization with each-other. Symmetry and continuity show up as an underlying rule within everything.

It includes how famous people, like the man behind Hermes Trismegistus, Jesus, Yoda, Pythagorus, or Ashayana Deane were able to bring forth original ideas about the nature of reality.

This is why sincere adepts of the mysteries go through initiations to clear their minds of ideas and beliefs they’ve gathered from other people’s thoughts, patterns and belief systems before connecting to primal information directly to uncover their unique interpretations.

It’s unavoidable that our minds get filled. This is why it becomes essential to empty them. This then usually follows with an invitation to reconnect to nature itself, where unobscured observation can begin once again. It’s where nature in its purest form can begin to communicate with the soul within you, to produce your unique interpretation of reality.

It produces something novel through the law of symmetry and continuity because each human has a unique composition and dance with the universe.

What is important about Ashayana Deane’s story in conveying this idea, was that she had little to no formal education and was a store clerk when she came into the intimate understanding of how the structure of the universe was created. In other words, her mind hadn’t been shaped by the mental processes of intellectual thinkers that came before her.

I never read her books fully because I didn’t want to fill my mind with her ideas. I studied her material long enough to see how it branched off and created a long chain of continuity within the minds of many contemporary seekers and trending thoughts. Her creations were definitely soul speak. Unfortunately much of her work was converted into a sort of religion, with the Ascension Glossary as it’s bible.

In conclusion, I don’t believe we are ever truly teaching others. From what I’ve observed we can only ever come into reciprocal realization with someone about something. We gravitate towards each other based on frequency, no matter how polarized that frequency match appears to be on a surface level. Only then can we co-create something we’re already in the process of coming into the knowing about ourselves. I know we are all meant to connect directly with nature and birth forth that raw unique material we can then co-create with.

This is the irony of teacher and student application within schools. No matter what the teacher is saying the student will only hear a lesson based on their level of understanding and frequency. Which means that 99.999% of the time, it will be something completely different than what the teacher actually means. Most of it requiring memorization which primes the mind for absorbing information without questioning it. 

This doesn’t mean that teachers are obsolete. It just means that formal student teacher settings such as within public schools are basically useless. One-on-one apprenticeships need a renaissance, in which student and teacher come together based on natural attraction of frequencies. 

This is also why television programming and social media algorithms cause unhealthy chaos and confusion. I won’t dive into controlled opposition or populace propaganda much today. What I will say is that very few people are  “naturally frequency gravitating” towards topics being pushed through the one-way broadcast systems.

My cover art collage is titled: Natural Order within Natural Chaos