Transcending the Basic Witch Mentality

There are lots of different ways to play with energy and all of them are in some way a spell. Whether that be through the use of thoughts or with words; sounds. Spells truly become powerfully packed magical energetic imprints when they’re used in conjunction with ancient vibrations and symbols. Will power, focused intention combined with sound, elemental forces and imagery. Energy put into motion using ancient words and symbols that have been accumulating power over long periods of time. The older the sound and symbol the greater the power of influence it has.

Energy never dies, it’s always in the process of being transformed. What I’ve been focusing on in this lifetime is studying different systems of healing, trying to grasp the best way to transform energy. The only magical spells I HAVE ever or WILL ever implore in this lifetime are upon myself, unless another person gives me consent to work with their energy. I’ll use written words to influence the world or spoken words to assist expansion through a natural process of co-creating with the One but I’ll never ritualistically attempt to control another person’s experience. Doing so would mean impinging upon their freewill which only generates a negative feed back loop of energy towards the self. EVEN if it’s done under the belief that it’s for the other’s benefit. All must be consensual, ALL, and anyway we can never truly know what is good for another person, we can only know that which is good for ourselves if we so chose keep evolving in self-awareness. 

As I approached the house of this highly developed psychic in San Marcos I heard a glass crash and someone cursing. As she exited the house to greet me she apologized for the cursing and said that as she was getting prepared a glass flew off the dresser, just like that and crashed onto the floor. We exchanged gazes and she asked me if I would wait a little longer so she could finish up what she was doing. As we started the session she began to tell me about the many lifetimes she had channelled of me working as a “healer”. Healer is another word for witch, someone who can take one thing and transform it into another using herbs, food, elements, materials, time, conditions, sounds, places and focused intention ect. I guess you can call all people healers, all people are witches and sorcerers whom carry a unique way of making magic; our unique medicine. We’re all in the process of transforming energy, all the time, whether that be cherries into poop, thoughts into action, anger into happiness or material into art. We’re all taking one form of energy and turning it into another, from our very fundamental bodily functions to our highest forms of creative expression.  

As we seek to evolve in the vibration of love we are taking lower forms of energy and transforming them into higher forms. An evolved healer will always seek to do this work within themselves, creating the conditions for inner illumination to occur. If mastered, by the end of his or her days here in physical form he/she will have become powerful enough to transform things simply through presence, through shinning their inner radiance. 

I’m a firm believer in past lives, mostly because I have experienced elaborate visions of them. In many I was a basic witch. A witch casting magic spells in an attempt to control outside forces. Whether that was to assist someone or to harm them, they were focused spells done in ritual in an attempt at influencing another person for a particular outcome. Again, energy can never die, it’s simply transformed. When we cast a spell upon another person we’re impinging upon their freewill and if we’ve mastered spell casting we might be able to influence their vibratory state, transforming some of their energy, influencing some of their thinking, decision making and possibly influencing their physical health. 

The thing to be aware of is that the spell caster’s unique energy carries their signature frequency, a frequency which will ALWAYS seek to return to its natural owner. This residual return will cause forms of karma for that person. It may or may not be felt within their lifetime but either way it will return and imprint the residual energy back onto the person to be carried forward with them to the next lifetime, expressed through particular life circumstances and situations.

Simply attempting to manipulate and control a situation is bad enough, let’s say, sending ‘spies’ in to obtain personal information from another person, to use without their consent, or to withhold essential information from someone in order to control them. But, to do so ritualistically has a much greater impact and negative return. These are things that generate unhealthy karma, especially when they’re done out of conscious malice but even if they’re done out of what that person deems as conscious benevolence, it’s unhealthy because it’s attempting to control another and impinging upon their freewill. If actions are done from a place of complete ignorance, unconsciousness, they don’t carry the same residual return as when someone consciously impinges from a place of complete awareness, but still they carry residual returns that must be absorbed. 

The main ingredient to impactful magic is conscious will power imposed upon the self to magnetize preferred circumstances. We are all allowed to want the things we want, no matter how much society deems them as good or bad, that’s simply a judgment and not the issue when it comes to healthy magic and inner radiance. It’s HOW and WHY we go about getting the things we want and doing the things we do that create a healthy or unhealthy residual.

Most of us began our first lives on this planet as slaves. Over the course of our many (re)evolutions here we began to claim our sovereignty and personal power exactly by learning how to use our magic. How to use intention, writing (symbols), words (sounds) through more and more sophisticated means. Many of us have mis-used our power along the way, especially after life times of hard core slavery because we held such a strong vibration of disempowerment embedded within and struggled to overcome. Often using our magic as a tool for revenge, to sooth our pain and internal sense of powerlessness. Similar to an instance where someone is the victim of very hurtful actions from another. Most of us humans move through the same feelings of fear, devastation, powerlessness, hatefulness, revengefulness, anger, sadness, frustration and hopefulness, on and on up the ladder. Revengefulness being the one I highlight as usually the state where harmful magic is cast upon another, as a way of trying to feel more empowered and free. The issue is this, although it might influence the situation in the moment, a residual energy will always be returned to be felt at a later time. We are completely responsible for every last part of our conscious awareness and focused intention because we are all freewill agents of our own power yet an interconnected species. Until we understand this concept we will be caught in repetitive patterns and unhealthy karmic cycles, we will never be able to alchemize indoctrinated corruption imposed from large scale groups, systems of government and corporate agencies.

From what many have told me and from what I believe deep in my core too is that in this lifetime I am carrying a frequency of negative residual karma from my ancestral linage and lifetimes of trying to control outside circumstances, people and places as a way to feel more in control of my own internal state. Due to struggling many lifetimes in slavery and being abused both physically and sexually in some pretty horrific dungeons, like most of us have. We’ve all been given the free will to empower ourselves through the use of our personalized blend of alchemy or to attempt at controlling external people, places and situations to enhance our sense of wellbeing.

Since a little girl I’ve always felt like I had the right to do whatever I wanted but I always felt this deep learned sense of responsibility as to HOW & WHY I went about doing the things I wanted to do. Not in an religiously imposed or societally conditioned way of seeing things as right or wrong but in an energetic way of understanding it. Like this innate knowing that I could have carte blanche as long as I followed the simple universal laws shown to me through my sensitivities to energy and intuition. First rule: consent in the light of sacred truth and transparency. 

The only places control and manipulation should be used is towards the self, through mastering self-awareness practices, diet, exercise regimes, self-healing practices, meditation, creativity practices ect. As soon as we start attempting to control other people and places rather than controlling our own life force, intentions and actions—surrendering to our higher selves—we’re doomed to repeat the cycle. We limit consciousness when we limit disclosure. Included in healthy control are the things and people we wish to be influenced by, it’s all freewill, unless we’re being forced or coerced by unseen or seen forces. Who do we wish to mingle our magic with and can we do so without attempting to control them? It’s not a very easy task but it’s the only task worthy of our attention.

So until we focus our attention, intention, willpower and influence inwards we can never master the highest alchemy of consciousness through our observations. We’re not meant to control we’re simply meant to observe and provide a positive feed back loop for evolution. The catch 22 is that from the state in which we are observing we are co-creating outcomes. So our focused attention on our own personal evolution is paramount, that and observing the people who we resonate with as positive feed back loops. 

During this Venus retrograde a portal is opened to successfully cast spells upon the self to enhance our relationship to ourselves, impacting the way in which we are observing the world, increasing our individual health and the health of the collective feed back loop. Turning our energy inwards right now will assist us in claiming every quark of our multidimensional beingness towards self-illumination. 

3 thoughts on “Transcending the Basic Witch Mentality”

  1. been wondering where thinking about and willing a thought,about someone begins and letting go fills me.

  2. Fascinating post Jessica. The idea that each caster has a unique signature traceable in its spell and used so that the effect (negative or positive) returns in the form of karma is a fascinating concept in my view. Where did you learn this concept ? Any reference ? This is a profound topic.

    Another topic you mentioned several times in previous posts as well as this one is that not only are we impacted by Karma’s from actions (negative or positive) we have taken in past lives but you are stating that our ancient lineage (mother, grand mother , etc ) has a karma component .. this is new to me .. This is not mentioned in any Buddhist or Indi texts that I am aware of .. what is the source ?

    1. Hi Jean-Louis, non of my writing is based on texts I have read. They are based on my personal experiences and energetic understandings of the world. To be taken with a grain of salt! Each person’s understanding and experience of the world will be different and I believe there are many truths, truths which are constantly shifting and changing according to our perceptions and experiences. Your best guide is your inner guide. Cosmic Blessings.

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